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Living " in the NOW "


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Only get to spend each second...minute.....hour once....best to make it well spent and memorable....

So if a 'now' moment is memorable, that future moment spent remembering will not be spent in the 'now'?

Yes you'll be in the now remembering the moment that was in the now.

Indeed. It makes the phrase "creating sweet memories" all the more significant.

It also makes the often negative phrase of "living in the past" less negative. Oh sweet nostalgia, remembering makes for a better now.

Edited by Seastallion
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Only get to spend each second...minute.....hour once....best to make it well spent and memorable....

So if a 'now' moment is memorable, that future moment spent remembering will not be spent in the 'now'?

Yes you'll be in the now remembering the moment that was in the now.

No, you'll be in the then now then ... and before Baba Ram Das there was Perry Como

Edited by JLCrab
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

negative: lack of planing for the future. Makes the Now a few years later worse than they could be.

Planning is great, I agree.

But I have found that a little bit of practice messes up a whole lot of theory...................wink.png

You always need the ability to make split second decisions, ie, live in the moment.

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It all comes down to how much you live in the now.

Do you have enough money to make it through the week? Are you always broke because you spend money on "things" to make yourself happy.

Live your life the way you choose but remember it is much nicer to finish life relaxing and enjoying life then to be beat for cash.

Yes, one should have balance. It is a choice.

Learn from the past, enjoy the present, plan for the future.

Your disribution of efforts to these is 'your way.'

With regards to Financials, I think the USA personal savings rate is abhorent. People want to retire or reduce work, yet they save very little for their futures.


Anything under 10-20% is nominal, but that's just my opinion. To retire early, one must save 20% or more... then can await the minimal gov old age benefits as a supplement.

Also living in the now also doesn't necessarily mean one has to pay for luxuries, etc...but that's what ads, commericials, pretty women convince you, you need to be happier smile.png. Nothing wrong with that as long as 'you know.'

Edited by losgrad
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You can only live in the now. That's the only thing we can do.

Even our past was once lived in the now. The problem is people think about the past and reminisce with rose colored glasses. It wasn't that great.

People dread the future, but the future is a minute, hour or a day away. We only have today.

Good audio book that I'm currently listening to is Wayne Dyer "Excuses Begone!: How to Change Lifelong, Self Defeating Thinking Habits."

Think in small steps one minute at a time. For instance, if you want to get your MA you can't do it overnight. You can take a class that will lead you to your MA.

That's all you can do. :)

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You can only live in the now. That's the only thing we can do.

Even our past was once lived in the now. The problem is people think about the past and reminisce with rose colored glasses. It wasn't that great.

People dread the future, but the future is a minute, hour or a day away. We only have today.

Good audio book that I'm currently listening to is Wayne Dyer "Excuses Begone!: How to Change Lifelong, Self Defeating Thinking Habits."

Think in small steps one minute at a time. For instance, if you want to get your MA you can't do it overnight. You can take a class that will lead you to your MA.

That's all you can do. smile.png

I love the bit where he tells us that he "sat in" on an AA meeting and likes some of their slogans. Lost my respect for this.

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Gee -- maybe I'll listen to that Wayne Dyer audio -- but I'm just so-o-o-o busy right now ...

Listen when you clean your house, or listen to it on a drive. Do you take the bus? Workout? Shop? Cook?

There are many ways to listen to audio books. That's the beauty. You can still listen to them and go about your life.

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Gee -- maybe I'll listen to that Wayne Dyer audio -- but I'm just so-o-o-o busy right now ...

Listen when you clean your house, or listen to it on a drive. Do you take the bus? Workout? Shop? Cook?

There are many ways to listen to audio books. That's the beauty. You can still listen to them and go about your life.

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Gee -- maybe I'll listen to that Wayne Dyer audio -- but I'm just so-o-o-o busy right now ...

Listen when you clean your house, or listen to it on a drive. Do you take the bus? Workout? Shop? Cook?

There are many ways to listen to audio books. That's the beauty. You can still listen to them and go about your life.

I swim.

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Maybe the admin folks should just consider a New Age / Self-Help Forum in the Community Forums section so guys who like to quote or re-hash stuff from the 60's or Oprah Winfrey crying sessions can just go wild.

Be-here-Now, Take-it-one-day-at -time, etc.

Edited by JLCrab
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Living in the now has nothing to do with savings or professional success or at least not for me. In business and social interactions it's difficult to enjoy the moment if always thinking about next task. Many pass through their days efficiently but forget to enjoy as many moments as possible. I still do this quite often and for some reason it's rut I can't avoid.

Odd, some posters find this topic deep.

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It depends on your financial situation , if you where a millionaire with no money worry's then no problem , but if you are a poor Thai person or any other National, then it pays to live in the now, Your forget you owe money , and that you are Hungry. You don't want to think of yesterday or tomorrow.

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Possibly a couple poster are confused. Living in the now is more about experiences in lieu of just letting life pass by. Being angry, concerned. etc... are all experiences. Not a proponent of multitasking in business or life in general. People that worked for me, I hope at least, understood I would rather them do one thing at a time correctly than half arse 10 projects. Same applies to life outside of business. You plan for the future but forgetting to really "live" in the now is foolish.

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When I get up in the morning it is then now. I guess I may be confused if I think that it is really then something else I am living in. Maybe I should just go back to sleep until tomorrow becomes today and then I can start all over in the 'now' that it will become.

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So, if I wake up in the morning, go out and buy a newspaper, then decide that rather than living in the now I decide to live in the day before will I find myself living in yesterday but with tomorrow's newspaper in my hands, such that I know which stocks will gain that day, and which horses will win at the races? If I explain to Thai immigration that I am not living in the now, that I am living in 24 hours ago, will they honor that and not charge me for overstay?

If somebody figures this out let me know, I would like to be living in the 40 years ago time frame. I could make a fortune predicting Oscar winners. wink.png

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If you move about quickly then you actually gain time as the world around you carries on more quickly and that's scientific fact as Einstein showed us.

Problem is that we don't exist in a bubble, so if the world around us carries on more quickly, then for all intents and purposes the appearance of time is moving faster so we lose time instead of gaining it.

Therefore; What use is "Now" (even if it was eternal) without reference to the "then" occurring outside of our own, personal, "now" ?

If you want to know the "now" without recourse to the "then" occurring outside then one might explore meditation.

Summery: That millionaire is a smart guy and is telling us to use our lives as a kind of eventful medium which we should be aware of.

Contrary view: As long as you are alive you're experiencing dilation of time and therefore you're "forced" to experience this eventual medium... Aware of it or not.

Comment: Isn't the "now" rather selfish ?

Grand conclusion: That smart guy is basically saying "Remember You're alive".

Sure like to read his epitaph someday!

Edited by RandomSand
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