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American beaten by Ladyboy in Central Pattaya

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It would appear that the police report failed to mention that the American 'victim' was drinking with the ladyboy inside the bar, and that they left together before the attack. So while the attack is inexcusable and the ladyboy has rightly been fired by the bar, Mr Bowsher is far from a random victim of a meth-crazed ladyboy prostitute.

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My wife always says,"be careful ladyboy Jim. Strong as a man, crazy as a woman".

clap2.gif Good quote..


We need a Ladyboy crackdown.

Mr. Bowsher was offended by the encounter and entered into a verbal altercation

More like a crackdown on hysterical over-reaction to fear of loss of face by farang.

Sort of a Phyrric victory for Mr. Macho though. He defended his fragile male ego, but sustained high-heel injuries (and local headlines) for his trouble.

Suradit your brain is broken.

I'd psychoanalyze you...but I'm not a lady boy.


Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

Yes.why not ? Why he simply didn't accept to be &lt;deleted&gt;....


I'm sure there are plenty of members on here who have been "owned" by a ladyboy at least once and then come on here and take it out on innocent posters who ask questions for "a mate" bhahahaha!!

not sure what you mean by 'owned' but i had 1 throw me over her shoulder and carry me out to the toilets out the back.........i politely managed to escape by being nice and saying that my girlfriend was meeting me in 5 minutes in that bar.

i also know that a barking, snarling dog is to be quietly avoided to prevent yourself getting harmed....


That's another " hero" story to tell the grandchildren !!!



'What's that scar on yer head grandpa?'

'I got into a bar brawl once'

'Oh, who with?'


Some guy in Thailand.

Why was he wearing high-heels & a bikini, grandad ?

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It would appear that the police report failed to mention that the American 'victim' was drinking with the ladyboy inside the bar, and that they left together before the attack. So while the attack is inexcusable and the ladyboy has rightly been fired by the bar, Mr Bowsher is far from a random victim of a meth-crazed ladyboy prostitute.

ahhhhhhhh! It reveals then :)


Another ladyboy attack - surprise surprise.

Fell free to delete my post, but I am quite sure I am simply saying what many of us are thinking - ladyboys should be removed from the streets by the police (or army), just like they sometimes round up and remove other criminals.

Or perhaps even better, make one or more sois only for ladyboys, and put up a clear sign in both ends (of the soi smile.png ). Then those who want to play with them can go there, and the rest of us will be a alot safer.

Do they own the street, if it is a public right of way then anyone has the right to walk along it without being molested, I personally do not mind on occasions being manhandled in to a bar by real ladies, but if I do not wish to then I expect them to back off which most of the ladies will do, but I do object to some guy dressed as a woman, (even have been surgically transformed in to a woman) fondling me, and I will tell them to take their <deleted> hands off me.

Don't worry...your little manhood remains in tact somewhat. Although it's common knowledge that those who protest the loudest have the most reason to be insecure.

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I bet that was outside the Pook Bar, stupid guy, you do not get offended you just smile and say "Me ok Cap"

Not get tough he learnt good lesson.

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Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

Clearly you are into ladyboys to come up with such an absurd crack. With many of them politely declining just gives them encouragement and prolongs the encounter. They are aggressive and violent- many looking for trouble. A crackdown would be a great idea. I'm certain that you will look out for your own little darlings. giggle.gif

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A lesson learned, American boy! You in Asia now. Just smile, back away politely, and keep your opinions, together with your mouth......SHUT. That outcome could have been much, much worse. Capiche? whistling.gif


Maybe it was also exacerbated by low season pressure for funds and the Lady Boys were even more pushy than normal.

By the guys own admission he wanted to tell them what he thought about being "intercepted"

No excuse whatsoever for such a vicious assault but is the guy going to say "I shouted and swore at them then grabbed one and shoved them out of the way" - only someone who actually witnessed the incident and not aligned to either party can honestly say what happened but the result is obvious.

As for the Lady Boy running away, well that's typical Thai behaviour as we all know.

Again, no excuse !

its always best to remember "Despite their squeals their guys in heels"

Even better 'Despite their squeals "THEY'RE" guys in heels'


Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

You are probably right. But sometimes getting away from these people is tough! Some are quite big....

Yes they are but just telling them you are not attracted to them usually helps. Telling them off is just stupid but some people will never learn.

The lady-boy was of course the aggressor here and the one most in the wrong, words to violence is never good. But the other party could have told them no without getting offensive.

I believe the USA and UK are well known for their offensive language (meaning its quite normal to put offensive words in the language not everyone of course because many of the people i know dont but there is a group that puts f..icking between each sentence). Here that is far less the case and people do take offence when talked to in that matter.

There a lots of Brits and even more Americans and we are not all like that. Many of us (in the US and UK) would like to put the lowlifes that act like that onto a raft and push them out to sea.

I've been approached by hundreds of ladyboys and have never had a threatening or even offensive encounter. I just give them a smile and keep walking. On rare occasions--when they are obviously polite and stable--I've even stopped for a quick chat. No need to be a jerk.

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How much do you want to bet that the Ladyboy will get away with it or maybe a 100B fine and the American will be deemed as to blame


Best thing to do is just be very polite, firm and get out of the way, keep going. A lady boy who was sitting and having chat with me at a beer bar years ago reccommeded that I not show any repulsion, that it can set them against you and you can have real problems. If you don't like them, don't show it s/he said.

I have been grabbed by rather tall aggressive lady boys when I was walking home at night a few times. I am fairly big and strong myself so it is easy for me to fairly gracefully, and without breaking my stride push them off of me, or extricate my arm from their grip without so much as a word and keep on walking fairly quickly as is my habit. I was once surrounded on lower Sukhumvit by 6-10 lady boys and I shouted in short sharp manner as to shock and scare them for a moment just enough that they got out of my way and let me pass and walk out into the street which i did simply to throw them off of me. I literally just walked out into traffic seeing as that was the less dangerous of the two options. They were not very together and stumbled and teetered and tittered and wobbled and giggled on their 5 inch heels and platforms and I easily escaped. as i am actually very bookish and nerdy looking on the surface they were rather confused by the assertive, quick, and unusual response they got from me. I think they probably thought I would just meekly allow them to go through my pockets, but I quickly put them in a situation where they would have to risk getting run over by a car. Best thing is to have the attitude of having no time or patience to even get angry at their often bufoonish shennanigans, if one makes an aggressive move, just put your energy into getting away and out of their clutches and they won't come after you, it has never happened yet that one has ran after me.

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It is not nice at all, but we all know how these Lady Boys or even girls are. They all try somehow to get you in their bar with laugh or pulling your hand etc. I always just laugh it out and say no thanks, may be later. I think this is the best way to avoid problems which actually should not happen at all.


Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

Clearly you are into ladyboys to come up with such an absurd crack. With many of them politely declining just gives them encouragement and prolongs the encounter. They are aggressive and violent- many looking for trouble. A crackdown would be a great idea. I'm certain that you will look out for your own little darlings. giggle.gif

Maybe they just zero in on you, sensing who you really are. Sounds like it, actually.


''Mr. Bowsher was offended by the encounter and entered into a verbal altercation with the Ladyboy'' - therein lies the whole story. American diplomacy in action once again....................

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