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Is life better in the land of smiles


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Courtesy of Robert Hunter & The Grateful Dead:

Well the first days are the hardest days, don't you worry any more,
'Cause when life looks like Easy Street, there is danger at your door.
Have fun ... don't play too much golf.
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Yes it is better here,i moan as much as anybody else but when push comes to shove i don't know where else i would rather be, or for that matter could be. I haven't been to England now for 45 years so it's like a foreign country for me,so much has changed,life has become complicated and more violent in the UK. Going back to Germany,a country that i love,would be difficult, i would have to have private health insurance by law which i couldn't afford. I have burnt my bridges. I have responsibilities here,not the least of which are children. I have decided to cut the moaning.

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So this is your long-winded way of saying that, yes, you ARE paying the intelligent, good-humoured and presumably, very attractive Thai woman 20 years your junior who gives you a big smile in the morning a monthly allowance to be with you?

Like I said, there's nothing inherently wrong with that but you're slagging off the equivalent 20 year younger, intelligent, good-humored and very attractive Western woman for effectively being too expensive for you and that, sir, is SOUR GRAPES!!

To your other point, I'd say this; I know PLENTY of high calibre women who provide security FOR THEMSELVES and want a man secure enough in himself not be feel emasculated or threatened by her independence. I live here in Bangkok and have a Thai woman. Sure she can be difficult but can't all women? She's 10 years younger than me at 35 and she's NEVER asked me for a shekel.

Anyway, my point with you is that you're dressing up what you have with your woman as something it's not.

When you say "There are no free rides", you're basically using the classic "you pay for it one way or another" excuse to legitimize what you're doing. Unfortunately, you're not fooling anyone; not even, I suspect, yourself.

You wrote, "you're basically using the classic "you pay for it one way or another"

Do you know or have you ever met anyone who does not pay for it one way or another?

I know a Thai guy. He married a rich Thai lady. She pays for everything even his toothpaste. But, ...... he has to carry the little dog around and walk behind her when they go to the market. Now that is way more than I ever want to pay.

Have you ever married a rich lady? It's not fun. You may think it is going to be fun and it may be for a few month, weeks or years but then the reality of the situation sinks in. Every body pays.

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The WhipperSnapper arguing with the LadbrokeGrove Kid -- a classic TV moment, All we need is Something in Bold Red and riding horses with the Ford kids on the shores of Lake Mich or the Sup (I forget which one)

Edited by JLCrab
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Thailand, it's no place for anyone with children of school age.

Please don't forget that in America there has had an epidemic of school shootings. Many believe the root cause of these shootings is the terrible social isolation, ostracism and bullying children suffer there. In contrast, Thailand has few problems in this area. Also, Obama spent a formative part of his childhood in SE Asia and according to his autobiography 'Dreams from My Father' it had a profound influence on him. Education isn't just about academic competitiveness. I submit that the West could learn a thing or two from Thailand about how best to raise and educate children.

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I like the sense of freedom and that nothing is really serious, urgent or set in stone. I like the overall atmosphere that to me just feels more "alive" and invigorating then anything I ever experienced back home. Further more I like all the small stuff in everyday life, they just suit me better than the way things are in my home country. Just a simple thing like if I wake up in the middle of the night and feel hungry I can jump on my bike and go where ever, always a bunch of food places open, in my country we barely have convenient stores open at night. Also I dont have to wear a bunch of cloths because of the terribly cold and nasty weather just slip on a tank top, shorts and flip flops. It just feels so relaxed and easy, comfortable and nice. And Thai people are almost always friendly, humble, laid back and just heaps more nicer and easier to be around than people I bump in to on the streets in my home country. I don't miss anything from back home except for a few food items and maybe taking a walk on an actual walking path. When I moved here it felt like life finally started, however cheesy that sounds.

Edited by Kaalle
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Like a few others have mentioned this is often primarily a 'do you have the funds?' question along with an assessment of what are the risks of you running into hard times.

You can live a very simple moderate life in Thailand but even then you need funds for your future, through sickness and in health so to say but often the simple life is not the primary reason why people are choosing Thailand.

The hard times consideration is worth a comparison with say the UK, in the UK they have a support and benefit structure that helps you get through the hard times and you have much more real job opportunities to pull yourself up and out of the hard times.

The concept of career in Thailand for non-thai's is for many a pipe dream and you are best to have long haul funds put aside or accept that it's a short/medium term stint in paradise with potentially harsh landing when you return to reality.

FYI I have chosen to stay in Thailand for over a decade through both good and slightly harsh times, both career and school education for my child are currently tempting me away, but if I had a couple of UK million in the bank (one would probably suffice) I'd choose Thailand without a doubt.

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Thailand, it's no place for anyone with children of school age.

Please don't forget that in America there has had an epidemic of school shootings. Many believe the root cause of these shootings is the terrible social isolation, ostracism and bullying children suffer there. In contrast, Thailand has few problems in this area. Also, Obama spent a formative part of his childhood in SE Asia and according to his autobiography 'Dreams from My Father' it had a profound influence on him. Education isn't just about academic competitiveness. I submit that the West could learn a thing or two from Thailand about how best to raise and educate children.

Shootings, stabbings, bullying and gang rape are rife in Thai schools.

Particularly bad in the vocational schools between the 15-18YO teens.

Not to mention toddlers being left to die from heat in school transport.

Just because you can't read Thai papers and listen to Thai Tv news, doesn't mean it isn't happening.

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In the US it depends if you have money. For example Thai schools are far better and safer than Detroit schools. Detroit has metal detectors and 50% drop out of high school.

WA DC Median home price $358,200 USA $152,300 And still the schools in inner cities and many towns are dangerous drop out factories.

East St Louis where the riots are now has one of the highest violent crime rates in the USA.

East St. Louis School District security guard charged with sexually assaulting a student.


If you are poor in the USA your kids will get a poor education. Rich in the USA your kids will get a good education.

It may be different in the UK and Australia but in the USA it is difficult and dangerous living if you are poor. I've lived in poor neighborhoods in Bangkok. Not so bad. Not so dangerous. In the USA - no way. I'm not going into East St Louis or the South Side of Chicago or anyplace in Detroit - not me. Bangkok Klong Toy - been there many times.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Bickering and squabbling and off topic removed.

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

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Bickering and squabbling and off topic removed.

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.


Surely you must be mistaken.......'Bickering & Squabbling.....here on TVF, surely not? :P

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couldn't agree more with you especially the part about women compared to Western women

I think you make a good point about health insurance, I just didn't have the balls to do without but given that quality of healthcare is quite good here and at a reasonable price, I may give it a thought to actually do without and just put the same money away.

Well I guess if you can't attract a younger woman in the West then, sure, Thailand's as good a place as any in Asia to buy one.

Older, Western men living here who seize upon any opportunity to berate Western women as a species are so transparent, it's hilarious. As if they're all 200lbs. Maybe the ones in his catchment area but not everyone had to knock around with porkers.Talk about sour grapes

OK so he couldn't find one that would "smile in the morning" (wonder why) or who could "keep up with him in terms of energy" (some sort of sex God, is he?) but the fact is that HE couldn't find one - not that there aren't any.

Fine, he came here and found a woman, 20 years younger - Good for him.

I'll bet any money that he's paying her an allowance; nothing inherently WRONG with that but is it really any surprise she's good humoured and cheerful ??

You strike me as a typical western man, perhaps stuck in a bad relationship, with a difficult woman, who demands a nice lifestyle. It always amuses me when I hear men knocking the lifestyle over here, by insinuating that their women in the west are ok with a free ride, and insisting there is no money involved. There are no free rides. I know of very few high caliber women that are ok being with a guy who cannot provide some security for them, and most of us are ok with that. Most women want that, at least, if they have good self esteem. And if their women are like most women in the world, who are looking for financial security, then we must ask, are they getting a smile every morning, and a cheerful attitude in exchange for providing that security? If not, you may just be making excuses for women who are difficult, large, unattractive, bossy, masculine, and insist on wearing the pants in the family. Maybe. Or maybe you are one of the really lucky ones, who have a great gal, who is kind, supportive, smart, comfortable with her femininity, trim, fit, funny, lighthearted, and ok with you being, and behaving like a man. Hope so.69', 'http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?s=6772ad4beefada9e6f10a587df05377f&app=forums&module=ajax&section=topics&do=mqquote&t=752316');

Anyway, my point with you is that you're dressing up what you have with your woman as something it's not.

When you say "There are no free rides", you're basically using the classic "you pay for it one way or another" excuse to legitimize what you're doing. Unfortunately, you're not fooling anyone; not even, I suspect, yourself.

YUP, the classic line indeed " you pay for it one way or another" used by farangs in Thailand to justify having a prostitute as a "girlfreind" "live-in", partner, "wife"

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In my younger days I never even considered travelling to Thailand, and I am glad I did not!

City life in Europe for music, friends, restaurants /// tramping in the mountains of Europe, New Zealand, South America, Nepal /// the polynesian beaches.

Now I am old and Thailand is a good place for old, not very rich people like me.

I enjoy our garden, small house, swimming pool, the dry season, food, my Thai family, but I miss European culture and freedom.

So it's 6 months in Thailand, 6 months in Europe, for as long as I can financially and fysically.

And after that, I will fade away, wherever.

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Thailand, it's no place for anyone with children of school age.

Please don't forget that in America there has had an epidemic of school shootings. Many believe the root cause of these shootings is the terrible social isolation, ostracism and bullying children suffer there. In contrast, Thailand has few problems in this area. Also, Obama spent a formative part of his childhood in SE Asia and according to his autobiography 'Dreams from My Father' it had a profound influence on him. Education isn't just about academic competitiveness. I submit that the West could learn a thing or two from Thailand about how best to raise and educate children.

Shootings, stabbings, bullying and gang rape are rife in Thai schools.

Particularly bad in the vocational schools between the 15-18YO teens.

Not to mention toddlers being left to die from heat in school transport.

Just because you can't read Thai papers and listen to Thai Tv news, doesn't mean it isn't happening.

The thing I can't understand is why someone who feels as strongly as you that Thailand is an undesirable place to live, wastes their time arguing with fools like me.

Why don't you just vote with your feet and leave???

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Anyway, my point with you is that you're dressing up what you have with your woman as something it's not.

When you say "There are no free rides", you're basically using the classic "you pay for it one way or another" excuse to legitimize what you're doing. Unfortunately, you're not fooling anyone; not even, I suspect, yourself.

YUP, the classic line indeed " you pay for it one way or another" used by farangs in Thailand to justify having a prostitute as a "girlfreind" "live-in", partner, "wife"

I had three wives in the West and I paid the bills. They stayed home and raised the children and I paid the bills.

You wrote, "YUP, the classic line indeed " you pay for it one way or another" used by farangs in Thailand to justify having a prostitute as a "girlfreind" "live-in", partner, "wife"

By your definition were my wives prostitutes?

I realize you are trying to make a point and you are probably an adolescent who has never been married but you have gone way beyond what is gentlemanly posting behavior.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I had three wives in the West and I paid the bills. They stayed home and raised the children and I paid the bills.

You wrote, "YUP, the classic line indeed " you pay for it one way or another" used by farangs in Thailand to justify having a prostitute as a "girlfreind" "live-in", partner, "wife"

By your definition were my wives prostitutes?

I realize you are trying to make a point and you are probably an adolescent who has never been married but you have gone way beyond what is gentlemanly posting behavior.

Prostitute, many customers

Wife, one customer

Also prostitutes get paid for sex, usually not much sex from a wife.

In conclusion, a wife is not a prostitute.

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I had three wives in the West and I paid the bills. They stayed home and raised the children and I paid the bills.

You wrote, "YUP, the classic line indeed " you pay for it one way or another" used by farangs in Thailand to justify having a prostitute as a "girlfreind" "live-in", partner, "wife"

By your definition were my wives prostitutes?

I realize you are trying to make a point and you are probably an adolescent who has never been married but you have gone way beyond what is gentlemanly posting behavior.

Prostitute, many customers

Wife, one customer

Also prostitutes get paid for sex, usually not much sex from a wife.

In conclusion, a wife is not a prostitute.

unless of course

the wife has an occupation

as a prostitute

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Sitting here at my appartment in Kampala and reading the Thai Forum and that post here. I had to answer it, I have come to Thailand in 1989 and I have fallen in love with it. I could things do which would have been impossible in my Country of Birth. The way life was handled and managed in Thailand fascinated me, since 1991 I am living at the same location which has made it possible to develope the most advanced oxidation technology available. No Official was care about it what that Farang there is doing? My Friend always told them. I don't know, wait until he is finished. I did set up a water system where I made out of the waste water channel in front of the house drinking water. And with the further development of that concept I am today with it in Uganda.

Thailand and the ingenuity of the Thai People make it happen, friends which lasts for 20 years, and we all learned out of it understand the differences in culture and upbringing and it makes the life much richer for everyone. I have used since then Taxis in Bangkok and I have never run in any trouble with them. I have driven from Chiang Rai to Sadao, from Bangkok in to Isan, Kong Chiam on the Mekong, the South and everywhere I have meet hospitality and thai humanity.

At Immigration the service was always polite and in a friendly atmosphere. I lived here in 1992 and was working as Teacher when the political unrest was and the greatest moment for me was the day when the 2 opponents where on their knees in front of the King of Thailand, the outcome we know the 1 was going of to England and the second one was going in to the Forest to meditate. After that the Country was booming, Taxes come done, business was supported and it was a piece of cake to get several million dollar from US investment companies. Universities have sprung up, the Thais jumped in to the bandwagoon of virtual reality, look at the Car manufacturers all the Top Names having their factories here. Electronics, you name it it is all here and I was in the middle of it. New ideas, options and this then mixed with the Thai style of living - that creates an highly interesting kind of people.

1997 then the financial collapse which has lead to my collapse as well. as all the orders where cancelled received during the environmental exhibition though times. The traffic was cut down by 50%, and on Sundays you could buy Ferraris, Rolex, for way down prices, and companies collapsed all over Bangkok. So I closed down and going back home and working there till 2000 and then back to Thailand.

Yep and then the turmoil the Country was driven in to by greedy politicans and power hungrige egomaniacs, and things where getting worst year by year, 2006 then the ouster of the Premierminister and since then the Country is split and turned head down. Now let see what the team in charge right now will do what shown so far they are on the right track, the visa cleanup makes sense in terms of the coming Asean Community by end of 2015, and for that reason alone they clean up now the mess created by all the opposing groups and colorings. The Red Shirt occupation on Ratchprasong intersection, was watched all over the world and where the ignition for Tunesia, Lybia, Egypt. That it would not go out like it did in thailand where the state organs showing restraint for a long time so that got misinterpreted by the pissed of people in those countries. Wrong move the same like it was here, until the military has taken over and that was well planned for months to go as this military cup is totally different from all the previous ones. I watch and see what comes out of it and where does my Home by free choice heading too. Before I left for Africa all the people I have talked too except one Hairdresser are happy with the situation and the clean up done on all levels and ranks especially within the Police force, that this of course as well results in different visa and visit restrictions i clear but with that we will live or otherwise having to leave. Fix your trouble if you are in overstay which for the last 25 years was simply handled in the wrong way. 1 year overstay? You where treated at the airport like an VIP, because you paid the maximum fine of 20.000 baht. Do an overstay at Malaysia and you are in deep shit. In Thailand it was just money. Now that time is over! Thailands reputation is not the best in several areas now they hopefully fix all what is wrong in the Country. So they need to fix it, all I do is to discuss open and honestly about it and we share ideas how to make it better as old customs which are degrading a person or a tribe as low class to treat, so as the whole world changes so changes Thailand and this is what we need to live with otherwise it is living in hell, which to my experience it is for many, especially what I have seen in Pattaya to often as a fact, and even talked to plenty of them. The same story to less retirement money, but at the home countries it would be even less then what it is here.

I love the Country possible for the reason that I treat everyone like I want to be treated, Maybe start to love Thailand and love may come back - hate it and hatred will come back to you! The law of Kharma.

Have a good time.

Hello Sehervomstein

Did you write the hating Thailand to me? I love Thailand, in good and bad, since I arrive 24 years a go. What I am mainly writing about in my post, is the traps. The girls, the alkohol, etc. I worked and live in Thailand and to other Asian countries, and nothing bar happened to me during all those year.

I try to ansvar the english mans question. Is it good to live in Thailand, is it better to have a thaiwife in UK or in Thailand. That what I try to explain. The wife he thought he knew in UK, will change when she has her family backing her. And if she dosnt want to change, then perhaps the family will force her to change. Thats how it is for 90% maybe 98% of the farangs who settle in a strange village some where. And at thee top of that, a lot of his money will disapear.

Thats how it is in many many case.

I am happy on your behalf that you have had a good lige. I have too :-D

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I had three wives in the West and I paid the bills. They stayed home and raised the children and I paid the bills.

You wrote, "YUP, the classic line indeed " you pay for it one way or another" used by farangs in Thailand to justify having a prostitute as a "girlfreind" "live-in", partner, "wife"

By your definition were my wives prostitutes?

I realize you are trying to make a point and you are probably an adolescent who has never been married but you have gone way beyond what is gentlemanly posting behavior.

Prostitute, many customers

Wife, one customer

Also prostitutes get paid for sex, usually not much sex from a wife.

In conclusion, a wife is not a prostitute.

What do you mean "usually not much sex from a wife"? That may have been the case for you but the handful of my mates back home who went old school and tied the knot are still getting plenty from their wives. They've even splashed out on silicone funbags for the wife to keep things lively in the bedroom.

Not all women dry up after kids, mate . . . you might've got a dud

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Anyway, my point with you is that you're dressing up what you have with your woman as something it's not.

When you say "There are no free rides", you're basically using the classic "you pay for it one way or another" excuse to legitimize what you're doing. Unfortunately, you're not fooling anyone; not even, I suspect, yourself.

YUP, the classic line indeed " you pay for it one way or another" used by farangs in Thailand to justify having a prostitute as a "girlfreind" "live-in", partner, "wife"

I had three wives in the West and I paid the bills. They stayed home and raised the children and I paid the bills.

You wrote, "YUP, the classic line indeed " you pay for it one way or another" used by farangs in Thailand to justify having a prostitute as a "girlfreind" "live-in", partner, "wife"

By your definition were my wives prostitutes?

I realize you are trying to make a point and you are probably an adolescent who has never been married but you have gone way beyond what is gentlemanly posting behavior.

I agree. This guy who loves to use the expression prostitute, made a statement that was so fabulously ignorant, one does not even know where to begin, to respond to such a level of understanding of life in general, much less women. To think that there is not a monetary component with serious relationships, and then to reduce that monetary component to a form of prostitution, is proof of a lack of mature comprehension. How many guys like to hear their wives referred to as prostitutes? Either a woman works, and brings home some bread, or in the case of some of us, who enjoy a degree of success, we can make a choice, so that our wives do not have to work. What are they supposed to eat? What about clothing, drinks, groceries, car expenses, etc? Are they not entitled to a part of what I earn, if I choose to share that with the woman I have chosen to spend my life with? Does this make her a prostitute? How is this any different from a marriage in the west? I have no reason to "fool" myself, as you like to say, as there is nothing required in the way of fooling. Like most on this forum, we are married to good women, who have "civilian" backgrounds. If you have chosen otherwise, no reason to cry in my soup. I know guys who married bargirls. Many do pay an "allowance". But, it is honest and transparent, at least within the relationship. Good on them. We all make choices in life. I do not judge other choices. I am comfortable enough with my own life, that I do not need to spend my days being critical of the choices other men make. I am not sure you are entitled to judge them, with your limited understanding of relationships, and your narrow and critical view of life, made from your high horse.

Edited by spidermike007
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I agree. This guy who loves to use the expression prostitute, made a statement that was so fabulously ignorant, one does not even know where to begin, to respond to such a level of understanding of life in general, much less women. To think that there is not a monetary component with serious relationships, and then to reduce that monetary component to a form of prostitution, is proof of a lack of mature comprehension. How many guys like to hear their wives referred to as prostitutes? Either a woman works, and brings home some bread, or in the case of some of us, who enjoy a degree of success, we can make a choice, so that our wives do not have to work. What are they supposed to eat? What about clothing, drinks, groceries, car expenses, etc? Are they not entitled to a part of what I earn, if I choose to share that with the woman I have chosen to spend my life with? Does this make her a prostitute? How is this any different from a marriage in the west? I have no reason to "fool" myself, as you like to say, as there is nothing required in the way of fooling. Like most on this forum, we are married to good women, who have "civilian" backgrounds. If you have chosen otherwise, no reason to cry in my soup. I know guys who married bargirls. Many do pay an "allowance". But, it is honest and transparent, at least within the relationship. Good on them. We all make choices in life. I do not judge other choices. I am comfortable enough with my own life, that I do not need to spend my days being critical of the choices other men make. I am not sure you are entitled to judge them, with your limited understanding of relationships, and your narrow and critical view of life, made from your high horse.

Well as I've said 100 times, there's nothing wrong with breaking off an allowance if everyone's happy.

But when men try to make out that going "from from zero to hero" with women can be attributed to anything more than being able to take advantage of more competitive pricing in this country, I simply laugh at them in the same way I laugh at ANYONE who feels compelled to reinvent themselves in order to STRUT on an anonymous internet forum.

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Thailand, it's no place for anyone with children of school age.

Please don't forget that in America there has had an epidemic of school shootings. Many believe the root cause of these shootings is the terrible social isolation, ostracism and bullying children suffer there. In contrast, Thailand has few problems in this area. Also, Obama spent a formative part of his childhood in SE Asia and according to his autobiography 'Dreams from My Father' it had a profound influence on him. Education isn't just about academic competitiveness. I submit that the West could learn a thing or two from Thailand about how best to raise and educate children.

Nonsense, your last sentence, please elaborate about the 2 things we westerners can learn from the thais. Am interested to know....for the sake of discussion.

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Thailand, it's no place for anyone with children of school age.

Please don't forget that in America there has had an epidemic of school shootings. Many believe the root cause of these shootings is the terrible social isolation, ostracism and bullying children suffer there. In contrast, Thailand has few problems in this area. Also, Obama spent a formative part of his childhood in SE Asia and according to his autobiography 'Dreams from My Father' it had a profound influence on him. Education isn't just about academic competitiveness. I submit that the West could learn a thing or two from Thailand about how best to raise and educate children.

Nonsense, your last sentence, please elaborate about the 2 things we westerners can learn from the thais. Am interested to know....for the sake of discussion.

patience, politeness

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Thailand, it's no place for anyone with children of school age.

Please don't forget that in America there has had an epidemic of school shootings. Many believe the root cause of these shootings is the terrible social isolation, ostracism and bullying children suffer there. In contrast, Thailand has few problems in this area. Also, Obama spent a formative part of his childhood in SE Asia and according to his autobiography 'Dreams from My Father' it had a profound influence on him. Education isn't just about academic competitiveness. I submit that the West could learn a thing or two from Thailand about how best to raise and educate children.

Nonsense, your last sentence, please elaborate about the 2 things we westerners can learn from the thais. Am interested to know....for the sake of discussion.

patience, politeness

Haha.......yes the foreign ones who, in Issaan mostly, as i have read many times on here, who lost it all, will agree with you. Funny man you.

On a more serious note.....its untrue...at least where i come from and how i stand in life.

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