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To do it or not to do it....spend it all.


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Hi all, my first post on TV, here it goes. I have been going to Pattaya since Feb 2010, 2 two mnth trips, 5 one mnth trips. From the very first time i discovered the place i loved it and said to myself i could live here, lets face it, where else in the world can a middle age below average looking bald man wearing glasses get a 20 something hottie to cuddle up with in bed for just a round of drinks back home...heaven. Anyway this is my plan, you guys living the dream, your opinion would be greatly appreciated......I turn 50 in a couple of months, eligible for a retirement visa which i can afford, heres the plan. Ive been doing the sums and with my savings and income from my assets i can afford $40000aud/year which would get me to 56years old. At 57 i sell part of my portfolio which would get me to 60 at $45000/year. At 60 estimate $100000 in savings plus major asset still providing income and superannuation kicks in estimate $85000=$185000....Now at 60 if im still going strong and all is well health wise (knock on wood) i could sell remainder of assets which by then would give me a least $600000+$185000=$785000. Now at 60 with $785000 at $50000/year gives me 15 years, 75 years old and at 67 the Aussie pension kicks in as well..........you see im a single bloke no dependents, at 50 i can still party hard, i want to spend the remainder of my life enjoying the the money i earnt doing the hard yards while i still can.......who knows how long we have all got to go but we all know one thing YOU CANNT TAKE IT WITH YOU............what do guys think.

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50 seems a bit young. Two holidays a year in LOS did for me till I passed 60.

If the hotties are important, they will cost a LOT more in a few years time than they do now.

You also need medical cover, which can be expensive and won't be getting cheaper.

Whatever, just resist the temptation to get married. Then it becomes a whole new ball game.

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Well....You have just made your first mistake. You went online for everyone to see, what your assets are.....A really BIG mistake.

Mate, when you arrive at the Airport in Bangkok, the crowd at the arrival gate will be for you, and your assets.

Including that rascal Trans.............laugh.png

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not a bad plan "Thanasi"!

... but you write you are "single, no dependants"

Does that also mean you have no children? i.e. maybe independent children?

If you have children, do you hate them?

If you do have children, at least buy some nice condo that they can inherit.

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Come over and blow your mind. Don't listen to all the naysayers; just do what you want to do and die smiling.

this is why the world is in the state it is, people who do not except responsibility for there actions then expect society to bail them out.

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That 20 y/o something that is cuddling up next to you has one thing on her mind. It's how she intends to radically alter all those accounting and estimated income allotments you made in post #1.

Go for it, but don't limit yourself to Pattaya or Thailand. There is a whole world out there.

Edited by 96tehtarp
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Listen to some of these killjoys on here.

Have to find an interest or you will be bored! Oh the girl will be too young for you!, You have to be responsible! Beware the hookers!

You are nearly 50. Grow a set and take the plunge. Or not. Up to you. Just be a man and make a decision.

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Great idea an you have planned! Put your money into a guaranteed annuity in Hong Kong through a major bank which will give you a fixed income tax free 10 years from now so if everything goes pear shaped you will have an income for your old age.

Buy a cheap house/condo on the Darkside not in Pattaya and set a budget for the next 10 years. You will lose the plot living in downtown Pats.

Don't buy any houses in Isaan.

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you need to be in oz for the 2 years previous to retirement to qualify, I have a mate that has to go back for 2 years now to get on it. Then you have to get approval to be able to take your pension out of the country as well, there is a bit more in it than what you are seeing.

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Go for it mate.

Your finances are ample to live a quality life.

Be aware though that Pattaya is changing. In the last 20 years drastic changes have occurred. Quality is not what it was, in my view. And who knows how the next 20 years will unwind.

You certainly can find "Nirvana" !!

Good luck

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