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Rags to Riches - The Fastest


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Massage Girl on Phuket

2014 April : Met Mr Europe; taken out of massage; received Iphone S5c, Honda Wave, rented house and furniture, plus monthly 20,000.

2014 August : Foundations dug for Farang Mansion (1,500,000 land free) on GF's family land way way out in the rice fields.

2015 February : Planned completion of Mansion.

Her increase in net wealth over 10 months; Nothing to 1,800,000. Average 180,000 / month, tax free, no effort involved.

His cost; above plus planned bimonthly trips from Europe, say 80,000/visit = 400,000 total 2,200,000 or 220,000 / month (plus loss of earnings).

Her risk : zero

His risk : 100%

Oh, and I forgot to mention the plan for the future.

She will sit on her bum, knock out som tam, and watch TV, he will have to work in Europe for the next couple of decades before he can retire, as above expense are taking all his savings. But he does intend to come across every couple of months to meet his wife. Great plan!

Only that she does not want to get married. Maybe a shrewd move on her part. Getting married before the mansion is built would give HIM rights to 50% on divorce.

She is mid thirties with the usual two kids, he is mid forties with ex-wife and three school age kids to support.

Maybe TV could put up a new pinned topic, "Ripley's"

Edited by 12DrinkMore
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It was not you by any chance whistling.gif that did this for her. Then found out later she was back at work with gel on her hands to give happy ending.wai2.gif

Not me.

I am far to old and cynical to believe in True Love.

Me too. Far too old and cynical.

But it's mainly Farangs approaching retirement age that fall prey to the scam of all scams in Thailand (Forget about the Jet-Ski scam, that's peanuts compared to the "I love you scam")

But then again,Farangs in the autumn of their lives that have not been looked at by a woman in Europe for the last 10 years must be the easiest targets.

This is the stuff, most of those "heartbreak-stories" are made of.


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It was not you by any chance whistling.gif that did this for her. Then found out later she was back at work with gel on her hands to give happy ending.wai2.gif

Not me.

I am far to old and cynical to believe in True Love.

Me too. Far too old and cynical.

But it's mainly Farangs approaching retirement age that fall prey to the scam of all scams in Thailand (Forget about the Jet-Ski scam, that's peanuts compared to the "I love you scam")

But then again,Farangs in the autumn of their lives that have not been looked at by a woman in Europe for the last 10 years must be the easiest targets.

This is the stuff, most of those "heartbreak-stories" are made of.


This thread is about a young guy. Most of the threads are about young guys. But you are trying to turn it into an old guy bashing thread. Well Swissie you are wrong. If not produce some links to all these old guys who are playing the, "she done me wrong song."

Swissie it is your opinion with nothing to back it up and you are wrong unless you can substantiate your claims. So far in this thread it is 100% young guys and 0% old guys.

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I used to hate these kind of girls but now I admire them...its the men that I hate.

Good on any girl that can do this and I hope they can get away with as much as they can...in today's modern age of information at your fingertips any fool that does this kind of thing deserves to get ripped off for all he has and he only has himself to blame...

There are plenty of great women in Thailand that are good decent girls...there is simply no reason to do the above

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Interesting how this topic is developing. I was expecting a bunch of "that is not even trying, I know some girl who...". But maybe this is more productive.

I personally know these people.

She is convinced that he loves her.

He is also convinced that he loves her.

She is, as far as I can tell, dedicated and will not "stray" and maybe even love for her will develop. She is trying to achieve that "love" and in time, maybe it will develop. This is a concept I am trying to grasp. If a man gives enough, takes care and shows affection, then the woman will love him.

"money can't buy you love"?

Hmmm, maybe money has always bought love?

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Well a lot effort on her side.

How many years she hat to f.... fat Farangs to find such an idiot?

Would you have massage heavyweight Farangs 10 hours a day just for the luck to catch one stupid enough?

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Well a lot effort on her side.

How many years she hat to f.... fat Farangs to find such an idiot?

Would you have massage heavyweight Farangs 10 hours a day just for the luck to catch one stupid enough?

I do wonder how much effort women put into a relationship.

They make themselves attractive, but this is also for themselves and their female friends. They smile and laugh and, to be honest, are quite nice to have around.

There is always the underlying offer of endless and wonderful sex. Which rarely becomes the reality.

I would not put him in the class of idiots. He is in the class of the "fallen in love", which temporarily at least does indeed put us males in the class of willing idiots. He should maybe deserve sympathy more than accusations. We have all surely been in the same boat, except of the sociopaths among us.

In this case she was only in the massage shop for a couple of months, and yes, they are both overweight.

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Interesting how this topic is developing. I was expecting a bunch of "that is not even trying, I know some girl who...". But maybe this is more productive.

I personally know these people.

She is convinced that he loves her.

He is also convinced that he loves her.

She is, as far as I can tell, dedicated and will not "stray" and maybe even love for her will develop. She is trying to achieve that "love" and in time, maybe it will develop. This is a concept I am trying to grasp. If a man gives enough, takes care and shows affection, then the woman will love him.

"money can't buy you love"?

Hmmm, maybe money has always bought love?

Temporarily only. But not love.

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IMO the guy is an idiot and makes all of us look like idiots, no wonder Thai girls treat falangs like an ATM.......because some of us are! For them it's just a matter of finding the right ATM and pushing the right buttons, then walk away with the cash.

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We might get a Riches to Rags thread in the next couple of years

There are more than a few already.

We could even go for the Riches to Killed topic.

I have personally known two gone that way.

Go on. Why not share both stories?

Here is one.



The other did not make the news, he was found dead at home.

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Its about emotions that are far from rational, its probably also about people who are very, very lonely. I have a hard time calling them stupid or pathetic, especially if I haven't actually met them. I only feel sympathy to be honest, anything else would feel like kicking a person who is already down. I remember when a friend came to visit and we went to Patong to do the whole bar thing. We ended up in a very small bar at the end of a side street and sitting on one of the chairs was the only farang present, a young guy our age. He also happened to be Swedish like us and he lit up like the sun when we came to sit next to him. He gave the impression of being a very kind, insecure and totally harmless individual. My friend who isn't the most tactile guy uttered something like "this bar has very ugly whores". Our new friend then pointed to the one girl behind the bar that was actually OK looking and told us that she was his girlfriend. There wasn't a trace of animosity though, he seemed to be an individual incapable of taking offense. Anyhow he then proceeded to tell us how much he liked her and how lucky he was and that he had taken her on a trip to Sweden recently. He then gave a full account of the vast amount of money he had spent on her. I made a joke with the girl in thai about a big Sin Sod coming her way and that made her mood improve immensely of course. We left the bar after a short while and this was just one of the rare moments in life where I felt genuinely sorry for another human being.

Edited by Kaalle
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