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Beware ,police now fining you for speeding on motorway

i claudius

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They tried to get me there for 2,000 baht.

1,000 baht for speeding ( no particular location or speed mentioned ) and my pick up should have gone through one of the booths for trucks ( that was a new one )

After a debate we settled on the 1,000 for speeding.

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This has been a nationwide clean up of the police by the Junta, and migration to cameras for speeders as opposed to the old methods. I travel around the provinces a great deal, and the cop stops are still in the usual places, though less frequent, and from what I hear from everyone is that you won't be able to bribe anyone too easily. Also, I've noticed new cameras, and I play a game of looking for them. (Usually, there will be a wire strung over the roadway to a median or a new opposing lane rack with a camera on it. )I've heard stories of some people trying to be clever with the folded 100-200 notes under the drivers license which they had to the cops, and they hand the money back.

Damn...getting to be just like the places we left....

However, never heard of anyone getting a ticket for less than 10 over the speed limit.

At the place I left there were still quite a few spots where you could legally drive as fast as you please, so whenever I feel the need for speed a trip home works well.

Flooring it in Thailand is not very joyful anyway and I rarely find myself driving or wanting to drive faster than allowed. It´s just no fun and the other drivers usually cause dangerous situations all the time so I don´t want to add more risk by speed. I think it´s good if they try to crackdown on speeding, it will make the roads safer and raise the awareness that everything has consequences. And please dear BIB, don´t forget your red light runner crackdown and push it forward.

reminders everyday - too fast for the conditions...


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They tried to get me there for 2,000 baht.

1,000 baht for speeding ( no particular location or speed mentioned ) and my pick up should have gone through one of the booths for trucks ( that was a new one )

After a debate we settled on the 1,000 for speeding.

me too - same place same story, they told me 124 kmh, I was on the slow line with about 100 kmh and the slowest car on the road, everyone past me.

At the toll gate they starte with THB 2.000 to be paid in BKK Bng Na Police station, settled for 1 K on the spot and could go

Scam - I dont know what If I was 80kmh only how I reacted, but 2 times (total 1.5k) in 6 years is still ok

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They tried to get me there for 2,000 baht.

1,000 baht for speeding ( no particular location or speed mentioned ) and my pick up should have gone through one of the booths for trucks ( that was a new one )

After a debate we settled on the 1,000 for speeding.

me too - same place same story, they told me 124 kmh, I was on the slow line with about 100 kmh and the slowest car on the road, everyone past me.

At the toll gate they starte with THB 2.000 to be paid in BKK Bng Na Police station, settled for 1 K on the spot and could go

Scam - I dont know what If I was 80kmh only how I reacted, but 2 times (total 1.5k) in 6 years is still ok

If you have a GPS you can ask the BIB how fast you were going and then say .. hang on, look here for the past 80Kms (or whatever) I haven't gone faster that 98 (or whatever). I frequently reset my max speed but don't reset the distance so often!

They are lying bast-rds aren't they. Special booths for pickups ... I have an easy pass ... get one, it's much quicker ... it would be even quicker if all those pratts wouldn't criss-cross the easy pass lanes.

Edited by JAS21
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Damn...getting to be just like the places we left....

In that case maybe the people who came here to break the law will go home. I certainly wont miss them.

Why not just live in the west ,then you can have all the law you want ,bet you love traffic wardens and yellow lines everywhere and those parking charges must be enough to give you an orgasm. and oh boy those policemen hiding in the bushes with their speed guns.

Where I lived in the West we weren't short of space, parking was free and one never saw a traffic warden. Yes, there were fixed and mobile radar devices but the speed limits were sensible and I was certainly never bothered by them.

One of the main causes of slow traffic in Pattaya (and for all I know the rest of Thailand) is people who have no lane discipline and who park (and double-park or triple-park) anywhere they like with absolutely no regard for the traffic flow or other road users. If all of them were clamped towed and crushed without notice I would indeed applaud. And so would everyone else once they realise how much nicer it would be to drive here rather than just sit in traffic here.

As for all the drivers without proper licenses or "extra" insurance, and those who drink and drive, 20 years in jail with hard labour sounds about right.

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This has been a nationwide clean up of the police by the Junta, and migration to cameras for speeders as opposed to the old methods. I travel around the provinces a great deal, and the cop stops are still in the usual places, though less frequent, and from what I hear from everyone is that you won't be able to bribe anyone too easily. Also, I've noticed new cameras, and I play a game of looking for them. (Usually, there will be a wire strung over the roadway to a median or a new opposing lane rack with a camera on it. )I've heard stories of some people trying to be clever with the folded 100-200 notes under the drivers license which they had to the cops, and they hand the money back.

Damn...getting to be just like the places we left....

However, never heard of anyone getting a ticket for less than 10 over the speed limit.

At the place I left there were still quite a few spots where you could legally drive as fast as you please, so whenever I feel the need for speed a trip home works well.

Flooring it in Thailand is not very joyful anyway and I rarely find myself driving or wanting to drive faster than allowed. It´s just no fun and the other drivers usually cause dangerous situations all the time so I don´t want to add more risk by speed. I think it´s good if they try to crackdown on speeding, it will make the roads safer and raise the awareness that everything has consequences. And please dear BIB, don´t forget your red light runner crackdown and push it forward.

reminders everyday - too fast for the conditions...


More like inability to properly read conditions on behalf of both parties, the driver crossing over takes the larger share but both were not taking due care given conditions and no avoidance attempts what-so-ever was taken in an attempt to avoid or lessen the impact. IMO this is why a car is actually safer, for ME it's far likely this impact wouldn't have happened as a car is more nimble and responsive with less chance of an over correction or secondary crash in an attempt to avoid it. So while you may have marginally increased protection in these vehicles you lose nearly ALL ability to avoid an accident at speed in the first place as if you swerve violently you're far more likely to have secondary collision due to lost control, which incidentally is what caused the collision in the first place outside of the poor judgement of driver 1, but part of his judgment stems back to his original purchase IMO.. In a slow slide like that and not straight across head on there is room to do quite a bit to lessen this impact by causing a glancing blow or even running off the road in soft high grass is preferable to a high speed, mostly head on impact. The oncoming SUV was sliding sideways for quite a distance and it's path was predictable.

Accidents like this always upset me something fierce as it was totally avoidable but at a minimum severely reduced impact not just once but several times while it was happening and people counting on those drivers died while in their care.

Edited by WarpSpeed
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As an aside (okay, downright hijack), driving down the Motorway, the GPS says the limit is 120, but the LED signs on the side of the road often say 80 or 90.

Back home, they have LED signs like that to reduce speeds when road or weather conditions are bad, and they enforce based on those LED signs even though the normal speed limit is higher.

Are the limits enforced the 120 kph, or as indicated by the LED signs?

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Not speeding related but fined 1000 for not displaying next years road tax 3 months prior to the current year tax expiring. I never knew this was a requirement.

This was at the first toll booth on highway 7 heading from Pattaya to BKK, a week ago.

I made the dreaded mistake of letting him hold my driving license, as that was game over. I couldn't have it back unless I was willing to go to the cop shop. So had no choice.

He then checked my wifes smart phone to check if she had been filming him (which she hadn't).

No receipt = corrupt git.

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Received a speeding citation on Hwy 7 in the mail. 500 baht. Showed picture of my car and license plate.

Scam at the Bang Na-Chonburi Skyway (first toll booth) continues. Driver's licenses are held until extortion is paid. Friend paid 2000 baht. Another 400. Fining both Thai and farang. Well organized with tables setup for processing.

Erm haven't looked at the law lately have you? (by lately I mean the last 15 or so years) This is not a scam, it's the legitimate way the Thai's require it to be handled, take the license and make you come to the station to pay fine and recover it. Obviously it's nonsensical as now they are requiring you to drive without a license once they take it but TiT. The scams are even suspect as scams in some cases because the law allows for police officers to legally receive fines paid at the side of the road, though it's quite doubtful many of the them ever reach the countries coffers.

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As an aside (okay, downright hijack), driving down the Motorway, the GPS says the limit is 120, but the LED signs on the side of the road often say 80 or 90.

Back home, they have LED signs like that to reduce speeds when road or weather conditions are bad, and they enforce based on those LED signs even though the normal speed limit is higher.

Are the limits enforced the 120 kph, or as indicated by the LED signs?

120km/h is the enforceable limit. Driving above the 80/90/etc limit may be used against you in the event you're in an accident. E.g. if you're doing 100 and a Camry merges onto the motorway at 40km/h and goes straight into the right lane a few metres in front of you as they do and you hit it, you will likely share some liability.

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As an aside (okay, downright hijack), driving down the Motorway, the GPS says the limit is 120, but the LED signs on the side of the road often say 80 or 90.

Back home, they have LED signs like that to reduce speeds when road or weather conditions are bad, and they enforce based on those LED signs even though the normal speed limit is higher.

Are the limits enforced the 120 kph, or as indicated by the LED signs?

120km/h is the enforceable limit. Driving above the 80/90/etc limit may be used against you in the event you're in an accident. E.g. if you're doing 100 and a Camry merges onto the motorway at 40km/h and goes straight into the right lane a few metres in front of you as they do and you hit it, you will likely share some liability.

No, not true.

If the LED signs say '90' 90 is the enforceable limit.

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I cannot understand why anyone should complain if they get fined for speeding if they actually were speeding.

And yes I have been caught once, about three years ago, on the tollway. My wife said, as we were driving along at a little over 120Km/Hr ... 'I don't see any cameras'. Me ... what do you mean .... Her well that sign in Thai says Speed Cameras ... woops.

At the next tollway barrier ... out steps the BIB. Over to the desk and pay the fine. Would have been twice as much if I had been doing 140Km/Hr

Cheap fine though ... just think what it would cost you in the UK ... and 3 points. Anyone ever get points here?

Edited by JAS21
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120 Kph, seriously low converted to MPH now thats really dangerous is it.?.. So Im supposed to restricy my speed to a Nackerd Mini Bus. That aint going to happen, ill drive to road conditions not some speed set by a twep who knows nothing bout driving safely and just wants the Fine Money .sad.png

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120 Kph, seriously low converted to MPH now thats really dangerous is it.?.. So Im supposed to restricy my speed to a Nackerd Mini Bus. That aint going to happen, ill drive to road conditions not some speed set by a twep who knows nothing bout driving safely and just wants the Fine Money .sad.png

Seriously pathetic attitude. On the upside the faster you are going the quicker you will die when some twep loses control in the other lane and takes you out cause he too was driving too fast.

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What else would we expect from you.If i Say Left,You say Right. Go Fit Some Tires or something.cheesy.gif

By your own admission you are an old man. Your reactions times are not anywhere near what they used to be but you just keep on speeding mate.... what could possibly go wrong.

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It`s not just crazy speeders that is a dangerous problem in Thailand, but slow driving vehicles as well.

If everyone could just drive at the same speeds, then death tolls would at leased be cut in half, minimum.

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It`s not just crazy speeders that is a dangerous problem in Thailand, but slow driving vehicles as well.

If everyone could just drive at the same speeds, then death tolls would at leased be cut in half, minimum.

Cut in half, minimum Wow. You have proof of this ?

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Not necessarily but you have to admit slow drivers pose even more risk in many cases as people get aggravated behind them and have to take the added risk to pass it is especially dangerous and troublesome when they're oblivious in the fast lane but also just plain getting aggravated at their slow speeds in general. It is a big problem but nearly the same everywhere except maybe Germany and not exclusive to Thailand alone. Here in Florida they've even passed laws against slow driving in the fast lane.. Here's a classic video..

The guy making the video is....... Well, entertaining whistling.gif but anyway..


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