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Thailand Bashers


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Why do some people that move /live here (Thailand) seem to find the need to bash,bitch and moan about the same things and constantly complain about some of the customs and lifestyles of the Thai and foreign people that choose to except the lifestyle and live here?

Is it that complainers would be the same (not happy) in any country?

Seems to me the vested people, property/business owners here very seldom complain of such trivial things.

If you do know of a perfect country please let me know.

Your thoughts?

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Why do some people that move /live here (Thailand) seem to find the need to bash,bitch and moan about the same things and constantly complain about some of the customs and lifestyles of the Thai and foreign people that choose to except the lifestyle and live here?

Is it that complainers would be the same (not happy) in any country?

Seems to me the vested people, property/business owners here very seldom complain of such trivial things.

If you do know of a perfect country please let me know.

Your thoughts?

You've answered your own question, because Thailand's not a perfect country so sometimes complaints are made. Some people just want to naturally moan, and some people like to moan about the moaners and forget to moan about themselves, and some people.......... :o

This topic has been done to death recently, I suggest a search.

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Why do some people that move /live here (Thailand) seem to find the need to bash,bitch and moan about the same things and constantly complain about some of the customs and lifestyles of the Thai and foreign people that choose to except the lifestyle and live here?

Is it that complainers would be the same (not happy) in any country?

Seems to me the vested people, property/business owners here very seldom complain of such trivial things.

If you do know of a perfect country please let me know.

Your thoughts?

You've answered your own question, because Thailand's not a perfect country so sometimes complaints are made. Some people just want to naturally moan, and some people like to moan about the moaners and forget to moan about themselves, and some people.......... :o

This topic has been done to death recently, I suggest a search.

The question has been done to death.

But the complainers continue to complain.

So why is it wrong to continue to question them.

Whats good for the goose................


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I spent a few years living in Spain and it was the same there. One bloke I knew moaned about everything - the food, the beer, the women, the locals.... When I asked why the hel_l he moved from UK to Spain he said it was to "get away from all the immigrants". "But aren't you an immigrant?" I asked. "<deleted> off, I'm an expat" was the reply.

Some people will have a moan wherever they are.

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The vast majority of first time Thailand visitors are tourists. They arrive in holiday mode, relax and thoroughly enjoy their stay.

Then they go back home to the same old mundane routine of work and household chores. They start complaining.

They dream of returning to paradise in Thailand.

Eventually, the opportunity arises where they can leave their mundane world and live permanently in their holiday location where they can once again relax and have fun.

They make the move.

That glitter soon wears off and they are back to doing mundane household chores and taking a closer look at their Thailand surroundings.

They then realise that although they are now living in their ideal holiday location, they are no longer on vacation.

They compare what they now have to what they once had in the native homeland. They start complaining.

Everything looks great through rose coloured glasses, it's when you take them off that you can see the real world.

Edited by Mighty Mouse
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The vast majority of first time Thailand visitors are tourists. They arrive in holiday mode, relax and thoroughly enjoy their stay.

Then they go back home to the same old mundane routine of work and household chores. They start complaining.

They dream of returning to paradise in Thailand.

Eventually, the opportunity arises where they can leave their mundane world and live permanently in their holiday location where they can once again relax and have fun.

They make the move.

That glitter soon wears off and they are back to doing mundane household chores and taking a closer look at their Thailand surroundings.

They then realise that although they are now living in their ideal holiday location, they are no longer on vacation.

They compare what they now have to what they once had in the native homeland. They start complaining.

Everything looks great through rose coloured glasses, it's when you take them off that you can see the real world.

You already said it what I want to say :o

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People want to vent their displeasure, let them. How were you raised, to just put up and shut up or speak out?

If you aren't interested in reading their complaints then use your mouse and click onto another topic.

I believe Guesthouse, some time ago, said something along the lines of:

Criticising something unequivocally is as ridiculous as defending something unequivocally.

(Apologies if I botched it, GH)

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This forum is a great source of information BUT it is also a source of amusement. If it were not for the bullshit posts and the whiners it would be boring and I would be forced to find something else to do to waste my time. :D

Usually it is also fun to participate and to be a keyboard warrior. We have serious questions and answers and then we have the rest. :o

That said, if someone finds utopia I am NOT married to Thailand. In the mean time I'll stay here in Thailand warts and all. :D

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If people want to complain let them complain. Let them exercise their right to free speech in a "democratic" country.

What's more annoying is seeing people whinge about the whingers. Now they must have a lot of spare time!!!!

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With the help of the search function and a small amount of effort we might discover that there are two sides to this story.

Too often those that defend Thailand as Ambrosia are the self same people who rant about the life they had elsewhere. (Particularly about women elsewhere, but that's the stuff of another post)

That begs the question, is their life so good in Thailand or is it simply good in contrast with their background?

We have to accept that some people really never have enjoyed life before they came to Thailand.

Sad really.

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Why do some people that move /live here (Thailand) seem to find the need to bash,bitch and moan about the same things and constantly complain about some of the customs and lifestyles of the Thai and foreign people that choose to except the lifestyle and live here?

Is it that complainers would be the same (not happy) in any country?

Seems to me the vested people, property/business owners here very seldom complain of such trivial things.

If you do know of a perfect country please let me know.

Your thoughts?

You appear to forget ... or perhaps you never realised, that the most significant breakthroughs

in the fields of science, medicine and technology in the last hundred years were made

in Europe, America and Japan. Had Thailand not embraced these advances it

would be a far different country today. :o


Edited by naka
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I agree with Guesthouse that many times the people who have no complaints here have compalints about their old homes.

Personally, I complain too much. But I feel my complaints are justified most of the time. There must be some subjects that everyone complains about. If you rant about the captain of a sports team well you are complaining. If you pout about airfare costs then you are complaining. If you complain about not getting a visa or discount, then you are complaining. If you don't get upset abou the things affecting society like murder, rape, and war then you are complaining too. Why is complaining about Thailand the only thing people see as a complaint. Millions of illegal immigrants in America complained by marching throught the streets. Are they so bad?

Raise taxes and the businesspeople will complain. Allow gay marriage and God's people will complain. If you pout about a law, you are complaining. If you don't like this post, you are complaining.

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With the help of the search function and a small amount of effort we might discover that there are two sides to this story.

Too often those that defend Thailand as Ambrosia are the self same people who rant about the life they had elsewhere. (Particularly about women elsewhere, but that's the stuff of another post)

That begs the question, is their life so good in Thailand or is it simply good in contrast with their background?

We have to accept that some people really never have enjoyed life before they came to Thailand.

Sad really.

i think u have a point. my life in thailand is far better than my life back home. however i dont feel as though i never enjoyed myself at home, just that thailand suits me more.

why do you think that if a person likes thailand they must have been unhappy before? isnt that rather pretentious? arnt u just looking for a way to look down on those who are happy here; as a way of justifying your own bitter experiences.

to turn it around: why is it if the complainers were so much happier back where they came from, why are they still here? its not the whinging that get me, thailand is no bed of roses, but its the lack of respect and down right contempt of the country and its people.

the worst of the complainers are losers who were unhappy before and are bitter because they dont get the status they hoped for when they moved to a 3rd world country.

this is my 2 cents. am a whinger whinging about whingers who whinge about not whinging. :o

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Complaining is GREAT fun. There's nothing better than a good old winge, i would like to take this oppertunity to complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain anbout Thailand, that just taking it too far. :D

(oh and p.s. Irealnd is the perfect country, we all love each other and our neighbours and there's never any trouble.) :o:D

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the worst of the complainers are losers who were unhappy before and are bitter because they dont get the status they hoped for when they moved to a 3rd world country.

A lot of newbies mistake Thai politeness for respecting them personally.

They get very bitter when they realize that respect is something that you have to earn in Thailand, just like any where else. :o

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why do you think that if a person likes thailand they must have been unhappy before? isnt that rather pretentious? arnt u just looking for a way to look down on those who are happy here; as a way of justifying your own bitter experiences.

Perhaps you need to read what I said again.

I do not say that because a person likes Thailand, they must have been unhappy before. I certainly like Thailand and I have been privalaged to have a great life before going to Thailand, while living in Thailand and after moving on from Thailand.

What I actually say is

Too often those that defend Thailand as Ambrosia are the self same people who rant about the life they had elsewhere.

There is a subtle difference.

As for justifying my own bitter experiences you'll have to remind me exactly what bitter experiences those are.

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There is a certain type of "Expat". They are the ones who are"getting away" from all their troubles back home. Financial problems, relationships gone bad, run in with the law or the taxman, whatever. Suddenly that place in the sun seems like a great place to be. It's the other side of the fence where the grass will be greener and their lives will be better. It's almost like being on the run.

They will arrive at their new home, maybe start a business (usually a bar) meet new people and start new relationships. All is well. Then they suddenly find out that, for all the reasons their lives were f***ed up back home, things are going wrong in their new country. It's not the country they were liviing in that's the problem - it's them!

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There is no point saying people who love or hate thailand must be this or that, Im sure there is a very wide range of people with totally different histories, with good and bad. Im sure there is also a very wide range of personalities and some people enjoy different aspects of thailand, may be a paradise for some and hel_l for others

So its pointless

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Sometimes people bash because its just so much easier than saying something good. It seems to be in the UK culture a little...

"How are you?"

"Not bad thanks, and you"

"Could be worse I suppose, musn't complain".

instead of....

"How are you"

"Absolutely bloody amazing thanks! And you?"

"Words cannot describe how good I feel. Life rocks!"

Actually having read that pile of cheesyness, maybe some negativity ain't too bad.

I suppose bashing Thailand comes partly from a desire to troll, partly from a hangover, partly from a misguided destination choice and possibly partly from an annoyingly worrying itch.

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I agree there is a very wide range Donz. I was talking about a "certain type". I have no idea what perecentage they are, only that I have met quite a few of them. I think the type I described is also less likely to stay long term. I've been an expat in other countries and I am hoping that Thailand will be where I end up. I would rather it be a careful and planned decision than it be the result of me running away from anything. I think you are much more likely to be happy that way and more tolerant of the differences you will undoubtably find in your new home.

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Come on,do you want to change the name of this site to Everything in Thailand is amazing and above reproach.com,with posters trying to outdo each other on why Thailand is so perfect in every respect? Goodbye readership,goodbye advertisers.

I may be taking it too far,but I am sure you get my point.

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