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Thai court dismisses murder charges against former PM Abhisit


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I'm confused. The headlines say they were acquitted.

"Adj. 1. acquitted - declared not guilty of a specific offense or crime acquitted - declared not guilty of a specific offense or crime; legally blameless; "he stands acquitted on all charges"
not guilty
clean-handed, guiltless, innocent - free from evil or guilt; "an innocent child"; "the principle that one is innocent until proved guilty"
I didn't get that. I understood that the court found it didn't have jurisdiction. There are statements that other courts would.

They used the wrong word in one 1 out of 3 (or 4?) head lines. The other headlines and all the articles just say that the charges were dismissed.

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The charge was political anyway by the Shin government. Why should Abhisit have been charged with murder when he was doing his duty as PM to disperse the crowds. He didn't plot to kill them.

May be it would be a good thing the Supreme court looked into that matter. So it could be made crystal clear, that Abhisit and Suthep are innocent and performed their duty in ending a crtiminal occupation of public area. (compare what would have happened in a similar case in a Western country)

May be in looking into the evidence it could also made public who the criminals were at that time.

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Another dark and sad day in the Thaksin Dubai villa! Nothing is going right for him. His DSI lapdog is in his own trouble. His other lapdog is probably drunk with wine every day. Many of his other cronies and UDD leaders have fled the country or are having to deal with charges of their own, or they are ill. Even his sister's future may be prison or self-exile.

He should call it a day, but we know he won't as he has many more people he can use and ruin. He's probably already planning the next round of pillage, economic ruin, and chaos.

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Court dismisses case against ex-PM Abhisit, ex-Deputy PM Suthep

By Digital Content


The Criminal Court ruled that roles of both Mr Abhisit and Mr Suthep's in the crackdown order against the then anti-government demonstrators had been within their authority and responsibility and that the red shirt protest had turned more violent at that time.

It also ruled that doubts regarding their order concerned their official roles, not a question of murder, so such a case should instead go to the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions.

Therefore, the Criminal Court dismissed it. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2014-08-28

sounds much clearer and better

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It said the only court with the authority to consider the allegations was the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions.

Presumably the only organisation with the power to bring a case against them to the designated "proper" court would be the NACC.


DSI's Tarit could have brought the case... but instead chose the different (and ridiculous) to charge them as civilians/private citizens, thus resulting in the dismissal of the case.

This decision by the criminal court is the only logical and legal one to make as it was doomed from the beginning due to Tarit's nonsensical path.

It's a moot point; A case against two loyal servants of the real political power, was never going anywhere.

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It said the only court with the authority to consider the allegations was the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions.

Presumably the only organisation with the power to bring a case against them to the designated "proper" court would be the NACC. Oh, well.

The court is right. They were politicians at the time. NACC is the place to go. The DSI charging them with premeditated murder wasn't possible in the first place. As others have correctly pointed out, it was done to bring Thaksin back. Well bad luck for Takki and his "team" I guess.

The court may well be right in that their court was not the correct place to hear the case, but if it was part of a conspiracy to "bring Thaksin back", the Criminal Court could surely have nipped that in the bud by saying at the original hearing what they have now said i.e this court can not deal with this case. Instead, more court dates were scheduled until this latest one where the case is dismissed. I'm sure the alleged "amnesty" conspiracy is something for you to cling onto in the belief that abhisit and suthep are not guilty but I'm afraid I suspect someone has had a word in their ear.

The original hearing?

In December, 2013 Abhisit and Suthep had to appear to hear the charges. Abhisit did, Suthep was a bit busy. End of May Suthep had help from the army to find the way to the court and finally heard and acknowledged the charges. Than the court set a date for first hearings.

Now if you think the court should already have dismissed the case in October 2013 when the DSI had finally convinced the OAG to file a charge, you seem to believe that such serious cases like "premeditated murder" don't deserve proper attention.

Mind you, a few posters (and Abhisit/Suthep) already thought that the proper procedure was for NACC to investigate and if necessary pass on to the Supreme Court with the long name for further action.

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The Thai elite have been killing their own people for years and getting away with it, why on Earth did folks think it was going to be any different this time around?

There has to be some sort of accountability from politicians and military for the deaths, regardless of the circumstances at the time. In any civilised society this is a bare minimum. In ruling they have no jurisdiction they are preventing the truth from being known.

No doubt they will attempt to yet again foist this objectionable upper class twit who's father supported the odious dictator Suchinda upon the poor Thai populace. It runs in the Vejjajiva family.

Dark days ahead indeed as we have seen the rural Thais still haven't forgotten Democrat bitter medicine policies from the late 90's, and the cycle looks to continually repeat itself in the future, as they will never accept a government they haven't chosen, hence the attempts to cheat the system by the junta.

In 2010 Thaksin told his red shirts to fight the army and that he was very near to Thailand and would come back to help them if the army would open fire on them. Remember those famous words?

Red shirt leader Jatuporn, natthawut etc have also told their supporters numerous times to fight the army. Even told them to burn down the city.

You don't mention them in your propaganda piece. Why not?

Nickymaster did you even take a split second to think about what you typed?

I didn't see Thaksin in the protest, you don't mention that in your propaganda piece. Why not?

So some person from a distant land says attack and even though they don't attack just because it was said it justifies the slaughter? WOW talk about a weak gene pool.

If that is OK, then if you ever tell anyone to attack/fight back for what you/they feel is your/their freedom then in your home country shouldn't they then attack and kill, your friends and/or family because that's basically what you said as your response. I for one wouldn't raise any concern if it happen like that to you in return.

So Yingluck fires someone from their post and gets removed, with a COUP to follow, Abhisit murders people and even gets busted on video talking about it and nothing to see here move along. Sounds like that gene pool is expanding.

This country will never see a posative change until fairness is fully enfourced for all people. When a PM runs around murdering people in a protest and walks away from it you can bet the future holds even worst things to come.

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I could not agree more with the court.

What irritates me is the fact that the ones that whipped up the redshirts to fight, burn and destroy, their so-called leaders were never brought to court.

i wouldn't get too irritated, they'll be back in force next time, and really do the job properly

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Correct and appropriate decision. As others have said, they could have gone for negligence or some other charges but "Murder" seemed a better bargaining chip to the infallible master mind of Dubai. Wrong again Mr Thaksin. Correct legal decision. Now, on with the real world.

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I never thought this charge was going to go anywhere. He was the leader of the country trying to put down a rebellion of sorts. And no, I am not a supporter of his, just have thought there was no way this was going to trial.

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I could not agree more with the court.

What irritates me is the fact that the ones that whipped up the redshirts to fight, burn and destroy, their so-called leaders were never brought to court.

i wouldn't get too irritated, they'll be back in force next time, and really do the job properly

What? Not my "peaceful protesters, not terrorists" surely?

It's people like you who give the UDD a bad name rolleyes.gif

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I could not agree more with the court.

What irritates me is the fact that the ones that whipped up the redshirts to fight, burn and destroy, their so-called leaders were never brought to court.

i wouldn't get too irritated, they'll be back in force next time, and really do the job properly

What? Not my "peaceful protesters, not terrorists" surely?

It's people like you who give the UDD a bad name rolleyes.gif

I wouldn't blame them if they cleaned up the fascist farung sympathisers too

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stupid charge anyway what PM could be charged with murder when faced with a murderous mob Pathetic red shirt crap a and now please charge red shirt and ex government leaders with murder of all killed who where peacefully demonstrating while police just stood bye

Red shirt scum bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

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Dismissed charges is a safe call for the court - Abhisit was not ruled innocent or guilty. I would think such an ethical and moral person would appreciate his day in court to clear his name completely without suspicion or innuendo. Buut I guess you can take mockery of the judicial system only so far.

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' The surprise ruling comes three months after the military seized power from Abhisit's political rivals in a bloodless coup. '

I think the author of this article has confused the word ' surprise ' with ' expected '

So , perhaps now they can concentrate on the attempt to prosecute former prime minister Somchai over the deaths of the PAD protesters killed by the police . Hope they nail his arse to the wall , it's the only fair thing to do. coffee1.gif

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