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Commonwealth bank in australia offers an at call deposit online account, that has a government guarantee and currently pays 4 percent per annum. If you are not a tax resident of Australia you will pay 10 percent witholding tax so still yielding 3.6 percent.

Correct, but you're only allowed 95,000 AUD per account and you can only have 2 accounts,

but they need to toped up 200 AUD every month....or you don't get the 3.6%....


The OP obviously doesn't know that US$60,000 is chicken feed to posters on here. Not even worth investing.

yes it is (to use USA term) chump change,why bother? Is probably only 1 years expenses for most of us..why blow it only to be a paupers hoes again?

Wakey wakey hands of snakey and come back and ask when you have 10x the amount

only they will probably still have a go at you then.haha

You consider US$600k as worthy of investment? That's not even our maid's annual bonus.


@OP, I want to apologize for my harsh reply in post #11, no insult mentioned.

Nevertheless 2M is really not an amount which opens big doors. For buying a condo this budget is to small, investing in stock markets cannot be recommended without the necessary skills, which the OP does not have as it seems. Buying Gold is an option with uncertain results. In the long term it may be worse then a fixed account with 3%+ interest rates. So, what would I do? I would invest in land, because I trust my partner.... or... I would shut up and wait till I've got more to invest. With more money the option of buying a condo in the right place is a good idea....



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Commonwealth bank in australia offers an at call deposit online account, that has a government guarantee and currently pays 4 percent per annum. If you are not a tax resident of Australia you will pay 10 percent witholding tax so still yielding 3.6 percent.

Correct, but you're only allowed 95,000 AUD per account and you can only have 2 accounts,

but they need to toped up 200 AUD every month....or you don't get the 3.6%....

Perhaps unrelated to the OP (he may not be Aussie) but if the Commonwealth is an issue, then move to the ANZ progress saver, effective rate of 4% at call, minimum monthly deposit is only $10, much easier to handle, and there is no deposit limit nor account limits. I ditched the CBA 10yrs ago.

Now to the OP's question....as he specifically said in Thailand. Your question is vague, do you want it to grow or do you want to use it? If you want it to grow then find an investment vehicle that suits you. If you are aggressive go into business, by stock invest in shares, but do it with the realization that you could lose the lot. If you want to play it safe, stick it in a bank, kick your heals up and enjoy your 7k a month, not very exciting is it?



50% silver & 50% bitcoin I still think its worth a punt.

roulette and blackjack in the casinos of Macau or Singapore might be worth a punt too coffee1.gif

Isn't Silver still a good/safe bet Naam...??

Yer Bitcoin & silk road a marriage made in Heaven ..........................wub.png


Open four UOB three year fixed rate deposit accounts at 3.25%, then get back to living your life as you were before. If you really need some money over the next three years, cash in one of the deposits.

"They who cannot be named in his forum" published an article on retirement investments in today's edition which showed the 30 year average inflation in LOS at 3.75% ... so at this rate you aren't losing all that much, and at least it is better than a sock under the bed.

As another poster said - there are people here with significantly more than 2m baht and I bet that fixed term bank deposits are not a major plank in their wealth building platform.


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Really? no serious answers?

Is it really a serious question?


Open four UOB three year fixed rate deposit accounts at 3.25%, then get back to living your life as you were before. If you really need some money over the next three years, cash in one of the deposits.

"They who cannot be named in his forum" published an article on retirement investments in today's edition which showed the 30 year average inflation in LOS at 3.75% ... so at this rate you aren't losing all that much, and at least it is better than a sock under the bed.

As another poster said - there are people here with significantly more than 2m baht and I bet that fixed term bank deposits are not a major plank in their wealth building platform.

We have to assume the OP is not an experienced investor, otherwise he would not be asking the question on this forum, it's therefore safe to assume he's risk averse and/or should be regarded as such. And whilst fixed deposits are probably not a central plank in the experienced investors portfolio, they neverthless have a place in them because they are low risk.

Your point about inflation is well taken, the investment world currently is chasing yield and this is always traded off against risk, which do you want, a safe assured investment and low returns or possibly higher returns but with guaranteed higher risk, you can't have the best of both worlds.


Comfortable bicycle tour continuously for 4 years around Thailand seeing every nook and cranny and be the ultimate tourist.


Dont listen to the comments here theyhave all been done and lost there is only 1 good thing to do in Thailand and its has never been done

Open Xpat funeral's there are so many farang fall out of windows here or Suicide

You could advertise like we take care after you gone and send you home

You would be millionaire 1 or 2 year

Suprised nobody has thought of this ?

  • Like 1

I think you will get different answers depending if you ask the poor or you ask one of Taksin's clan............ You''ll find a wide variance you can be assured....


Dont listen to the comments here theyhave all been done and lost there is only 1 good thing to do in Thailand and its has never been done

Open Xpat funeral's there are so many farang fall out of windows here or Suicide

You could advertise like we take care after you gone and send you home

You would be millionaire 1 or 2 year

Suprised nobody has thought of this ?

There are a couple of farang owned outfits that do similar, you have to remember, many many generations of farangs over the years have been thinking studiously about the, "how to get rich/avoid boredom" problem for many years, you'd have to be pretty unique to think up a new angle.

EDIT: FWIW there's a farang only graveyard in Chiang Mai, overseen by a large statue of Queen Victoria, a gift (and this I find funny) from the UK Embassy, their motto being, "we can't do much for your whilst you're overseas and alive but we'll keep an eye on you when you're overseas and not". (joking of course)

  • Like 1

Really? no serious answers?

You must realize by now that you are asking the wrong folks for serious help...................................

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Your only talking about $60,000.Invest it really?5% interest?what 100000 baht interest,maybe.

where do you get 5% for such an amount? you cannot get much over 4 even in australia for risk free investment. In thailand you pay them to leave money in bank

I'll vouch for that it cost me 660 baht to make a cash deposit in Kasikorn bank in Patong.



This is a bit silly- to many 2 million is a great deal of money- could represent their life savings. To most TV members who are of course fabulously wealthy , they would not even consider picking it up if they dropped it in the street.

Personally I would give it to the Father Ray foundation- they do an incredible job


Really? no serious answers?

What do you expect ? Gotta be a trick question or troll. If you're so bored go read a book. Go for a walk. Have a beer.

  • Like 1

The OP obviously doesn't know that US$60,000 is chicken feed to posters on here. Not even worth investing.

yes it is (to use USA term) chump change,why bother? Is probably only 1 years expenses for most of us..why blow it only to be a paupers hoes again?

Wakey wakey hands of snakey and come back and ask when you have 10x the amount

only they will probably still have a go at you then.haha

You consider US$600k as worthy of investment? That's not even our maid's annual bonus.

You pay your maid a US$600,000 bonus every year really? How much is her salary then? US$2,4 million?? I should change prefession


I think not enough information to give any advice.

What is your investment time frame?

Is this gambling money that wouldn't significantly hurt you if you lost it are is protection of investment important.?

Would you get stressed out if your investment dropped 10% in one month?

Before following any anyone's advice find out how much investment experience they have and their results.

I hear many novice investors giving advice of ways to earn 20% interest but they have never made profit on their investments.

  • Like 1

You have 2 mil to invest? Don't tell me, you statred with 10, now down to 2 and now scared that you will be destitute in years time?

Find an IFA in BKK, I'm sure he will have some lovely ideas for you laugh.png


I'm interested in the world of investment, but have to be honest...I know nothing about it, but I'd like to learn.
Can anyone recommend a website or book where I could learn the (very) basics...preferably related to Thailand if that's even an issue.

If I had spare cash to invest, I would go for the safer option with lower returns. At least until I become an expert investor, of course. :-)


On a serious note 2.0 million baht can defiantly be worth investing if you know what your doing. But the amount is low for a 3-5% annual return and would require a more aggressive approach. I invested about 300.000baht and now have increased that to a near 1.750.000baht in about 3.5 months because I know what I'm doing in that area. All legal but as anything can involve risks. My goal is to make this into 10 million before June next year. This is just a side project from my normal business. But as anything know your shit and you can make money!


On a serious note 2.0 million baht can defiantly be worth investing if you know what your doing. But the amount is low for a 3-5% annual return and would require a more aggressive approach. I invested about 300.000baht and now have increased that to a near 1.750.000baht in about 3.5 months because I know what I'm doing in that area. All legal but as anything can involve risks. My goal is to make this into 10 million before June next year. This is just a side project from my normal business. But as anything know your shit and you can make money!

Warren, haven't seen you in a while, how's it hanging, how's Berkshure doin'? laugh.png

  • Like 1

I'm interested in the world of investment, but have to be honest...I know nothing about it, but I'd like to learn.

Can anyone recommend a website or book where I could learn the (very) basics...preferably related to Thailand if that's even an issue.

If I had spare cash to invest, I would go for the safer option with lower returns. At least until I become an expert investor, of course. :-)

It depends what you mean by investing...for me is a way of letting my money work for me instead me working for my money. For some it means buy real estate for others shares or investing in a business. What are you good at and can you make something out of it in thailand?


On a serious note 2.0 million baht can defiantly be worth investing if you know what your doing. But the amount is low for a 3-5% annual return and would require a more aggressive approach. I invested about 300.000baht and now have increased that to a near 1.750.000baht in about 3.5 months because I know what I'm doing in that area. All legal but as anything can involve risks. My goal is to make this into 10 million before June next year. This is just a side project from my normal business. But as anything know your shit and you can make money!

Warren, haven't seen you in a while, how's it hanging, how's Berkshure doin'? laugh.png

Who is Warren?

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