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Marrying A Thai


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If you marry a thai and go through the embassy and file the papers with the local amphur. What claims does the girl have on your annuities, pensions, savings and property in the states? Or do they only have a claim on your assets just in Thailand? If the marriage goes down the tubes.

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I should imagine it will have something to do with where you get divorced. I could be wrong, but I'm not sure how thorough a Thai Divorce court would be when dividing up the assets. And how would it be enforced?

I was told by the Government bods back in the UK that if you get divorced in Thailand it will be under Thai law, and if we get divorced in the UK it will be under UK law irrespective of where the marriage took place. I can't imagine divorce laws are homogeneous.

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Boris Becker made that mistake.

If your wife has the means/contacts/information necessary to persue you in the US/UK or whereever, she can claim her rights under the law back home.

If your law accepts your Thai marriage in terms of getting visas etc, then be sure it accepts your Thai marriage in terms of giving your Thai wife her rights.

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If you married in your home country I think it is likely that she has all the rights to the customary share of all your assets irrespective of where they are.

If you want to secure something only for yourself, arrange a prenuptial agreement.

Under Thai law the wife has a right to claim 50/50 of everything accrued during the marriage. If you are seperated anything bought during the separation is exempt. Additionally anything bought before the marriage, ie land house car etc, is exempt.

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If you marry a thai and go through the embassy and file the papers with the local amphur. What claims does the girl have on your annuities, pensions, savings and property in the states? Or do they only have a claim on your assets just in Thailand? If the marriage goes down the tubes.

Erm.. Am I the only one who saw this... Why are you wanting to get married if you are already set on the idea that it´ll go down the tubes...???

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If you marry a thai and go through the embassy and file the papers with the local amphur. What claims does the girl have on your annuities, pensions, savings and property in the states? Or do they only have a claim on your assets just in Thailand? If the marriage goes down the tubes.

Erm.. Am I the only one who saw this... Why are you wanting to get married if you are already set on the idea that it´ll go down the tubes...???

Aaah, that is a topic all of it's own, Kayo my friend :o

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Why does anyone want to get married period?

helps when u are two different nationalities getting residency etc - for one!

This is probably a big reason for people on this forum; especially for those wishing to take their partners back home.

Their is nothing wrong with being a realist. Finding out what your legal position is before you take the plunge is no bad thing. No matter how happy you are at the outset, everyone must realise there is always the chance that things will not work out.

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I am really sorry to say this, but if your marriage is registered via British Embassy, then you are legally married as in the UK. However, in the event of divorce she would have hard time proving to the judge that she was entitled to half. Based on the assumption that you have been married only a very short time and no kids. A lot of Thai girls think that if they marry one of us they will get half. NO, no, no. Have to be married at least 2 years before court take any notice. In my opinion, try to reach some financial agreement with her via third party. Make it quick and be ready to get in taxi together to amphur office. keep cool and make sure you receive your part of divorce paper. IMO

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Why does anyone want to get married period?

helps when u are two different nationalities getting residency etc - for one!


Guess getting residency will make it worthwhile for one to give up one's freedom and independence and money and wealth and all the beautiful and helpful local lasses one meets travelling the world.

Marriage is one institution I don't want to be confined in.

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Small note: I know the OP was talking about the USA, but some post refer to the UK. Please realise that prenuptual agreements are worth diddly in the UK Courts - don't rely on them. If you are really worried about your assets secure them by other means - trusts etc.

I would have thought it unlikely the sting would be to painfull if you were together a short time, but this will of course depend on the cirumstances. The court may take the view that you have made certain promises, or have a greater obligation to her, above and beyond a normal marriage contract by the fact you have taken her from her own country and may offer her something extra for the commitment she has made to you in leaving all behind and the situation you have left her in. As I said depends on the circumstances and the mood of the court (if it gets to court - in the UK it usually gets as far as a couple of Barristers swapping IOU's outside of court).

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Vidor King

"Take it from me, marriage isn't a word, it's a sentence!"

Benjamin Franklin

"Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards."

Sir Alan Patrick Herbert

"The critical period in matrimony is breakfast-time."

Miguel de Cervantes

"Marriage is a noose."


"The problem with most women is that they get all excited about nothing and then marry him."

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One more point , make sure BEFORE you start anything that have ALL the marriage papers in YOUR possesion. Do not give them over untill your are in amphur office. Take your passport and the cash. All the best

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Why does anyone want to get married period?

helps when u are two different nationalities getting residency etc - for one!

Also helps on the Pattaya 5 baht buses when you have the usual argument over the price. :D

Just get her to take over while you wander off for a beer......ha bt...I .... said ...HA baht.... :o:D wots e on about..?

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Why does anyone want to get married period?

EXACTLY!! One reason is that if you want to take them back to live in your country. In that case, you have no choice. Otherwise, it is folly and not necessary, unless you want to give her leverage to rip U off later.

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