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No. Completely different owners. They often end up with the same sources and reader submitted photos. They cover the same area so naturally they are going to have the same stories. But you will never see the identical story on both sites.


It seems that currently The Phuket News quality is going downhill while it used to be much higher compared to PG.

Now TPN is openly selling their religious views on their facebook page. I find this behaviour revolting, specially when it's combined with tragedies.

Please say a prayer (or hug a loved one if praying is not your thing) for the 90 who perished, and 40 more who suffered (and still are suffering) injuries – on this day, September 16, 7 years ago in Phuket as the result of the tragic 1-2 go landing at the airport. Let us not forget the lessons learned from the investigation. Amen... Satu.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/thephuketnews/photos/a.205660402863523.45259.203769013052662/667673459995546/?type=1


It seems that currently The Phuket News quality is going downhill while it used to be much higher compared to PG.

Now TPN is openly selling their religious views on their facebook page. I find this behaviour revolting, specially when it's combined with tragedies.

Please say a prayer (or hug a loved one if praying is not your thing) for the 90 who perished, and 40 more who suffered (and still are suffering) injuries – on this day, September 16, 7 years ago in Phuket as the result of the tragic 1-2 go landing at the airport. Let us not forget the lessons learned from the investigation. Amen... Satu.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/thephuketnews/photos/a.205660402863523.45259.203769013052662/667673459995546/?type=1

I usually enjoy your posts oilinki, but I am a bit puzzled here.

Isn't "revolting" a bit of a strong word to use in this context? I agree that it's not a great idea for The Phuket News to be seen to support a particular religion. But the post in question seemed to represent the feelings of an individual (Satu), who certainly sounded genuine in giving their sympathy, even if misplaced.

Would a sentiment taken from Buddhist beliefs also be out of place in this context?


It seems that currently The Phuket News quality is going downhill while it used to be much higher compared to PG.

Now TPN is openly selling their religious views on their facebook page. I find this behaviour revolting, specially when it's combined with tragedies.

Please say a prayer (or hug a loved one if praying is not your thing) for the 90 who perished, and 40 more who suffered (and still are suffering) injuries – on this day, September 16, 7 years ago in Phuket as the result of the tragic 1-2 go landing at the airport. Let us not forget the lessons learned from the investigation. Amen... Satu.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/thephuketnews/photos/a.205660402863523.45259.203769013052662/667673459995546/?type=1

"Prayer" is common to most religions, and death common to everyone on the planet - how is that "selling their religious views?"

How many posts on TV do you see when someone dies - "RIP." Is that offensive to those who believe in reincarnation?

I think you are being a bit harsh oilinki, but I suppose we all should be glad that we live in a place where one can express their religious views without fear of persecution and/or oppression, except from a few TV members. biggrin.png


I subscribe to both their email bulletins. The Gazette is usually Phuket related but I get all sorts of unwanted rubbish from the Phuket News. Why do I need a news report of yesterday's UK football matches, for example, from a Phuket-based site?

I did actually complain about this some time ago and they did say they agreed with me and that they would look into this. It hasn't happened. Before I get told to unsubscribe, I do want the Thai/Phuket-based news but not international stories a day after they are relevant.


It seems that currently The Phuket News quality is going downhill while it used to be much higher compared to PG.

Now TPN is openly selling their religious views on their facebook page. I find this behaviour revolting, specially when it's combined with tragedies.

Please say a prayer (or hug a loved one if praying is not your thing) for the 90 who perished, and 40 more who suffered (and still are suffering) injuries – on this day, September 16, 7 years ago in Phuket as the result of the tragic 1-2 go landing at the airport. Let us not forget the lessons learned from the investigation. Amen... Satu.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/thephuketnews/photos/a.205660402863523.45259.203769013052662/667673459995546/?type=1

I usually enjoy your posts oilinki, but I am a bit puzzled here.

Isn't "revolting" a bit of a strong word to use in this context? I agree that it's not a great idea for The Phuket News to be seen to support a particular religion. But the post in question seemed to represent the feelings of an individual (Satu), who certainly sounded genuine in giving their sympathy, even if misplaced.

Would a sentiment taken from Buddhist beliefs also be out of place in this context?

Amen = Satu(Thai)

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I usually enjoy your posts oilinki, but I am a bit puzzled here.

Isn't "revolting" a bit of a strong word to use in this context? I agree that it's not a great idea for The Phuket News to be seen to support a particular religion. But the post in question seemed to represent the feelings of an individual (Satu), who certainly sounded genuine in giving their sympathy, even if misplaced.

Would a sentiment taken from Buddhist beliefs also be out of place in this context?

That might have been a bit too strong word, but that's how I feel when I see religious words combined with these kind of stories. It's a bit of using the moment of suffering to push own propaganda. I'm not against personal believes. If a religion gives a person comfort, that's perfectly ok. But religions should be kept private and not to be pushed to others. This applies specially to media organizations.

I admit, I'm strongly against the missionaries who are using their own book's horror stories to push their agenda to others, often weaker people. I have seen this "giving an apple and slowly bringing in the snake" act done by the missionaries right here in Phuket. The people who were pushing their religion might have been in genuine believe that they bring hope and happiness to the mentally weaker people, but in fact they caused a lot of damage by messing with the peoples mind.


That might have been a bit too strong word, but that's how I feel when I see religious words combined with these kind of stories. It's a bit of using the moment of suffering to push own propaganda. I'm not against personal believes. If a religion gives a person comfort, that's perfectly ok. But religions should be kept private and not to be pushed to others. This applies specially to media organizations.

I admit, I'm strongly against the missionaries who are using their own book's horror stories to push their agenda to others, often weaker people. I have seen this "giving an apple and slowly bringing in the snake" act done by the missionaries right here in Phuket. The people who were pushing their religion might have been in genuine believe that they bring hope and happiness to the mentally weaker people, but in fact they caused a lot of damage by messing with the peoples mind.

I agree that the post should have been made under the author's own name, instead of representing The Phuket News. But in my opinion, this wasn't posted with the intent of being religious propaganda. Of course, if the Phuket News regularly posts statements like this, then perhaps they do have an ulterior motive!

Buddhism seems very resilient in Thailand. Instead of fighting other religious beliefs, many of the Thai Buddhists I know include parts of other religions into their own belief systems.

I agree that the days of missionaries should be consigned to history.


I imagine not being able to broadcast they're radio station is hurting the Phuket News's bottom line quite a bit, wish they'd let them come back on air, enjoyed it myself.


@nkg In retrospect that TPN status hit to my soft spot and therefore I reacted more with feeling than with brain.. :/


"Prayer" is common to most religions

Yes, that's the point. It's offensive to rational, sane, logical, realistic atheists.

Otherwise, totally innocuous.

I am an atheist, and am not even remotely offended.

Each to their own I reckon... If some want to offer prayer, well good luck to them.... I just offer sympathy.


"Prayer" is common to most religions

Yes, that's the point. It's offensive to rational, sane, logical, realistic atheists.

Otherwise, totally innocuous.

I am an atheist, and am not even remotely offended.

Each to their own I reckon... If some want to offer prayer, well good luck to them.... I just offer sympathy.

I guess irony isn't your thing, eh?


@nkg In retrospect that TPN status hit to my soft spot and therefore I reacted more with feeling than with brain.. :/

"I reacted more with feeling than with brain.." - "feelings" are dangerous things to have, in Thailand. biggrin.png


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I subscribe to both their email bulletins. The Gazette is usually Phuket related but I get all sorts of unwanted rubbish from the Phuket News. Why do I need a news report of yesterday's UK football matches, for example, from a Phuket-based site?

I did actually complain about this some time ago and they did say they agreed with me and that they would look into this. It hasn't happened. Before I get told to unsubscribe, I do want the Thai/Phuket-based news but not international stories a day after they are relevant.

thats because they use common newsfeeds for their website which gives it "fresh content" for google to lap up, same as many so called news stes here do.

I imagine not being able to broadcast they're radio station is hurting the Phuket News's bottom line quite a bit, wish they'd let them come back on air, enjoyed it myself.

they went back on air today, first English speaking radio to be approved for FM transmission

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Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png


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