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Stalker in a Chiang Mai Mall!


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This is not a story about women foreigners threatened by perverts or robbers because they wear bikinis but about young Thai women — known often on this site as “eye candy” —shopping in a Chiang Mai mall and a foreigner they encountered.

Today, a singlet-clad but otherwise fairly presentable older expatriate was lounging between the escalators in a popular mall oogling and smiling at every pair of short shorts that passed by, commonly two pair worn by girlfriends out shopping. If the smile was returned — which is rather a nice reflexive Northern Thai custom — he would swivel, following the girl(s) along with another smile of a suggestive nature, his version of a come hither look. That was ignored but did solicit one overheard comment in Thai from his quarry along the lines of “Did you see that weird farang?” Apparently, he didn't hear it or understand Thai.

Later, he was encountered once again pursuing a couple of girls walking toward the mall market. They apparently had smiled back. He was closing fast! They picked up speed to lose him, the hand of one under the elbow of the other to hustle her along. Passing by, one was heard warning the other of the “crazy farang ” behind them.

Well, the girls were “asking for it,” weren’t they ?! They should know better than visit dangerous places like malls with horny farang hanging out around the escalator!

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I think a stalker has to choose and frequently pursue 1 particular victim.

Looking at random girls, and walking the same way as one pair.

Doesn't really count for much in Thailand.

Where Thai gangs appear to routinely abduct and gang rape girls.

Some weirdo males with white skin allegedly attempt to talk or nod randomly at other white foreigners.

Doesn't get much stranger than that!

Thats one of your favorite sayings "eye candy",

regards worgeordie

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I think a stalker has to choose and frequently pursue 1 particular victim.

Looking at random girls, and walking the same way as one pair.

Doesn't really count for much in Thailand.

Where Thai gangs appear to routinely abduct and gang rape girls.

Some weirdo males with white skin allegedly attempt to talk or nod randomly at other white foreigners.

Doesn't get much stranger than that!

Thats one of your favorite sayings "eye candy",

regards worgeordie

Can you point to a post where I have used those words?


I was at the Wat Umong 'greasy pole' contest all day today.

Nobody managed to win the 7k prize.

This guy came close ....


Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Got stalked by a guy asking **"Where you come from?" years back, I think he wanted to deflower my fundament.

After he asked me this question about 10 times I realized he knew no other words in the English language, was high on something, or both.

So I got on my motor and left. Then he followed me on his bike. I rudely yelled at him to piss off but he still he trailed me, stopping at every intersection

to ask "Where you come from?". I stated driving around randomly and could not shake this freak. Having no desire to lead him to the location I was staying I approached the first Police

I saw and he quickly took off.

**(By the way I never ask anyone "Where are you from?" Even though I get asked all the time, apparently so common in polite conversation here.

It is really a pointless question unless one indulges in facile assumptions and prejudices, archaic notions of nationalist identity.

If somebody wants to tell me where they are from they will. I'm much more interested in knowing whatever somebody is about and what they have to offer in a more

individual and genuine sense.)

Edited by arunsakda
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**(By the way I never ask anyone "Where are you from?" Even though I get asked all the time, apparently so common in polite conversation here.

It is really a pointless question unless one indulges in facile assumptions and prejudices, archaic notions of nationalist identity.

If somebody wants to tell me where they are from they will. I'm much more interested in knowing whatever somebody is about and what they have to offer in a more

individual and genuine sense.)


In Hongkong Triad lingo "where you come from" meant which gang do you belong to and who's your "big brother." Among friends, when asked this question from a non triad, the humorous answer was invariably: "I come from my mother"


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In Hongkong Triad lingo "where you come from" meant which gang do you belong to and who's your "big brother." Among friends, when asked this question from a non triad, the humorous answer was invariably: "I come from my mother"


Next time I get asked that I will reply, "Hoi Mare", or your advice.

Same thing in parts of the States with gangster types.

Wearing the wrong color sports jersey can also get you killed.

Hostile locals at Hawaii surfing spots also ask this politely before they punch you out.smile.png

I grew up in California mostly, nobody would ask "What are you?" (nationality).

Then when I worked in the NYC area people asked it all the time. Thought it to be rude but people there want to know if you are Greek, Romanian, Irish, whatever.

Some kind of tribalism I guess.

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Sounds like satire to me:

A reversal of the "If Western women do not want to attract unwanted attention they should not wear bikinis" line to make a point that this line of argument cuts both ways . . . and is just as ridiculous on either side of the cultural spectrum.

If is intended as satire as I assume and hope, good luck getting people who will view this thread to see past the story on its surface to its subtle implications.

If it isn't intended as satire, it just invites the worst trolls to crawl out and reinforce once again the TV stereotype.

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Theres a similar freak (35-45) that hangs out at the Huay Kaew Aboretum, walking around in slacks, dress shirt and formal shoes. He approaches every girl (14-18) he can and ask for their number.

Ive also seen a group of Thai guys that noticed what he was up to and were planning to give him a serious ass beating.

Some of these cheap freaks need to keep it at Loy Kroh and stop trying to bed innocent girls with a bright future ahead, only to be tarnished by some farang's venereal disease.

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Theres a similar freak (35-45) that hangs out at the Huay Kaew Aboretum, walking around in slacks, dress shirt and formal shoes. He approaches every girl (14-18) he can and ask for their number.

Ive also seen a group of Thai guys that noticed what he was up to and were planning to give him a serious ass beating.

Some of these cheap freaks need to keep it at Loy Kroh and stop trying to bed innocent girls with a bright future ahead, only to be tarnished by some farang's venereal disease.

What may I ask is wrong with tailored slacks, a dress shirt and decent shoes? Ceap freaks with VD? What a grump you must be.

Edited by Boo
removed nationality reference
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So I ask; what are the security staff doing in these shopping malls who`s job is supposed to be looking out for this sort of thing? Especially taking into consideration that the alleged sexual predator was lurking about and approaching girls in full view by the escalators. I have heard that these events have now become common practice at the malls.

When my daughter used to attend University here in Chiang Mai, she told me that at least 3 or 4 times per week an odd old farang would appear on the grounds trying to chat up and take photos of the female students. Many had to be seen off the premises by a security guard. There was one instance when I turned up at my daughter`s University to pay the beginning of term fees and ended up almost being physically thrown off the premises by 4 security guards until my daughter came rushing out and explained who I am.

I think the main problem is that many of these old farangs are under the comprehension that all Thai women are of the same kind one would encounter in the Loi Kroh Road and that all Thai woman are cheap and easy as has been portrayed by the western media over the years.

Any farang pervs seen trying to approach and annoy young innocent women passers by should be arrested for soliciting and face heavy fines, deportation as undesirable aliens or even a custodial sentence, the same as they would in their home countries.

Bugger me...we have a relatively serious topic and you have to bring it back to Loi Kroh again.

So far the only things you have not held Loi Kroh responsible for is the outbreak of Ebola in Western Africa, the sinking of the Lusitania, and being a causal factor for the third gunman on the grassy knoll.

The fact that you "think" that old farang treat Thai women generically as hookers ...and that non Thai hookers are intrinsically innocent is of no value. I would think less of an individual if they were to treat each differently. Why not have courteous and respectful interactions with both? I am responsible for my interactions not the person I am interacting with.

By all means criticise the unsolicited approach, the dress sense, the tackiness of it, the ignorance of it, the sheer rudeness of it ...and I would agree with you entirely. Would I tolerate such behaviour if I saw it is an easy no. There but for the grace of God could have been my own daughter and I would react nastily to that very quickly. If an individual is socially challenged and not with the program that cannot be directly attributable to Loi Kroh. At some point an individual must be held responsible for their actions. Blaming something or someone else is a cop out and diminishes the seriousness of the act and reduces the individuals accountability for their own actions.

Loi Kroh is not responsible for this individuals errant behaviour no more that his mother for not hugging him, for hugging him to much, or for breastfeeding till he was 17.

Don't give an obnoxious person an excuse to explain or try to legitimise their bad behaviour. He's over 18, it is all on him

Edited by mamborobert
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Oddly and strangely perhaps, I am with BJ on this point.

I also see similar events as described by the OP, from time to time, mostly in shopping malls of course, most longer term older expats do, I'm sure. What should I do, should I challenge the potential stalker, try to protect the stalkee (s) I think not. I think an effective solution sometimes is to make contact followed by a shake of the head. Clearly, if the rare need is to take matters to the next level should arise, protection of the stalkee (s) or more, I would have no hesitation to engage, fellow countrymen or not.

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17yo Thai girl has just approached me this afternoon, can I have her locked up and deported?

I was sitting outside camp, minding my own business, waiting for the movie to start at Maya cinema.

It was a very disturbing situation, foreigners could have thought I was stalking her.

Or does it only work one way?


Movie was As above, below.

Made me jump many times, but not really worthwhile.

(Only 80 bht with my Senior card so no big loss)

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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17yo Thai girl has just approached me this afternoon, can I have her locked up and deported?

I was sitting outside camp, minding my own business, waiting for the movie to start at Maya cinema.

It was a very disturbing situation, foreigners could have thought I was stalking her.

Or does it only work one way?


Movie was As above, below.

Made me jump many times, but not really worthwhile.

(Only 80 bht with my Senior card so no big loss)

Play it safe. Send her to me.

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I'm with beetlejuice on this, although I don't know if I'd blame Loy Kroh, per se. It's common that "dirty old men" hang out around college campuses and campus security guards should be well aware of this. There was a stalker who used to hang out around the sorority houses on my campus, trying to look in the windows, hiding in the shrubs, playing with himself. One of my sorority sisters, opened a back door and found him standing there, exposing himself.

Of course, in retrospect, she should have laughed and commented about how small he was, but when something like that happens, when you're not expecting it, it really is a violation. She was all alone, exiting the sorority house out of the basement where she had stored her bicycle. The last thing she needed to deal with was a large, old man standing in front of the door at full staff.

Fortunately, the campus police took this incident, and others like it very seriously. Good to see they do here, also.

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Trouble is,

There has always been a lot of hookers working Airport Plaza and KSK.

Security has been keeping the hookers out of Maya and Festival.

Keep the pros out, and there will be less problems of this sort.

These creeps aren't looking for professional prostitutes... they're looking for innocent girls in their teens.

Wake up.

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