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Am I eligible for a Non Imm “O” – marriage visa?

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Assuming I met a bar girl fallen madly inlove, got married after 2 weeks and soon after our marriage, we have made a joint decision to live separately, different cities even but to stay married.

We see each other several times/year.

Keep in mind that I hardly know the woman due to the circumstances(we met, married and lived apart all in 1 month) but I wish to give it a try, several years even because I am a true believer in love.

She also wish to give it a try and is willing to come with me to immigration office when needed ( for her own reasons ofcours)

Considering the above:

1. Am I eligible for a Non Imm “O” – marriage visa?

2. Can I renew my visa every year if the situation stays the same? (married but live apart)

3. Except divorcing me, what are the risks I have with regards to my wife, considering I don't plan to own any house/property in Thailand?

Any info from someone who has successful "similar" marriage is welcomed!


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to get an extension in Thailand your wife would have to go with you to immigration, you would have to produce pictures of you both together at the home, and also they might even come and interview you both at home and ask the neighbours questions.

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How much you going to pay here, do you have the 400,000baht required for an extension?

Assuming these 400,000 Baht can be withdrawn when/if I decide to leave Thailand, then I can keep 400,000 in a bank account for as long as needed, sure. Pls let me know if I got this wrong.

To me this is a story of a guy who wants to stay in Thailand at whatever cost, and is thinking of entering into marriage so he can stay.

You are right 100%.

Edited by MikeTheDike
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To me this is a story of a guy who wants to stay in Thailand at whatever cost, and is thinking of entering into marriage so he can stay.

You are right 100%.

Before doing it, you must consider about the money the bargirl can keep you on the hook for each year extension. And all the demands she can make, e.g. a child born during wedlock, that will be legally your, plus demands in case you want to divorce, etc.

And since the law requires that the marriage is "de iure and de facto", it won't take much for a zealous immigration officer (they are not stupid after all) to deny the extension. The 30 days under evaluation period is meant exactly to ascertain that.

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If he loves the lady (former var girl) and not live together I am sure he will:

1. Send monthly support payments to the woman he loves

2. Save proof of frequent conversation over email and skype.

3. Conversation over social apps such as Line.

4. Based on his love and communication with his wife he would be able to talk about her daily life and she would know about his daily life.

5. Exchanging pictures.

6. Include conversation about future plans to live together in the near future.

I know someone met a lady working in a bank and dated for a month before he returned to America. They had constant communication over internet for a year before applying for fiancee visa to America.

I wouldn't want an Internet relationship but maybe short time ok.

I am hoping the guy us honest about a true marriage but 95% chance it is a fraud

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I can see a "very good business opportunity" biggrin.png

After visa run companies (playing the visa exempt), "schools" providing visas (who cares about learning), what do you think of a company providing a package with: a "temporary wife" + a visa and route to an extension of stay based on "marriage" (with a THB400K loan for 3 months)...

I'm quite sure there will be lots of customers w00t.gif

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to get an extension in Thailand your wife would have to go with you to immigration, you would have to produce pictures of you both together at the home, and also they might even come and interview you both at home and ask the neighbours questions.

Exactly and don't forget for the 1st Extension you also need to have a witness (who needs to go to Immigration with you) that knows you are living together.

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They came to check us here at our home and needed to provide a witness. This was the 5th or 6th extension (recent). We also always go to immigration together to get the extension of stay. So I don't think its as easy as some people think it is.

I think your best bet is a language school, but then you actually have to do some study too.

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When i first read the OP i was thinking that MikeTheDick was talking about getting a Non O Multi entry visa based on marriage?

Don't want to be giving him or anyone else ideas but whats stopping them from getting this visa in Laos, where i believe you don't have to show any financials or be accompanied with your wife?

Hope there's something in force to stop bogus marriages for this visa.

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It is sad after 4-5 years you still to prove it is a legitimate marriage.

Also sad if a legitimate marriage breaks then the foreigner has no rights to continue living in Thailand (unless they have children together)

Yes that is the way it is .. i feel its bad too that the moment the marriage breaks your gone.. unless you can find an other reason. Can you imagine you got kids but they are adult now and your wife of many years dies before you...

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Can you imagine you got kids but they are adult now and your wife of many years dies before you...

You could still get an extension based upon being the parent of a Thai. There is no age limit.

Ok sorry did not know that I assumed it was differently because a friend of mine was worried about this. Thanks for the information.

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Hope there's something in force to stop bogus marriages for this visa.

Unfortunately not really, it's only the Immigration (when you go and apply for an extension of stay and give them the 2" of paperwork) that can check.

The only things (IMHO) that are in place to check that the marriage is not bogus when you apply for the extension of stay (based on Marriage) are

- The 2" (sorry bit exaggerated) Rigorous check of Paperwork

- The Immigration Officer who will interview you and check the paperwork

- A Home Visit by Immigration Officers (but those are rare)

- Yourself and the missus

- The 400.000 Thb in an account for 2 Months

- The Team that checks the Paperwork at the Immigration Head office responsible for your region.

But please note, that is Immigration, if you apply at an Embassy there is nothing between getting a Visa then the Embassy official and his/her glance at the paperwork.

But as UJ already said, and I fully agree, it's the guys as the OP that make it more difficult (each year) (read more paperwork/scrutiny) for genuine married (and living together) couples to get their extensions, but that is the case with all Visa's/Extensions (ED Visas for example).

Edited by MJCM
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To answer your Question./..points:




I am not saying that you should or make any assumptions regarding your intentions but I do know of some guys who have done above...lifes a contract I suppose...but always with hidden clauses..

Visa Extentions..as stated in previous comments take on a different nature...

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