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Special report: Investigation into Koh Tao murders seriously flawed


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Before we start jumping all over the thai police let me ask one question.

How many murders go unsolved in your old country where they have all the latest equipment and training.

There are a couple of things to rmember.

1 KT is a back packers paradise because there is no police and it is a free and easy place.

That is good if you want to let loose but also makes life easy forsomeone that wants to do harm.

2. because it is an island there is in actuality no way to stop boats fromleaving

Koh Tao does have police on the island there office is some 50 meters away from where the murders took place unless they have moved it since I was last there !

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Before they ---the concerned authorities say or do anything ---- they should first solve the "Case of the Dead Saudi Diplomat" which was from the 80s!!!

All the suspects are dead--- most probably killed by the police themselves!!! Someone wrote here a comment on corruption, well look no further than this case... never has been solved, never will be solved due to the fact they themselves were involved!!! So this is it!!! If a case like this being pushed by the Saudi Arabian royal family gets no results for over 30 years how will a case like this be resolved????

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"Police initially thought of turning to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation for help, but the idea was dropped when getting similar inferior and controllable assistance from Singapore became an option."

Would obviously be quite difficult to tamper with US DNA results...

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Before they ---the concerned authorities say or do anything ---- they should first solve the "Case of the Dead Saudi Diplomat" which was from the 80s!!!

All the suspects are dead--- most probably killed by the police themselves!!! Someone wrote here a comment on corruption, well look no further than this case... never has been solved, never will be solved due to the fact they themselves were involved!!! So this is it!!! If a case like this being pushed by the Saudi Arabian royal family gets no results for over 30 years how will a case like this be resolved????

Was thinking the same a moment ago.

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So in the same day the police force come out blaming social media for muddying up the waters and bringing harm to the investigation, and now this article comes out and states several points I myself and many others have been screaming about the entire time.

The police are incompetent, they are corrupt, they are bought and legalized gangsters. This needs to change if Thailand is to change, and this double murder, at least in my 5 years being here, has caused the most international uproar and pressure out of any crime excluding coups. Lets hope this is a tipping point and the Mr General takes this and uses it to push forward. It is a great opportunity for him and Thailand to start setting the railway tracks straight.

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Everyone knows the police is totally incapable and corrupt.

How many of the mysterious tourists deaths on Thai Islands during the last years got solved?

Hope this case is an exception, but probably not.

If Thai people would be murdered this way, there wouldn't even be an investigation of this kind.

Thai people suffer even more from the incompetence of the police.

What is most important is that the parents and family are not given false hope.

I see the police making declarations about how it will take another 2 days, while in reality they've messed up the whole case and have no idea of where to look.

The family should be aware of how Thai police works or doesn't work.

That will protect them from disappointments later on.

Edited by kriswillems
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Everyone knows the police is totally incapable and corrupt.

How many of the mysterious tourists deaths on Thai Islands during the last years got solved?

Hope this case is an exception, but probably not.

If Thai people would be murdered this way, there wouldn't even be an investigation of this kind.

Thai people suffer even more from the incompetence of the police.

What is most important is that the parents and family are not given false hope.

I see the police making declarations about how it will take another 2 days, while in reality they've messed up the whole case and have no idea of where to look.

The family should be aware of how Thai police works or doesn't work.

That will protect them from disappointments later on.

I was speaking about this one facebook yesterday about how flawed the police force have been in the case and the crime scene itself. Someone said to me, 'well you live in a developing country, what do you expect?'

I guess to some extent this should be considered, the Westernization of Thailand, the Burger King, shopping malls, all that crap sometimes can mask the fact we still live in a country far behind out homelands. That being said human nature should prevail in times such as a horrific double murder, common sense also maybe, if it exists here?

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Thai police are reportedly coordinating with her family in the United Kingdom to get phone registration details and see if they can unearth any relevant clues.

why would you be releasing to the media your plan to get phone registration details, just another flaw i guess

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In my opinion, they had a great opportunity, as it happened on a small island. If I was the killer, I would get off the island as quickly as possible, especially if they start dna investigation.

More then 4000 burmese on the island, ok, but everyone that work there and have nothing to do with it will not try to escape. so if they would have controlled very well everyone leaving the island immediately the days after .... would have a record of Burmese that wants to leave, tourist that are suspicious/non suspicious .. locals that leave for what reason ?

these were maybe more possible dna samples then anyone on the island.

the search can also be narrowed to men .. age .. smoker (maybe brand) .. alibi of the people still on the island.

also distance of the crime scene, I don't think a rapper will bring his hoe from the other side of the island (without witnesses) the hoe should come from nearby ..

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I think the Thai police followed their own experiences at first. It is not likely that the common people of Kho Tao would do a crime like this. Perhaps we all have seen to much fbi stories on tv. It takes some time to make a profile of the murderers.

That they left the murder weapon, it very odd. Or they are plain stupid or just full of confidence. If the last is the case, the police should look into older cases, there might be a match. If this was a sexual offence, it must have occurred more often and it will happen again in the future. Perhaps those rapists are buddies (and always travel together). The police assumed they are drug abusers, are they? Was Jack the Ripper a drug abuser?

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I also asked myself 'how the murders knew about the woman'? Did they have met somewhere? Did they followed them or was it an coincidence? Where did the ax (field tool) came from? They must have stolen it. Or did they carry it? Somebody must have seen this.

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If Prayuth doesn't step in right now, tell the RTP to keep their mouths shut, get some Police/Military there who know what the <deleted> they are doing, stop making contradictory statements, and stop taking cash from the local big shots to "clear" them of any wrongdoing, then nothing will have changed here.

Maybe you should ask yourself, why he has not already done this a long time ago? It has been clear for days, that the investigation was a joke.

Nothing has changed or ever will. The agenda is still corruption, greed, racism and MONEY. Believing one man can change what requires a total mindset change in EVERYBODY, is an illusion. There is no hero, rightfulness or justice in this country and never will be for many generations to come.

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General consensus among Thais and expats is that the police always find the path of least resistance work and officially close cases with some absurd speculation.

Thai police proved themselves incompetent and poorly trained. Perhaps the new government could fix this by creating their own FBI who are trained in the west.

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General consensus among Thais and expats is that the police always find the path of least resistance work and officially close cases with some absurd speculation.

Thai police proved themselves incompetent and poorly trained. Perhaps the new government could fix this by creating their own FBI who are trained in the west.

It's called the DSI.

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They think the guys that did this don't follow the media on this too? Let's just tell them exactly how we're investigating this so they know. I mean if you were the guy that did this and you heard that the police are trying to get the iphone info, don't you think you would lose that phone real quick. Such incompetent idiots it's almost unbelievable.

Edited by joedot
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General consensus among Thais and expats is that the police always find the path of least resistance work and officially close cases with some absurd speculation.

Thai police proved themselves incompetent and poorly trained. Perhaps the new government could fix this by creating their own FBI who are trained in the west.

This case, does not require trained police. I am 100% sure that the people on Koh Tao and the police know exactly who did this.

To solve a case like this requires non-corrupt police - nothing else. Thats also why the case is still unsolved and will remain so (unless a migrant scapegoat is found in the last minute).

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UK myst demand that Scotland Yard gets involved to oversee the investigation. It will benefit Thailand as well because the police here obviously needs to learn about proper procedures and conduct. The UK government can't accept what has now happened.

The junta has to reform the police and it's going to be difficult. Without police reforms such reforms as the drive against corruption will fail again, and failure of the reforms means that the threat of Thaksin coming back and more instability. They have to do it. Take down the police completely. Change everything including the uniforms.

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