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Creepy village idiots walking past my yard having a good look inside


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Every 3 weeks I start up my honda self propelled petrol lawn mower. It sounds like a chopper landing in the front yard. I assume I might be the only resident that has a mower as most folk use the hand held brushcutter.

Once again today whilst I was cutting the grass I had a couple of guys have a good look at my machine. The first guy walked past carrying a small rubbish bag. He walked close to my fence and looked at my mower and then kept walking and had a longer look inside the car port.

Then another guy arrived 5 min later on a bike pretending to sell the lottery tickets (with that wooden box on the front of his bike). He rode around and had a good look. He didnt bother to ride down the end of the street but did a circle and rode past my fence again and had a good look inside. All whilst I was there looking at him.

These people have no shame. Needless to say that I have to keep the mower at the in laws house- and bring it back here each time I need to use it. Obviously still hope that no one jumps my fence and has a look around whilst we are at work next week.

I think that both of the guys described above work on the numerous houses that are being built in the village where I live. Its a classic that they actually do not care that I am looking at them having a long look inside my yard and carport.

Have you had any similar experiences?

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Did you never stop to ogle an E-type jag or a Ferrari on someones drive when you had never seen one before? Would you expect to be called creepy or to be casing the joint simply for looking at such a beautiful machine?

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Unless they work on a golf course they've probably never seen a lawnmower up close and personal.

Being a born delegator (and naturally lazy), I'd invite them to learn how to use it to increase their skillset that may lead to a new and lucrative career, convince them they need hours of exposure to become proficient in its use, and set up a weekly roster for them to come and mow my lawns.

Of course, I wouldn't charge them for the training and I'd give them free use of the lawnmower - I'll even supply the petrol for free. But I'd suggest that a bottle of beer coming my way occasionally wouldn't go amiss. thumbsup.gif

I like the way you think! The only downside is them dragging the mower over a foot wearing only flip-flops...things could turn right nasty, what with the ducks eating the toes and all ;)

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Unless they work on a golf course they've probably never seen a lawnmower up close and personal.

Being a born delegator (and naturally lazy), I'd invite them to learn how to use it to increase their skillset that may lead to a new and lucrative career, convince them they need hours of exposure to become proficient in its use, and set up a weekly roster for them to come and mow my lawns.

Of course, I wouldn't charge them for the training and I'd give them free use of the lawnmower - I'll even supply the petrol for free. But I'd suggest that a bottle of beer coming my way occasionally wouldn't go amiss. thumbsup.gif

I like the way you think! The only downside is them dragging the mower over a foot wearing only flip-flops...things could turn right nasty, what with the ducks eating the toes and all wink.png

Steel capped Jandals would be compulsory.


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