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Jobs & Work Permits - advice please

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Hi all,

My name is Lewis, I've travelled over to Thailand over 15 times now and love it.

I'm eager to go and spend some time over there 6 + months at the least and get myself some work.

Ideally I was interested in doing a TEFL to go and teach English, preferably in Phuket (love it there) however, of course most establishments want to see you with a BA degree of some kind in order to grant a work permit.

I don't want to risk attempting to try and work for a school without a degree / work permit and getting fined.

The alternative to that is working as a volunteer, I have found a foundation that hires volunteers to help children with arts crafts, English, sports, cooking and so forth, in which they provide accommodation, local travel and most importantly a work permit. I have a extremely healthy balance in my bank so I'm not concerned as the volunteering work I know wont be paid. Financial gain is not the reason for my trip.

However, I have a lot of skills not just down to teaching English, I'm a level 4 qualified Personal Trainer and Nutritional Adviser, also working in the property market in sales for 3 years amongst many other professional including retail and so forth.

I realise it is difficult to get granted a work permit as a ferang unless the government deems your professional as a positive aid to the country - e.g. education.

If anyone has any ideas of areas of work besides education that would grant a work permit - of course that suited my skillset please fire away! :)

I just want to spend some time over in the country I love so very much.

If anyone has any questions or wants to know more so they can reply more accurately then just ask.

Thanks a lot !

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I do know a bit of Thai and its deffinatly something I would like to explore but being in a educational scenario for this trip isn't exactly what I'm looking for, however if it facilitates me spending some time in Thailand it could be on the cards :)

Are you interested in learning Thai, the 1 year ED visa might be a good idea for you.smile.png

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I do know a bit of Thai and its deffinatly something I would like to explore but being in a educational scenario for this trip isn't exactly what I'm looking for, however if it facilitates me spending some time in Thailand it could be on the cards smile.png

Are you interested in learning Thai, the 1 year ED visa might be a good idea for you.smile.png

Have a look at this site for current job offers in Thailand and the requirement they want. You are right, most want/need you to have a degree, however, there are some exceptions.


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Getting a WP is not really that difficult, if you have a job. Getting a job with a company that needs foreigners and is willing to pay for them and get them WPs is the difficult part. Unlike the UK and most developed countries the Thai Labour Ministry doesn't yet require real evidence why the job can't be done by a Thai, even tho they do now ask the question. They are more interested in checking that your salary reaches the minimum standard for your nationality and that your company has at least 4 Thais and 2 million paid up capital for each foreigner. It's very easy for large companies.

You could try condo sales in Pattaya, Phuket, Samui. Things like personal trainer can be done for peanuts by zillions of Thais who graduate as PE teachers every year.

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