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Ticks, my solution


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Ivermectin sold by various vets ,prob govt vet cheapest a 100 ml bottle about 500 or so baht. Takes a week or two to build into dogs system ,as it interferes with ticks nervous system,squirt into dogs food at rate of 1 ml per 10 kilo weight,or inject,once a month

Bayticol ok but deet oil mixed with shampoo keeps them free

is deet safe with shampoo L1 ours likes to lick his overcoat after a shower.with him having a double coat we do have trouble keeping him tick free.

but if he has a female blood sucker attached and he can reach it he will suck it out without breaking it,and then he will let us now by standing over it.

May not be able to buy it here ,but neem oil you can,mix that with shampoo,"noticks" I buy that too ,but not in Thailand. Think bigger hardware stores sell neem oil,mix it yourself one to one add water

Edited by loppylugs1
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all of us that care for our beloveds should take heed,yesterday our boys blood test came back.

it has gone up over the past 6weeks from a count of 20,000 to 300,000.

the vet explained to the wife,the lowest should be 160,000 to a maximum of 500,000.so if we hadnt spotted his unusual behavior when we did he might not have been so lucky.

so its blood tests every 6months instead of 12.

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I did as the vet advised, didn't bath the dog for two days and then applied the Frontline Plus to her back between the shoulder blades as shown in the English language leaflet. I was told not to bathe her for at least two days afterwards as well. I left it three days just to be on the safe side. The leaflet says that it can take up to two days for the treatment to become fully effective. After a day I was picking ticks out of her coat but they were all dead. Now I'm happy to report she's tick-free and looking much happier for it. The Frontline Plus is very easy to apply and doesn't bother the dog at all, so I'll use this every month from now on. Does the tick season in Thailand ever end or do you have to apply this stuff all year round?

I'm new to this, but some people have said that Frontline doesn't work on their dogs. The Frontline Plus comes in different size doses for dogs of different weights. If you have a big dog and somebody sold you the dose for a small dog then it might well not be effective. Just a thought, that's all.

Thanks for the advice everyone.

I apply Endex and occasionally Bayticol all the year round, even though the problem does become less intensive in the 'cooler' time of year. However when you see the good news that an adult female can lay up to 10 or 20 000 eggs at a go, and that these can remain viable for up to three years, I think you have to continue. We also spray the dog pound. It is difficult to eradicate the eggs but emerging larvae can be got at. It's a never ending struggle.

(Edit): we also give them a bath with tick shampoo once a week, which they enjoy. Chaindrite cockroach spray is effective but you have to get the dogs away from that area for an hour or so.

Edited by cooked
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I did as the vet advised, didn't bath the dog for two days and then applied the Frontline Plus to her back between the shoulder blades as shown in the English language leaflet. I was told not to bathe her for at least two days afterwards as well. I left it three days just to be on the safe side. The leaflet says that it can take up to two days for the treatment to become fully effective. After a day I was picking ticks out of her coat but they were all dead. Now I'm happy to report she's tick-free and looking much happier for it. The Frontline Plus is very easy to apply and doesn't bother the dog at all, so I'll use this every month from now on. Does the tick season in Thailand ever end or do you have to apply this stuff all year round?

I'm new to this, but some people have said that Frontline doesn't work on their dogs. The Frontline Plus comes in different size doses for dogs of different weights. If you have a big dog and somebody sold you the dose for a small dog then it might well not be effective. Just a thought, that's all.

Thanks for the advice everyone.

I apply Endex and occasionally Bayticol all the year round, even though the problem does become less intensive in the 'cooler' time of year. However when you see the good news that an adult female can lay up to 10 or 20 000 eggs at a go, and that these can remain viable for up to three years, I think you have to continue. We also spray the dog pound. It is difficult to eradicate the eggs but emerging larvae can be got at. It's a never ending struggle.

(Edit): we also give them a bath with tick shampoo once a week, which they enjoy. Chaindrite cockroach spray is effective but you have to get the dogs away from that area for an hour or so.

Think when you open the Endex packet up there is a card of pills that is stamped on the reverse Ivermectin. Ivermectin I purchase by the 100x bottle from Govt vet ,last year 350 this year probably twice the price. Can inject or put in food,which I do once a month. Once in dogs system I get no ticks.

Had a dog that got tick disease,well soi dog that I tried to help,but antibiotics did not work ,got the vet to put port in leg and finished it off

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I did as the vet advised, didn't bath the dog for two days and then applied the Frontline Plus to her back between the shoulder blades as shown in the English language leaflet. I was told not to bathe her for at least two days afterwards as well. I left it three days just to be on the safe side. The leaflet says that it can take up to two days for the treatment to become fully effective. After a day I was picking ticks out of her coat but they were all dead. Now I'm happy to report she's tick-free and looking much happier for it. The Frontline Plus is very easy to apply and doesn't bother the dog at all, so I'll use this every month from now on. Does the tick season in Thailand ever end or do you have to apply this stuff all year round?

I'm new to this, but some people have said that Frontline doesn't work on their dogs. The Frontline Plus comes in different size doses for dogs of different weights. If you have a big dog and somebody sold you the dose for a small dog then it might well not be effective. Just a thought, that's all.

Thanks for the advice everyone.

Frontline was definitively ineffective on my Golden retriever. Sold and administered by a vet I doubt the dosage was incorrect. But with the thick double coat of a Golden I do doubt that it ever got anywhere near where it was supposed to be....on the skin. I have also heard that there is a lot of fake frontline around. I am also not the only one to have found it ineffective on Goldens. Ivermectin administered by tablet or injection has however worked. Working from the inside rather than the outside seems to be best. But as the Thais say 'up to you'.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i dont know if this has been posted before,reading one of my old magazine's i get every 3months i saw that

lemon grass and eucalyptus was used for repeling flea's and ticks.

has anyone tried it and is eucalyptus oil available here.

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Ivermectin used orally is not recommended for long term use- too toxic. Conscientious use of Frontline - same day every month - not missing one month & restarting - works really well. I have 5 dogs - house dogs - use frontline plus monthly & almost never see a tick. Maybe once a year / & take the dogs to a big park daily. Works for me. Frontline is expensive though. But I haven't found a cheaper alternative which I personally feel is not too toxic

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The first time I got Frontline Plus from the vet he gave me what he said was a pipette for '0 to 10 kg dogs'. That seems to have worked fine, so I went to a (cheaper) pet shop to get another dose for this month. I found that they sell them in 0 to 5 kg and 5 to 10 kg sizes, not in a 0 to 10 kg size. I weighed the dog and she's currently 4.8 kg, so I bought a 0 to 5 kg size this time. Then I got to thinking that maybe the vet was erring on the side of caution by giving me the dose for a dog up to 10 kg. Does anyone know how toxic Frontline Plus is if you use a slightly larger dose than you should? For a dog that's almost spot-on 5 kg would you use the 0 to 5 kg size or the 5 to 10 kg one? Thanks.

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Used Ivermectin for years,no problems. Just bought another 100x bottle from vet for 500 baht,dose my dogs with one injection a month,plus street dogs with poor skin,fact is one bad case I virtually drowned him in it,few weeks later,coat coming back,looking far healthier than he had done in an age.

will be going to India soon,now that place has far better range of anti tick/flea remedies.

Govt vet now giving free rabies jabs with distemper vaccine 180 baht

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Ivermectin used orally is not recommended for long term use- too toxic. Conscientious use of Frontline - same day every month - not missing one month & restarting - works really well. I have 5 dogs - house dogs - use frontline plus monthly & almost never see a tick. Maybe once a year / & take the dogs to a big park daily. Works for me. Frontline is expensive though. But I haven't found a cheaper alternative which I personally feel is not too toxic

Please can we have some evidence of your claim that ivermectin in long term is bad.

I have been using it on my dog for over 4 years with no side effects.

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I have been advised by 2 vets in Chiangmai that whilst Ivermectin is ok for short term use - ie to treat mange (very effectively) it is not recommended for long term oral use as it's toxic to the liver in long term use. Trust me, if I thought it were safer I would use it myself - Frontline for 5 dogs & 2 cats is expensive but for me personally I worry about using Ivermectin on a long term basis

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  • 4 years later...
On 4/13/2015 at 5:31 PM, ammagic said:

I have been advised by 2 vets in Chiangmai that whilst Ivermectin is ok for short term use - ie to treat mange (very effectively) it is not recommended for long term oral use as it's toxic to the liver in long term use. Trust me, if I thought it were safer I would use it myself - Frontline for 5 dogs & 2 cats is expensive but for me personally I worry about using Ivermectin on a long term basis



yes but bravecto and nextguard, 700 thb from the vet are not safer ! so there is no good solution and en-dex seems to be the best of the cheap ones.

can you help me to source it please ? 




I was not able to buy it anywhere.


thank you.





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