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Honor, Integrity, Character etc .... Is this a requirement here for serving as a police officer?

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HONOR means giving one’s word as a bond and guarantee.

BETRAY is defined as breaking faith and proving false.

The BADGE is a visible symbol of the power of your office.

INTEGRITY is firm adherence to principles,both in our private and public life.

CHARACTER means the qualities and standards of behavior that distinguish an individual.

The PUBLIC TRUST is a duty imposed in faith to those we are sworn to serve.

COURAGE is having the “heart,” the mental, and the moral strength to venture, persevere, withstand, and overcome danger, difficulty, and fear.

ACCOUNTABILITY means that we are answerable and responsible for our actions.

COMMUNITY is the municipalities, neighborhoods, and citizens we serve.

Oath ....

"On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have the courage

to hold myself and others

accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the Constitution,

the community,

and the agency I serve,

so help me God."


OP, you must be a long time resident of Thailand, so you know about all the good qualities our police possesses.

And the pigs keep flying and flying, I will never be able to catch onesad.png


These personal attributes are perhaps outdated in our societies today. These are some of the requirements considered important in being a man when I grew up. Someone who served in the police force or public office were to demonstrate these in their daily life.

What happened ..... ? Where are we headed ?

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I watched the Series 'Survivor ' online, there was a Character on there (Coach) that preached Honour, Integrity and Loyalty as his main ethos in life, but of course, he was all about himself and trying to get the Million Dollars.

He was likeable and spoke a good game, but he was not to be trusted . smile.png


The General embodies these values and that is why I support him.

Perhaps he should make his police officers pledge an oath again as a reminder of how they should act in their daily life..... And hold them to it !


If you come across someone like this, you usually find they are nurtured in communities that have tight bonds (reasonably, anyway). Such qualities are not ordained, but come from a long history of selflessness towards the community in order to ensure it can survive with equal benefits for everyone. Disparate communities are I guess "me, me" societies - every man for himself and danm the consequences.

There's no honour among thieves, and I think you know who I'm talking about here. Imagine trying to be a person of honour and integrity in THAT organisation! Wow! You'd be dead in a week.


The General embodies these values and that is why I support him.

Perhaps he should make his police officers pledge an oath again as a reminder of how they should act in their daily life..... And hold them to it !

It is my understanding that the General was a military man and not a part of the police and a man of his character most certainly led by example to his troops.

As for the Police--change does not happen overnight.


Honor, Integrity, Character etc .... Is this a requirement here for serving as a police officer?

The short answer is NO.

In Thailand as in every country, there are crooked, dishonest police officers.

There are also good, honest police officers,

but the bad ones make up for the good.


ttthailand ... what are you on about?

Nothing to do with Thailand. I hope others don't think that you translated the Thai Police Officers Oath of Office and have portrayed that as what is written in your OP.

If you are going to copy and past the 'Oath of Service' from any number of US states, or even the FBI ... at least reference the quote.

Here are any number of US references you could have chosen from ... https://www.google.co.th/search?q=On+my+honor,+I+will+never+betray+my+badge,+my+integrity,+my+character,+or+the+public+trust.&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=nts&gws_rd=cr&ei=97wqVNizCIeHuATh2oCACg


Paying off the guy at the top is the main requirement for serving as a police officer.

One of our esteemed members has a son in the RTPF. He must be able to give us a honest insight perspective.


To become police officer, applicants are required to have a business plan.

And since promotions cost money, they take out loans and have to show new business plans everytime they move up the ladder smile.png


Paying off the guy at the top is the main requirement for serving as a police officer.

One of our esteemed members has a son working in the RTPF. He must be able to give us a honest insight perspective.

It's all about money, power and face; forget integrity, honour and other superfluous attributes which we might hold dear.

Experienced it myself ....kidsrelated.....shameless lot.

You forgot 1 though......thai help thai.....no WHY questions asked. Even the translator i had was racist and biassed.....

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