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Koh Tao murders: Myanmar worker confesses killing British tourists


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This was a crime of anger and fury.

What an outrageous insult to the families.

I thought the same thing but the only other person who likely might fit into a scenario like that would be the farang friend. If reports are to be believed the semen DNA was Asian ruling this out. So, really leaves the possibility of just some very sick f@-er. I think a very bad situation (rape) turned even more ugly than anticipated and where the violence may have come from. Would think with this level of violence it is not the first time a person would commit a crime like this but then again they way they left the murder weapon at the scene would make it sound like little planning or experience. If reports are to be believed what makes this odder is you could have multiple people involved in such an act but again suspect something didn't go as planned (they fought back to the death). Only makes sense one of them would confess cause just odd to have multiple people with absolutely no remorse.

But bottom line reports on this incident and have been all over the place and until there is more confirmation ... I don't fully believe anything except these two young people were killed.

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Reporting they have 3 one guy dyed his hair from blonde to black .. theres vid evidence of one buying the same brand of cigarette in a shop somewhere as near the crime scene AND ...that this is the most important evidence apparently ...whistling.gif

they are setting up a major press statement now.... DNA yet to be confirmed of course ... parade them first .. prove later

Funny how we still haven't seen Mons SonS Dna tested and family, cops included....Can anyone please confirm Mons brother is the cop next to him in the crime scene photos..

Amazing how none of them were put on parade...

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I just don't think a 21 year old could carry out such a brutal attack. I dont believe for a second Hannah and David were doing anything. His dna was not found on her. Also this attack seemed to have been planned, as the hoe must have been taken to the beach. But mostly what about the guy who is wearing Davids shorts.

Age of the suspect has nothing to do with brutality, the Jamie Bulger case proves that beyond a shadow of doubt

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lets hope UK goverment got a copy of the DNA test from the 2 bodys Early in this case and that they also took their own test on bodys when they came home to UK .. anything else would no be very smart , when we all know how the Thai police fix tings.. Then UK goverment go ,and test the 3 suspect themselfs for DNA . Then i will belive the right guys, is taken.. case closed

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I just don't think a 21 year old could carry out such a brutal attack. I dont believe for a second Hannah and David were doing anything. His dna was not found on her. Also this attack seemed to have been planned, as the hoe must have been taken to the beach. But mostly what about the guy who is wearing Davids shorts.

I cant imagine age has got much to do with it, more mentality - why don't you believe Hannah and David were??. The hoes are kept along the beach front. Who said someone was wearing Davids shorts - believable? - not really.

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Well, it took them 3 weeks but they finally have their patsy--after several false starts with bribery attempts that didn't pan out. And, what a great suspect--poor, uneducated, and no clout whatsoever. Now, it's just a matter of planting some DNA evidence--because the world loves DNA evidence so much. But, on the subject of DNA, let's remember that DNA is not always the be all. DNA on a cigarette only proves someone was in contact with the cigarette--nothing else. It doesn't even prove they smoked the cigarette. DNA from semen in itself only points to sexual activity--nothing else.

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Wonder how much torture it took to get that 'confession'??

and it's funny how many totally different suspects/nationalities have been accused, but it seems that the Myanmar slave workers are the easiest to pin the 'dirty deed' on.

Evidently not enough torture to get the other two men to confess.

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Wether these are the real killers ir not, the fact that almost everybody is sceptical jut goes to show how little credibility te thai police has. If foreigners don't trust the police, the mistrust among local Thais are even greater. Reforming the police is the real test for the thai reforms. They need a total shakeup of the police.

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Also the person who claims these couple couldn't be having sex because they were never seen being together - can you please explain this photo why are they sitting at the same table? jsut because they didn't seem to be together in the CCTV doesnt mean they can't be together else where.


There is no evidence to support the theory the two victims had been engaging in or had engaged in sex.... nothing... .. no dna, no sperm, no link other than they were both found murdered near each other...

NO EVIDENCE of the Brit couple having sex..................Its pretty impossible to have sex without DNA being there...

So it makes this confession and witness pretty suspect when he says he was watching the victims having sex when theres no dna evidence that supports they were. GET IT ?

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I cannot believe how many armchair detectives have worked so hard to disregard any "evidence" sic that the police may or may not gathered, I swear some people on TV would disbelieve their own name, OK the BiB are not known for their brilliance in deduction but the torrent of abuse from some of these posters is just beyond the pale, insulting the whole Thai Nation's IQ is just not acceptable IMHO, perhaps some people have an axe to grind but they really need to remember they are guests, albeit paying guests in the country which they have chosen to live in as expats so they should remember that they should show some respect for the nation, Not all police are corrupt & or stupid. I have no doubt that I will be vilified for these comments by those whose intelligence is as suspect as the ones they are insulting, there is an old adage that you don't insult the host. If you think that the country is so stupid and the police are universally corrupt why do you stay, is it to exploit those very people! Go back to being Hercule Poirot and solving crimes in your dreams and stop writing slanderous rubbish on TV.for example "this was a crime of anger and fury" was the commenter there to know this, Murder by its very nature is usually a crime of anger and fury but people who have made statements like this have absolutely no evidence to base this statement on, only from police statements and "news"paper reports so they seem to be second guessing the police, unless of course they were witnesses to the event, then they should give the police a statement to assist them in their inquiries, Speculation all of it, mostly second or third hand

You are perfectly entitled to express this point of view. Equally, I get irritated by always being called a 'guest', which appears to imply I should have no opinion, based on years of residency and experience.

It's drip feed corruption that, if you like, poisons the mind to some extent.

In all my years I have never heard a foreigner in the UK refer to himself/herself as a 'guest'. They, the foreigners, are always demonstrating about something or other, and good luck to them. They are entitled to an opinion.

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I cannot believe how many armchair detectives have worked so hard to disregard any "evidence" sic that the police may or may not gathered, I swear some people on TV would disbelieve their own name, OK the BiB are not known for their brilliance in deduction but the torrent of abuse from some of these posters is just beyond the pale, insulting the whole Thai Nation's IQ is just not acceptable IMHO, perhaps some people have an axe to grind but they really need to remember they are guests, albeit paying guests in the country which they have chosen to live in as expats so they should remember that they should show some respect for the nation, Not all police are corrupt & or stupid. I have no doubt that I will be vilified for these comments by those whose intelligence is as suspect as the ones they are insulting, there is an old adage that you don't insult the host. If you think that the country is so stupid and the police are universally corrupt why do you stay, is it to exploit those very people! Go back to being Hercule Poirot and solving crimes in your dreams and stop writing slanderous rubbish on TV.for example "this was a crime of anger and fury" was the commenter there to know this, Murder by its very nature is usually a crime of anger and fury but people who have made statements like this have absolutely no evidence to base this statement on, only from police statements and "news"paper reports so they seem to be second guessing the police, unless of course they were witnesses to the event, then they should give the police a statement to assist them in their inquiries, Speculation all of it, mostly second or third hand

exactly what evidence this they ever collect? Testing the entire island for DNA. waiting for someone to "confess"?? Thai police did jack %%%%. oh wait, this guy smokes the same cigarettes? YES! we have our man!

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Maw Saw Win do it?

Should have nabbed Win Sin and Bin, would've made a more believable motive.

Seriously though,

many many years ago I had dinner with the 2 local head guys on Samui,

we were introduced to them by a friend named Bum at a very formal place,

Their names were Suk, Poo and Bum...was very hard to keep a straight face..

Edited by cowboy country
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So much cynicism here. There are loads of unsolved murder cases in all of your home countries and I don't see any threads complaining about the UK "Keystone cops".

Natalie Holloway (sp?) the US student who was murdered many years ago and the police there and in the Netherlands don't have a clue.

The police in Koh Tao are investigating a crime, they went down the wrong path a couple times but they kept investigating and now they have someone in custody who confessed.

What kind of deal are they going to make to an innocent person who confesses to rape and multiple murder who will be executed if found guilty. How could they coerce someone to confess, what could they threat to do that's worse than a firing squad ? Unless the accused is a serial confessor to crimes he didn't commit, I'd tend to believe his confession.

Wait for the "DNT" (sic) tests and other forensic work to cone in before you posit your own complicated conspiracy theories, unless you don't mind being told "I told you so" by the other people here.

The ironic thing is all the arm chair detectives falling over themselves weaving theory after theory on mere scraps of second or third hand information, rumors and other baseless theories from other people disbelieving, complaining about the way the investigation has been carried.

Which has been a clusterf##k, but people living in glass houses shouldn't cast stones and all that.

Heaven's forbid people would wait for evidence before arriving to conclusions. Confirming the identity of the killers is as simple as having a third party run the DNA tests independently, and will, in all probability, be done in due time.

But no, already 10 pages of people deciding it's all a stitch up, if it would be up to these people they would have already lynched the first persons that looked suspicious and be done with it.

I like your educated opinion. Many of the people here forget that all the information they receive from this case are filtered and all they can do is make 'suggestion' through information from news media, not reliazing that news media can also be wrong and bias. I strongly believe that there are condifential info relating to the investigation that hasn't been release to protect the case. I think we have to wait and see, and not come to conclusion whether this is the real murderer or not too soon.

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I cannot believe how many armchair detectives have worked so hard to disregard any "evidence" sic that the police may or may not gathered, I swear some people on TV would disbelieve their own name, OK the BiB are not known for their brilliance in deduction but the torrent of abuse from some of these posters is just beyond the pale, insulting the whole Thai Nation's IQ is just not acceptable IMHO, perhaps some people have an axe to grind but they really need to remember they are guests, albeit paying guests in the country which they have chosen to live in as expats so they should remember that they should show some respect for the nation, Not all police are corrupt & or stupid. I have no doubt that I will be vilified for these comments by those whose intelligence is as suspect as the ones they are insulting, there is an old adage that you don't insult the host. If you think that the country is so stupid and the police are universally corrupt why do you stay, is it to exploit those very people! Go back to being Hercule Poirot and solving crimes in your dreams and stop writing slanderous rubbish on TV.for example "this was a crime of anger and fury" was the commenter there to know this, Murder by its very nature is usually a crime of anger and fury but people who have made statements like this have absolutely no evidence to base this statement on, only from police statements and "news"paper reports so they seem to be second guessing the police, unless of course they were witnesses to the event, then they should give the police a statement to assist them in their inquiries, Speculation all of it, mostly second or third hand

You obviously haven't been following the case or you wouldn't make such a statement

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The fact that David was half dressed and had wounds to the back of his head fits the scenario that the Burmese saw him having sex with Hannah (or maybe: about to be having sex, hence no semen) and decided to take over. Then David was hit on the back of his head.

Possible, although the scapegoat scenario is also possible. But who knows with all the mass hysteria going on both on this forum and on Thai forums.

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The fact that David was half dressed and had wounds to the back of his head fits the scenario that the Burmese saw him having sex with Hannah (or maybe: about to be having sex, hence no semen) and decided to take over. Then David was hit on the back of his head.

Possible, although the scapegoat scenario is also possible. But who knows with all the mass hysteria going on both on this forum and on Thai forums.

Thank you for another sensible response.

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I cannot believe how many armchair detectives have worked so hard to disregard any "evidence" sic that the police may or may not gathered, I swear some people on TV would disbelieve their own name, OK the BiB are not known for their brilliance in deduction but the torrent of abuse from some of these posters is just beyond the pale, insulting the whole Thai Nation's IQ is just not acceptable IMHO, perhaps some people have an axe to grind but they really need to remember they are guests, albeit paying guests in the country which they have chosen to live in as expats so they should remember that they should show some respect for the nation, Not all police are corrupt & or stupid. I have no doubt that I will be vilified for these comments by those whose intelligence is as suspect as the ones they are insulting, there is an old adage that you don't insult the host. If you think that the country is so stupid and the police are universally corrupt why do you stay, is it to exploit those very people! Go back to being Hercule Poirot and solving crimes in your dreams and stop writing slanderous rubbish on TV.for example "this was a crime of anger and fury" was the commenter there to know this, Murder by its very nature is usually a crime of anger and fury but people who have made statements like this have absolutely no evidence to base this statement on, only from police statements and "news"paper reports so they seem to be second guessing the police, unless of course they were witnesses to the event, then they should give the police a statement to assist them in their inquiries, Speculation all of it, mostly second or third hand

I can point you in the right direction if you want!

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Win later admitted that he saw the two tourists having sex so he made the attack with a plan to rape the woman.


in an anterior post i guessed that happened exactly like that..................now i hope that police will prove that with all the dna test, hopping that this person and his friends are the real culprit.

this very sad story should remind foreigners that in asia sex is still a taboo, so respect the people that you are visiting in having a decent attitude all time. Don't provoc a creasy situation that you could regret later on!


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I cannot believe how many armchair detectives have worked so hard to disregard any "evidence" sic that the police may or may not gathered, I swear some people on TV would disbelieve their own name, OK the BiB are not known for their brilliance in deduction but the torrent of abuse from some of these posters is just beyond the pale, insulting the whole Thai Nation's IQ is just not acceptable IMHO, perhaps some people have an axe to grind but they really need to remember they are guests, albeit paying guests in the country which they have chosen to live in as expats so they should remember that they should show some respect for the nation, Not all police are corrupt & or stupid. I have no doubt that I will be vilified for these comments by those whose intelligence is as suspect as the ones they are insulting, there is an old adage that you don't insult the host. If you think that the country is so stupid and the police are universally corrupt why do you stay, is it to exploit those very people! Go back to being Hercule Poirot and solving crimes in your dreams and stop writing slanderous rubbish on TV.for example "this was a crime of anger and fury" was the commenter there to know this, Murder by its very nature is usually a crime of anger and fury but people who have made statements like this have absolutely no evidence to base this statement on, only from police statements and "news"paper reports so they seem to be second guessing the police, unless of course they were witnesses to the event, then they should give the police a statement to assist them in their inquiries, Speculation all of it, mostly second or third hand

Speculation .. the curse of internet forum.. the world would be a much better place if nobody ever questioned the royal thai police and the mafia.

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Win later admitted that he saw the two tourists having sex so he made the attack with a plan to rape the woman.


in an anterior post i guessed that happened exactly like that..................now i hope that police will prove that with all the dna test, hopping that this person and his friends are the real culprit.

this very sad story should remind foreigners that in asia sex is still a taboo, so respect the people that you are visiting in having a decent attitude all time. Don't provoc a creasy situation that you could regret later on!


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