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Police chief urges officers to make people have faith in police again

Lite Beer

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When law enforcement is not paid a decent living wage, they will be open to bribes and corruption.

Train them and pay them well if you want any improvement.

You get what you pay for.

Until them, bribes, beating those who refuse to give false testimony and other shenanigans will continue.

The recent investigation of the murder of the tourists is not the way to gain the faith of anyone who has their eyes open.


Would you give us the information re: salary paid to BIB? What is the starting salary and increases per position/year "on the job"?


PM Constable BJ

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"Police chief urges officers to make people have faith in police again" I discussed this with the wife.

According to her no-one she knows has ever had faith in the police.....and most people are scared of em because they do bad things.

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urging them to quickly create love among the people and improve the quality of life of their subordinates.

We don't need them to create love and improve the quality of life. All we want is for them to do their job of locking up true criminals, stop extortions, and quit lying to everyone for fk sake. Is that too much to ask? Yes of course is with these clowns.

They need a decent salary first and foremost. During and after prohibition in America corruption amongst the police was rife, it was solved by simply increasing their salaries so that they could enjoy a normal standard of living without having to resort to extortion or taking kickbacks from criminals, worked a treat.

Corruption is degrading for a police officer, i don't think that they enjoy doing it but they also have children and would like to be able to afford good education for their children etc. The really nasty greedy torturing bastards amongst them need a long prison sentence to show others it doesn't pay.

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Where to start ?, When all the high up officers have paid to be in that

job with money, not by proficiency,or hard work,so the most corrupt rise

to the top,leaving the ones at the bottom to do anything and everything

to try and move up the ladder.

regards Worgeordie

Quite. How much did the Police Chief pay for his position? Thais expect to be able to buy privilege. Police officers are buying the privilege of being able to extort money out of the weak and those who are not well connected. The system works for the rich and influential and their government officers. Until that is acknowledged nothing will change.

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live dignified and honorable lives...

What exactly does that mean...?

No more public shake downs...?

No more requiring businesses to pay for the privilege of not being harassed by police...?

Or does it mean...no drinking on the job...or refusing to help a farang in distress...?

Maybe...all of the above...plus even more dishonorable activities...that we do not know or hear about...

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Here it is in a nutshell. If you continue to pay police the small wage they get then there will be petty corruption among them Pay them a decent wage they they want to protect and keep and they will forgo the tea money

This is a no brainer

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the application is many 1000s of baht the more you pay the higher up the scale you become

"Pol.Gen. Somyot also called on the police officials to make sure that their subordinates live dignified and honorable lives by making plans aimed at concretely improving their quality of life."

How about better training and a decent standard of living salary?

Couldn't do any harm to try it.

Better pay would help, but the training required to become a police officer is actually much more extensive than in the west. The problem from top to bottom is that Thai police do not see themselves as public servants here to protect and serve the public, but rather as entrepreneurs able to make money with their position. Justice is only available to who can pay the most. The public hates them yet when there 900 positions become open, they get 90,000 applicants. If you do not find ways to make money abusing your power, you are shunned by your family and colleagues. It is systemic and will take generations,with an "s", to change.
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The RTP will always be corrupt as long as Thailand persists with the third world attitude of paying government employees peanuts with the tacit understanding that they will find creative ways to boost their salaries. Forty years ago the British police had a poor salaries and a lot of low level corruption. Stop a motorist for a blatant offence and the driving licence was often handed over with a £10 note inside. A big pay rise and consequently a better class of recruit (me!) virtually eliminated the practice. In defence of the RTP, my one experience of payolla was voluntary. Speeding on expressway stopped at last toll booth before Rangsit. Faced with a 400B ticket and two days driving round looking for the police station, or the 1,000B VIP special, I chose the latter and continued my journey.

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here they are taking sharky away for reporting a break in

What is this? Who is Sharky?

He is a NZ muscle bound tattooed meathead living in Pattaya. The clip is of the police raiding 1 of his condos and one of the cops has a bag of drugs in his hands it can be seen before he boards the lift to do the search. This bag apparently contained drugs which he was charged with. When this video was found all charges were dropped but a large sum of money disappeared from his condo. He fears that he will be shot or pushed off a balcony so he has aired this stuff. Look up sharkey Pattaya you should get his FB page all the story there .

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My wife often cautioned me. The police will not help you if there is a problem.

"Police talk to us (Thai people) like dogs. She is a well educated banker but that is what she said.

She also said the Army is not dangerous but the Police are dangerous. They will kill you or put you in jail with false evidence.

OK ... any other Thai opinions about the police?

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My wife often cautioned me. The police will not help you if there is a problem.

"Police talk to us (Thai people) like dogs. She is a well educated banker but that is what she said.

She also said the Army is not dangerous but the Police are dangerous. They will kill you or put you in jail with false evidence.

OK ... any other Thai opinions about the police?

Pretty much what most people say.

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When law enforcement is not paid a decent living wage, they will be open to bribes and corruption.

Train them and pay them well if you want any improvement.

You get what you pay for.

Until them, bribes, beating those who refuse to give false testimony and other shenanigans will continue.

The recent investigation of the murder of the tourists is not the way to gain the faith of anyone who has their eyes open.

So you think that it is because they have too low salary they steel,extort and so on!? From what I heard,the higher up they are,with higher salary,the more corrupt they are! The illgotten money is transfered upwards,meaning what I just said. It is very naiv to think,that better salary would stop them from their illigal activities,"much wants more".

It's not a question of taking a little or a big bribe.

Either they are corrupt or they're not but there is no such thing like less or more corrupt.

Of course there is. The guy that accepts a free drink offered him every now and then can not be considered the same as the cop who runs the jet ski mafia scams on Patong Beach. One is clearly "more corrupt" than the other.

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The term ''make people", does seem to be typical of many of the RTP/BIB actions and attitude to the general population. Fire 3/4 of those with more than 1 year service, by lotto draw, replace with army personal and assign 2 army personal to those allowed to contine working to see if they are worth wasting a bullet on.There are a few who should not be be in the drawing just due to past actions of themselves or those they covered for,

Recruit, hire, train and reeducate a new police force using personel from various foreign military and government organizations. Just be sure that there is a media spokesman school/training to be conducted at the same time. The canidates could be drawn from the whistleblowers who have come forward recently.

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Improve the quality of life of their subordinates. And make people love them so they would need to reduce their bribe takings for people to love them I love the police most at the vehicle check points they speak some afoul shit to get that extra 100 from you, you just have to love this corrupt place nowhere else like it on the planet a privilege to live here.

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