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Prayuth's media skills need some honing


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The current regime seems generally unconcerned about media coverage. After all, much of it is censored. The occasional slip about bikini clad tourists is trivia. The real debates are being muzzled.

The international media is a different prospect as he may find out to his cost when he goes to Europe.

Certainly any gaffes or ill-considered comments / answers may not be reported here, blocked on the internet etc but they will be reported worldwide although the rest of the world isn't really a concern since no one understands Thainess.

It may not do the country's attempt to get a place at the UN big table any good though and the rest of the AEC will also see and hear.

Like it or not the rest of the world does matter.

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However, the quality of replies dropped markedly under Yingluck Shinawatra as she could not connect the dots or make sense of what was going on during the day.

She was a puppet, when interviewing a dummy you should always direct questions to the master.

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Reporter: Prayuth's media skills needs honing

Prayuth thinks: Let me see. I am the PM, head of the Junta, I have imposed martial law, and I have backing from the Highest levels. I think I will take a leaf out of Mahathir Mohamad by reforming some recalcitrant members of the media instead.

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. Prayut is a straight forward and sincere leader - no question about that


Then why is he banned from even setting foot in Australia?

That why he is banned from setting a foot on Australia....

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However, the quality of replies dropped markedly under Yingluck Shinawatra as she could not connect the dots or make sense of what was going on during the day.

She was a puppet, when interviewing a dummy you should always direct questions to the master.

You are right about Yingluck, she was a puppet, albeit an elected one. How about Preecha Chan-ocha and the other NLA cronies? Are they puppets too?

If Hilary Clinton gets elected as president, would you call her a puppet?

Thailand is starting to resemble Punch and Judy.

I would call Hillary Clinton a puppet for Wall Street, most definitely in fact. Millions and millions of people in the US would, as well.

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I don't care his media skills. The problem is to get things done.

He busted some low level corrupties, which is good. But the big corruption guys are still happily around. And as they don't even try to flee they must be sure that they don't get any problems.

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What the Thai people are used to is Politicians who talk a lot about what they are going to do for them but actually do more to help their own self interests. The only difference at the moment is they have a Military Man talking a lot about what he is going to do for them whilst looking after his own interests. If the man is as 'sincere' as people seem to believe he would be taking out the top order of the corrupt Elite and tearing down the Police Mafia, and that would be just a starter on the road to 'returning happiness to the people'.

Truth is.....same shit; just different man on a different day.

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I don't care his media skills. The problem is to get things done.

He busted some low level corrupties, which is good. But the big corruption guys are still happily around. And as they don't even try to flee they must be sure that they don't get any problems.

Maybe you can enlighten us a bit more about which low level corruptions he busted.

As far as I'm aware :

Phuket jetski thugs back on the beach

Taxi meter scam still going on.

Minivans still a lot without yellow license plate or registration number on the windscreen, however deadline was months ago.

Pattaya beach clean up was started, but stopped half way the process.

HuaHin beach vendors also back on the beach reportedly.

A few days ago there was a news article on this very forum that NOT ALL rice farmers have been compensated in the rice scam, however end of may already was announced that they ALL were paid.

Can't wait for the list of achieved items, but I'm not gonna hold ny breath.

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However, the quality of replies dropped markedly under Yingluck Shinawatra as she could not connect the dots or make sense of what was going on during the day.

She was a puppet, when interviewing a dummy you should always direct questions to the master.

They are all puppets. Different puppet masters, that's all.

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The current regime seems generally unconcerned about media coverage. After all, much of it is censored. The occasional slip about bikini clad tourists is trivia. The real debates are being muzzled.

The international media is a different prospect as he may find out to his cost when he goes to Europe.

Certainly any gaffes or ill-considered comments / answers may not be reported here, blocked on the internet etc but they will be reported worldwide although the rest of the world isn't really a concern since no one understands Thainess.

It may not do the country's attempt to get a place at the UN big table any good though and the rest of the AEC will also see and hear.

Like it or not the rest of the world does matter.

You may well be right about reporting outside the Kingdom but I think the RTA is largely unconcerned about this at present. The Government is being run by old heads firmly embedded in the past.

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The current regime seems generally unconcerned about media coverage. After all, much of it is censored. The occasional slip about bikini clad tourists is trivia. The real debates are being muzzled.

The international media is a different prospect as he may find out to his cost when he goes to Europe.

Certainly any gaffes or ill-considered comments / answers may not be reported here, blocked on the internet etc but they will be reported worldwide although the rest of the world isn't really a concern since no one understands Thainess.

It may not do the country's attempt to get a place at the UN big table any good though and the rest of the AEC will also see and hear.

Like it or not the rest of the world does matter.

You may well be right about reporting outside the Kingdom but I think the RTA is largely unconcerned about this at present. The Government is being run by old heads firmly embedded in the past.

clap2.gif Spot on, and unfortunate for the country.

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"But he still talks and replies like a soldier. "

That's because he is a soldier, like a fish out of water, meddling in something that he can't understand.

Prayuth hates criticism, just like Thaksin did. The sooner he realises this and quits, the better for Thailand. Friday TV will be a lot better without his boring sermons too.

Seems the yellow lot have bitten off more than they can chew by supporting this dictator.

You can say what you like about him Thanet, but at least the words coming out of his mouth are his own words, he is not some imbecile, halfwitted robot being driven by remote control by an on-the-run criminal hiding somewhere in the Middle East or China in a five star hotel.

Prayuth hates criticism, just like Thaksin did..............................................Thaksin still does, and reacts accordingly.

The sooner he realises this and quits, the better for Thailand................................Many have said that about the Shins. They would be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize if they left.

Friday TV will be a lot better without his boring sermons too.........................TVF would also be better off without red propaganda rubbish.

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