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Police says its Koh Tao tourist murder case file solid for prosecution


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I don't remember even one Thai charged and Jailed for crime & violence against Farangs. They always found other scapegoats, khmer and myanmar or lao illegal(!) workers.

However I do remember some old Thai men was charged with 20 years due to talking bad about Yingluck in his sms. I don't know what happened to that fellow. However one thing is certain. Criticizing government (not the Royal Thai Family or HM The King) is 20 times the crime compared to murdering or mass murdering people and saying "Sorry" and get away without going to prison.

That man died in prison. He did not know how to sms. His number was somehow interfered with.

Very sad story

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Well okay then. Should be no problem passing the evidence to the UK coroner for pier review.

A pier is where you tie up boats.

Pier is perhaps a hidden clue to the speed boat named Little Duck that people say leaves the island early in the morning afther the killing *lol*

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The policeman said they hadn't checked the DNA of the 2 suspects prior detention because they lived outside the first zone for checking, one was at a restaurant, and one at a pier,1km and 1.5 km away from the crime scene.

there are a photo that show them line up for DNA test in the first rond of tests

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Well there you go the police are moving ahead with the blessing of a human rights group.

Now the question for the naysayers on here should be asking is what is the name of this human rights group and what is there actual statement on the police press statement?

Anyway the police are now inviting questions from human rights groups or will be so I don't think they are going to allow any other country to have any involvement in this case.

Pol. Lt. Gen. Decha Butr-namthip,

"He also revealed that he had held talks with a human rights group that had arrived on the island to follow-up on the case and everyone was satisfied that the case has been handled fairly"

Allow me to respond this way, TAT said the Tour de France is going held in Thailand next year as well...wink.png

Unless the human rights group has a defense lawyer and they have interviewed the accused to check on their well being, then any 'interview' with the police, who say 'no problem', then such a meeting was worthless. I don't see this human rights group pressuring the police for answers in any way.

The human rights group GIRCA (Gypsy International Recognition and Compensation Action) was reported to have been on the island of Koh Tao recently and one of the members spoke briefly with Pol.Lt.Gen Decha Butr-namthip and was overheard saying he was satisfied that the (suit)case had been handled properly by the staff on his arrival.


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Guess this has already been said, but the thing that's bugging me is that, assuming the DNA results are legit, they would confirm the identity of the rapists but they would do nothing to prove nobody else was involved in the murder of these poor souls.

The 2 suspects seem to loosely fit the profile of necrophiliacs, but do not seem to share any characteristics of the sadistic psychopath that dunnit.

Google it. Necros are lo-so losers, misfits. Psychos are educated, intelligent, egotistical

Jimmy Savile was both.
Ted Bundy was both, charming and intelligent yet a brutal killer and necrophiliac.
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Is there any reference to these 2 tiny hobbit-like Burmese having feet like the abominable snowman?

Clear footprints were made by the psycho that replaced the hoe neatly back in the fenced off garden area. Footprints that these Burmese must match.

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My point south peel is find out the name of the human rights group and get their view on this as the phone theory has gone down the toilet.

Surely you guys are entitled to hear what they have to say as the police seem very confident and full steam ahead.

It's Mr Peel to you .

Actually according to Costas's new honorific title system, its "Sir" Peel to mere mortals like the dyslexic parrot....wink.png

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The policeman said they hadn't checked the DNA of the 2 suspects prior detention because they lived outside the first zone for checking, one was at a restaurant, and one at a pier,1km and 1.5 km away from the crime scene.

there are a photo that show them line up for DNA test in the first rond of tests

There is a photo of ONE of them on the first round tests. The policeman says they had collected from him but it was not yet processed as he was in the outer area. DNA from people close to the area took priority and his was in the queue. He worked at AC 2 .

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Was the pui yai bann's son on the plane the night after the murder?

If he was, why did the family say he was in Bangkok?

Why didn't the family submit to DNA tests as it would surely clear them?

Is there involvement from others being covered up?

What does Sean McAnna know?

Was scalding water really used on the Burmese?

What would motivate a taxi driver to come forward to confess police tried to get him to provide false witness?

If you can provide me with the evidence that the son was on that plane this whole case would change, but its only a rumor , it can't be that hard to provide cctv footage of this.

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I don't remember even one Thai charged and Jailed for crime & violence against Farangs. They always found other scapegoats, khmer and myanmar or lao illegal(!) workers.

However I do remember some old Thai men was charged with 20 years due to talking bad about Yingluck in his sms. I don't know what happened to that fellow. However one thing is certain. Criticizing government (not the Royal Thai Family or HM The King) is 20 times the crime compared to murdering or mass murdering people and saying "Sorry" and get away without going to prison.


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Guess this has already been said, but the thing that's bugging me is that, assuming the DNA results are legit, they would confirm the identity of the rapists but they would do nothing to prove nobody else was involved in the murder of these poor souls.

The 2 suspects seem to loosely fit the profile of necrophiliacs, but do not seem to share any characteristics of the sadistic psychopath that dunnit.

Google it. Necros are lo-so losers, misfits. Psychos are educated, intelligent, egotistical

EX-FBI profiler are we ?....The definitions below describe three quarters of TV's membership as well, rolleyes.gif

Necros are lo-so losers, misfits. Psychos are educated, intelligent, egotistical

how many TV members are Burmese ?...hands up please ? Psycho-babble at its best,

Rather than people analyzing these suspects, one suspects large numbers of TV posters commenting on this and other related threads could do themselves a favor and get some mental health assessments themselves, and IMHO there are meds that need to be handed out...

And this is both sides of the fence... BTW

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Without commenting as to how Samui Airport CCTV tapes could be 'accidentally' erased this a picture of President Nixon's secretary demonstrating how she might have accidentally erased 18 minutes of the Watergate Tapes by unknowingly hitting the foot-switch.


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Well there you go the police are moving ahead with the blessing of a human rights group.

Now the question for the naysayers on here should be asking is what is the name of this human rights group and what is there actual statement on the police press statement?

Anyway the police are now inviting questions from human rights groups or will be so I don't think they are going to allow any other country to have any involvement in this case.

Pol. Lt. Gen. Decha Butr-namthip,

"He also revealed that he had held talks with a human rights group that had arrived on the island to follow-up on the case and everyone was satisfied that the case has been handled fairly"

Allow me to respond this way, TAT said the Tour de France is going held in Thailand next year as well...wink.png

This article does not agree with the statement made by Pol. Lt. Gen. Decha Butr-namthip:


"An official from Labour Rights Network for Myanmar workers in Thailand said: “Our team went there to the island at the time when the Myanmar workers were arrested. Three of them were tortured, such as [having hot water poured on them and beaten] and another three were released, according to workers there."


As well, rights groups have voiced concern over the lack of legal representation for the arrested men.

“The suspects have been kept without legal representation. We still don’t have lawyers observing the process directly,” Pornpen Khongkachonkiet, a human rights activist, told Reuters.

“So we are suspicious about the judicial process in terms of these alleged confessions.”

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Given The BIBs other statement, I suppose we aren't really allowed to question anything, without the possibility of charges being bought for insulting an official.

Wrong as usual. You may not post false information.

Ask any intelligent question you can come up with.

I realize it will be a hard job but go ahead ask away.wai.gif

Oh dear, someone that misses out on "irony".

So did I. Was not clear. Sorry

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Well there you go the police are moving ahead with the blessing of a human rights group.

Now the question for the naysayers on here should be asking is what is the name of this human rights group and what is there actual statement on the police press statement?

Anyway the police are now inviting questions from human rights groups or will be so I don't think they are going to allow any other country to have any involvement in this case.

Stuttering Parrot- the broadcaster you can trust!

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My point south peel is find out the name of the human rights group and get their view on this as the phone theory has gone down the toilet.

Surely you guys are entitled to hear what they have to say as the police seem very confident and full steam ahead.

confident that theyre not going to be challenged ISNT the same as confident theyre RIGHT!!!!!!!!!

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Well there you go the police are moving ahead with the blessing of a human rights group.

Now the question for the naysayers on here should be asking is what is the name of this human rights group and what is there actual statement on the police press statement?

Anyway the police are now inviting questions from human rights groups or will be so I don't think they are going to allow any other country to have any involvement in this case.

Please read the article. They have already allowed Miramar to look into it.

As for Briton.

Would they ask Thailand to look into two Thais murdered on their soil when they had two confessed killers along with DNA evidence?

I would hope they wouldnt pour boiling water on them or fabricate evidence to protect the local mafia boss friend!

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By the looks of it, only David's or Hannah's parents together with a high profile lawyer will be able to change anything now. Petitions to the ambassador won't help since all he's concerned about is his comfy and well-paid job in Thailand. He won't jeopardise this over a messed up murder case. The RTP threatening everyone with legal action if they oppose to the official story, should ring alarm bells all over the world, but most likely won't because the world population got accustomed to the "either you are with us or against us" stance of governments since 9/11.

Honestly, I haven't heard anything about Hannah's or David's parents doing an open inquiry into the case or demanding transparency, whatsoever... what makes me wonder. They should be the ones posting, questioning, copying and reposting the photos that suggest foul play, etc. and would not be able to be touched, because Thai authorities threatening the parents of the victims would ignite international outrage. However from that corner (the parents) I hear and read nothing. I understand that a family has to grieve, but to me as a father, everything inside of me would be screaming for revenge. So why the silence from the side of the stadium the majority of "boooohs" should origin from??? Please correct me if I am wrong. Perhaps they do something, but I haven't found anything...

In my opinion, the ball is in the parent's court now and if they decide to not throw the ball back to the officials in charge, all will be lost. The only hope then is that the Burmese guys' lawyer finds enough glitches in the investigation to rip the case apart in mid air. I however doubt it. In a political unstable situation like this, a non-democracy (sugarcoated) perhaps even he can be threatened into submission, who knows? Until the parents themselves speak up, nothing will change. The two Burmese will be sentenced and executed and after that it will be business as usual. What a sickening world we live in sad.png

The parents want to greive in private and plus they havent even buried Hannah yet.. They are not the Mcanns thankgod

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Well okay then. Should be no problem passing the evidence to the UK coroner for pier review.

I dont Think the UK police or government has requested the files and I doubt they will. The ambassador here in thailand is confident the police is doing there work properly :)

In overseas murders it is quite common for the British coroner to produce a verdict also

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What is the real moral to this story? Well, one of them is that we are not going to see any meaningful change, to the fabric of Thai society. Many of us were incredibly hopeful that we would see some positive changes. And I think it is quite possible that Prayuth, and his top guys have their hearts in the right places, and want to see this change take place. Many expats, and many Thais really want to see progress, and want to see this country moving forward into this century. Yes, we will see some land crimes solved, and some illegal beach vendors removed. But, in terms of dealing with the massive corruption issues, the kind of power guys like the headman of Koh Tao have, and their ability to abuse that power, and positive changes at an institutional level, and at a national level, where it really counts, many of us now doubt it will happen. This case proves, that many are still above the law, and even the Army cannot touch them. That is the devastating moral to this story. A very disappointing outcome indeed.

May be there is some torrent of money coming in from the middle east to make sure corruption remains because corrupt structures stay strong and it will be difficult at least for Prayuth to do what he wants?

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Well okay then. Should be no problem passing the evidence to the UK coroner for pier review.

I dont Think the UK police or government has requested the files and I doubt they will. The ambassador here in thailand is confident the police is doing there work properly smile.png

There should be an inquest in the UK.

From the BBC: "A full inquest will take place on 6 January."

Link: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-29461757

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