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Koh Samui prison chief fears Koh Tao murder suspects may commit suicide


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"...because they show signs of stress," said Chanin Liangsuwan, chief of Koh Samui District Prison. "They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done."

I would imagine being jailed for something they DID NOT do would cause as much or more stress. What a thing to say as if they are trying to sell all of this to everyone.

So the chief screw is now the judge and executioner. This two are suspects who were tortured into confessing and have now retracted their confessions. Since they are innocent until proved guilty in court, how dare this piece of excrement say they may be feeling guilty for the crime they have committed.

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Ha Ha ah ha ha !

CCTV will get safety when their guards are sleeping !!!!

They have guards employed for sleeping in working time !!

Ha ha ha ha !!

In other countrys guards are fired if they sleep on working time,

you need to watch your guards by CCTV !!!

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Oh, this is not going to end well.

Due to the high profile nature of this case, these two need to be placed in a single-cell status away from the GP with 24-hour cctv.

I'd rather see them in protective custody, in a Safe House, whereabouts unknown to the police, until the case can be properly investigated.

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Chanin Liangsuwan,chief of Koh Samui District Prison: "They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done."

How sick is this statement ?

It depends entirely on whether they committed the crime or not.

One more sick statement

Why is this statement sick??

Have you cleared them of the crime??

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In a sign that the investigation may face yet another setback, Attorney of Koh Samui, Paiboon Ashawanandakul, said he has asked the police to "polish" the case filed to the prosecutor's office as the files remain "incomplete" in some areas.

"Polish the case" ?!!!! Has he not heard the saying you can't polish a turd ? Unbelievable

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theguardian.com Further doubts have emerged about the police investigation into the murder of two British backpackers in Thailand, after a Burmese official said the two migrant workers arrested for the crime had now retracted the confessions that were ''beaten out of them''.

bangkokpost.com A third Myanmar man, Maung Maung, who is being held in custody as a witness in the murder of two British tourists on Koh Tao said he did not see the killings, according to DVB.

huffingtonpostco.uk There is growing international concern over the murder investigation after Thai forensic expert Dr Porntip Rojanasunan said the police's supposed evidence ''contradicted the principles of forensic science.'' while Amnesty International has demanded an investigation into possible human rights abuses.

bangkokpost.com ''The weak point (in the investigation) is that police do not understand that the case requires a forensic pathologist, so the officers who collected evidence did not call in one from Surat Thani Hospital,'' Dr Porntip said.

International media have already seen the " transparency " ? In this !

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It really exposes the level of their mentality.. Thinking that everyone is on the same level of intelligence as they are.. It's quite disturbing.

Thats right. And are they just oblivious to all the criticism going on around them.? Or are they so arrogant that they do not care what this looks like to the rest of the world.

Or all of the above.

Edited by morrobay
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But ST

Yes, but they haven't been cleared of the crime - also I was responding to the statement 'it depends on whether they committed the crime or not'. A perfectly justified question is it not??? I didn't mention anything about what the prison authority person said.

I could call you lot sick for trying to clear these two murder suspects!!!

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But ST

Yes, but they haven't been cleared of the crime - also I was responding to the statement 'it depends on whether they committed the crime or not'. A perfectly justified question is it not??? I didn't mention anything about what the prison authority person said.

I could call you lot sick for trying to clear these two murder suspects!!!

Answer this question. Why is this announcement being made without the concerned parties taking realistic steps to stop them killing themselves?

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In a sign that the investigation may face yet another setback, Attorney of Koh Samui, Paiboon Ashawanandakul, said he has asked the police to "polish" the case filed to the prosecutor's office as the files remain "incomplete" in some areas.

"Polish the case" ?!!!! Has he not heard the saying you can't polish a turd ? Unbelievable

Paiboon is the public prosecutor. Well know in Samui for certain relationships with influential people and police.

Terrified with all the media scrutiny to be the last one to sign off on this before it is handed to the court which is just as corrupt. Paiboon may head off for a break somewhere unexplained very soon.

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It really exposes the level of their mentality.. Thinking that everyone is on the same level of intelligence as they are.. It's quite disturbing.


Frightening, even.

It could happen to any of us.

I worked with a prosecutor early in my career, who told me he never worried about going up against a sharp defense attorney. It was the stupid ones he feared.

"They are," he said, "unpredictable, and therefore dangerous."

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It really exposes the level of their mentality.. Thinking that everyone is on the same level of intelligence as they are.. It's quite disturbing.

But not surprising. Problem is, you can't fix stupid. Exposure to pesticides, culture, genetic? I'm baffled.

Oh well, it's a pretty insignificant country really. Mai phen rai...

From 2011:


Stupid doesn't even start to describe the RTP. Maybe retarded is a better word. You are right you can't fix it because their pea sized brains (if they have any at all) doesn't seem to function.

This thread is about the prison statement, not the RTP. Probably all of the RTP officers obey their commanders, right up the line, it doesn't make them all stupid, just compliant - don't complain or lose your job. It's how things are in Thailand throughout all walks of life. If the boss says black is white the staff will agree. You should know that.

I know emotions are running high, and will be even higher if anything happens to the two Burmese before their court appearance. If our posts continue to be well-reasoned, we'll stand more chance of being respected and listened to.

We will never be respected or listened to in Thailand. We are just Johnny Foreigner. Totally dispensable and even frowned on. Deaths of our compatriots are given even less respect. With migrant workers feeling the biggest brunt.

This thread is everything to do with the RTP and I am sorry but I don't buy you line that they are following orders to save their jobs.

If they are protecting true criminals, you can be assured that pockets have been lined right through the pecking order.

It was the RTP who have made a mockery of this case from end to end.

It was the RTP that has tampered with evidence.

It was the RTP that pointed to these two lads.

It was the RTP who beat a confession out of into them.

It was the RTP who are railroading them through a court trial that does not exist yet.

It is the RTP who are now backed into a corner because the world now sees the levels they have stooped to get this case to where it is.

It will now be the RTP who will ultimately sanction the murders of what can only be described as a couple of kids.

The prison chief may have been the one to come out with this stupid statement......... But I bet this is a prelude to a gruesome event on the orders of RTP.

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Oh, this is not going to end well.

Due to the high profile nature of this case, these two need to be placed in a single-cell status away from the GP with 24-hour cctv.

IMHO, they are safer with other inmates around, though the danger of a planted assassin cannot be ruled out. In a cell by themselves, it is more probable that they will be found hung and there will be problems with the CCTV tape.

e.g. a fatal altercation in the shower with an already convicted murderer who has nothing to lose?

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But ST

Yes, but they haven't been cleared of the crime - also I was responding to the statement 'it depends on whether they committed the crime or not'. A perfectly justified question is it not??? I didn't mention anything about what the prison authority person said.

I could call you lot sick for trying to clear these two murder suspects!!!

Answer this question. Why is this announcement being made without the concerned parties taking realistic steps to stop them killing themselves?

They have shown themselves to be aware, are monitoring them closely, checking their food, thinking of setting up CCTV to check on them (even when they are sleeping).

What do you want them to do - sit with them whilst they are sitting on the toilet or go to bed with them!!

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