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Koh Samui prison chief fears Koh Tao murder suspects may commit suicide

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It's high time the international community stepped in and took control. These two need moving to a cell of their own with around the clock (non-Thai) security. Now waiting for the authorities to announced that they killed themselves out of remorse.

So glad I'm no longer living in a country where the rule of law is governed by money and face.

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"...I am afraid they may commit suicide, because they show signs of stress," said Chanin Liangsuwan, chief of Koh Samui District Prison. "They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done."

So apparently Khun Chanin is a first class mind-reader. The two are showing signs of stress and he assumes it's because of feelings of guilt. Well, if these two are innocent, what he would be seeing is stress due to despair ... due to the knowledge you're all alone in a foreign country and quickly being railroaded toward some unpleasant end, judicial or 'extra-judicial'.

Do I recall correctly reading that a legal team had been established to protect the rights of these suspects? If so, I hope the lawyers have access to them on a daily basis, can get updates on what is taking place in the cells, and can ensure measures are in place to ensure their safety. But perhaps I've been watching too many US crime dramas...


...It is time the R word (= Royal)...was removed from the RTP

And the P word.

And then change the T part to <deleted>, and we've got it. example:

These <deleted> messed up the case.

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How convenient.Maybe this is a pre emptive strike,to stop something happening.Prisoners maybe watching suspects but who is watching them.What are they doing in general population,should be in an army lockup.


The BiB are either very very stupid or they simply don't give a toss what the world thinks

They are not used to PR on the global stage, they are trying to apply what has always worked on a domestic audience........but they are quickly finding out people are not that stupid.


Thais never question authority. It's not Thai.

Now, with the internet, the fairy takes they usually tell are being questioned.


Really, I think that people need to be putting pressure on the Burmese embassy to DEMAND that their two citizens are put into safe secure units with round the clock monitoring.

Their lives are in grave danger and it aint going to be from suicide.

Let The RTP and the Thai government know that if they die, this will NOT be case closed, and that with the cooperation with the British police, they will go to the ends of the earth to exonerate these two poor kids. Especially with a completely impartial DNA screening.

Then once there is no proven match, then the pressure applied with even more force for the police to produce suspects, which they won't be able to because they have clearly said they confessed and the DNA matched.

So to be honest, the death of these two suspects is not necessarily 'case closed'.

It could be the thing that finally exposes state sponsored police corruption. Because it will seriously piss off Myanmar.

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"I have instructed other inmates to monitor the two Burmese men" - this coming from a prison chief. Not instructing his own men. Or putting more men on the job. But instructing inmates. Since when did the inmates start to work for the prison authorities? Day after day after day, the Thai authorities do nothing but spew stupider and stupider statements. Just when you think it can't get worse, another one comes along and gives a new low. How are we to take anything in Thailand seriously anymore?


With the Govt and Police out for their blood, then of course they are twitchy.

Even a low IQ person can put 2 and 2 together and work out whats in store for them, knowing how corruption and the Thai police do their "business", so if they have been framed, they should be worrying about accidentally committing suicide

Its like having a pack of wild dogs guarding the chicken coop....


Mr. Embassadors,

You are representatives of the nations who have embassies in Bangkok.

Other than our beloved mr. Kent you all are silent.

Do none of you have the gutts to speak out against this inhumane charade of the Thai Police? Or are you hiding behind diplomatic "rules"?

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How convenient? remove any possibility of truth escaping from their lips...

showing signs of stress? doesnt every inmate on death row or facing life imprisonment show the same signs? or does the chief now speak Burmese too?


so predictable!!

bumped off (so the police and authorities can 'cover' their slimy tracks).

pretty similar to many 'supposed' suicides in our foreign countries too: Jack ruby etc


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Mr Prime Minister, why are you and your previous ignoring this problem on Koh Tao, you have a very , very serious problem on that island.

Are you happy that Koh Tao has become a centre of murder and rape?

SIR, TIME TO ACT in the name of HUMANITY.

What leads you to suggest that Ko Tao is any more a centre of un-natural deaths in Thailand than anywhere else in the country? There have been unsolved murders or unexplained deaths (the jumping out of hotel room window syndrome) of foreigners elsewhere in the Samui archipelago, in Pattaya, on Phi Phi, in Phuket, in Chiang Mai. The list is ever lengthening.

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@ wackybacky ...sorry just a play on your 'random name'.

I feel the two burmese guys have been stitched up too ,the whole episode stinks .

I think the same old armchair detectives posting on here got under my skin for a minute.

apologies for picking out you.

No worries mate. You aint the first and you won't be the last.

I made an error of judgement when I chose the name, and that is on my part.

Regarding the other members' comments on contaminated DNA samples. I also agree, but I bet they were deliberately contaminated, and who even knows who's DNA is being sent to labs under what host names? Everything can be rigged... DNA is only as good as the credibility of the sample handed over in the first place.

The only chance of getting true DNA samples is for the Burmese lawyers to hand over samples from the two suspects to the British police who of course have Hannah's body... But even then again her body was in the care of Thai police and who knows what has occurred while they have had access to it.

They may not have left anything for the British police, but I seem to remember reading that the British police actually do have DNA samples from her.

It pains me the think my government seem to have no desire to work with the Burmese on this issue. If I were a direct family member or friend of either of the victims, I would would be kicking up a massive stink about this and forcing their hand.

Burma run by army,Thailand run by army,is that enough of a connection for you.

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Quote - "I have instructed other inmates to monitor the two Burmese men. I am afraid they may commit suicide, because they show signs of stress," said Chanin Liangsuwan, chief of Koh Samui District Prison. "They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done."

Translation - Not long before they will be found dead in their cells by the 'other inmates' tasked with 'keeping an eye on them'. As for feeling guilty for the crimes they have done, i thought you had to be tried and convicted before a court of law before you can start printing that they are guilty.

Please! Myanmar government get involved in this case ASAP before 2 of your citizens are wrongly convicted of murder or even worse, found murdered themselves, Only in Thailand!


I am waiting for suicide attempts of Koh Tao involved policemen in too much stress.

Wasn't there an article about this recently?


Chanin Liangsuwan,chief of Koh Samui District Prison: "They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done."

How sick is this statement ?

It depends entirely on whether they committed the crime or not.

yes and to hell with due process



have to wonder if there will be a 1 million baht reward for anyone if it is suicideblink.png , talk about blatant attempts to cover their &lt;deleted&gt;

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