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ISIS' reasons for enslaving women


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ISIS states its justification for the enslavement of women
By Salma Abdelaziz, CNN

(CNN) -- In a new publication, ISIS justifies its kidnapping of women as sex slaves citing Islamic theology, an interpretation that is rejected by the Muslim world at large as a perversion of Islam.

"One should remember that enslaving the families of the kuffar -- the infidels -- and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah, or Islamic law," the group says in an online magazine published Sunday.

The title of the article sums up the ISIS point of view: "The revival (of) slavery before the Hour," referring to Judgment Day.

The fourth edition of the group's English-language digital magazine called "Dabiq" said that female members of the Yazidi sect, an ethnically Kurdish minority living mostly in Iraq, may legitimately be captured and forcibly made concubines or sexual slaves.

Full story: http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/12/world/meast/isis-justification-slavery/index.html

-- CNN 2014-10-13

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The thing is: these are the same people who inhabited Iraq and Syria ten years ago before the US-led "Coalition of the Willing" invaded.

So the idea that this "IS/ISIS/ISIL" group mysteriously appeared out of the North like the Horde of Genghis Khan is a myth.

This group is comprised of the Sunni Muslims that have lived in that part of the world for over 1,000 years. They believed what they are now preaching 1,000 years ago and they believed it 15 years ago under Saddam (pre-US invasion).

The idea that they are some sort of <10% minority of the population that has the other 90% subjugated is a fallacy. Their believe system is supported directly and indirectly by at least 50% of Middle East Muslims. Direct support is perhaps only 20% of the population but with the "sympathy" of another 50-60%.

Your observation is supported directly by Yazidi witnesses telling how Iraqi Sunnis were active and willing accomplices to ISIS in persecuting them. You only need look in which Countries slavery is still practiced to conclude how hollow it is to claim it to be a perversion of Islam, unless of course there are a lot of perverts out there.
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The thing is: these are the same people who inhabited Iraq and Syria ten years ago before the US-led "Coalition of the Willing" invaded.

So the idea that this "IS/ISIS/ISIL" group mysteriously appeared out of the North like the Horde of Genghis Khan is a myth.

This group is comprised of the Sunni Muslims that have lived in that part of the world for over 1,000 years. They believed what they are now preaching 1,000 years ago and they believed it 15 years ago under Saddam (pre-US invasion).

The idea that they are some sort of <10% minority of the population that has the other 90% subjugated is a fallacy. Their believe system is supported directly and indirectly by at least 50% of Middle East Muslims. Direct support is perhaps only 20% of the population but with the "sympathy" of another 50-60%.

IS are the more extreme manifestation of Al Qaeda in Iraq, with a direct linkage in leadership/senior members. Al Qaeda in Iraq were defeated, perhaps better said to be significantly 'degraded', as a result of co-operation by the Sunni tribes in Western Iraq with US forces. Your observation on percentages is illogical.

In other topics on this forum there have been a number of links where Islamic leaders have condemned IS ideology, violence & sexual slavery.

Edited by simple1
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The thing is: these are the same people who inhabited Iraq and Syria ten years ago before the US-led "Coalition of the Willing" invaded.

So the idea that this "IS/ISIS/ISIL" group mysteriously appeared out of the North like the Horde of Genghis Khan is a myth.

This group is comprised of the Sunni Muslims that have lived in that part of the world for over 1,000 years. They believed what they are now preaching 1,000 years ago and they believed it 15 years ago under Saddam (pre-US invasion).

The idea that they are some sort of <10% minority of the population that has the other 90% subjugated is a fallacy. Their believe system is supported directly and indirectly by at least 50% of Middle East Muslims. Direct support is perhaps only 20% of the population but with the "sympathy" of another 50-60%.

IS are the more extreme manifestation of Al Qaeda in Iraq, with a direct linkage in leadership/senior members. Al Qaeda in Iraq were defeated, perhaps better said to be significantly 'degraded', as a result of co-operation by the Sunni tribes in Western Iraq with US forces. Your observation on percentages is illogical

So then why are the same tribes rallying around this new "more extreme" manifestation? Could it be because they are no longer being paid off by Coalition Forces and have always believed this dogma?

Do you believe that approximately 4,000 days of Western intervention has changed these people from moderate and peaceful into extremist barbarians?

Do you believe that this new group is not comprised of citizens of the area it claims as part of its new "Caliphate?"

If you've answered no to both questions, then you might conclude that these people living in this region have believed in this ideology for hundreds of years, even before the first Crusaders landed a thousand years ago.

Edited by Godfree2
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The thing is: these are the same people who inhabited Iraq and Syria ten years ago before the US-led "Coalition of the Willing" invaded.

So the idea that this "IS/ISIS/ISIL" group mysteriously appeared out of the North like the Horde of Genghis Khan is a myth.

This group is comprised of the Sunni Muslims that have lived in that part of the world for over 1,000 years. They believed what they are now preaching 1,000 years ago and they believed it 15 years ago under Saddam (pre-US invasion).

The idea that they are some sort of <10% minority of the population that has the other 90% subjugated is a fallacy. Their believe system is supported directly and indirectly by at least 50% of Middle East Muslims. Direct support is perhaps only 20% of the population but with the "sympathy" of another 50-60%.

how many of the Middle East Muslims did you interview to make that claim? three or perhaps even four? huh.png

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The thing is: these are the same people who inhabited Iraq and Syria ten years ago before the US-led "Coalition of the Willing" invaded.

So the idea that this "IS/ISIS/ISIL" group mysteriously appeared out of the North like the Horde of Genghis Khan is a myth.

This group is comprised of the Sunni Muslims that have lived in that part of the world for over 1,000 years. They believed what they are now preaching 1,000 years ago and they believed it 15 years ago under Saddam (pre-US invasion).

The idea that they are some sort of <10% minority of the population that has the other 90% subjugated is a fallacy. Their believe system is supported directly and indirectly by at least 50% of Middle East Muslims. Direct support is perhaps only 20% of the population but with the "sympathy" of another 50-60%.

You need to go back to the time of war between Iraq and Iran to find Islamic extremism.

This extremism was stimulated by Western countries.

There was no sign of Islamic extremism before that war between Sunni, Shia and Christians.

There was no ISIS before and during Saddam.

Edited by Thorgal
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Sam Harris, author of Waking Up and an expert of Islamic extremism, quantifies the percentage of Muslims supporting extremist ideology directly and indirectly (Skip to 4:05):

Liberals: BIll Maher agrees with him while whiny little Ben Affleck rambles, "We are endowed by our Forefathers..." 555 what a <deleted>

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Im still bewildered as to why we place the same values that we place on ourselves onto others, the Middle East is not USA and if it wernt for thousands of years of meddling it might not be as bad as its got.

The area lacks education which is a key to freedom, Islam does appear to be a bloody religion but then again the Christans have a bloody legacy also.

If it wasnt for black gold no one would give a dam so lets get real, i dout that IS has the capacity to take the whole area but the very fact that the "allies" are back means were going to keep on feeding the fire of extreamisum.

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The thing is: these are the same people who inhabited Iraq and Syria ten years ago before the US-led "Coalition of the Willing" invaded.

So the idea that this "IS/ISIS/ISIL" group mysteriously appeared out of the North like the Horde of Genghis Khan is a myth.

This group is comprised of the Sunni Muslims that have lived in that part of the world for over 1,000 years. They believed what they are now preaching 1,000 years ago and they believed it 15 years ago under Saddam (pre-US invasion).

The idea that they are some sort of <10% minority of the population that has the other 90% subjugated is a fallacy. Their believe system is supported directly and indirectly by at least 50% of Middle East Muslims. Direct support is perhaps only 20% of the population but with the "sympathy" of another 50-60%.

IS are the more extreme manifestation of Al Qaeda in Iraq, with a direct linkage in leadership/senior members. Al Qaeda in Iraq were defeated, perhaps better said to be significantly 'degraded', as a result of co-operation by the Sunni tribes in Western Iraq with US forces. Your observation on percentages is illogical

So then why are the same tribes rallying around this new "more extreme" manifestation? Could it be because they are no longer being paid off by Coalition Forces and have always believed this dogma?

Do you believe that approximately 4,000 days of Western intervention has changed these people from moderate and peaceful into extremist barbarians?

Do you believe that this new group is not comprised of citizens of the area it claims as part of its new "Caliphate?"

If you've answered no to both questions, then you might conclude that these people living in this region have believed in this ideology for hundreds of years, even before the first Crusaders landed a thousand years ago.

From my reading the underlying driving force of the Sunni Awakening / Sons of Iraq was opposition to the strategy and tactics of Al Qaeda in Iraq. I'm sure you are aware of the disenfranchisement of those Sunni tribes by the Iraqi government, under Malaki. Is this not one of the reasons the US wanted him gone to be able to reengage with the Sunni community to counter the drift back to extremism. FYI some background on the dangers of Sunni disenfranchisement that previously warned of the consequences at the URL below.


Out of the estimated 6 million 'citizens' currently under the rule of IS, how many do you really believe support the dogma claiming sexual slavery and rape as a tool of war if fine. I bet it is a very small percentage, there again I cannot prove the numbers, nor can you to the contrary.

EDIT: I am of the belief the actions & ideology of IS will have a counter reaction in the Muslim world & lead to their graves; just a matter of time...

Edited by simple1
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Could someone, anyone give me an example of a moderate condemning slavery on theological grounds to abrogate the crystal clear examples justifying it given by ISIS? Without such references to scripture any condemnation is worthless as far as Muslims are concerned.

I agree that there should be more majority Moslem condemnation of the extremists. Think it is much like the main line churches in the U.S. in not condemning the radicals in their midst. Hard to compare snake handlers with the armed Moslem extremists. My point is...most people around the globe are busy living their own local lives and are not rising up to speak out....on anything. That is why voting turnout in many countries is so low.

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Sam Harris, author of Waking Up and an expert of Islamic extremism, quantifies the percentage of Muslims supporting extremist ideology directly and indirectly (Skip to 4:05):

Liberals: BIll Maher agrees with him while whiny little Ben Affleck rambles, "We are endowed by our Forefathers..." 555 what a <deleted>

how many years has the expert Sam Harris (the son of a Jewish mother and therefore "de jure yahudi" a bona fide Jew) spent for his research in the Middle East or any other Muslim country?


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The prophet ok'd the taking of slaves and the raping of them, according to scripture he did this himself. To 'real' Muslims he is the perfect man and to be like him is to be more perfect. The reasons are all in the Koran, that's the handbook for how to live your life, as given by God!!!

No Stockholm Syndrome in the Middle East thus...

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It has been a blood-soaked religion for 1,400 years.

Obama and Cameron keep telling us Islam is a religion of peace ? blink.png

Like Christianity which brought us the Crusades in which even cities containing majority Christian populations were put to the sword and looted.

Which is exactly what Islam is doing in our modern day. There is a Islamic crusade happening right now and even though the majority of Muslims are silent on the barbarities of what the radicals are doing it does not mean that they oppose them, it obviously means quite the opposite.

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These are the kind of people who want to rule the world...and force their medieval laws on the rest of the world?

There can be no justification for enslaving women, men or children...NONE !

Quit hiding behind the veil of Islam...come out of the closet...you are just a bunch of inhumane animals... who can not make it in the world without forcing your will upon other people...you are despicable and unacceptable...will be eliminated...and soon forgotten...

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It has been a blood-soaked religion for 1,400 years.

Obama and Cameron keep telling us Islam is a religion of peace ? blink.png

Like Christianity which brought us the Crusades in which even cities containing majority Christian populations were put to the sword and looted.

The first crusade was called in 1095 after 300 YEARS of Muslims invading Christian lands in the middle east. it was called due to Muslim aggression and the persecution of pilgrims to Jerusalem. The only goal of the crusade was to liberate Jerusalem and not to re take lands from the Muslim invaders. yes there were atrocities on both sides but which battle are you referring to? Islamic expansion over the last 1400 years involved over 500 battles against the 'infidel' a number which dwarves all the ones in all the crusades. It is estimates the wars caused by Islam have killed at least 260 million in the past 1400 years.

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