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Foreign tourist arrivals in Thailand drop 10.28 percent


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Thailand is good for probably one visit, after that it isn't worth it after you have an idea what its like here. I was just looking at the Chiang Mai section of Tripadvisor and under the attractions in Chiang Mai tab the top rated entries are either elephant zoos or cooking classes. Sure, it's nice to have a walk around Chiang Mai, go up to Doi Inthanon, do a few other things, the food is generally better than in Bangkok, but flying all the way from Europe or America to re-visit the petting zoo and learn a new variation on Kaeng Kiew Wan is probably not on most people's agendas. At some point most people will have already been here and done that. 10 percent doesn't seems particularly massive actually and as others have mentioned looking around it seems much more empty than just 10 percent.

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...While the TAT is praising the increase of tourist arrivals. It shows once again the incompetence of high paid morons in charge. The real problem in this country is that this mixture of lousy propaganda, the fear of losing face, unskilled officials and patronage go constantly in symbiosis.

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Then why are all my favorite hotels charging higher advertised rates this year than the same months last year?

Didn't you know that when business is bad, the Thais just put the prices up to compensate for the loss of income.

The 10% drop is most likely just attributed to border runs being curbed.

The real figures will come out one day. All you have to do is go outside for a few nights.

Hotels are struggling, the popular restaurants are empty, the bars are mostly dying, and the few tourists you do see

are the Chines / Korean tour groups, and the low end Russians (and not too many of them), so reality would

seem to be far different from what they are reporting.

Many of these so called arrivals must only be transiting through Thailand on their way to other countries.

I am not complaining, I kind of like it this way, but maybe the TAT should give more accurate figures to business

people, so that they can base future decisions on these statistics.

I am a "so called arrival". Arriving late i must have a overnigt in bangkok before i travel onward. Same on the way back. From 2 months in SEA only 2 night in bangkok airport area due to flight connections.

And many of my friends, clients do it the same way. Flights from europe are extremly cheap at the moment, for example vienna-bangkok-vienna with emirates from 525. Many people use bangkok as their hub but dont want to spend 1 day extra due to the changes in the last years.

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Sit back and relax as the ultimate Thai soap opera is being lived out in front of your eyes. The Bangkok middle class was used to topple the previous government the only question is if they will be the same ones that bring down this junta. In one of my posts just after the coup I made a prediction/list of events and I am marking off the events as they are happening. Included in the list is rising unemployment (already in process but will get much worse), weakening world economy (worse tourism figures and exports - already happening and will get worse), drought next year (still being forecasted), the new government ignoring the poor/farmers (they cut all agricultural support from the 2015 budget), cash hand outs (happening but wait for more next year when economy go down 5% plus), big street protest in BKK which is colour blind (yellow and reds together), suppression of the opposition which leads to the build up of anger and a corruption scandal that will end the junta.

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was'nt thailand complaining about singapore or somewhere for copying songkran a while back ? , .....now they are using calenders celebrating a christian event to entice foriegn tourists ???.............pot/kettle/black comes to mind

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How many of that 10% were border runners?

You have a way too Thaivisa centric view of things if you think the number of border runs is anything but insignificant in the overall scheme of things.

These figures are from the beginning of the year, visa rules changed in August, secondly there's a huge drop from China and I don't think Chinese tourists are visa runners.

Mosha lives in the "jungle".

If you call rubber and palm oil trees jungle.

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Martial law, military dictatorship, killing of tourists, increase in crime rate, scams... and then they are wondering why Thailand is no more the prefered destination. Other countries in the area are more save nowadays, such as Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia. Today I use BKK as a hub only to visit Laos and Vietnam, which are both more genuine then stressed Thailand.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Then why are all my favorite hotels charging higher advertised rates this year than the same months last year?

To make up for loss revenue...

It's the Thai way of business.

When the locals lose money, there's only one way to make it up,

and that is to charge more going forward.

Great business strategy.

Since it's worked in the past.

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Then why are all my favorite hotels charging higher advertised rates this year than the same months last year?

The simple answer to that is because Thai logic says that if you're not not making so much money last month/week then you should increase your prices to claw back your losses.

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Those New Years calendars should do the job...

Sure thing......

This New Year stuff. As I recall, last year Pattaya announced it held the world record for the longest New Year countdown.

So, what did that mean. Well, I went down to have a look about a week before New Year. It seemed to me to be simply putting up loads of stalls selling the usual food and junk clothing. Maybe I missed something. I'm sure other posters will tell me if I did.

Anyway, not only did they have the world record but announced proudly that visitors from all over the world attended this event. (The fact the 'visitors' were already here did not seem to impact on the desire to imply people had jetted in for this huge event).

Actually, if all TV posters agreed we could announce we've started our New Year countdown now, thus smashing the world record! cheesy.gif

Sorry for being such a cynic, but the current climate brings out the worse in me. Perhaps if I could listen to the radio I would not be browsing this thread.

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If TAT are prepared to admit to a 10.28% drop then the real number is probably a lot worse.

Don't change your dollars yet. Wait until Ebola hits town.

Come on, this from the guy who cheered it on all the way: you were volunteering to start a bounty hunting service for anyone who did too many visa runs :)

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If TAT are prepared to admit to a 10.28% drop then the real number is probably a lot worse.

Don't change your dollars yet. Wait until Ebola hits town.

Come on, this from the guy who cheered it on all the way: you were volunteering to start a bounty hunting service for anyone who did too many visa runs :)

Yeah, was younger in cheek, but lost on a lot of people.

The visa runs though are not the only reason for the drop, Thailand has had awful press over the last year or so.

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To SjaakNL2013

I understand that people need to be shocked to act. Please think of the families of these people they have had the worst time any of us could possibly imagine, Actually cannot imagine.

I know these pictures have been circulated elsewhere but please don't post them. imagine the hurt you cause if member of the family or a friend was reading through the supportive posts and then your post with a picture of what the disgusting animals did to their child or friend.

I don't think they will ever stop grieving and that is so unfair.

We should keep talking about the whole subject because it MAY bring the bastards that did this to justice and stop them doing it again but enough pain has already been given to the families.

That post containing that gory image has been removed. Pretty insensitive and uncaring to the family if they were to be reading this forum and to come across that post.

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The drop in tourist arrivals ??

Okay, there might be a small drop due to less tourists turning up in Thailand. But surely, the change in the visa rules (as in restrictions on going to Laos/Cambodia/Burma and coming back into Thailand straight-away with a new stamp) did cause a drop in 'tourist' arrivals ?

...The new Visa rules have definitely contributed to a drop in "tourists"...as tonbridgebrit rightly points out...of course TAT count these visa runs as "tourists" ( I mean you have to hang onto your job at TAT somehow don't you ?)

I personally do not believe the 10.28% reduction as quoted...it is more likely 20 - 25%+

Anyway...I am aware of several "Visa run" companies in Bangkok that have actually closed shop or seriously curtailed their van/bus visa runs...one in particular that used to run 3 or 4 vans from Onnut each day...has closed shop and now redirects inquiries to another similar company who now only do the visa run on a Wednesday and a Friday..(previously it was everyday except Sunday)...and only have enough "v/runners" to run 2 vans...

This is two very very small companies feeling the pinch.

The Thai authorities should take note before the pinch turns into a slap....if that hasn't happened already


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Not difficult to understand why tourism is down when Thailand is the leader in so many ways over other SEA countries.

Nobody really cares about the government and martial law, but there are a few other reasons why tourist might go some other place.

1. Dirty beaches and water (except Manila's water front).

3. Over priced motorcycle taxis and taxis that refuse to use meters.

4. Muggings, robberies and murders of tourists.

5. Teenagers and man with guns, shooting in the streets.

6. HIV on the rise.

7. "Special pricing" for foreigners for goods, services, shows, parks and events.

8. "Special free tours" because some event or temple is "closed" today.

9. Overly aggressive katoeys on walkways and those looking to steal from foreigners.

10. Bar girls with the IQ and personality of a toad.

11. Police corruption and demanding money from foreigners.

12. Jet ski and motorcycle rental scams.

13. Dirty streets with garbage.

14. Trash and construction debris jumped in every open area.

15. Crazy drivers who don't have any knowledge of proper driving or consideration for anyone.

16. A Buddhist country where no one practicies the teachings of Buddha unless it is when they can personally gain from it.

17. The low class type of tourists that are currently being encouraged to visit Thailand discourages other tourists from coming.

18. Imcompetant leadership at TAT.

19. Raising prices when business is slow.

20. The friendly doormen and bouncers at night clubs who like to beat on foregners.

21. Thai men who would rather kill you than loose "face".

22. Yaba addicts everywhere.

23. And the list can just go on and on.

#16 is my personal favorite. Can always tell when the missus wants/needs/has lost something. The layer of film in the water glass mysteriously disappears, the "altar" is suddenly minus a couple of centimeters of dust and a fresh bottle of cherry Fanta appears out of nowhere. Un-freaking-believable.

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Sit back and relax as the ultimate Thai soap opera is being lived out in front of your eyes. The Bangkok middle class was used to topple the previous government the only question is if they will be the same ones that bring down this junta. In one of my posts just after the coup I made a prediction/list of events and I am marking off the events as they are happening. Included in the list is rising unemployment (already in process but will get much worse), weakening world economy (worse tourism figures and exports - already happening and will get worse), drought next year (still being forecasted), the new government ignoring the poor/farmers (they cut all agricultural support from the 2015 budget), cash hand outs (happening but wait for more next year when economy go down 5% plus), big street protest in BKK which is colour blind (yellow and reds together), suppression of the opposition which leads to the build up of anger and a corruption scandal that will end the junta.

How was the Bangkok middle class used to topple the government?

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To SjaakNL2013

I understand that people need to be shocked to act. Please think of the families of these people they have had the worst time any of us could possibly imagine, Actually cannot imagine.

I know these pictures have been circulated elsewhere but please don't post them. imagine the hurt you cause if member of the family or a friend was reading through the supportive posts and then your post with a picture of what the disgusting animals did to their child or friend.

I don't think they will ever stop grieving and that is so unfair.

We should keep talking about the whole subject because it MAY bring the bastards that did this to justice and stop them doing it again but enough pain has already been given to the families.

That post containing that gory image has been removed. Pretty insensitive and uncaring to the family if they were to be reading this forum and to come across that post.

Thanks. That was one image I wish I could unsee. Highly upsetting for all.

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If TAT are prepared to admit to a 10.28% drop then the real number is probably a lot worse.

Don't change your dollars yet. Wait until Ebola hits town.

Come on, this from the guy who cheered it on all the way: you were volunteering to start a bounty hunting service for anyone who did too many visa runs smile.png

Actually the Bounty Hunting was for Overstayers and had to be closed down due to popular demandbiggrin.png

Anyway doesn't my post make sense? Tourist numbers always err to the high side and with all the fiascoes lately

my prediction in another thread that tourist numbers this year will be the lowest for a long time will most likely be true.

Now that's not good for Thailand but good for most expats because the baht will probably fall.

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It is no longer the free wheeling happy go lucky place it used to be. The police up and own Sukhumvit both in and out of uniform. Random urine tests! Stall holders cleared of the streets like so much human rubbish. A massive amount of poor people, especially women, in dreadful inhuman prisons for petty offences. Massively wealthy individuals for whom there is no rule of law. A majority of oppressed fearful people for which the full weight of a military backed law machine is used to keep them uneducated, denied health care and denied justice. The world has been looking at Thailand since the Airport occupation and I must say this forum has done a lot to shed light not on amazing Thailand but on a sadly depressing thuggish Thailand. When we came here in the 60s it was especially for the weed. Then for women, partying and music in a relaxed atmosphere. It is not just that Thailand has changed for the worse- the world has tried to move on from petty neo fascism during a period of openness via modern media: Would I let my kids go to Thailand? No. The police and the absence of any rule of law combined with militantly corrupt politicians are more dangerous than any drugs, dangerous roads or foreign illnesses. Bangladesh is now marketing its self as Thailand is but the point is Thailand never used to need to markets itself. Its charm and genial corruption covered a myriad of sins. This is no longer the case.

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Then why are all my favorite hotels charging higher advertised rates this year than the same months last year?

A very common Thai knee jerk reaction to less business and lower revenue is to raise prices. Not sure what the thought process is behind this, or even if there is one. It flies in the face of everything we know about supply and demand. Let us make up for lost revenue by raising prices? Will we be competitive? Does that matter? If anyone can explain this one to me, I would appreciate it.

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