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Thai PM asserts British govt has no doubts regarding British tourists' murder case


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Its like 2 school children argueing in the playground. He said she said.... I think its really time to read between the lines. The Thai authorities are telling us it doesn't matter what u report we will do what we want. Probably best to start a campaign for the release of the 2 Burmese scapegoats and accept the real criminals will never be caught. At least that way we can save 2 lives. They are not going to arrest one of their own. Further to that if we all feel so strongly and want to exact revenge the only way to hurt them is financially. For those of u who live in Thailand and can get out, get out. Plenty of other places to hang your hat. For everyone else simply stop coming here period. Tell your friends not to come. Avoid all Thai products. That's the only way to get some form of justice now... Vote with the hip pocket.. We can't win any other way.

I think people forget that the death of a farang or Burmese is not seen as serious so they will never want to arrest a Thai if at all possible,

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He also told the relevant authorities to emphasize the quantity and quality of tourists to prevent problems.

I don't understand that bit. I think something got lost in translation. dry.png


I'd take it as a slight against backpackers.

Yes and against those wearing bikinis.

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This guy is failing at every hurdle he encounters now. Who to believe? The Uk government or someone who thinks that his brother having 90m baht is not a problem?

The guy said that the money in his bank in his name is not his but its the army's, and he pretends it's ok!!!

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what can the uk government do anyway ? They cant control Thailand thats for sure.

You'd be surprised! The British government can make it very difficult for people to get in and out, if needs be.

Watch this space. If Prayuth and his team don't answer, you'll soon find it hard to get a visa for your wife/gf or whomever from Thailand to get into the UK.

That's exactly what the UK government can do. And it can also control imports, as it doesn't exactly export much to Thailand... if anything at all.

And it can also control imports, as it doesn't exactly export much to Thailand... if anything at all.

No it can´t because it´s part of the European Union , tradewise 100%

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He is going to have to learn to keep his mouth shut on things like this.

He has done a lot of good so far and has the potential to do more but getting involved in things like this only makes him lose credibility.

He has made mistakes before and this is another which does him no good at all.

I respect your opinion but i totally disagree.

What are the great achiements so far, other than cleaning a couple of beaches in Phuket?

Nothing when compared to the elimination of the democratic rule and basic Human rights, not to mention the substitution of a corrupted system with an equally corrupted one.

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This could be a reason why Thailand could give a shit what the UK and USA have to say about their domestic affairs.



I read that.

If one knows one's history, this is the type of thing that starts wars.

Nobody is going to start a war over Thailand, it really isn't as important as the Thais, or you, think it is.

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what can the uk government do anyway ? They cant control Thailand thats for sure.

You'd be surprised! The British government can make it very difficult for people to get in and out, if needs be.

Watch this space. If Prayuth and his team don't answer, you'll soon find it hard to get a visa for your wife/gf or whomever from Thailand to get into the UK.

That's exactly what the UK government can do. And it can also control imports, as it doesn't exactly export much to Thailand... if anything at all.

And it can also control imports, as it doesn't exactly export much to Thailand... if anything at all.

No it can´t because it´s part of the European Union , tradewise 100%

I don't agree to agree. You FAIL.

Any country can control what it wants to import, be it part of a Union or not! ICH Q7 permits any EU country to decide upon the 'standards' of goods imported; such that if an individual country deems them of an unacceptable standard then it can warrant its own duties and import taxes, to the extent of restriction of imports and their being banned.

So in answer: Yes it can!

Edited by Commerce
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Wonder what the Koh Phangan Full Moon Part has to do with Koh Tao...?

»...relevant authorities to emphasize the quantity and quality of tourists to prevent problems.«

-and also wonder what a Full Moon Party "quality tourist" is like...? whistling.gif

my friend has had a dead body wash ashore by his room in phanggan. naturally it was an accident. ... when you mix Thais and drugs. you get a killer with a short temper, if you make him lose face.. your dead. ... accidentally of course.

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got to admit that we seem to be falling back into the old thai govt habits, were right, everyone else is wrong. This is what happens when thainess does not allow them to admit "oops we <DELETED!> up and we made a mistake" or the fact that certain people are being paid to look the other way. Worst of all all the separate thai govt agencies refuse to do the right thing, face is more important than the truth, now we see the general starting down the road to nowhere after such a great start, bugger.

Edited by metisdead
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He also told the relevant authorities to emphasize the quantity and quality of tourists to prevent problems.

I don't understand that bit. I think something got lost in translation. dry.png


I'd take it as a slight against backpackers.

Yes and against those wearing bikinis.

I thought it was safe to wear a bikini if you are ugly?

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He is going to have to learn to keep his mouth shut on things like this.

He has done a lot of good so far and has the potential to do more but getting involved in things like this only makes him lose credibility.

He has made mistakes before and this is another which does him no good at all.

I respect your opinion but i totally disagree.

What are the great achiements so far, other than cleaning a couple of beaches in Phuket?

Nothing when compared to the elimination of the democratic rule and basic Human rights, not to mention the substitution of a corrupted system with an equally corrupted one.

But with the difference that the bums can't be voted out.

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got to admit that we seem to be falling back into the old thai govt habits, were right, everyone else is wrong. This is what happens when thainess does not allow them to admit "oops we <DELETED!> up and we made a mistake" or the fact that certain people are being paid to look the other way. Worst of all all the separate thai govt agencies refuse to do the right thing, face is more important than the truth, now we see the general starting down the road to nowhere after such a great start, bugger.

Could it be when the going gets tough revert to type

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I really can't believe this travesty has gone on for so long. Every morning I turn on my computer thinking I am going to read positive news but it seem to get worse. I just had a look at Trip Advisor and was shocked at the amount of members comments that are taken down on the Koh Tao forum. It seems that if you put up a comment re the danger its its pulled down.

My wife who has family who come from KPG said there is a strong link between Suthip and the village head thats where the power is coming from and powerful people in Surat Thani the ex PMs power base.

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Her Majestys Ambassador to Bangkok was mistakenly quoted as saying he was happy with the RTP investigation, now this.

Thailand is taking a very aggressive attitude.

I hope Her Majesty's Government send a firm rebuke ASAP.

Is the Head man of a small Thai island really that influential??? I dont think so, so what the hell is going on?

I think the small Thai island Headman is influential. Sometimes you have to just look at the nose on your face. Think about it, a situation occurs (double homicide that has the looks of an angry and aggressive assault....anyone heard of Thai face saving?)... that has HUGE implications right before Thai tourist season kicks in. You could probably connect the money ALL the way to top officials in the gov't. ANYONE shouting "CONSPIRACY THEORY", or saying "stop speculating", can KMA. The investigation has been pathetically amateurish by Thai officials.

Oh, one more thing....many have stated that the Thai police are so stupid to have let the crime scene be contaminated by the public (including the manager of AC Bar). Actually, maybe they wanted it to be contaminated to purposely hide incriminating evidence. I am just thinking of things that a normal detective might consider....but yet, the RTP will not cover ALL leads. Ask yourself....WHY NOT?


IMO, the murderers MO was not the lame-assed story by the RTP...that these young Burmese guys wanted to take a peek (and deciding to bring a hoe with them, just in case, ya know) at two foreigners kissing. And then got all horny enough to bash their faces in and rape the girl. Are you kidding me? Follow the money, just like Walter Sobchak said in The Big Lebowski. Sorry for bringing up The Dude.

I do believe we are in for a shock. Thousands of words in hundreds of thread posts are, frankly futile. My theory is irrelevant in the big scheme, but there has been much suggested which, without prejudice, is unhelpful.

Young people, occasion, alcohol, drugs, deadly sins (one or more), paradise, hormones...

Templedog, you are hovering in the right area...regards

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I really can't believe this travesty has gone on for so long. Every morning I turn on my computer thinking I am going to read positive news but it seem to get worse. I just had a look at Trip Advisor and was shocked at the amount of members comments that are taken down on the Koh Tao forum. It seems that if you put up a comment re the danger its its pulled down.

My wife who has family who come from KPG said there is a strong link between Suthip and the village head thats where the power is coming from and powerful people in Surat Thani the ex PMs power base.

You mean the right honorable Kanman Suthep, leader of the PDRC and one of the 'saviours' of Thailand? Screaming about corruption while he himself has his fingers in a few suspect pies? Well, I never...

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