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PM Prayut wants quality tourists to visit Thailand


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Entry denied, quality status not approved.

The first time they do this & it gets reported in international press, arrivals will drop by 30%

Will travel agents around the world start advising their clients to arrive here looking ' quality ' so wear designer clothes, have designer luggage and confirmed accommodation in an up market hotel / resort ?

Next part of the conversation will be possibly be about alternative destinations.

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prayuth seemed to be doing a good job for the first three months but now the power seems to have gone to his head and without proper feedback due to censorship he is in danger of becoming delusional.

It seems that he should have handed over to a quality statesman like Anand Panyachun who understands things like economic reform and foreign relations. Prayuth could have retained power behind the scenes in the NCPO and taken credit if things went well.

Edited by Dogmatix
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I can see it now at the airport. Two Isles quality and non qualitywub.png . What will be the criteria. Minger Non Minger?cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Seriously though what is a quality tourist? One who spends lots of money to the local economy or one who sits on a tour, visits temples and spends little. I think the Tourism minister should be more specific so we can take his comments more seriously.

That must be why he gave visa exemptions to the Russians and the Chinese.... must be quality tourists.....hahahaha

That in it's self is a statement of what type of tourist he wants to come here......

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Don't bash the PM - these are his views and he's entitled to state them. He is getting more animated and testy at his press conferences - he was treated with more respect when he was visiting Burma.

In fact, this is a golden opportunity for us to know what the Real Elites (REs) really think.

And by REs, I don't mean the rich Chinese-Thais nor the nouveau-riche HiSos (who will be appalled by the threat to their businesses).

I mean the old-families Thai cliques (retired Generals, Counsellors, decorated Courtiers) who are usually behind several rows of curtains.

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who the hell is adviseing this prime minister what to say.

whoever it is needs someone to advise him\her.







that will cut the count down.

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What planet is this man on.... Quality tourist ?????? Please explain... Oh that's right like your quality police force. Most of the tourist destinations in Thailand are only good because of the foreign owned or started businesses there. Ask yourself where you stayed, where you ate, what club you went into... I would wager probably foreign owned... Its time to pull out people. Put your business dollars elsewhere. Put your money into a country that deserves it. Cambodia for instance. You would almost be getting in at the ground floor. Perhaps its time to make Cambodia a better version of what Thailand use to be..morally its impossible to stomach this PM anymore.

Yeah, that's the ticket. Cambodia is heaven on Earth. I'll be doing that right away.

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What a ridiculous statrement to make at a time like this. He is under pressure to show the world that Thailand is not 3rd world and that they are capable of serving justice, then he states that Thailand need to monitor the quality of tourists! Has he really put any thought into this at all? Or is it just another silly "bikini" statement? How will they monitor tourists to ensure only "quality" tourists are admitted..? Dress code, wealth, police record, political/religious persuasion, colour, age. Assuming the criteria would be pre-set and not a brown shirted gent alongside immigration booth waving away anyone in board shorts or long and untidy hair, it could result in far worse "quality" tourists altogether. He is going to contiune to make obtuse statements to deflect the attention from the incompeteance of the RTP, or maybe they are not so incompetant after all, as so far they have succeded in protecting the guilty parties in this hideous crime and regardless of the fate of the accused, justice will not be served.

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How exactly do you screen for quality tourists?

Some of the biggest villains that I know (knew) were always sharply dressed and always flush with money.

Just because they had never been through the justice system, ie, never been caught, would not in any way or form make them quality tourists.

With everything that has been happening in Thailand over the last year or so, IMHO, public statements like this do not help in any way.

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How exactly do you screen for quality tourists?

Some of the biggest villains that I know (knew) were always sharply dressed and always flush with money.

Just because they had never been through the justice system, ie, never been caught, would not in any way or form make them quality tourists.

With everything that has been happening in Thailand over the last year or so, IMHO, public statements like this do not help in any way.

Crocs over socks. That's how to tell quality over riffraff.

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Everyone wants quality....on both sides.

Quality security and fair play will bring the quality tourist.

The first step must be taken.

Ridiculous. Quality tourists do not stay away due to any security issue.

They stay away because there are better destinations for quality tourists to visit. Countries that are less commercially developed, have cleaner beaches, have cleaner city sidewalks, have less touts, offer safe activities for their children, offer more activities like golfing and sport-fishing, etc..

And less of a reputation as ground zero for sexual exploitation.

Thailand's tourism future is going to be Chinese (who are not bothered by heavy pollution) and Russian (who are bothered by neither pollution or corruption) and 20-something backpackers ( who are too drugged up to be bothered about much anything--even the need to use soap).


Really????????????/ That s not what tourists interviewed in UK and US say!! They rate it as the SECOND most dangerous destination in the world - but then you know best as usual!! Oh by the way every time I read one of your nauseating posts it becomes clear that seemingly Russian tourists are not the only ones who dont care about corruptionsick.gif

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OK, after reading several posts I am going to clue everyone in on something.

Most of you that have responded are NOT what the good General has in mind when he envisions quality tourists.


And what makes you the all knowing expert on exactly what the general was meaning in his comments?

Come on! Tell us what he means then!

Until you can do that we will know you are clueless.

Quality tourists can mean many things. Since this country values money over everything one can be inclined to think he is talking about rich HiSo tourist that are big spenders.

Its OK, don't take it personally. Not everyone can be a quality tourist. The good news is Thailand will continue to be a destination for you a bit longer.


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I would like to know what they exactly mean by " Quality Tourist"...This must be the tourist that comes with full loaded pockets, ready to empty these pockets in the c*****t system, paying 5-fold (compared to Thai) to visit tourist attractions and leaving as quickly as possible...with the Amazing smile...sad.png

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Ridiculous. Quality tourists do not stay away due to any security issue.

They stay away because there are better destinations for quality tourists to visit. Countries that are less commercially developed, have cleaner beaches, have cleaner city sidewalks, have less touts, offer safe activities for their children, offer more activities like golfing and sport-fishing, etc..

And less of a reputation as ground zero for sexual exploitation.

Thailand's tourism future is going to be Chinese (who are not bothered by heavy pollution) and Russian (who are bothered by neither pollution or corruption) and 20-something backpackers ( who are too drugged up to be bothered about much anything--even the need to use soap).


Really????????????/ That s not what tourists interviewed in UK and US say!! They rate it as the SECOND most dangerous destination in the world - but then you know best as usual!!

Hey love, I would respond to your post more specifically except it doesn't make any sense.

What is the Second most dangerous destination in the world?

Tell ya what, get somebody to edit your post for you and then resubmit and I will give it a go.


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Maybe the PM can enlighten us what he means with the word " quality " ....


Is it that what I'm seeing all over the Kingdom when it comes to roads, trains, service, cleanness , joy for work, ...... I'm sure you can make up a few of yourself on the dots

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