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PM Prayut wants quality tourists to visit Thailand


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Judging by recent arrival of new blathering stumble bum drunks in Jomtien, I'd have to say they have quality. Low quality, but hey, that's a quality....

You are right two low quality now come high. We need high quality maybe a test given at the airports are needed. Also make sure they carrying at 5,000 US dollars per person

Not sure Quality people (never mind tourists ) would bother going to Pattaya-

Nor do i think its a countries right to demand tourists to prove they spend-

Maybe showing you have 5K is enough - but carrying it in (Forget it!)

You would be mugged by the taxi drivers if you got that far-

The airport cops would get you for some reason before you made it out.

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If I look at what kind of services and infrastructure that is built in the biggest tourist destinations, it doesn't exactly like it's aimed at the quality tourist.

I think it's a good thing to attract different tourists, the questions is only,

how are you going to this this without destroying the whole tourist industry as it is today

and how are you going to clean the tourist industry from corruption and bring it to a higher standard?

I hope the "quality tourist" thing will not be used as an excuse to explain the falling number of tourist arrivals.

Edited by kriswillems
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So the sexpats with their piss stained union jack shorts and the wife beater vests on and old flip flops all geared up for two week stint in Pattaya will now be rejected at the airport as lower quality, will they be counted by TAT as tourist arrivals prior to be turned around and getting back on the plane along with the long haired penniless backpackers already getting the best seats.

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Backpackers will still be welcome. But the bikini wearing ones will not be welcome?

"He however added that if Britain wanted to join in the investigation of the murder case he would not have any objection unless it amounted to an interference in Thai affairs." The general speaks with forked tongued. Earlier on he stated it was a Thai affair only.

What is important to understand is how the British investigation (if it ever happened) would avoid interfering in Thai affairs. Any contravening evidence would be revealed in a 1-1 environment. Enough would be 'our DNA comparison between the suspects and the victim did not match'.

That's it.

Let the Thais sort it out amongst themselves. That way they don't lose face.

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Another day another ridiculous comment from the Thai PM. And they wonder why no one takes Thailand seriously on anything. They also seem to be doing everything they possibly can to turn tourists off coming to Thailand. Once again there is a massive disconnect between how Thailand sees itself and how the rest of the world sees it.

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TAT, and others, keep commenting on "Quality Tourists", and have done so for years, but not one single Thai "Official" has explained in any way, shape or form, just what it is they consider as a "quality tourist". Does TAT and other officials even KNOW what a "quality tourist" is?

On another note, I've got a friend who is late 30's, weird haircut, over 50 tats on his body, and loves Bermuda shorts and colorful t-shirts. If you met him on the street, I can pretty much guarantee that your first impression of him would be totally off the mark! He has an IQ over 150, and an income in the high 6 figure area. And both he and his wife (totally charming woman) are DEVOUT "backpackers". So, Dear General PM, would they fit your "quality tourist" description?

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Australian Television are broadcasting this Sunday Night in Prime Time (when millions watch) a show about the Embassy in Bangkok and all the Australians complaining to them after False arrest - Scams etc all the way down to couples with Baby issues -

This will only further have the Thailand High season ticked off more peoples lists as possible destinations.

It seems the Gloves are off now.

UK is openly putting descriptions of various threats and scams on their official travel warnings - including Rape and assault and Murders-

I really haven't seen such aggression from the western media and Governments towards The Thai Junta. (before)

Australia bans them and their families and all the 200 members of their Government from even landing on Australian soil.

I think the Expats there may see a ramped up situation in a few months if the current system remains.

Edited by Fred Flinstone
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Everyone wants quality....on both sides.

Quality security and fair play will bring the quality tourist.
The first step must be taken.

Ridiculous. Quality tourists do not stay away due to any security issue.

They stay away because there are better destinations for quality tourists to visit. Countries that are less commercially developed, have cleaner beaches, have cleaner city sidewalks, have less touts, offer safe activities for their children, offer more activities like golfing and sport-fishing, etc..

And less of a reputation as ground zero for sexual exploitation.

Thailand's tourism future is going to be Chinese (who are not bothered by heavy pollution) and Russian (who are bothered by neither pollution or corruption) and 20-something backpackers ( who are too drugged up to be bothered about much anything--even the need to use soap).


Really????????????/ That s not what tourists interviewed in UK and US say!! They rate it as the SECOND most dangerous destination in the world - but then you know best as usual!! Oh by the way every time I read one of your nauseating posts it becomes clear that seemingly Russian tourists are not the only ones who dont care about corruptionsick.gif alt=sick.gif>

Just as a matter of vague interest, do you have a link to what you are claiming, that UK & US tourists interviewed regard Thailand as the second most dangerous destination in the world?

Personally, if I was a tourist and was interviewed, Thailand wouldn't rate in the first 20 destinations that I would name.

But, that's polls for you......................wink.png

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TAT, and others, keep commenting on "Quality Tourists", and have done so for years, but not one single Thai "Official" has explained in any way, shape or form, just what it is they consider as a "quality tourist". Does TAT and other officials even KNOW what a "quality tourist" is?

The obvious inference here is that those that have been coming here for tens of years or have retired here are not considered in the Thai psyche as quality - we in fact are the scum that they want to cleanse

There is no doubt a bad element here of criminals on the run - paedos - dead beats - scammers etc but there are ways to deal with that and perhaps a more effective effort to screen or combat those types would be time better spent that coming off with this constant drivel about "quality tourists"

When you are a country that depends on upwards of 10% of GDP on tourism and has a constant inflow of millions of people from around the world - you need to spend some of that GDP on creating an environment and infrastructure to support it - unfortunately Thailand blames everyone but themselves for the failings and while that belief continues nothing will change

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Is this man serious??? "... the Sports and Tourism Ministry must be more selective in allowing tourists to come to Thailand." So where is this screening done? At point-of-entry? And what if the tourist/s in question do not fulfill what Mr. General here terms as 'quality'? Will they be refused entry?

So let me guess... the criteria would be: no bikinis, they must cycle (extra points for those bringing their own bicycles), only eat rice (again, extra points if Thai rice is consumed) and pay a premium price for EVERYTHING, including the air they breathe?

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Maybe their strategy is to exterminate the "non-quality tourists". Seem to be doing a good job so far.

Bad taste comment. Two young people with their lives in front of them and no reason to be labelled "non-quality tourists" slaughtered just a month ago. Why on earth would you make such a comment?

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Thai behaviors towards falang over the past 10 to 15 years has made a pretty good job of wrecking Thailand's reputation as a tourist destination for Americans, the British, Australians, and Europeans. I wont list these behaviors as we all know them. Anyone who has lived in, or consistently visited the Kingdom for more than 15 years know what changes have occurred. Forget the snide remarks about "sex tours" (the Japanese won that cake a long time ago), a very large percentage of the Americans, the British, Australians, and Europeans who visited then and haven't returned WERE quality visitors. After all they built the Thai tourist industry. Not some Ivan or Abdul - come - lately. But over that period we were all crapped on from a great height. Most left (but not me, I'm either too thick or stupid). What will the PM do to encourage them to come back. It will be a hard sell.

If Thailand feels they will get "quality tourists" from China, Korea, Pakistan etc, they are very wrong. They are not getting quality then a referring to quantity. These novum visitatores do not give a damn about Thai history, culture or sensitivities. The effects are already being seen.

I am seriously thinking about leaving LOS, but have a family and home here. I really dislike my freedom bieng limited and if Immigration stack the cards against me after twenty years, I will gladly go.

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TAT, and others, keep commenting on "Quality Tourists", and have done so for years, but not one single Thai "Official" has explained in any way, shape or form, just what it is they consider as a "quality tourist". Does TAT and other officials even KNOW what a "quality tourist" is?

On another note, I've got a friend who is late 30's, weird haircut, over 50 tats on his body, and loves Bermuda shorts and colorful t-shirts. If you met him on the street, I can pretty much guarantee that your first impression of him would be totally off the mark! He has an IQ over 150, and an income in the high 6 figure area. And both he and his wife (totally charming woman) are DEVOUT "backpackers". So, Dear General PM, would they fit your "quality tourist" description?

I've an IQ at least a third of that and I consider myself to be quality.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Everyone wants quality....on both sides.

Quality security and fair play will bring the quality tourist.

The first step must be taken.

Ridiculous. Quality tourists do not stay away due to any security issue.

They stay away because there are better destinations for quality tourists to visit. Countries that are less commercially developed, have cleaner beaches, have cleaner city sidewalks, have less touts, offer safe activities for their children, offer more activities like golfing and sport-fishing, etc..

And less of a reputation as ground zero for sexual exploitation.

Thailand's tourism future is going to be Chinese (who are not bothered by heavy pollution) and Russian (who are bothered by neither pollution or corruption) and 20-something backpackers ( who are too drugged up to be bothered about much anything--even the need to use soap).


Really????????????/ That s not what tourists interviewed in UK and US say!! They rate it as the SECOND most dangerous destination in the world - but then you know best as usual!! Oh by the way every time I read one of your nauseating posts it becomes clear that seemingly Russian tourists are not the only ones who dont care about corruptionsick.gif alt=sick.gif>

Just as a matter of vague interest, do you have a link to what you are claiming, that UK & US tourists interviewed regard Thailand as the second most dangerous destination in the world?

Personally, if I was a tourist and was interviewed, Thailand wouldn't rate in the first 20 destinations that I would name.

But, that's polls for you......................wink.png

every city in the world has its areas where people shouldn't go - the problem here is that there are no specific areas - e.g. beach road in the tourist beach resort of Pattaya should be a safe place to roam day or night - but it isn't, there literally is no safe area in Thai resort cities that you could call tourist safe - that is the problem in a nutshell - and it is getting worse not better I suspect being driven by an ever increasing serious drug problem which in my opinion is now way out of control - greed and money feeds this place and unfortunately those that are entrusted with defeating crime are up to their necks in it

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Again we see a completly foolish statement, where focus is not put on oneself, but put on the tourists visiting this country. If tourist income fail, then it is because of low-quality tourists. It is the tourists fault!

When the military took over, I had so much faith and belief in things. The General could have been a real hero in making a real change for Thailand. His first announcements indicated, that that was what he wanted and would fight for. But "Ohh Boy" has the game changed... or rather not changed. It could all have been so good, but just look at what we have now. Sad!

I really foresee this country taking a very big hit financially - not only in related to tourism, but in all areas. These people in power do not really want changes and there is not changes from what was before. Truly sad for a country with so much potential.

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In a few years countries like Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and even China will be far more developed and tourist friendly than they are now. And when that happens the "quality tourist" will collectively spit in the face of the brain dead, racist, arrogant Thais and maybe then these incomprehensibly stupid people will finally learn that the world does not revolve around them and that if they want their tourist revenue back, to rescue their pathetic country from the recession it will be in, then they will have to get on their knees and do you know what. And these morons will learn that not even China will be their friend. Who will they market to next...Africa, North Korea, ISIS? And if there is one country in the world that deserves and will receive no sympathy then it will be Thailand. I find thainess more obscene and disgusting by the day and each and every attempt of theirs to compel me to spend more money in their banana republic country just results in me spending less.

Wow, that's way over the top. Did she ditch you? Why are you still in TV?

Edited by EricBerg
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Judging by recent arrival of new blathering stumble bum drunks in Jomtien, I'd have to say they have quality. Low quality, but hey, that's a quality....

You are right two low quality now come high. We need high quality maybe a test given at the airports are needed. Also make sure they carrying at 5,000 US dollars per person

Ludicrous and the end of all tourism. Hilarious though coming from a guy whose stomping grounds is Pattaya, haha.

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Someone tell him quality tourists require quality immigration, quality transportation, and quality safety. Until then, he won't understand..he's not farang.

Imagine a quality leader, a quality police force, a quality army. The results would trickle down to a quality economy and loads of quality tourists. Starting from within would help a lot.

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