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Cellar slave girl: Salford couple must pay victim US$160,000


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Cellar slave girl: Salford couple must pay victim £100,000

LONDON: -- A deaf girl from Pakistan kept as a slave for nine years by a millionaire couple from Salford is to receive £100,000 in compensation.

Ilyas and Tallat Ashar were jailed last October after the girl was found in their cellar in 2009.

The victim was repeatedly raped and forced to work as a servant at the family's properties as a child.

Manchester Crown Court ruled the couple must also repay £42,000 of benefits falsely claimed in her name.

The Ashars must also pay £321,000 towards the cost of their trials.

Money laundering

Now in her 20s, the victim, who cannot be named, is believed to have been as young as 10 when she was trafficked into the UK.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-29559771

-- BBC 2014-10-16

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Yes, I would think the multiple rapes would result in prison sentences, not just a monetary fine.

They were jailed last October.

lyas Ashar, 84, who repeatedly raped the girl at his Salford home, had his sentence extended from 13 years to 15 years by the Court of Appeal.

His wife, Tallat Ashar, 69, had her sentence increased from five years to six years.

Edited by jacko45k
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Another case of "justice being served"... The girl should get millions and life long care by a professional psychiatrist, private teacher, etc. along with all assets seized off that swine couple while the latter are put to death by lethal injections or being raped to death by a machine especially designed for that purpose...

100k in compensation, what a sad joke bah.gif

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Another case of "justice being served"... The girl should get millions and life long care by a professional psychiatrist, private teacher, etc. along with all assets seized off that swine couple while the latter are put to death by lethal injections or being raped to death by a machine especially designed for that purpose...

100k in compensation, what a sad joke bah.gif

Although it sounds like GBP 100K is a small amount to be compensated for such a horrific ordeal, at least she is likely to *actually* get the money.

In cases where massive judgments are awarded it is more often than not simply because that is the way the law works, not that there is that much money available for the victim.

Sure we'd love to hear she was awarded 10 million quid, but if the couple don't have it to give then its just lip service.

Its the same as courts sentencing people to 300 years in prison.... functionally pointless but done because they may have been found guilty on multiple charges and the law says each guilty verdict requires a certain number of years, the fact that the total will be far in excess of a human lifespan is not considered relevant.

So better she is awarded and given 100K than be awarded 1 million and getting nothing.

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Another case of "justice being served"... The girl should get millions and life long care by a professional psychiatrist, private teacher, etc. along with all assets seized off that swine couple while the latter are put to death by lethal injections or being raped to death by a machine especially designed for that purpose...

100k in compensation, what a sad joke bah.gif

Although it sounds like GBP 100K is a small amount to be compensated for such a horrific ordeal, at least she is likely to *actually* get the money.

In cases where massive judgments are awarded it is more often than not simply because that is the way the law works, not that there is that much money available for the victim.

Sure we'd love to hear she was awarded 10 million quid, but if the couple don't have it to give then its just lip service.

Its the same as courts sentencing people to 300 years in prison.... functionally pointless but done because they may have been found guilty on multiple charges and the law says each guilty verdict requires a certain number of years, the fact that the total will be far in excess of a human lifespan is not considered relevant.

So better she is awarded and given 100K than be awarded 1 million and getting nothing.

I take your point, but it is a little illogical. If they were ordered to pay 10 million but only had 50k, she will get 50k....just as if she is awarded 100k, she will still only get what they have got to give.

They are reported to be millionaires..

There must be something more to it, such as compensation already given. I can't accept the story at face value and believe such a low compensation.

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Something seriously wrong here. A 10 year old held as a slave for 9 years, raped and deprived of freedom by a millionaire gets a total of £142,000, (£42,000 was rightfully the girl's anyway) and the lawyers get £321,000?

Are these the Ashar's defense lawyers?

A henous crime was committed, so why doesn't the government freeze the Ashar's assets and give the girl fair compensation?

I guess the UK is going American. Now the girl has to hire more lawyers to file a civil suit for millions in compensation so the lawyers can get their 30-40% in 10 to 15 years. In the meantime the UK can send the girl back to Pakistan to be sold into a marriage as an investment. She isn't virgin so she can't really be sold off as a real wife.This is, of course, cynnicism.

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Another case of "justice being served"... The girl should get millions and life long care by a professional psychiatrist, private teacher, etc. along with all assets seized off that swine couple while the latter are put to death by lethal injections or being raped to death by a machine especially designed for that purpose...

100k in compensation, what a sad joke bah.gif

Really? Millions?

You gonna pay for this? You think any government is going to pay for this, or perhaps you think the taxpayer should pay for this?

What about all those girls and boys around the world who don't get the publicity? Should we hand over millions to them as well? How about simply willing everything we own over to the government of our choice and then all slit our throats?

Why not simply find for the girl a loving home to live in, and caring, understanding people to embrace her with healing love? How about that for a start?

This is like a bad movie where a terrorist has a gun to someone's head and they are telling you to drop yours. And no matter what you do, the hostage is dead already, and the next day it is someone else, and no one ever seems to stop these b@stards.

Regardless the solution, many people will die horrible deaths or suffer horribly whether or not the good in humankind decides to put a stop to all the BS. Either way, there will be collateral damage. The answer is not in governments or corporations, but instead in that one inevitable spark that will start the fire.

"When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose - they lose it."

- Gerald Celente

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Is this the type of behaviour we should expect from 'moderate' Muslims?

It appears IS's treatment of women has some support in northern British towns.

This, and crimes like it, are heinous and the perpetrators deserve severe punishment.

But to use it as another excuse for Muslim bashing is disgusting; particularly as there is no evidence, other than the couple were originally from Pakistan, to suggest that they are Muslim. Not all Pakistanis or immigrants to the UK from Pakistan are Muslim.

I notice you refrained from commenting in UK man forced into 'modern day slavery' and in Women 'held as slaves for 30 years' in London.

Could it be because in both cases the criminals, or alleged criminals in the second case as it has not yet come to trial, are not Muslim and so you could not use them to promote your bigotry?

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Is this the type of behaviour we should expect from 'moderate' Muslims?

It appears IS's treatment of women has some support in northern British towns.

This, and crimes like it, are heinous and the perpetrators deserve severe punishment.

But to use it as another excuse for Muslim bashing is disgusting; particularly as there is no evidence, other than the couple were originally from Pakistan, to suggest that they are Muslim. Not all Pakistanis or immigrants to the UK from Pakistan are Muslim.

I notice you refrained from commenting in UK man forced into 'modern day slavery' and in Women 'held as slaves for 30 years' in London.

Could it be because in both cases the criminals, or alleged criminals in the second case as it has not yet come to trial, are not Muslim and so you could not use them to promote your bigotry?

Part of their defence in court was that they were moderate but devout Muslims and what they did was not wrong under Sharia law. So to compare their actions with the despicable treatment of women by ISIS in Syria does not make a person a bigot. Your comments remind me of the last Labour government where anyone who talked about immigration was called a racist. For 45 years I've lived among and worked with ppl from Pakistan (and have friends who are from Pakistan) but I have never met one who isn't Muslim, so to think some one is Muslim if they come from Pakistan is perfectly reasonable to me. I attended an EID celebration at my friends house last Sunday and in return invited them to my house next weekend so I will inquire if any Pakistani immigrants/decedents in our town are not Muslim - but I think I already know the answer. The OP was commenting on this thread and not the other stories you linked to. If this thread was about slavery in the UK then you have a point but it was about the girl from Pakistan and not the other stories.

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