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New history textbooks to teach 'correct democracy'


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You could not make it up.

An illegally mounted coup that installs a dictator and then rewrites history books with an explanation of democracy.


Another dictator running the country from Dubai, using his sister as a pawn. Red Shin style. Your style democracy, YES because they were voted in so it must mean TRUE democracy.

The top man here blessed the intervention, cannot be that wrong.

My style democracy?? You assume too much.

My opinion of T is that he is a sociopathic xenophobic money grabbing wart on the face of humanity.

Without further information, try not to let your imagination run riot.

The general WAS the best hope for Thailand, since he seized power he has shown himself to be a soldier, not a politician.

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"Therefore, I want all the teachers and school administrators to promote correct democracy for the kids."

...and make sure they memorize it, understanding is not a requisite.

Reading TVF we have about 20 differing forms of democracy, many shouting for the REAL one to step forward.

I'm pretty sure the Thai democracy is the real one, can't be a copy no, no...

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Nothing better than a non elected gov. To tell you what democracy is.

it is indeed sad to say that is the truth. Can you imagine what the PTP version would be. Remember they had their military arm set up schools on Democracy and ship the graduates off to Bangkok in 2010 to promote a coup.

Best to get a non biased view.wai.gif

This is just further proof that the government is trying to reunify the people. thumbsup.gif

northernjohn, your comments just get weirder and weirder. The next person running through Issan naked will be you.

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Well, in the P5 book social studies book, they have 3 cartoons of a fat falang approaching a Thai family at a restaurant, no money, smelly and asking for funds. Until they remove that, other changes will not happen.

what exactly does this have to do with revised democracy lessons?

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Too funny for words.... I am sure some sort of bizarre Orwellian Animal Farm

revisionism is on the way. If current text books show fat farangs begging for

money from a Thai family, the mind boggles at what the junta will come up

with. Wait, will that comment cost me my visa ?? :-)

I must admit, this is a whole new twist. Haven't been back for over 8 years, the wifey is getting the picture now... I find it to be the other way around!!!


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Well, in the P5 book social studies book, they have 3 cartoons of a fat falang approaching a Thai family at a restaurant, no money, smelly and asking for funds. Until they remove that, other changes will not happen.

Yes - i also have seen Xenophobic stuff produced by this system -(prior to Junta )

A daughters friend brought over her school books over whilst we were in Thailand last year.

""Dad look at this "" she asked .

I saw images of western men trying to solve a Car problem.

Both wore Thongs (flip flops) and had singlets on and obese and a beer in their hands -

Looking puzzled , a Thai is then seen fixing the car -

This time the man is neat and looks bright and focused.

The pretty Thai business lady thanks him

Whilst the western men look on with lustful eyes for her and Tongue out.

She tips the Thai man who is seen giving it to the monks at the temple .

A Thai insert says *(translation)

""Service to others is important even silly Farang can learn from Thai examples"

In another there were more westerners and again portrayed as drinking and smoking and lusting after the woman .

A bar girl is seen being asked by a Monk why she mixes with such people?

""I know such people are sinful but i want to help my family she says""

The western men look again leering and evil as well as stupid and smelly .

This was before the Junta so they can't be blamed

Though i can't imagine whats going to be in future publications

The problem is that there are too many farang that fit that profile. I have seen too many and the percentage here is very high compared to farang land.

We see a few bad Thais and judge them all based on these few. Why can't Thais do the same and base all farang on the few ?

We have only ourselves to blame. Farang dirtbags make us all look bad.

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I think the democracy that the Greeks had did not allow women to vote. Also, Ancient Greece had a whole load of slaves, and they weren't allowed to vote as well. So Greece was a place that most of the adults in society did not have the right to vote.

If everybody in Ancient Greece had the right to vote, what would have happened ?

Actually, teaching patriotism to children. Well, this ia actually important. Any nation is surely built on patriotism and pride for the nation, on nationalism. Without this, well, what is the point of being a nation ? You might as well not be a nation.

Well said.

Teaching Patriotism involves teaching reality. Some thing the school system has been ignoring. Also many posters are ignoring and some out right opposed to it.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I am sure the history books will explain why coups and military junta are Okay in Thailand.

And perhaps the book will explain that some 'political parties' are nothing more than open & obvious gangs of salaried thieves who have without conscience and without morals tried to alter laws at 3.00 am when the good Thai people were all asleep.

So you vote them out. Tricky concept for some it seems.

Such an undemocratic concept too - that all representatives are elected. I do understand that the "good Thai people" you so champion are terrified of their less fiscally advantaged countrymen having a voice in the way they are governed. Happily, no matter how the history books are re-written, the future is not on the side of these "good Thai people". Decent representative government will eventually come to Thailand over time given how increasingly informed and connected those you so look down on are becoming.

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You could not make it up.

An illegally mounted coup that installs a dictator and then rewrites history books with an explanation of democracy.


Another dictator running the country from Dubai, using his sister as a pawn. Red Shin style. Your style democracy, YES because they were voted in so it must mean TRUE democracy.

The top man here blessed the intervention, cannot be that wrong.

All together now: Man from Dubai, man from Dubai, man from Dubai...

The overriding problem you have is that PT won election after election and would do so again (here's the part where you chant your vote buying meme despite it being largely debunked by every study).

How would you define democracy? An election which elects a party to govern is pretty much how the whole world describes democracy. Did people know that TS was heavily involved at the top levels of the party? Knowing that, did they vote in vast numbers for the party? Yes they did. How arrogant of you to decide that their voice is somehow invalid.

PTP wonderful example of Shin democracy-----down with anything that does not come up to their red mafia standards, down with Dems--down with Suthep--down with reforms--stick to diabolical governing Yingluck style, Elections mean democracy Ha Ha. down with any form of stability.

Your the joke. without the coalition what was the percent of votes for PTP ?? brainwashed democracy.

How many times does Shin style democracy have to be slung out for people to realize it isn't a democracy.

Edited by ginjag
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Your the joke. without the coalition what was the percent of votes for PTP ?? brainwashed democracy.

Not a fan of him or his proxy, but this line of questioning is misplaced. The answer is 48% of votes, but 53% of seats - an absolute majority - the coalition was formed to make the pushing through of legislation easier, not in order to form a majority, this they already had.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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It's a shame that these corrected history textbooks won't be available to the first ever ASEAN PlusThree (China, South Korea and Japan) Tourism Students Summit being hosted now in Bangkok. The objective of this event is to strengthen the ability to learn of regional students who will also exchange their knowledge in order to drive the region forward and to prepare for a higher level of regional collaboration in tourism.

I am sure that once these students learn Thailand's version of democracy, they may wonder why Thailand is part of ASEAN and how ever can Thais relate to democratic countries in a beneficial way.

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Your the joke. without the coalition what was the percent of votes for PTP ?? brainwashed democracy.

Not a fan of him or his proxy, but this line of questioning is misplaced. The answer is 48% of votes, but 53% of seats - an absolute majority - the coalition was formed to make the pushing through of legislation easier, not in order to form a majority, this they already had.

Fair answer, my question is what happened to Shin democracy after the ballot boxes were closed ???

Isn't it amazing how to get what they wanted democracy was put in the cupboard.

It did prove one thing that the power they had through the ballot box meant nothing if you do not rule by the democratic book.

The answer is as all the apologists are saying, elections solve all. HERE not yet.

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Democracy started with the Greeks before the first Olympics , so that goes back some time , if Thailand thinks that Democracy can be learnt in four easy lessons, think again and democracy is all about challenging ideas , freedom of speech and freedom of the press, Just on those three issues Thailand fails miserably. coffee1.gif

The first Olympics were held in 776 BC. The first Athenian democracy is usually put at 508 BC. Although I think there is wiggle room in both those numbers.

Currently reading a history book (no Thaksin so far in this one either). smile.png

Edited by cocopops
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You could not make it up.

An illegally mounted coup that installs a dictator and then rewrites history books with an explanation of democracy.


Another dictator running the country from Dubai, using his sister as a pawn. Red Shin style. Your style democracy, YES because they were voted in so it must mean TRUE democracy.

The top man here blessed the intervention, cannot be that wrong.

All together now: Man from Dubai, man from Dubai, man from Dubai...

The overriding problem you have is that PT won election after election and would do so again (here's the part where you chant your vote buying meme despite it being largely debunked by every study).

How would you define democracy? An election which elects a party to govern is pretty much how the whole world describes democracy. Did people know that TS was heavily involved at the top levels of the party? Knowing that, did they vote in vast numbers for the party? Yes they did. How arrogant of you to decide that their voice is somehow invalid.

Pipkins, did you get a new account? Thanks for sharing the views...thrills from shills..

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The Junta has no choice.

But Thaksin raised the strategy to an art form, essentially making an entire nation about him. His tenure from February 2001 to September 2006 saw nothing less than the wholesale bastardization of Thai democracy. He neutered its institutions and enriched his family members and cronies in ways that would have made a Russian oligarch blush.

Like former Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi, Thaksin was a powerful tycoon who leveraged his business success to become leader. Thaksin, like Berlusconi, was later accused of bending the government to his will and in alignment with his business interests. He got away with it by literally bribing the rural communities that formed his power base. His “Thaksinomics” program of flooding the hinterlands with cheap loans was never more than Tammany Hall-like doling out of cash for support. The money did nothing to improve the economy’s fundamentals or capacity for innovation.


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You could not make it up.

An illegally mounted coup that installs a dictator and then rewrites history books with an explanation of democracy.


Another dictator running the country from Dubai, using his sister as a pawn. Red Shin style. Your style democracy, YES because they were voted in so it must mean TRUE democracy.

The top man here blessed the intervention, cannot be that wrong.

How on earth can you be a dictator if you will be thrown in jail by your own people should you re-enter your country? Sounds like a bit of a crap dictator to me..

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