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Australian teenager threatens Abbott in IS video

Lite Beer

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Running through a few obstacle courses at an ISIS boot camp and watching the latest Jihadist propaganda video won't make this boy a soldier.

My bet is that when the first round wizzes past Abdullah's ear on the front line (if he ever gets there), the honor of entering the Kingdom of Allah as a war martyr will not seem anywhere as important to him anymore.

The lad needs to extract himself from his dangerous situation, with or without outside help, and come home. YES, HOME IN AUSTRALIA.

Other more senior members of the Islamic community in Australia who filled his impressionable mind with religious venom should be the ones held accountable.

The turd has threaten Australia with serious harm he is not welcome back home. The only home he deserves is hell as a round penetrates the back of his evil skull and removes his face as it exits. He and his like have slaughtered and beheaded innocent people and you expect Australia to welcome him home? Maybe young Australian of the year in the new year honours. Why on earth should these pieces of pig excrement be brought home? Let the filth remain homeless and run for the rest of his evil satanic life.

The reality is Chooka, some people on this forum, not mentioning any names Samran or Simple1 would prefer this little turd back on Australian soil because they know that they won't have to directly deal with him or any aftermath he leaves behind as that is well covered by blokes like you and I chooka.

I'm with you. I hope his head is taken off and placed on the internet for all to see. Good enuf for the goose, good enuf for the gander.

Australia deserves better than this. Simple really.

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yea right support this little piece of crap, bring him back to Aust and turn him lose into society to slaughter children and anyone he pleases in the name of political correctness and religious freedoms

You have a short memory. Didn't you see my first comment on this thread?

I support the security services and I'll take the AFP and ASIO's assesement on the kid who came back before he crossed into Syria. I know a couple of AFP officers. 'Politically Correct' isn't how I'd describe them.

If you don't like it, why not go work for them?

The kid who is still there. I'll be generous and say he's probably got about a week to hightail it home and get chucked into prison for 4 years or whatever the penalty is. After that, happy if he has a scud missle up his clacker.

Have worked with Fed pol and a bunch of <deleted> who strut around calling themselves agents and not officers. A number of thier "Police Officers" who you see driving around or working at airports and government buildings in uniform are seconded from state police. Victoria alone has around 130 officers wearing Fed pol uniforms on 1 to 2 yr secondments.

Hey steady on there.......Mexican brutha. 555555

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I know a couple of AFP officers. 'Politically Correct' isn't how I'd describe them.

Learn to read. I didn't say the AFP officers were politically correct.

This is what I said.

Seems to me like the 'national security personnel' probably hand their hands tied by political correctness.

Having my words twisted to fit their biases by Islamist supporters is really starting to grate.

What is this rubbish, no one responding to you is a supporter of Islamist ideology.

FYI Australian Federal Police (AFP) are a component of the Oz national security apparatus, both domestically & overseas. e.g. in one case...

"During this investigation, police tapped 174 phones and analysed more than 16-thousand hours of conversation. Officers also carried out nearly three thousand hours of surveillance and intercepted 26 gigabytes of internet traffic. This should give you some idea of the complex and difficult nature of terrorism cases, and the enormous workload police are expected to take on.


EDIT: Apologies just saw the mix up with Mr Angry (Chooka) post, but still relevant

Before you go sticking a label on chooka, you might like to try and walk a mile in his boots. I have, I understand.

No doubt you spent your life as a cake eater and know better. Sheish.

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Running through a few obstacle courses at an ISIS boot camp and watching the latest Jihadist propaganda video won't make this boy a soldier.

My bet is that when the first round wizzes past Abdullah's ear on the front line (if he ever gets there), the honor of entering the Kingdom of Allah as a war martyr will not seem anywhere as important to him anymore.

The lad needs to extract himself from his dangerous situation, with or without outside help, and come home. YES, HOME IN AUSTRALIA.

Other more senior members of the Islamic community in Australia who filled his impressionable mind with religious venom should be the ones held accountable.

The turd has threaten Australia with serious harm he is not welcome back home. The only home he deserves is hell as a round penetrates the back of his evil skull and removes his face as it exits. He and his like have slaughtered and beheaded innocent people and you expect Australia to welcome him home? Maybe young Australian of the year in the new year honours. Why on earth should these pieces of pig excrement be brought home? Let the filth remain homeless and run for the rest of his evil satanic life.

The reality is Chooka, some people on this forum, not mentioning any names Samran or Simple1 would prefer this little turd back on Australian soil because they know that they won't have to directly deal with him or any aftermath he leaves behind as that is well covered by blokes like you and I chooka.

I'm with you. I hope his head is taken off and placed on the internet for all to see. Good enuf for the goose, good enuf for the gander.

Australia deserves better than this. Simple really.

Boy, people are having trouble reading this fine afternoon. Too many beers perhaps? Which bit of "happy if he has a scud missle up his clacker." is hard to comprehend?

If it is the choice between him locked up in OZ or over there, I'd prefer him locked up in OZ. Unless you are happy for the innocents he kills over there to take the load for you not wanting to do a job which you signed up for....

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Running through a few obstacle courses at an ISIS boot camp and watching the latest Jihadist propaganda video won't make this boy a soldier.

My bet is that when the first round wizzes past Abdullah's ear on the front line (if he ever gets there), the honor of entering the Kingdom of Allah as a war martyr will not seem anywhere as important to him anymore.

The lad needs to extract himself from his dangerous situation, with or without outside help, and come home. YES, HOME IN AUSTRALIA.

Other more senior members of the Islamic community in Australia who filled his impressionable mind with religious venom should be the ones held accountable.

The turd has threaten Australia with serious harm he is not welcome back home. The only home he deserves is hell as a round penetrates the back of his evil skull and removes his face as it exits. He and his like have slaughtered and beheaded innocent people and you expect Australia to welcome him home? Maybe young Australian of the year in the new year honours. Why on earth should these pieces of pig excrement be brought home? Let the filth remain homeless and run for the rest of his evil satanic life.
The reality is Chooka, some people on this forum, not mentioning any names Samran or Simple1 would prefer this little turd back on Australian soil because they know that they won't have to directly deal with him or any aftermath he leaves behind as that is well covered by blokes like you and I chooka.

I'm with you. I hope his head is taken off and placed on the internet for all to see. Good enuf for the goose, good enuf for the gander.

Australia deserves better than this. Simple really.

Boy, people are having trouble reading this fine afternoon. Too many beers perhaps? Which bit of "happy if he has a scud missle up his clacker." is hard to comprehend?

If it is the choice between him locked up in OZ or over there, I'd prefer him locked up in OZ. Unless you are happy for the innocents he kills over there to take the load for you not wanting to do a job which you signed up for....

Nice try.... You know I'm a non drinker.

Nope, I don't wish for either. I'd rather the third option, his timely demise....good riddance.

As for him being locked up over here, get real, the system is a joke, he will get a cosy tax payer funded doctor and lawyer to guide him thru the cushy court process so he can be found on a street corner near YOUR wife and children Samran. Simple as that really mate, simple as that.

Oz is a joke.

This goose made his decisions, wanted to fight & with a bit of luck an Ozzie Hornet will solve the problem permanently. Good riddance.

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Sorry to burst your bubble, I don't live in your little echo chamber. The only person at the centre of your Nigel Farrage getting-your-panties-wet-over-him universe is you.

Right, that's why my posts get so few likes. :rolleyes:

Whats more, no one is responding to him....

I wouldn't call the board's resident Islamists who constantly respond, 'no one'.

Er well actually.. I would. >_>

Edited by H1w4yR1da
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The reality is Chooka, some people on this forum, not mentioning any names Samran or Simple1 would prefer this little turd back on Australian soil because they know that they won't have to directly deal with him or any aftermath he leaves behind as that is well covered by blokes like you and I chooka.

I'm with you. I hope his head is taken off and placed on the internet for all to see. Good enuf for the goose, good enuf for the gander.

Australia deserves better than this. Simple really.

Boy, people are having trouble reading this fine afternoon. Too many beers perhaps? Which bit of "happy if he has a scud missle up his clacker." is hard to comprehend?

If it is the choice between him locked up in OZ or over there, I'd prefer him locked up in OZ. Unless you are happy for the innocents he kills over there to take the load for you not wanting to do a job which you signed up for....

Nice try.... You know I'm a non drinker.

Nope, I don't wish for either. I'd rather the third option, his timely demise....good riddance.

As for him being locked up over here, get real, the system is a joke, he will get a cosy tax payer funded doctor and lawyer to guide him thru the cushy court process so he can be found on a street corner near YOUR wife and children Samran. Simple as that really mate, simple as that.

Oz is a joke.

This goose made his decisions, wanted to fight & with a bit of luck an Ozzie Hornet will solve the problem permanently. Good riddance.

Didn't know you were a non-drinker actually. I'll put it down to the Tasmanian heat then wink.png

Actually I don't think we are too far off.

Scud missle up the clacker before he can do anything.

You posed a hypothetical though, hence the "IF it is the choice between him locked up in OZ or over there..." I still stand by that. No one to police him over in the desert vs something much more comprehensive in OZ. Take your point about it not being ideal, but it is better than the alternative. I've always taken the view that if a country breeds them, the country takes responsibilty for them (good and bad).

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Arabs with Australian passports.....will they never stop?

Please tell why Australian let so many in?

Why does EU United and Australian accepted the people that want to destroy the White Christians

Mate, you sound like Pauline Hanson. But back then the migrant whipping boy was Asians who were going to swap Australia ans destroy the australian way of life. She was wrong then. You are wrong now.

That said, this boy is an idiot looking for trouble and if he doesn't get shot, a bomb will probably get him if he doesn't come running home to mummy first. At which point he's gooing to be locked up for a long long time.

I would dare say that the "terrorists" have already changed civilization more than you realize... Much like placing a frog in a pot of water, then putting it on the heat, the change has been subtle and taken time, but if you compare your life before 9/11/2001 to the ludicrous BS we put up with today, I think you will agree with me...

As for your assertion that radical islam will not destroy your native way of life, I contend that it already under way and will continue to do so... Now that young, impressionable, deluded kids like the numpty in this video continue to find guidance from radical islam, isolated random attacks will only get worse... Just look at the increase in the number of one-off attacks by lone fanatics in the last few months...

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Before you go sticking a label on chooka, you might like to try and walk a mile in his boots. I have, I understand.

No doubt you spent your life as a cake eater and know better. Sheish.

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I have a great deal of respect for police / security forces. However, I do not respect some peoples' OTT expressions of hate that fulfill one of the enemies propaganda objectives of creating disharmony in our society.

If the guy who is the subject of this topic is killed, no problem, but currently unlikely by Oz military as they are not permitted to operate in Syria. From my POV it would be better for this guy to return to Oz and serve a lenghty time in prison, rather than have the opportunity to carry out the terrible crimes being committed by IS in Syria and Iraq.

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Before you go sticking a label on chooka, you might like to try and walk a mile in his boots. I have, I understand.

No doubt you spent your life as a cake eater and know better. Sheish.

Posts removed to enable reply.

I have a great deal of respect for police / security forces. However, I do not respect some peoples' OTT expressions of hate that fulfill one of the enemies propaganda objectives of creating disharmony in our society.

If the guy who is the subject of this topic is killed, no problem, but currently unlikely by Oz military as they are not permitted to operate in Syria. From my POV it would be better for this guy to return to Oz and serve a e little time in prison, rather than have the opportunity to carry out the terrible crimes being committed by IS in Syria and Iraq.

I most certainly agree with what you say about him carrying out crimes in Syria and Iraq. I can't help where the little germ landed.

As for the lengthy prison sentence 555555 yeah right, he's 17 & that will get him off everything Scot free. The Criminal Justice System in Oz is a complete joke. You want this joker to have both his prosecution and defence supplied by the Ozzie taxpayer, so dozens of lawyers can stand around making asses of themselves just so another older out of touch lawyer can release this little nutcase back onto Australian streets, so he can do something nasty to an old lady or innocent child. Get real.

A 50 cent round to his ugly little forehead will fix the problem, clearly he has issues and Australia would be much better off without him.

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Before you go sticking a label on chooka, you might like to try and walk a mile in his boots. I have, I understand.

No doubt you spent your life as a cake eater and know better. Sheish.

Posts removed to enable reply.

I have a great deal of respect for police / security forces. However, I do not respect some peoples' OTT expressions of hate that fulfill one of the enemies propaganda objectives of creating disharmony in our society.

If the guy who is the subject of this topic is killed, no problem, but currently unlikely by Oz military as they are not permitted to operate in Syria. From my POV it would be better for this guy to return to Oz and serve a e little time in prison, rather than have the opportunity to carry out the terrible crimes being committed by IS in Syria and Iraq.

I most certainly agree with what you say about him carrying out crimes in Syria and Iraq. I can't help where the little germ landed.

As for the lengthy prison sentence 555555 yeah right, he's 17 & that will get him off everything Scot free. The Criminal Justice System in Oz is a complete joke. You want this joker to have both his prosecution and defence supplied by the Ozzie taxpayer, so dozens of lawyers can stand around making asses of themselves just so another older out of touch lawyer can release this little nutcase back onto Australian streets, so he can do something nasty to an old lady or innocent child. Get real.

A 50 cent round to his ugly little forehead will fix the problem, clearly he has issues and Australia would be much better off without him.

Offences occurred when he was 17, so it is off to the softly, softly kiddies court for him and the chances of even getting one day in a comfy children's creche are extreemly unlikely. Kiddies courts normally give them a hug a bag of lollies and make them promise to behave and all is forgiven. The police spend more man hours preparing a brief than this murdering little &lt;deleted&gt; will ever do. Squash the little turd and protect Australians he is and always will be high risk to public safety. Edited by chooka
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