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BiG C at 7 AM


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So I had to pickup a few items at BIG C this morning and what I saw was very unprofessional.

First off I saw more than a handful of staff using all the deodorants, soap and creams for personal use in the isle.

When I walked to the checkout to pay the lady was playing on her phone and didn't look up at me for at least 10 seconds.

When they rang me out the prices were different then what were marked and advertised for so I had to get a manager to correct the price.

The whole time she was looking like she was annoyed with me. I was polite and not a problem I just want to pay the correct price.

Whatever life goes on just sharing my experience.

Edited by flyingsaucersarereal
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"First off I saw more than a handful of staff using all the deodorants, soap and creams for personal use in the isle."

How did they do this? They were in the aisle, not the restroom. Did they use the stuff and then put the remainder back? Gross.

How do you use soap in the aisle?

Edited by mesquite
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As an aside; i was in a Big C last week and watched a female customer take the top off a bottle of nail varnish, paint her finger nails, replace the top and put it back on the shelf.. Same day i saw a teenager open a bottle of soda, take a swig, replace the cap and put it back on the shelf. It's not just staff that enjoy the freebie's !

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As an aside; i was in a Big C last week and watched a female customer take the top off a bottle of nail varnish, paint her finger nails, replace the top and put it back on the shelf.. Same day i saw a teenager open a bottle of soda, take a swig, replace the cap and put it back on the shelf. It's not just staff that enjoy the freebie's !

lol nasty

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Save your receipt and write to corporate about it, mentioning the various numbers on the receipt so they can find out who checked you out. They will find themselves without a job very quickly. Next time you see this crap in the aisles take a picture with your phone and include it.

You can be a 'life's to short welcome to Thailand' useless moron like they are or you can get even. Pick.

Here's their web form.


It even allows attachments.

Edited by BudRight
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Big C. Rama 4 today:

Saw two female staff sitting in a garden swing chair. I should say one was sitting and the other had her head on the first ones lap. She was fast asleep. The girlfriend told me take a photo and send to the store manager.

Needless to say I didn't bother.

What often annoys me in these big stores and department stores is in the electronic departments. The staff are always deeply engrossed in the computers or watching movies on TV. No time to serve customers.

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So I had to pickup a few items at BIG C this morning and what I saw was very unprofessional.

First off I saw more than a handful of staff using all the deodorants, soap and creams for personal use in the isle.

When I walked to the checkout to pay the lady was playing on her phone and didn't look up at me for at least 10 seconds.

When they rang me out the prices were different then what were marked and advertised for so I had to get a manager to correct the price.

The whole time she was looking like she was annoyed with me. I was polite and not a problem I just want to pay the correct price.

Whatever life goes on just sharing my experience.

who cares.

Shop elsewhere

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Yesterday in Siam Paragon gourmet market.

My wife ordered a kg saucages at the butcher.

The girl took a ziplock bag, put it right on top of all the saucages and starting filling the bag. Then she lifted the bag to move it to the scale but it was so slippery that the bag fell and all saucages were on the floor. Then they let them laying on the floor for as long as we were there and just walked over them.

Then she took a new ziplock bag and wanted to put it on top of the saucages again but i told her to put it on the counter and from there fill it. She looked at me like i was Gordon Ramsey but at least she did what i said. When the bag was full and priced i noticed a big crack in the bag and asked for a new one because i don't like saucage-juice leaking in my bag.

Then we ordered 5 times 100 gram of bacon, after repeating it a few times they finally understood what we wanted. 1 was making the packages while 4 others were standing with their hands in their pockets, none of them came up the idea to clean the floor with the 1 kg saucages.

I wonder what they did with those saucages from the floor, i bet the next customer will get them.

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What I want to know is if the owner/owners realize the insane amount of money they are loosing by not having many of the shelves properly stocked, or even half stocked.

Piss poor management and/or stock control system causes this and i've complained about it a few times. Might as well smash your own head against the wall. The 'system' is wait until an item has completely run out before they order, no back up stock for the majority of items. Depending on where the nearest distribution warehouse is it can take two weeks to get new stock.

Mickey Mouse and his mates would make a better job of running Supermarkets than the current Clown's.

Yeah, the reasons why are not hard to figure out. I'm more curious if the owners are really that stupid that they don't see the chance to make a lot more money. One way would be to hire farang managers : )

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I think we need to come to terms with the fact that Thailand and Thais are the anti-thesis in many regards to all that is the western perception of knowledge, analysis, reflection, logic, efficiency etc. This can be interpreted as either inherently bad or maybe a mix of both good and bad.

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I have seen farang instructing personell in Tops supermarket. They were not tourists but sales or managers. This was in Tops central Chidlom which is a great supermarket. All other Tops are very badly managed. Thai still have to learn so much to reach the western level.

Thai managers get their job by connections, not by certifications or experience.

Only Foodland is a decent supermarket and the managers there even write/speak english.

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