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Parents say their sons are innocent but beaten to confess

Lite Beer

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I believe the threat to burn these boys. I am a partner in a resort up North and one night 12 [repeat twelve] cops came in after the restaurant was closed and demanded food. When we told them the kitchen was closed they said they would burn the place down if we did not comply.

Not one of those 12 was decent enough to suggest they do not bother us.

Sorry to single you out mate but c'mon where's your brain?

We started off with them claiming they were slapped and as the dasy go by anyone can see they're making it up as they go along.

These are serious allegations but these 2 failed to ,memtion it in several conversations until now. Duh!!! must have slipped their minds

They are lying through their teeth IMO adviced by lawyers to try and get as much public support ass possible and people like you are falling for it

Defending the corrupt police rats make me thinking

you are one of them

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Yes, the parents are correct in saying their sons are innocent, and incorrect in saying they feel the Thai system will grant their sons justice. The jig is up. The cards have been played. The police have already made up their minds, and I suspect so has the judge. Life in prison is a reasonable thing to expect in this case. But, the unfortunate part, is the sentence will be imposed on the wrong guys. They are innocent as the day is long. The swine families are being protected.

They recanted. The punishment will likely be death

This message was posted on facebook a few days ago.... makes sense..........

A massage from Koh Tao Burmese community

First of all, Thanks a million to CSI LA and fellow Thai friends for standing up for the Justice.

Some Burmese people in Koh Tao whispered that the murder was not happened on the beach, it was happened in the guest house where British couple were staying.

According to them, Nomsod and his fellow gangsters have harassed and molested the British girl in AC Bar and got fight with the girl, when the British girl has gone back to the guest house after fight, they followed and killed the boyfriend, raped the girl and killed her too. Altogether 5 people, Nomsod and 4 Thai Gangsters (one of them was rumored as a Thai policeman) who worked for his father were involved in the murder. After the murder, they carried the bodies to the beach which is 50 meters away from the guest house, staged as a couple were having sex on the beach and killed on the beach.

Two Burmese boys accused were also workers of one of Nomsod's father's businesses on the island, and they were playing a guitar on the beach when Nomsod and his gangsters carrying bodies, and Burmese workers were also asked to helped them carry the bodies too. Two Burmese have to do it because they scared of Nomsod and his gang and his father too. Which mean their DNA can be found on the bodies too. Which make them a perfect scapegoats.

The whole Koh Tao community knows about what really happened that night but everybody were scared of Nomsod's family and their gangsters and also the police thus nobody dare to speak out, Koh Tao Burmese were saying its not a secret that Nomsod family is making millions of bath for Thai police every month from many different illegal businesses on the island, and this case too, there was also a rumor that every Thai policeman involved in this case were already bribed handsomely by the Nomsod family.

The whole point of a message is to inform the Scotland Yard Police to focus on Nomsad and his thugs, AC Bar, Guest House, Sperm DNA inside the British Girl's womb and find a match. Not to trust on the 'murdered on the beach' fairy tale and tempered evidences and CCTVs on the whole island that are under the Nomsod's family influence.

You must have missed that this was presented on tvf already and was shot to smithereens.

I wouldn't get lost in this red herring again. But up to you ! :)

I have been following this case closely and missed this story. How was it "shot to smithereen s" exactly?
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I believe the threat to burn these boys. I am a partner in a resort up North and one night 12 [repeat twelve] cops came in after the restaurant was closed and demanded food. When we told them the kitchen was closed they said they would burn the place down if we did not comply.

Not one of those 12 was decent enough to suggest they do not bother us.

Sorry to single you out mate but c'mon where's your brain?

We started off with them claiming they were slapped and as the dasy go by anyone can see they're making it up as they go along.

These are serious allegations but these 2 failed to ,memtion it in several conversations until now. Duh!!! must have slipped their minds

They are lying through their teeth IMO adviced by lawyers to try and get as much public support ass possible and people like you are falling for it

I don't know if they are guilty or not BUT they would be unlikely to tell the whole story until they new they had some protection. If I remember the police

were worried they would kill themselves Hmmmmmm

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Looks like no comments from the parents on their son's DNA matching the semen found in one of the victims. Also no comments about how they may have been forced to participate by a rich Thai.

Let it go to trial ... they have lots of lawyers and groups looking out for them as well as media who have put the case under a microscope.

As there are so many conflicting comments from police regarding DNA evidence, and the FACT that the crime scene was compromised to the point of making any police evidence suspect and the FACT that Thailand's top forensic expert has stated that the DNA evidence is suspect and the FACT that the DNA chain of custody is suspect, I'd say no comment is needed. The police comments and actions stand on their own merits.

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I believe the threat to burn these boys. I am a partner in a resort up North and one night 12 [repeat twelve] cops came in after the restaurant was closed and demanded food. When we told them the kitchen was closed they said they would burn the place down if we did not comply.

Not one of those 12 was decent enough to suggest they do not bother us.

Sorry to single you out mate but c'mon where's your brain?

We started off with them claiming they were slapped and as the dasy go by anyone can see they're making it up as they go along.

These are serious allegations but these 2 failed to ,memtion it in several conversations until now. Duh!!! must have slipped their minds

They are lying through their teeth IMO adviced by lawyers to try and get as much public support ass possible and people like you are falling for it

Actually, there was a statement made by their first lawyer who declined his services later, that he saw numerous bruises on the B2's bodies. Being slapped is an physical action, not an oral threat to burn/dismember them. As has been stated above, none of us know, so everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Also, bear in mind that the B2 are shackled in jail - could be enough to put the fear of Buddha into them. In that case, no wonder they kept shtum until they were reassured that no harm would befall them. Just as likely as your assertions.

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Let it go to trial ... they have lots of lawyers and groups looking out for them

Do you believe that two young Myanmese migrant workers and/or their parents are well versed in issues such as DNA matching and what it means?

A smart lawyer does not even have to address the results of a DNA test.

They only have to cast doubt over security or contamination of the samples and that bit of "evidence" counts for nought.

Yeah, in the real world, most of the time, but TIT, where some thug with a gun & badge can just look at you and smile and say, "But I said it, so it's true".

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The British Police will Rip this case wide apart & show the World these 2 Mayanmar men are scapegoats just with the evidence alone .... The Son of the High So Thai Mafia man only needs to supply 1 strand of hair from his ( He thinks his untouchable High So HEAD ) for his Son to be proved Innocent ... He doesn't need to be around for him to be implicated & proved guilty as there's just so much evidence against him & that's why he's gone AWOL ... The RTP thought it was all going to go AWAY ... Well it hasn't & it won't as too many innocent & good people have been victims in the past & now Good People are coming together to show the RTP that we've all had enough ..... About Time to :-)

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On thinking about the UK police arrival. I think one of their main jobs has been stated as checking the DNA, but...

The Burmese boys originally first had their DNA taken early on and were not found to match (not arrested) as the BIB went after wild leads and foreigner (deceased friend) etc. So, I fear this early DNA that was taken and was used by the police to find patsies and then then use their collected DNA to plant on the victim's body - probably just the girls who was raped. That would mean that before the bodies were returned to UK, the Burmese DNA was where it would need to be for a later conviction and if the UK do any checking it will match. The UK need to concentrate on finding and ruling in any other DNA present and getting some DNA of the alledged murderer (bar owner's son) to see if they can rule him/other(s) in and certainly not agree just because (if) the DNA in Hannah matches the Burmese.

If the bodies were not returned to UK before the first early DNA collections on the Island when it is reported the 2 Burmese boys were tested and no match found, then the DNA evidence could have been planted for later confirmation of guilt from testing the bodies in the UK and thought to be proof? aimho

Twix Fully agree, the DNA tests seem to make little sense. I presume the DNA sample taken from Hannah was in the form of sperm, that being so,

unless they have taken a sperm sample off the boys the UK police could test that.

The boys will know if and when they had to supply a sample

DNA is in your cells, whether sperm or spit.

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Look at those simple people. Have they brought up their sons to become rapists and murderers??

I refuse to believe it.

Please keep posting, so the two guys (together with Hannah and David) are never forgotten!!

Does any parent bring their children up to be ?

Did the parents of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and all those serial killers that materialized bring their offspring up to become so evil?

Of course not.

You can believe whatever you want. My dear old mum believed you shouldn't vote for a politician whose eyes were to close together, made then look dishonest she thought. Each to their own.

Point being, parents aren't always responsible for the actions of the their offspring, certainly not when the kids are adults, living away from home.

Too much speculation has led to some becoming convinced who is guilty and who are innocent based on nothing but words and stories.

Do you have any actual evidence that the 2 suspects didn't do it, or were not in some way involved?

The actual evidence has to be judged as beyond reasonable doubt to convict. It works both ways. The RTP has to provide this (satisfactory evidence) to the prosecutor for the case to go to trial. None of us have any 'actual' evidence to say they did or didn't or were or were not involved, that's clear.

What the majority of posters are questioning are the many contradictory reports by the RTP posted in the media. I would suggest that's plenty of circumstantial evidence to weaken the RTP's case. The one outstanding aspect that has not been mentioned outside this forum is the motive for the brutal murders. I would expect the Brit police to already have identified the killer's likely profile - in layman's terms, a crime of passion; in this case rage/rejection are likely candidates re the female victim. Nothing I have read or seen in the reenactment indicates that the B2 had this motivation, only (as alleged) lust. That's my opinion - and I accept I could be wrong.

That is a very valid point. Such a maniac and horrific attack really only would point to the person with big anger and big ego that would go crazy with even slight loss of face

like 'how dare you reject/ridicule me.you know who i am' type of response.

the profile dont seem to fit a couple of simple migrant workers. Ever ive seen those burmese they usually keep a low profile at most times.

It look to me like they got caught up in it..either in the vacinity or instructed to help try and cover things over by the real killer

i always thought this face business will be the downfall of Thais. Alright to have cofident and want respect but this face thing and the crazy over-reaction when things go against them is hmmm well i have no words for it.

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Let it go to trial ... they have lots of lawyers and groups looking out for them

Do you believe that two young Myanmese migrant workers and/or their parents are well versed in issues such as DNA matching and what it means?

A smart lawyer does not even have to address the results of a DNA test.

They only have to cast doubt over security or contamination of the samples and that bit of "evidence" counts for nought.

Yeah, in the real world, most of the time, but TIT, where some thug with a gun & badge can just look at you and smile and say, "But I said it, so it's true".

This case certainly seems to be slowing up does anyone now hif the B.I.B have presented the extra info required by the prosecuters .

Plenty of ducking and weaving going on at the moment I would expect the we will hear that this complete investigation wil start again and the scapegoats released.

There would so much going on in the back ground at the moment and Prayuth should be updating the media and telling us the truth if he knows that his previous comments are now not fact.

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On thinking about the UK police arrival. I think one of their main jobs has been stated as checking the DNA, but...

The Burmese boys originally first had their DNA taken early on and were not found to match (not arrested) as the BIB went after wild leads and foreigner (deceased friend) etc. So, I fear this early DNA that was taken and was used by the police to find patsies and then then use their collected DNA to plant on the victim's body - probably just the girls who was raped. That would mean that before the bodies were returned to UK, the Burmese DNA was where it would need to be for a later conviction and if the UK do any checking it will match. The UK need to concentrate on finding and ruling in any other DNA present and getting some DNA of the alledged murderer (bar owner's son) to see if they can rule him/other(s) in and certainly not agree just because (if) the DNA in Hannah matches the Burmese.

If the bodies were not returned to UK before the first early DNA collections on the Island when it is reported the 2 Burmese boys were tested and no match found, then the DNA evidence could have been planted for later confirmation of guilt from testing the bodies in the UK and thought to be proof? aimho

You say smart words, I agree.

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There was too much pressure on the police to solve this crime when there is no reason to suppose it possible. Have they got these Burmese chaps incarcerated to protect the perpetrators or to satisfy the critic's? They should have been allowed to investigate it without reporting to the media every five minutes. All sorts of prejudice have been introduced now and the outlook looks bleak for justice.

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Keep cranking up the pressure for transparency and justice in this case.

It aint gonna happen. Transparency is not in the Thai dictionary.

This is not the first case such as this and it aint gonna be the last.

It can happen but like everything here it costs money. Please continue to give to youcaring.

With the amount of support out there I would have expected better than 3000$ in three days. We need to put our money where our mouths are. This attempt at justice will cost money and we are failing at coming up with the goods. Words alone will be enough to help these lads. We want success for these lads for David and Hannah and for Thai people. Please continue to give and to share the link with all your friends and contacts.

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John Thailand John.

I just gotta confirm something.

You are satisfied with the evidence released by the Police. You have absolutely no reason to doubt them, whether it be for this shaky case or the reputation they have built up as a whole.

I have gone through my life with a healthy contempt of conspiracy theories. I have lived in Thailand for 13 years. There is an enormous shadow of a doubt in this case. Most things start as 'RUMOURS' until they are corroborated. The Police won't corroborate. So these remain rumours for now. It seems like the whole country is abuzzz with rumours.

You say that conspiracy theorists jump from one point to the next when something is disproven. Thats true. But seems like the Police have been doing the same thing, changing the points that have been picked out.

The fact that a forensic pathologist was never used at the crime scene and that members of the public, some that were later suspects, were all over the scene suggests the DNA evidence may be useless, tampered with. The Police have tampered with evidence in the past.

Do you think the Thai Police don't beat suspects? Being seen earlier in the evening near the scene is damning evidence?

Why do I bother? You are going to deflect somehow, ignoring all of this and I can't be bothered wasting my time making this post more comprehensive.

You are welcome to your opinion mate, I just don't fully understand why you are so vehemently convinced of it.

I'll admit that I can't know for sure the Burmen didn't do it, but everything surrounding this case makes it so highly doubtful.

But you seem so sure.

did they get DNA from the 2 boys semen because if they did, I can agree that they can be pressured in to confessing after a beating, but how would they get semen out of them to put in the body of the girl, unless that statement is incorrect, and if not surely there will be some semen left for others to DNA for confirmation

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There was too much pressure on the police to solve this crime when there is no reason to suppose it possible. Have they got these Burmese chaps incarcerated to protect the perpetrators or to satisfy the critic's? They should have been allowed to investigate it without reporting to the media every five minutes. All sorts of prejudice have been introduced now and the outlook looks bleak for justice.

Mate you sound like the coppers. Poor policing and covering the lying ass&@ of vile reptilians has nothing to do with media. There is media all over the world 24/7. Hate to break it to you but there are actual real coppers and investigators and pathologists etc all over the world that have looked at this case as they do so many others. Because it can be done anonymously on social media does not make these people hacks.

There are some very talented and caring people doing their best to fill the holes that the police will not search. It's their own faults. You don't think I people would be happy to let the coppers do their jobs properly ?

You may think I have time on my hands but I assure you I do not.

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Look at those simple people. Have they brought up their sons to become rapists and murderers??

I refuse to believe it.

Please keep posting, so the two guys (together with Hannah and David) are never forgotten!!

Does any parent bring their children up to be ?

Did the parents of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and all those serial killers that materialized bring their offspring up to become so evil?

Of course not.

You can believe whatever you want. My dear old mum believed you shouldn't vote for a politician whose eyes were to close together, made then look dishonest she thought. Each to their own.

Point being, parents aren't always responsible for the actions of the their offspring, certainly not when the kids are adults, living away from home.

Too much speculation has led to some becoming convinced who is guilty and who are innocent based on nothing but words and stories.

Do you have any actual evidence that the 2 suspects didn't do it, or were not in some way involved?

The actual evidence has to be judged as beyond reasonable doubt to convict. It works both ways. The RTP has to provide this (satisfactory evidence) to the prosecutor for the case to go to trial. None of us have any 'actual' evidence to say they did or didn't or were or were not involved, that's clear.

What the majority of posters are questioning are the many contradictory reports by the RTP posted in the media. I would suggest that's plenty of circumstantial evidence to weaken the RTP's case. The one outstanding aspect that has not been mentioned outside this forum is the motive for the brutal murders. I would expect the Brit police to already have identified the killer's likely profile - in layman's terms, a crime of passion; in this case rage/rejection are likely candidates re the female victim. Nothing I have read or seen in the reenactment indicates that the B2 had this motivation, only (as alleged) lust. That's my opinion - and I accept I could be wrong.

That is a very valid point. Such a maniac and horrific attack really only would point to the person with big anger and big ego that would go crazy with even slight loss of face

like 'how dare you reject/ridicule me.you know who i am' type of response.

the profile dont seem to fit a couple of simple migrant workers. Ever ive seen those burmese they usually keep a low profile at most times.

It look to me like they got caught up in it..either in the vacinity or instructed to help try and cover things over by the real killer

i always thought this face business will be the downfall of Thais. Alright to have cofident and want respect but this face thing and the crazy over-reaction when things go against them is hmmm well i have no words for it.


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Everybody forgets that DNA evidence only proves they are connected to the the victim it does not prove they have commited the crime

Their semen was in one of the victims.

Which means absolutely nothing when you have a contaminated crime scene like this one with alleged mafia persons on the crime scene standing next to a body.

And no forensic expert .

You seem to be making these comments as you have and agenda it looks like you are covering for the real murderers.

Are you the same person who wrote on facebook about one of he alleged resort owners being areally nice guy ?

You are giving no support to these young men who may be totally innocent.

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I thought there was NO DNA evidence on the bodies due to condoms being used, and that the DNA were from discarded cigarette butts (if I remember what I read while the investigation was ongoing). So is there DNA evidence on the bodies? I would think it should have still been on the bodies when they reached the UK, but I have not heard of anything done in regards to DNA tests by UK officials. Cigarette butts can be replaced -- if that was where the DNA was. I also remember a taxi driver coming forward because the police offered him 700,000 to fabricate evidence (eyewitness reports) - just before these two were arrested. I am also suspicious that they did not call in expert pathologists on such a high profile crime. Those are the questions I want laid to rest before I trust this police investigation.

Before you can start to trust this police investigation, I believe that pigs will grow wings and hens will grow teeth. That's my feeling, anyway.

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