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Malaysian Muslim receives death threats for dog-petting event

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No one is bashing moderate Muslims. The complaints are about radical Muslims and fundamentalism. They are the ones issuing the death threats against moderate Muslims for petting dogs. .

For many of this lot, there is no difference.

If the supposed "moderates" would out the "radicals", I could agree that "moderates" exist

. Until that happens, the world must treat all muslims as suspiciously as we would treat known radicals.

Inactive complicity is essentially support

. The "radicals" would not be able to function outside the area controlled

by the new Militant threat in the middle east without the silence of those who know

and dont report... ... ...

Time after time after time, moderate Muslims HAVE INDEED come out and rubbished the extremists.... Do some research.... Uninformed claptrap.

Take a look at who is assisting the Americans in their Air Strikes against IS. It is Muslims.... Have look at who the people MOST affected by radical Islam, actually are.... Moderate Muslims....

Sure, not being able to pat a dog is nonsense to us..... but equally nonsensical to a non Buddhist, is not being able to touch the top of someone's head.... without causing offense... And before you come back about Buddhism being a truly peaceful religion (tho that is generally true) ask the Rohingyas how that is working for them....

You are completely missing the point - the outrage is not directed at people who believe dogs are unclean, but towards the same group of savages that just can't help themselves threatening to kill people for trivial non-events !!

When did you last read about a Buddhist who threatened to kill someone because the top of their head was touched !

Clearly not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists seem to be muslim and the world has had enough !

The IRA were predominantly not Muslim. The USA seems able to come up with their own terrorists without straying beyond the Christian faith and their own constitution. It's great to have a jihad or crusade to unite us all behind the military industry, but it's not based on fact or truth

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I do not like the term moderate muslim. I think it is an attempt by a certain group to push their agenda and oppress groups that they do not like for whatever reason. It is like the term 'illegal alien'. This is a buzz word for certain groups, yet more rational, respectful organisations do not use this. The Associated Press now only uses the word illegal to apply to an activity that is illegal, not to the person itself.

Certain groups don't like this. It removes their power. They moan about PC. They are not about respect so they do not understand or comprehend the idea of being respectful to others.

Jeez! I've read some politically correct horseshit in my time but this crap takes the cake.

So by your strange way of thinking, referring to illegal immigrants as 'illegal' oppresses them? laugh.png

Are you writing this as a joke?

And even though the illegal immigrant has illegally entered the country, calling them 'illegal' isn't showing them respect. According to you, we should only refer to the action of illegally entering a country, not to their status as illegals.

Man, you are way out there.

Oh Dear! Batty old gramps has escaped the attic again and he's lost his specs. It is the Associated Press who take the position on the term 'illegal immigrant' not me. It is an organisation in which people make their living by using words. A far more credible set of people than your grubby little group of nasties. I merely use it as an example of how the term 'moderate muslim' is being used to oppress. You really are quite the imbecile. So far out on the margins that a centrist view looks extreme to you.

Edited by Tep
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

hang on, its a muslim who's trying to do good. But no one see that, everyones turning it into another muslim bash.

Well, at least they're not issuing death threats to the poor guy. No, that would be the other muslims doing that.

Nobody is bashing the dog lover, they are bashing the &lt;deleted&gt; issuing the death threats. You see a problem with that?

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Radical Islamic fundamentalism is one of the biggest threats to Western civilization today. Christian fundamentalism is not.

Radical Christianity seems to be limited to cults like the Westboro Church and The Branch Davidians whereas radical Muslims are literally wherever there are Muslims. I mean literally everywhere, look at any country which has any even small population of Muslims and there will be a radical movement of terrorists there blowing up stuff and beheading non-Muslims. Go look it up.

Radical Islam is not a cult, it is Islam done properly. Stop the excuses, wake up, do something before it's too late.

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W%^kers! Yet another reason to dislike these twisted, excuse for 'human beings'

I don't think cuddling dogs is that bad.

So long as you wash the bowl properly after the dog's eaten it, and avoid the dog slavering all over you, you should be OK

I'm not going to condemn the whole of the rugby league fraternity because some idiots made death threats against Ben Flower


nor because some of their members exhibit unsavoury behaviour


There were more muslims involved in the handling of the dogs than in the death threats


Wrong SC, 1000 touched the dog, 2,000 messages in the first one hour

From the article: "The threats have been continuous for Syed Azmi Alhabshi, a Muslim himself, who hosted the "I want to touch a dog" event in Kuala Lumpur last week that drew nearly 1,000 people, according to his lawyer Shahredzen Johan. "He has been getting severe death threats," he said. Shahredzan said he received nearly 2,000 messages on his mobile phone within one hour on Friday."

Edited by bassman
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W%^kers! Yet another reason to dislike these twisted, excuse for 'human beings'

I don't think cuddling dogs is that bad.

So long as you wash the bowl properly after the dog's eaten it, and avoid the dog slavering all over you, you should be OK

I'm not going to condemn the whole of the rugby league fraternity because some idiots made death threats against Ben Flower


nor because some of their members exhibit unsavoury behaviour


There were more muslims involved in the handling of the dogs than in the death threats


Wrong SC, 1000 touched the dog, 2,000 messages in the first one hour

From the article: "The threats have been continuous for Syed Azmi Alhabshi, a Muslim himself, who hosted the "I want to touch a dog" event in Kuala Lumpur last week that drew nearly 1,000 people, according to his lawyer Shahredzen Johan. "He has been getting severe death threats," he said. Shahredzan said he received nearly 2,000 messages on his mobile phone within one hour on Friday."

Obviously the Islamic apologists are gonna say that those 2.000 death threats were sent by the only 30 radical Muslims in the world. Didn't you know, there isn't a terrorist problem with Islam, it's just the media. Be careful the media doesn't kidnap you while you are working in an Islamic country and cut your head off on video and post it online because, y'know, it's all the media's fault that non-Muslims think terrorists exists.

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The leftist liberals like to portay it this way to avoid questioning their own beleifs, but there is no such thing as a "fundamentalist muslim" or "moderate muslim". There are only believers or non-believers.

What the western liberals fail to understand is that people born in Islamic countries are forced to be Muslims at birth. There is no choice. Of course many of these "moderate" muslims don't believe anything written in the Quran, and we call them non-beleivers. we don't call them "moderates" because if they were given a choice they would not identify themselves as Muslim.

Believer = Someone who Accepts the word of the Quran as the word of God and the truth. Including the requirements Muslims must take up arms

Non-believer = Someone calling themself a Muslim to avoid being killed for abandoning the faith, but for all intents and purposes beleives the Quran is garbage.

A "moderate" can not be a believer by definition, since a moderate is not really a muslim to begin with. So what does this mean. Unfortunately, the truth is that believers are potentially all terrorists.

Edited by Time Traveller
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

hang on, its a muslim who's trying to do good. But no one see that, everyones turning it into another muslim bash.

Well, at least they're not issuing death threats to the poor guy. No, that would be the other muslims doing that.

Nobody is bashing the dog lover, they are bashing the <deleted> issuing the death threats. You see a problem with that?

So are you saying that the people issuing the death threats are more muslim than the chap encouraging respect for God's creatures?

It's good to see that you have some common ground with the extremists


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The leftist liberals like to portay it this way to avoid questioning their own beleifs, but there is no such thing as a "fundamentalist muslim" or "moderate muslim". There are only believers or non-believers.

What the western liberals fail to understand is that people born in Islamic countries are forced to be Muslims at birth. There is no choice. Of course many of these "moderate" muslims don't believe anything written in the Quran, and we call them non-beleivers. we don't call them "moderates" because if they were given a choice they would not identify themselves as Muslim.

So what does this mean. Unfortunately, the truth is that believers are potentially all terrorists.

Exactly. If your father is a Muslim then you are a Muslim, if you marry a Muslim then you have to be a Muslim, if you ever say anything against Islam or want to leave then the punishment is death for blasphemy or apostasy. Can someone explain to me what a moderate Muslim is?

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It would appear that you have made up your mind that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. That's up to you. I think that 'barely' Muslim is a new term. If we are going to have extremes then I guess the barely Muslim extreme seems like a good alternative.

The problem is Scott, if there were more moderates , the radical would not be rising as fast as it has and as strong as it has.

Some people like to claim radical is a minority but then look at Isis and other parts of the world .

To me, it's more like a ticking bomb.

Do you recall when someone published cartoons of Mohhamed I believe it was in Norway, Muslims went crazy , yet they see no problem burning bibles and jailing or killing

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It would appear that you have made up your mind that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. That's up to you. I think that 'barely' Muslim is a new term. If we are going to have extremes then I guess the barely Muslim extreme seems like a good alternative.

The problem is Scott, if there were more moderates , the radical would not be rising as fast as it has and as strong as it has.

Some people like to claim radical is a minority but then look at Isis and other parts of the world .

To me, it's more like a ticking bomb.

Do you recall when someone published cartoons of Mohhamed I believe it was in Norway, Muslims went crazy , yet they see no problem burning bibles and jailing or killing

It was Denmark but the reaction across the world to these "atrocities" was exactly the same, to the point that embassies in countries which didn't even support Denmark or the cartoons were burned to the ground.

Just goes to show that the reality is that when it comes to it there are Muslims, and there are non-Muslims.

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It would appear that you have made up your mind that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. That's up to you. I think that 'barely' Muslim is a new term. If we are going to have extremes then I guess the barely Muslim extreme seems like a good alternative.

The problem is Scott, if there were more moderates , the radical would not be rising as fast as it has and as strong as it has.

Some people like to claim radical is a minority but then look at Isis and other parts of the world .

To me, it's more like a ticking bomb.

Do you recall when someone published cartoons of Mohhamed I believe it was in Norway, Muslims went crazy , yet they see no problem burning bibles and jailing or killing

It was Denmark but the reaction across the world to these "atrocities" was exactly the same, to the point that embassies in countries which didn't even support Denmark or the cartoons were burned to the ground.

Just goes to show that the reality is that when it comes to it there are Muslims, and there are non-Muslims.

I'm glad we have so much common ground with the extremists. I trust that you have torched your local paki shop, to help radicalise your local community


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It would appear that you have made up your mind that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. That's up to you. I think that 'barely' Muslim is a new term. If we are going to have extremes then I guess the barely Muslim extreme seems like a good alternative.

The problem is Scott, if there were more moderates , the radical would not be rising as fast as it has and as strong as it has.

Some people like to claim radical is a minority but then look at Isis and other parts of the world .

To me, it's more like a ticking bomb.

Do you recall when someone published cartoons of Mohhamed I believe it was in Norway, Muslims went crazy , yet they see no problem burning bibles and jailing or killing

It was Denmark but the reaction across the world to these "atrocities" was exactly the same, to the point that embassies in countries which didn't even support Denmark or the cartoons were burned to the ground.

Just goes to show that the reality is that when it comes to it there are Muslims, and there are non-Muslims.

I'm glad we have so much common ground with the extremists. I trust that you have torched your local paki shop, to help radicalise your local community


So am I the one who is being oversensitive and having a militant and terrorist backing to any perceived sleight am I? Or are people like you defending their over-reactions to everything that may offend their medieval ways and allowing them to get away with genocide?

Who are the bad guys here? Seriously,

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It would appear that you have made up your mind that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. That's up to you. I think that 'barely' Muslim is a new term. If we are going to have extremes then I guess the barely Muslim extreme seems like a good alternative.

The problem is Scott, if there were more moderates , the radical would not be rising as fast as it has and as strong as it has.

Some people like to claim radical is a minority but then look at Isis and other parts of the world .

To me, it's more like a ticking bomb.

Do you recall when someone published cartoons of Mohhamed I believe it was in Norway, Muslims went crazy , yet they see no problem burning bibles and jailing or killing

It was Denmark but the reaction across the world to these "atrocities" was exactly the same, to the point that embassies in countries which didn't even support Denmark or the cartoons were burned to the ground.

Just goes to show that the reality is that when it comes to it there are Muslims, and there are non-Muslims.

My bad, Denmark, thank you . And you are spot on.

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It would appear that you have made up your mind that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. That's up to you. I think that 'barely' Muslim is a new term. If we are going to have extremes then I guess the barely Muslim extreme seems like a good alternative.

The problem is Scott, if there were more moderates , the radical would not be rising as fast as it has and as strong as it has.

You mean if there were more people that are not muslims. There is no such thing as moderate or radical muslim. You are using western words to describe Islam which does not have those concepts in it. They are either Muslim or non-beleivers. It's written clearly in the Quran.

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It would appear that you have made up your mind that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. That's up to you. I think that 'barely' Muslim is a new term. If we are going to have extremes then I guess the barely Muslim extreme seems like a good alternative.

The problem is Scott, if there were more moderates , the radical would not be rising as fast as it has and as strong as it has.

You mean if there were more people that are not muslims. There is no such thing as moderate or radical muslim. You are using western words to describe Islam which does not have those concepts in it. They are either Muslim or non-beleivers. It's written clearly in the Quran.

Clearly I am not a scholar of Quaran, unlike yourself and being a westerner I would be using Western terms

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Malaysia is becoming more and more intolerant, every day. It is truly developing into a racial and religious tyranny. Malaysia has always been a place of institutionalized racism, but currently things are taken to new heights. This place will become uninhabitable for its prominent minorities in the not too distant future. Everything used to revolve around race, now also religion.

Edited by BestBitterPhuket
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

hang on, its a muslim who's trying to do good. But no one see that, everyones turning it into another muslim bash.

Well, at least they're not issuing death threats to the poor guy. No, that would be the other muslims doing that.

Nobody is bashing the dog lover, they are bashing the <deleted> issuing the death threats. You see a problem with that?

So are you saying that the people issuing the death threats are more muslim than the chap encouraging respect for God's creatures?

It's good to see that you have some common ground with the extremists


Where did I say that? They are both muslim, but there are references in the hadith that say that dogs are unclean and should not be touched. If you cared to spend a few minutes you could do a simple google search and find many websites run by and for Muslims which discuss this fact and its pros and cons.

Clearly this chap has the common sense and the common decency to see beyond that, while an appallingly large number of Muslim "leaders" and others in the Malay muslim community do not.

I have no common ground with the extremists. I like dogs.

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It would appear that you have made up your mind that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. That's up to you. I think that 'barely' Muslim is a new term. If we are going to have extremes then I guess the barely Muslim extreme seems like a good alternative.

The problem is Scott, if there were more moderates , the radical would not be rising as fast as it has and as strong as it has.

Some people like to claim radical is a minority but then look at Isis and other parts of the world .

To me, it's more like a ticking bomb.

Do you recall when someone published cartoons of Mohhamed I believe it was in Norway, Muslims went crazy , yet they see no problem burning bibles and jailing or killing

It was Denmark but the reaction across the world to these "atrocities" was exactly the same, to the point that embassies in countries which didn't even support Denmark or the cartoons were burned to the ground.

Just goes to show that the reality is that when it comes to it there are Muslims, and there are non-Muslims.

It is rarely mentioned that local security forces in majority Islamic countries put their lives on the line in protecting Western assets during the riots. Three embassies were destroyed, two in Lebanon (in the same office block) and one in Libya. During the attack on the Italian Embassy in Libya, local security forces shot dead 11 demonstrators.

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Malaysia is becoming more and more intolerant, every day. It is truly developing into a racial and religious tyranny. Malaysia has always been a place of institutionalized racism, but currently things are taken to new heights. This place will become uninhabitable for its prominent minorities in the not too distant future. Everything used to revolve around race, now also religion.

As someone who has lived in Malaysia and has worked there off and on for over 20 years I have to say I agree with you 100%. There is no doubt that Malaysia has been steadily moving towards a more conservative islamic mindset. I expect to see more chinese church burnings and more attacks on the indian population in the coming years.

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