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DNA results from Ko Tao village head’s son don't match traces on slain British tourists

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Do you realise that one falang involved in the diving industry has been found out to be protecting one of the alleged family members and made posts on facebook which have been screenshot.

Do you have a connection with that person ?


Finished with questions yet?

  • Like 2


Do you realise that one falang involved in the diving industry has been found out to be protecting one of the alleged family members and made posts on facebook which have been screenshot.

Do you have a connection with that person ?


Finished with stupid questions yet?

have you ever you ever told a lie on thai visa ?



Do you realise that one falang involved in the diving industry has been found out to be protecting one of the alleged family members and made posts on facebook which have been screenshot.

Do you have a connection with that person ?


Finished with stupid questions yet?

have you ever you ever told a lie on thai visa ?

So the answer to my question is "no" you are not finished with asking questions.

  • Like 1

So the answer to my question is "no" you are not finished with asking questions.

I have just a couple, out of interest. So far we've disagreed but not come to blows. I'll be happy to leave it that way as I feel we could end up coming to blows and gain nothing. If you don't wish to answer these questions then fine, that's your choice.

Where did you practice law? What type of law did you practice?


So the answer to my question is "no" you are not finished with asking questions.

I have just a couple, out of interest. So far we've disagreed but not come to blows. I'll be happy to leave it that way as I feel we could end up coming to blows and gain nothing. If you don't wish to answer these questions then fine, that's your choice.

Where did you practice law? What type of law did you practice?

We sat across from each other.

Edit -perhaps you have noticed that I am not the topic. I actually have answered the lawyer questions before.

  • Like 1

So the answer to my question is "no" you are not finished with asking questions.

I have just a couple, out of interest. So far we've disagreed but not come to blows. I'll be happy to leave it that way as I feel we could end up coming to blows and gain nothing. If you don't wish to answer these questions then fine, that's your choice.

Where did you practice law? What type of law did you practice?

We sat across from each other.

Edit -perhaps you have noticed that I am not the topic. I actually have answered the lawyer questions before.

I must have missed them but felt your questioning was well practiced. Lawyers, however, do not make great debaters as there are very few questions asked of them. Thanks for entertaining my question.


Why are you people still responding to the fool that is JDINASIA, arguing with a fool doesn't exactly show you people in good light.

This is a quote worth remembering “Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

George Carlin

  • Like 1

Island life you seem to know waaaay to much... Keep talking bro... How the f would you know if Nomsod was or was not on the island... Are u his bossum buddy. Seriously why should we believe you. Do tell. I believe the cop who said he had Mon and Nomsod ON CCTV. Are you calling the police liars.... Do you know who controls all the CCTV on the island.. Do you know who controls the CCTV that has been released to Scotland yard...


@t chilli .

Honestly i dont know know.

Like everyone else here dont want innocent to be sentenced if they are inocent .

but i must say it sickens me that also innocent young man is been slandered and publicly&falsely accused & judged and nothing what been said proven will not help just bcase he happens to be from wealthy backround and proud family.

And bcase this is thailand, case has to be rigged and cover up no matter what one says..

  • Like 1

So the answer to my question is "no" you are not finished with asking questions.

I have just a couple, out of interest. So far we've disagreed but not come to blows. I'll be happy to leave it that way as I feel we could end up coming to blows and gain nothing. If you don't wish to answer these questions then fine, that's your choice.

Where did you practice law? What type of law did you practice?

We sat across from each other.

Edit -perhaps you have noticed that I am not the topic. I actually have answered the lawyer questions before.

I must have missed them but felt your questioning was well practiced. Lawyers, however, do not make great debaters as there are very few questions asked of them. Thanks for entertaining my question.

Debate has rules. Ad hominem attacks are not used and if they are someone other than the debaters call the other person on it.

  • Like 1

@t chilli .

Honestly i dont know know.

Like everyone else here dont want innocent to be sentenced if they are inocent .

but i must say it sickens me that also innocent young man is been slandered and publicly&falsely accused & judged and nothing what been said proven will not help just bcase he happens to be from wealthy backround and proud family.

And bcase this is thailand, case has to be rigged and cover up no matter what one says..

Yes but you have to remember that this all started with the police making the accusations, then they decided to charge the Burmese. Their conflicting reports has led to all this and the way they have conducted this investigation has created this. Those of us that number the hundreds of thousands are now left in a position where its impossible to believe the police or anything they say in this case. You must understand that.

This then leads to speculation. Some speculation is completely without basis and way off the mark but other times it seems to fit very well. It is not conspiracy theory as one infamous poster with multiple accounts likes to refer to it, but the masses trying to figure out exactly what happened. Because its impossible to believe the RTP. Its not just us either its the UK, Burmese governments who want to know the real truth.

So please do not accuse us of anything other than trying to get justice no matter who the real killers are.

The video of the running man is a very good resemblance of Nomsod do you not think? Its such a small island that surely people know who this is in the video?


An inflammatory post has been removed. Another post containing an undecipherable acronym has been removed:

Posts full of intentional misspellings, all caps, no caps, l33tspeak, or similar slang may be deleted in order to preserve a standard of readability. This is a forum, not an SMS or Twitter message.

  • Like 2

I understand where u coming from .

Im not accuse no one of nothing.

Not my place , im just speaking from my own behalf. So i can be accused like rest of you but with fackt i live here and been forced to closely see & watch everyday development . And Its been very confusing.

For the video i must say 50 % of same height &age Thai burmese lads here looks exaktly same then guy in that video.

And im no police or detective of eny kind .

Have commented what i know and now allready see everything i say its tvisted against me same like some dodgy news paper. For me that just proves people are just after big scandals and public humilation even it would have nothing to do with truth.

So the answer to my question is "no" you are not finished with asking questions.

I have just a couple, out of interest. So far we've disagreed but not come to blows. I'll be happy to leave it that way as I feel we could end up coming to blows and gain nothing. If you don't wish to answer these questions then fine, that's your choice.

Where did you practice law? What type of law did you practice?

We sat across from each other.

Edit -perhaps you have noticed that I am not the topic. I actually have answered the lawyer questions before.

I must have missed them but felt your questioning was well practiced. Lawyers, however, do not make great debaters as there are very few questions asked of them. Thanks for entertaining my question.

Debate has rules. Ad hominem attacks are not used and if they are someone other than the debaters call the other person on it.

Agreed but debate should have equal Q&A and less avoidance. You do tend to ask a lot of questions even as replies to questions. Lawyers and politicians do that. Neither breed top the list of trustworthy for the common man for this reason.

Agreed about the poor form of name calling however I would expect an experienced debater to walk past that and wait for their opposite number to hang themselves. Name callers are normally heading that way on their own.

Answering questions and postulating opinions form healthy debate. You seem quite reserved about speculation. This isn't a court but a debate. You are acting like a member of the prosecution team.

Not telling you how to run your gig but you've pushed and pushed and pushed and nobody's budged. Do yourself a favour and offer reasons to see your perspective.

Please understand that I'm not avoiding your responses to this but, like yourself, am an early to bed early to rise type.

Catch you bright and early over coffee. Play nice, this debate is not going away.

  • Like 2

I understand where u coming from .

Im not accuse no one of nothing.

Not my place , im just speaking from my own behalf. So i can be accused like rest of you but with fackt i live here and been forced to closely see & watch everyday development . And Its been very confusing.

For the video i must say 50 % of same height &age Thai burmese lads here looks exaktly same then guy in that video.

And im no police or detective of eny kind .

Have commented what i know and now allready see everything i say its tvisted against me same like some dodgy news paper. For me that just proves people are just after big scandals and public humilation even it would have nothing to do with truth.

Thanks for your reply Islandlife. I will not ask you any more questions, you have a right as much as anyone here to express your views as we have of expressing ours.

  • Like 1

Still not really clear why this DNA issue has become the be all and end all......

Is there no such thing as evidence anymore? Or is it a case of DNA proves innocence?

Cctv ?


Phones ?

Etc etc


Ah... a new recruit to the team. Strange how most of you have a geographical reference to your usernames (Asia, Thailand, North etc). But then of course, we don't believe in coincidences (or should that be, we believe in coincidences?).

I have not read many of your posts (or it could be that I have read them but forgotten about them as being inconsequential and insignificant and irrelevant). Have you put forward any compelling facts or evidence or even theories or arguments in support of your opinion that the B2 are the only guilty parties and everyone else is innocent of any complicity?

Or are you just here to troll?

Ah a fellow Gweilo -how interesting and what a coincidence! How geographical! I was born in Macau and you? Hong Kong perchance?

No I'm not here to troll. I'm just giving some support to fellow skeptics and logical thinkers. My intuition and my knowledge of human behaviour just tells me that migrant workers are - for understandable reasons - capable of committing crimes -even violent crimes. This does not mean to say that I consider that to be evidence. Just like the fact that Thai police can botch up an investigation is no conclusive evidence that they did so this time or the fact that there is an Island mafia that they have so much clout that they can simply bribe to the degree that is being suggested.

At the same time lot of the so-called evidence given by CsiLA and the likes simply defy logic.


I have not read many of your posts (or it could be that I have read them but forgotten about them as being inconsequential and insignificant and irrelevant).

judging by the level of your posted topics (bikes and girls and your favourite pastimes ) I can only assume that my comments and posts are beyond your limited comprehension....


Ah... a new recruit to the team. Strange how most of you have a geographical reference to your usernames (Asia, Thailand, North etc). But then of course, we don't believe in coincidences (or should that be, we believe in coincidences?).

I have not read many of your posts (or it could be that I have read them but forgotten about them as being inconsequential and insignificant and irrelevant). Have you put forward any compelling facts or evidence or even theories or arguments in support of your opinion that the B2 are the only guilty parties and everyone else is innocent of any complicity?

Or are you just here to troll?

Ah a fellow Gweilo -how interesting and what a coincidence! How geographical! I was born in Macau and you? Hong Kong perchance?

No I'm not here to troll. I'm just giving some support to fellow skeptics and logical thinkers. My intuition and my knowledge of human behaviour just tells me that migrant workers are - for understandable reasons - capable of committing crimes -even violent crimes. This does not mean to say that I consider that to be evidence. Just like the fact that Thai police can botch up an investigation is no conclusive evidence that they did so this time or the fact that there is an Island mafia that they have so much clout that they can simply bribe to the degree that is being suggested.

At the same time lot of the so-called evidence given by CsiLA and the likes simply defy logic.

"I'm just giving some support to fellow skeptics and logical thinkers"

How nice of you to support fellow logical thinkers. The only problem with that statement is that it's not logical thinking at all. Logical thinking would force you to question the assertions of the RTP. Logical thinking would force you to demand answers to glaring discrepancies in the claimed evidence in the case against the B2.

"My intuition and my knowledge of human behaviour just tells me that migrant workers are - for understandable reasons - capable of committing crimes "

Your intuition and knowledge of human behaviour is sadly deficient. My intuition and knowledge tells me that anybody, migrant worker or not, is capable of committing crimes.

"is no conclusive evidence that they did so this time"

The fact is that the "conclusive" evidence of the Thai police is based on a DNA match. No one, other than you and your idol, believes that this is conclusive (I doubt the Thai police themselves consider it conclusive - the prosecutor definitely does not)

"an Island mafia that they have so much clout that they can simply bribe to the degree that is being suggested. "

Your failed points above have shown me that you are unable to comprehend any scenario other than one of mere bribery or corruption. Your limited comprehension would not be able to grasp the concept of point of no return. Ask your captain to explain. You may have the distinction of being the only poster to whom he would give a direct and honest answer.
  • Like 2
So the answer to my question is "no" you are not finished with asking questions.

I have just a couple, out of interest. So far we've disagreed but not come to blows. I'll be happy to leave it that way as I feel we could end up coming to blows and gain nothing. If you don't wish to answer these questions then fine, that's your choice.

Where did you practice law? What type of law did you practice?

We sat across from each other.

Edit -perhaps you have noticed that I am not the topic. I actually have answered the lawyer questions before.

I must have missed them but felt your questioning was well practiced. Lawyers, however, do not make great debaters as there are very few questions asked of them. Thanks for entertaining my question.

Debate has rules. Ad hominem attacks are not used and if they are someone other than the debaters call the other person on it.

Agreed but debate should have equal Q&A and less avoidance. You do tend to ask a lot of questions even as replies to questions. Lawyers and politicians do that. Neither breed top the list of trustworthy for the common man for this reason.

Agreed about the poor form of name calling however I would expect an experienced debater to walk past that and wait for their opposite number to hang themselves. Name callers are normally heading that way on their own.

Answering questions and postulating opinions form healthy debate. You seem quite reserved about speculation. This isn't a court but a debate. You are acting like a member of the prosecution team.

Not telling you how to run your gig but you've pushed and pushed and pushed and nobody's budged. Do yourself a favour and offer reasons to see your perspective.

Please understand that I'm not avoiding your responses to this but, like yourself, am an early to bed early to rise type.

Catch you bright and early over coffee. Play nice, this debate is not going away.

"Agreed but debate.."

It is not debate for the reasons stated.

I do avoid speculation.


@ unconvinced.

It wasnt never Nomsod who they were after it was second man in sean's picture posted to fb next to Mon.who had left koh tao next morning when these alledged threats happened. All these comments were made by that time by meny difrent policeman at time bcase there was no real spokes man so when all them was commenting all tryed get honor of it so meny stories got mixed till they got bull from hornes announced that new appointed leader of investigation will be only one commenting after that point.

Like i said far as i know , mon was tested that day of hes dna and was never locked up wasnt running or hiding and why would of him he never did nothing wrong.

What comes to Sean he had lived in island dressed as pirate jack sparrow for 8 months 2 years ago and had to leave island bcase unpaid bar tabs etc. He come back day before those murders, to even think he would have real knowledge about island and its people is funny bcase no one really liked him and for people living here he was more like village idiot a joke whom people would bet how long and hes gone again . No one would of trust him with bar tab or listen really bcase we all new what kind of fruitcase we talking. That Andrew Drummond also can be talked as journalist he was like police that time . Each day new theory..

One thing i say even sounding defensive tovards Mon when western people arranged memorial for Hannah and David there was all the expakts of island and few thais one of them was Mon amongst all ,he come bring flower lighted insest stick. Stayed there with us.

Local thais did same thing day before with munks he was there 2. There would of been no need him come our memorial but yet he come .

blah blah blah. You don't like Sean. Ok, we get it. No one is saying Sean is the type of person you'd hire to babysit your infant daughter. The significance of Sean in this case is he is very likely a witness and/or knows pertinent info related to the case. The case needs witnesses. The reason Sean was quickly sent packing out of Thailand is because he knows things which could implicate the headman's family. A person doesn't need to be an upstanding citizen in order to be useful in helping solve a crime.

At the same time lot of the so-called evidence given by CsiLA and the likes simply defy logic.

Fine, let a lot of it 'defy-logic' ....yet even if just a small portion is useful as evidence to nail the real criminals, then that's a plus. The people who cast a blanket-dismissal of everything on CSI LA (am referring to JTJ and JD, not necessarily to Asiamaster) are those who are shielding the police and headman's family, and who want to nail the Burmese. In other words, all the folks who don't want the crime thoroughly investigated.

Among the general public of tens of thousands of people (who aren't all as stupid as Thai officials assume), there could be some who offer useful insights on the case. Examples:

>>> the diagram of David's wounds as they apply to possibly murder weapon, something Thai officials don't want us to consider.

>>> The missing furniture in the contrived security still shot which supposedly is the alibi for Nomsod. Just part of the blunderingly falsified photos used as alibi for the kid who was, and still should be top suspect.

>>> the photos of Hannah's pink phone - showing that Thai cops lied. When Thai cops were caught in their lie, they changed their claim, and said the incriminating phone (found behind the Burmeses' shack) was actually David's. Ooops, Thai cops had earlier claimed they found David's phone at the crime scene.

....oh the tangled web......

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@t chilli .

Honestly i dont know know.

Like everyone else here dont want innocent to be sentenced if they are inocent .

but i must say it sickens me that also innocent young man is been slandered and publicly&falsely accused & judged and nothing what been said proven will not help just bcase he happens to be from wealthy backround and proud family.

And bcase this is thailand, case has to be rigged and cover up no matter what one says..


Serves him and his old man right for trying to use the whole 'flash the cash' tactic to prove innocence then doesn't it?

Serves him and his old man right for his old man constantly being at the side of the coppers in every photo of the crime scene doesn't it?

Serves him and his old man right for making a massive song and dance on TV and in the newspapers about the DNA test that should have been done a month earlier but that he had the God-given right to refuse when it would have just been easier to do it at the time... Doesn't it?

If you live by the sword (in this case, money and wealth), you die by the sword (in this case, being fingered for corruption, bribery and trying to use the money to get you out of a situation)

  • Like 2

Does it make your life better blame innocent people on internet.

You stated a few posts earlier that you didn't know who was responsible for the crimes. Now you claim you know who is innocent. Which is it? I think I know your answer, because you've already made it clear you want the headman's family cleared of all wrongdoing.

I want all the evidence out in the open. I understand Thai officials can't reveal all they know at this time, but they have already revealed a lot. And much of what they've revealed indicates either cover-up and/or shielding the headman's friends and family.

Here are some of many indications:

>>>> dropping Mon and Nomsod as suspects merely because there were other suspects arrested (and forced to sign admissions of guilt under coercion). Mon and Nomsod should still be the prime suspects for too many reasons to list here.

>>> What have we heard from Thai officials about the very important scenario in the bar(s) before the victims and suspects left to go to the beach? NOTHING. Not a peep from officials. It's as if absolutely nothing of significance happened in the bars for the hours preceding the crime.

>>> Thai officials NOT sharing DNA data with Brit experts who, even as just observers, should be allowed to see such key evidence. In a word, it's RUDE.

>>> CSI LA and other online sites may be quieting down because they don't have pertinent info to post at this time. It's been said before, much if not most of CSI-type evidence may be moot. That's ok. If only 1 or 2% of the info they post (which Thai officials either don't have or don't want anyone to see) is useful to finding and convicting the real murderers/rapists, then CSI and others are doing a great job.

CSI is gaining an increase in his followers every day.

The more people try to discredit and hack him, the more credible he gets

Think about,

why would anyone in any official capacity care what anyone on the internet says,

unless they are being exposed?

  • Like 2

Absolute bs and speculation with out eny of the facts.

He the brother never really was a subject ,for litle while that day bcase of mis understandment of comment from mr mcanna "he did it"

who him self also has said that he didnt mean the murders he meant if he dies that night in supermarket its guys in picture who did .

Why they were chacing him ,was bcase he went to ac bar fumingly drunk after week bender and after all thiss has happened shouting all sorts of accusation and when the brother said u seem to have something to hide we know u have blood in your hands wich they had been told by worker of some other bar at other end of beach, that he had asked for help clean blood and had similar cuts. after that situation at night he run a way from ac and thai boys thought he accidently panicked and confessed.thats when was calling to sky news ,i find it weird if you think you gonna get killed is it news u want call first????

Later thought its cleared that he got hes injuries day before murders,similar cuts thought then david and he said got them by motorbike???

Why u think that sean mcanna been quiet since ,does he have something to hide or is he just a nother false story,attension seeker??

Ive not seen single video of nomsod been in koh tao and if you really think someone local here could bribe everyone all the way to top u are truly delucional.

I dont know what happened but know for 100 % shure brother have nothing else to do with case then last bungalow of hes resort is 50 m away from crime scene and that nomsod really was in Bk.

U can tvist it as much u guys want but its the truth.

You assert that the police pursuit of Nomsod and others related to him was caused only by the earlier confusion about whether Sean McAnna's text message about "who did it" was referring to who did the original crime or who was threatening to kill Sean. McAnna later says that he meant the latter, but before he left the island there was reason to believe that he knew something about the mafia on Koh Tao and possibly about the murders, and at the same time the police were coming up empty. And yet he was given safe passage off the island and out of the country with no further word of inquiry and no suggestion he'd be needed as a witness.

The police then announced they had arrested Mon, and were pursuing the headman's son (i.e. Nomsod) who had fled the island and was hiding in Bangkok. Pol-LtGen Panya said "both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders." And that they would also nail the people who helped him escape. Police did not mention anyone's allegations, nor the ravings of the departed McAnna; they referred to evidence they had collected and examined.


The next day they released Mon after interrogating him and his brother the headman. Presumably Mon offered some explanation for his presence on CCTV, or convinced the police that it wasn't him. And Mon was saying Sean should be a suspect instead. But the headman was quoted as saying he could not contact his son and did not know whether he had a hand in the killings!

What would naturally follow all that would be an arrest and questioning of Nomsod, thorough investigation of his phone and plane records, etc, investigation of the speedboat escape and friends of Nomsod also missing from the island, but instead the very next day, police announced that Nomsod had some evidence that he'd been in Bangkok and all further inquiries and pursuit of leads regarding that family ceased.

Are you claiming that neither of these guys were on CCTV, that the police announced them as prime suspects with certainty and evidence, but were in fact mistaken and/or misquoted by Thai PBS, The Nation and Khaosod, and/or had been misled by one text message of a Scotsman they'd already deemed irrelevant?

Are you claiming that the police satisfied themselves with Nomsod's alibi without arresting him (their declared prime suspect) and by some other means of investigation literally overnight (from Sep 24 to Sep 25)? So that, just like you, the police don't know what happened but suddenly became 100% sure these two guys were not involved?

hang on, now you have me confused

where is the part about the headman saying his son had left the island before the rape and murders,

and where is the part about the headman offering one million baht of anyone could prove his family was involved,

but never offering a single baht to help solve the crime, or help the victims families?

this is a small part of the reason the internet has cast hell upon them

  • Like 1

@t chilli .

Honestly i dont know know.

Like everyone else here dont want innocent to be sentenced if they are inocent .

but i must say it sickens me that also innocent young man is been slandered and publicly&falsely accused & judged and nothing what been said proven will not help just bcase he happens to be from wealthy backround and proud family.

And bcase this is thailand, case has to be rigged and cover up no matter what one says..


Serves him and his old man right for trying to use the whole 'flash the cash' tactic to prove innocence then doesn't it?

Serves him and his old man right for his old man constantly being at the side of the coppers in every photo of the crime scene doesn't it?

Serves him and his old man right for making a massive song and dance on TV and in the newspapers about the DNA test that should have been done a month earlier but that he had the God-given right to refuse when it would have just been easier to do it at the time... Doesn't it?

If you live by the sword (in this case, money and wealth), you die by the sword (in this case, being fingered for corruption, bribery and trying to use the money to get you out of a situation)

Let's not forget,

Chris Ware is the star witness for Scotland Yard

One picture of Nomsod in the nar that night, and this whole case blasts a vry large crator in the police case

jdinasia has not quite figured out what to say about the Ware brothers,

they may also have pictures of what they called "face police" at the time

imagine that, guys posing as police, because their family is police,

never happens, just as jdinasia ho has all the answers to all questions, as long as they don't point out facts


@t chilli .

Honestly i dont know know.

Like everyone else here dont want innocent to be sentenced if they are inocent .

but i must say it sickens me that also innocent young man is been slandered and publicly&falsely accused & judged and nothing what been said proven will not help just bcase he happens to be from wealthy backround and proud family.

And bcase this is thailand, case has to be rigged and cover up no matter what one says..


Serves him and his old man right for trying to use the whole 'flash the cash' tactic to prove innocence then doesn't it?

Serves him and his old man right for his old man constantly being at the side of the coppers in every photo of the crime scene doesn't it?

Serves him and his old man right for making a massive song and dance on TV and in the newspapers about the DNA test that should have been done a month earlier but that he had the God-given right to refuse when it would have just been easier to do it at the time... Doesn't it?

If you live by the sword (in this case, money and wealth), you die by the sword (in this case, being fingered for corruption, bribery and trying to use the money to get you out of a situation)

the sins of the fathers are visited upon the sons, somtimes unto the 10th generation

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