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Dog Meat Trade in Thailand Is Under Pressure and May Be Banned

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I do not judge what meat people choose to eat. The issue is of cruelty. ... if they can slaughter dogs humanely then nobody should condemn another person's right to eat just another source of protein.

I have to disagree. Animals noted for their intelligence and loyalty to man are in a different category to sheep, cows etc. Whales, elephants, dolphins and dogs are four such creatures. Besides, dogs are invariably cruelly killed and transported. Sheep and cattle transported to Islamic country are also often not slaughtered in a compassionate manner. In any case, this has been discussed in another thread, and I don't think I could subject myself to the callous opinions of the same bunch of dog slaughter lovers that advocated the killing of every soi dog in Thailand or lectured the rest of us about respecting the eating habits of other cultures. Goodbye and good luck to the dog lovers among you.

R u sure that a dog is more intelligent than say a pig? You better Google that one.


I spoke recently to a young man who is a sailor in the US Navy. He had been located for some reason to Dutch Harbor, Alaska. The area has a problem with feral dogs. Every few years there, such as when a child was mauled to death, a "cull" is announced. All pets are to be held inside and the locals set loose with their firearms to clean up the area. Bounty set at five dollars a tail. 50 baht would be good for Thailand.

.Are you nuts??? Great combination!!! Firearms and Lao Cao, with permission to shoot anything they think looks like a dog.w00t.gif If by some strange stroke of luck they did kill a dog, the bounty would be spent on more cheap booze, and the cycle starts again. With that lame strategy, every drunken Thai male (Am I being too redundant here?) would decimate half the human population and the dogs would finally inherit the sois.

How would that look in the NY Times? blink.png

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Nothing wrong with eating dog meat. If you are a vegetarian or a vegan, fair enough, you can argue against it. If you eat beef, pork, chicken or fish, though, you can go ahead and just be quiet about eating dog meat.


There is nothing wrong with eating dog meat . People eat all over the world animals, big and small. The main problem with eating meat is that the animals mostly must get slaughtered. And yes here we see enough bad examples from on TV and Youtube.

So improve the way of holding the live stock, the handling, the slaughtering and preparing will make eating dog the same as eating cow, horse, pigg, dear, rabbit or rat to name some examples.

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I am a dog lover, I live here, have a dog and care for it, its not let out to wander the streets at will!

So if Thais love dogs so much, then why not put the feral or soi dogs out of their misery Soi dogs or feral dogs are big problem where I live just outside Phrachaup and I would welcome a cull!

Sadly Thais do not know how to take care of a dog!

As for eating them I would not eat my pet but a farmer dog I see no problem.


An ill informed report from the New York Times. There are around 50,000 Koreans here and dogs are a delicacy. I worked for a Korean Company for 6 years and dog eating parties were held almost every weekend.


How much cash do these activists raise for dog shelters in Thailand? Read somewhere that the greater percentage of dogs die in Thai dog shelters due to insufficient care.

If they care so much for dogs what about raising funds for educating the Thai population on how to properly care for their 'pets'. I believe the essentials are training, exercise and affection, you see the latter but rarely training and exercise.

Considering the OP mentions an improved image for Thailand, the activists should lobby for funded programs to address the very poor condition of so many dogs in public places that surely must be a major turn off for international visitors. Been visiting and living in Thailand on & off over 25 years, never noticied any improvement for dogs, maybe wrong, but seems to get worse.


It isn't the eating of dogs at issue. It is the treatment; even pigs and cows and whatever are treated well on their way to Western abbatoirs - for which they HAVE been bred and a 'sacrificed' in a humane way,,, i.e. not inflicting pain and suffering.

Most of these dogs:


Were not bred for human consumption, and it is for that reason people are questioning how they are treated, and why there is a need for change in this culinary delight. vomit.

Whether a dog lover, meat eater or even vegetarian, what is depicted is despicable, and awful abuse; such abuse does not apply to animals bred for consumption, and that, even though appearing small and insignificant, is a huge factor which plays a major role in the ages we live in.

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“We only eat the fierce dogs — the dogs that bite people or kill chickens,” said Praprut Thanthongdee, 45 cheesy.gif

He must have had 42 wives then, in a previous life. giggle.gifwink.png


An ill informed report from the New York Times. There are around 50,000 Koreans here and dogs are a delicacy. I worked for a Korean Company for 6 years and dog eating parties were held almost every weekend.


Did you indulge in the food?


I think the international community would rather you concentrate on fair criminal investigations, the dog meat ban can come later.

I would rather a dog die than an innocent man go to jail or a guilty man be let off scott free.

Not referirng to Kho Tao, just a general observation.

Time for a red bull

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it cant be for shortage of available stock

If the size of the available stock is from importance, than better, to go with "cannibalism"

No shortage of available stock here. Much to much stock already. rolleyes.gif


it cant be for shortage of available stock

If the size of the available stock is from importance, than better, to go with "cannibalism"

No shortage of available stock here. Much to much stock already. rolleyes.gif

sorry alf you've lost me there


very bitter Mr Phuket. There are laws which are enforced regarding the treatment of pigs. why bother. go save a dog!

Pigs have higher intelligence than a dog, but the Americans and British have no issues about eating them and subjecting those animals to grotesque living conditions. However, eating dogs or whales or anything that looks cute, is a huge taboo. Epic double standards.
I would never eat dog, but would never criticize anyone for it.


A neighbour was pressed by his Chiang Rai wife to attend an uncle's funeral some years back. He told me he was sickened and surprised to see one of the family call one of the family dogs and casually slit it's throat to throw on the barbecue. He hasn't been back since. Barbarians!bah.gif

Its a cultural difference no different from them probably being disgusted that you eat beef.

It is meat and that is all there is to it.

Do you not find it equally disturbing that everything that you like to feast on has to lose its life to feed you?

No I am not a veggie, I am a meat lover, I just don't sit in judgement of others.

I have no cow or pig laying on my feet under the table, or on the next chair,

but dogs and cats I have, who do that and try to get my attention connecting with their body to mine

and looking in my eyes.

Sorry, not all animals are equal, for me, some animals "are more equal."rolleyes.gif


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You said

Don't you know that vegetables have feelings also! Personally I only eat Vegetarians such as cows, pigs, rabbits and fowl, so dogs are safe as they eat meat.


Good for you.

Should warn you that pigs are omnivores and will eat most things.

Check on your supply eh, just to be sure you remain pure.

Now I think on it, given the practices of factory farming you might also want to investigate what your cattle had as part of their diet.

As I say, wouldn't want your diet to contain impurities.

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I only eat Thai. As long as the missus isn't around.

Or she's involved at the same time thumbsup.gif

Lighten up guys....there are meat eaters and non meat eaters in the world. I doubt the twain will ever agree.

Some of us have animals we regard as pets and cannot fathom how some people could eat them. Others can eat the same animal without a skerrick of conscience. C'est la vie.

Anyone want a feed of grasshopper?

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While there is still money in this or any other illegal business, it won't be eliminated from Thailand but any steps to reduce it are most welcome.


so funny. I bet your parents are proud of your interlectual wit

I only eat Thai. As long as the missus isn't around.

Or she's involved at the same time thumbsup.gif

Lighten up guys....there are meat eaters and non meat eaters in the world. I doubt the twain will ever agree.

Some of us have animals we regard as pets and cannot fathom how some people could eat them. Others can eat the same animal without a skerrick of conscience. C'est la vie.

Anyone want a feed of grasshopper?


Animism is allegedly [if not apparently in this case] a deep and profound associate belief of many who practice Buddhism.

Animistic followers believe that "Every living thing has a soul" and Buddhists believe in Karma.

Animism is apparently most-prevalent in the north east and that is where most of the trading of dogs for their meat goes on.

Don't understand the connection to eating of dogs... Don't understand the positive concept of ingesting a spiritual essence. Please enlighten us all???


Animism (from Latin animus, -i "soul, life") is the worldview that non-human entities (animals, plants, and inanimate objects or phenomena) possess a spiritual essence.

Animism is used in the anthropology of religion as a term for the belief system of some indigenous tribal peoples, especially prior to the development of organized religion. Although each culture has its own different mythologies and rituals, "animism" is said to describe the most common, foundational thread of indigenous peoples' "spiritual" or "supernatural" perspectives. The animistic perspective is so fundamental, mundane, everyday and taken-for-granted that most animistic indigenous people do not even have a word in their languages that corresponds to "animism" (or even "religion"); the term is an anthropological construct rather than one designated by the people themselves.


A neighbour was pressed by his Chiang Rai wife to attend an uncle's funeral some years back. He told me he was sickened and surprised to see one of the family call one of the family dogs and casually slit it's throat to throw on the barbecue. He hasn't been back since. Barbarians!bah.gif

Its a cultural difference no different from them probably being disgusted that you eat beef.

It is meat and that is all there is to it.

Do you not find it equally disturbing that everything that you like to feast on has to lose its life to feed you?

No I am not a veggie, I am a meat lover, I just don't sit in judgement of others.

Well an expected response from someone who uses that swivel eyed loon as his avatar.

Oh CULTURE! That hoary old chestnut dusted and put forward as a , haha, valid intelligent argument for the barbarism of tribal peoples from the truly ignorant. It used to be the culture to bind young girls' feet ensuring a lifetime's inability to walk. That okay with you? It still is the culture to marry pre pubescent girls in some countries, after they'd had their genitals mutilated. Ok with that? How about the breeding and slaughtering of tigers to enable some old man to get his dick up [sic]. There are just SIX White Rhinos left on the planet, - Chinese medicine. The Japanese are still defending their culture of slaughtering whales and dolphins under the guise of 'science'. How we doing so far? huh.png

As to my eating habits I am a lifelong vegetarian. I would not condone the suffering of another sentient creature for my supposed enjoyment. And no, I don't wear leather either, so let's not go there.

BTW 'Meat Lover' Are you aware that when you die it will take at least 2 months for your last 'steak and chips' (you sound like that type), to rot in your gut along with the rest of you. After your pulmonary embolism laugh.png

After two months being dead, I wouldn't think he would be too bothered how long it took his steak and chips to rot in his gut.

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so funny. I bet your parents are proud of your interlectual wit

I only eat Thai. As long as the missus isn't around.

Or she's involved at the same time thumbsup.gif

Lighten up guys....there are meat eaters and non meat eaters in the world. I doubt the twain will ever agree.

Some of us have animals we regard as pets and cannot fathom how some people could eat them. Others can eat the same animal without a skerrick of conscience. C'est la vie.

Anyone want a feed of grasshopper?

I expect you parents are proud of you being an interlectual too.

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There is more to the whole affair than most people are realizing.

Sure you can make comparisons to beef eating and chicken eating and all the various kinds of meat eating if you want to ignore all that goes on with the rounding up of dogs often in the most brutal of ways including dogs that they out right kidnap ( as in steal them ) from other people ...just to make a buck.

It is a contentious social situation where the people who do eat the dog meat are indifferent to the suffering of the animals as much as they are indifferent to the slaughter of other animals used to feed and sustain humans....while most people are sympathetic and can not bring themselves to even think about eating dog meat....but several other kinds of animal meat are acceptable ....because near everyone else, world wide, participates while habitually eating animal flesh for the last 5000 years.

Meantime 99 % of the people in the world do not eat dog meat ...although they could, rather they eat meat from animals that have been domesticated specifically for human consumption while dogs have never been on their mind as a source of food....but at anytime they could cook up the family dog if they fancied trying dog meet to learn if dog meat is as good tasting as the other kinds of meat they consume....as in: Good ole Rover on the Rotisserie

Should outside nations be telling the people in another nations what they can and can not eat?

Not really...but it is apparent that the majority of people in the world do not want dogs to be slaughtered for food consumption while they would like to see those nations stop the practice and focus on the consumption of animal meat coming from the world wide standard sources and seen as acceptable.

Some day in the future people will have a choice of eating synthetic meat or real meat.....but the debate about eating animal flesh will still be a contentious social issue.


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The question is.....will a ban stop this from happening ? The answer is.....most certainly not, as this is a country filled with habitual law breakers and corrupt Policemen lacking moral responsibility.

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