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Tony Blair hopes there is an election in Thailand next year

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Busy body tony. Thai have democracy the thai way. Nothing to do with farang; especially British.

Nothing to do with democracy either.

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i sense a little resentment to Mr Tony Blair in this thread, could jealousy be anything to do with it?

Jealousy,what of being the most hated man in the UK and knowing that history is going to remember you as doing anything for money ,no i dont think so ,also he has that ugly wife and has to sh -g her, still i bet he doesnt give a damn as long as the money keeps rolling in. Me i would die of shame.sad.png

It would be hard to be jealous of a man with no integrity, who bends the truth, wrecks a countries indigenous people by mass immigration, ruins the economy, and send young boys to fight in a war that could never be won, without considering his spin doctors who helped him bend the truth even further at working people's expense.
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Let's be fair he did some good in changing the face of UK politics so that Labour will never have a majority again.

His mate Brown will always be remembered for selling the UK gold reserves when gold was at an all time low on the world markets.

As for Milliband?

You can make you own mind up on whether you would trust the UK to the likes of him and the despicable champagne socialist Harriet Harman.

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Let's be fair he did some good in changing the face of UK politics so that Labour will never have a majority again.

His mate Brown will always be remembered for selling the UK gold reserves when gold was at an all time low on the world markets.

As for Milliband?

You can make you own mind up on whether you would trust the UK to the likes of him and the despicable champagne socialist Harriet Harman.

Yes you unfortunately tell the truth Milliband makes my skin crawl he's so wet, or Harman is a nasty calculating turn coat I'd rather have Cameron and his nasty little sycophants. Brown was a nasty piece of work as well, he tried to be seen as good and wholesome, until that camera Crewe stitched him up and he called that nice old lady a biggot on camera, not smart. Ed Balls seems at least human, but who in their right mind made him minister for schools with a name like Balls - Brilliant.

They're all the same just different flags.

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Let's be fair he did some good in changing the face of UK politics so that Labour will never have a majority again.

His mate Brown will always be remembered for selling the UK gold reserves when gold was at an all time low on the world markets.

As for Milliband?

You can make you own mind up on whether you would trust the UK to the likes of him and the despicable champagne socialist Harriet Harman.

I have no love for the Labour Party or Blair/Brown. It should be remembered (credit where it's due), that Gordon Brown almost single-handedly kept Britain out of the Euro through the five criteria/tests.

Joining the Euro probably would have put Britain on the hook for far more more than the gold sale (bailing out the PIGS).

Blair alone would have flipped the UK into the Euro in a heartbeat.


Let's be fair he did some good in changing the face of UK politics so that Labour will never have a majority again.

His mate Brown will always be remembered for selling the UK gold reserves when gold was at an all time low on the world markets.

As for Milliband?

You can make you own mind up on whether you would trust the UK to the likes of him and the despicable champagne socialist Harriet Harman.

Yes you unfortunately tell the truth Milliband makes my skin crawl he's so wet, or Harman is a nasty calculating turn coat I'd rather have Cameron and his nasty little sycophants. Brown was a nasty piece of work as well, he tried to be seen as good and wholesome, until that camera Crewe stitched him up and he called that nice old lady a biggot on camera, not smart. Ed Balls seems at least human, but who in their right mind made him minister for schools with a name like Balls - Brilliant.

They're all the same just different flags.

Edmund Testicles, Harriet Harperson.


Oooo . . . that photo makes my skin crawl and I ain't referring to the Thai guy on the right.

The shark is back in town, sniffing around for another pay day.

No doubt offering his services as a speaker, adviser or some such. Any chance of a pay day and good old Tone will be there.

There is no evidence at all that Tony Blair was paid for his services in Thailand either on his current visit or previous one.I know it's part of the mantra among the Blair haters but it doesn't seem to be true.There is enough Iraq related dirt to heap on him so inventing stuff not real sensible.

Whether he has a superficial understanding of the Thai political crisis is another issue.His negotiating skills are beyond question as was seen in Northern Ireland.Sometimes it takes an outsider to help the process move forward.However in Thailand there does not seem to be a wish to negotiate so the services of Blair or A.N Other seems unnecessary

There is no evidence he wasn't paid either. Did he pay all expenses and do this for no fee before? Maybe yes, maybe no. However, read my post properly. You read "another pay day" how you wanted to. Another one of your inventions.

He has made rather a lot of money since leaving office doing this sort of thing. So I doubt he does many freebies, but no doubt he has to do some prospecting for clients.

Presumably you regard his negotiating and selling skills highly - like how he sold the Iraq war to the British public? He does a wonderful job in the Middle East so far too.

Just more Blair hate.Not very interesting or well informed but typical in that it is devoid of context or nuance.These people seem incapable of holding more than one idea in their heads at any one time.Certainly Blair made major errors of judgement in foreign policy but he is also a highly skilled negotiator and almost singlehandedly rescued Labour with stunning electoral success.His reputation is at a low ebb now but a wise person would hold judgement before a final verdict.


History books in a hundred years time will identify Thatcher and Blair as two of the standout politicians. Both conviction politicians at the start with strong ideals to make significant changes, which they then carried out under great adversity from within their own parties. Both ultimately fatally flawed but in many ways that also marks them out as people who will be remembered long-time.

On the other hand Callaghan, Major, Brown, Cameron ..... facepalm.gif

I attended meetings with both Thatcher and Blair in my working lifetime (privatisation adviser - yeah I know - not the most popular of jobs!). Both incredibly impressive and articulate but Thatcher had by far the greatest presence of any politician I met and Blair was one of the most open-minded and charming. Thatcher was one of those people who you knew had entered a room without seeing them arrive - that in itself doesn't signify greatness (the presence factor also applied to Robert Maxwell!!)

I don't hold a torch for any politician so no personal presumptive attacks pleasetongue.png


So this guy is sticking his nose in Thailand now. Is he really so aimless? Or interference in others business is his forte?

History books in a hundred years time will identify Thatcher and Blair as two of the standout politicians. Both conviction politicians at the start with strong ideals to make significant changes, which they then carried out under great adversity from within their own parties. Both ultimately fatally flawed but in many ways that also marks them out as people who will be remembered long-time.

On the other hand Callaghan, Major, Brown, Cameron ..... facepalm.gif

I attended meetings with both Thatcher and Blair in my working lifetime (privatisation adviser - yeah I know - not the most popular of jobs!). Both incredibly impressive and articulate but Thatcher had by far the greatest presence of any politician I met and Blair was one of the most open-minded and charming. Thatcher was one of those people who you knew had entered a room without seeing them arrive - that in itself doesn't signify greatness (the presence factor also applied to Robert Maxwell!!)

I don't hold a torch for any politician so no personal presumptive attacks pleasetongue.png[/

Your going to get really trolled for that :-)

Yes Blair does stand out he was quiet charming when he delivered his dossier he must have been to acting school, my mum used to say she liked a thief better than a lair and Blair does appear tho have been a tad untruthful on several points. Furthermore, he appears to have held up the Chilcott inquiry about the Iraq war, with his lawyers we are paying for. Perhaps if he did lie all his assets should be seized to repay some of the costs?

Thatcher does stand out though at least she said it how it was where as Blair did not. When she said she would bring down the miners and the unions she really meant it, and did.



I do not wish to be rude ,but keep taking the meds. Blair will be remembered for what he was ,a lying odious creep who only did one thing ,and that was anything that would benifit him ,from the fraudster he teemed up with to buy those two flats ,through to cosying up to Bush so that when it was all over he could be rich ,not to forget his bringing in the human rights act so that his wife and her chambers could clean up defending an assorted array of low lifes to stay in Britain .Nothing will make us or future generations forget ,the history books will see to that.

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He did Mrs Murdock for free

Blair does nothing for free.

Well she wasnt bad compared to the beast ges married ti

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Oooo . . . that photo makes my skin crawl and I ain't referring to the Thai guy on the right.

At least he didn't hug and kiss Prayuth, like he did when he met Ghaddafi. whistling.gif

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Hmm, it seems the Brits don't like Blair, but the Yanks still like Bush. Amazing, isn't it, that there can be such a difference of opinion on two such similar leaders. Are the Brits really that much smarter than the Yanks?

  Well I guess we must be smarter then!! But I am surprised anyone likes bush????
History books in a hundred years time will identify Thatcher and Blair as two of the standout politicians. Both conviction politicians at the start with strong ideals to make significant changes, which they then carried out under great adversity from within their own parties. Both ultimately fatally flawed but in many ways that also marks them out as people who will be remembered long-time.

On the other hand Callaghan, Major, Brown, Cameron ..... facepalm.gif

I attended meetings with both Thatcher and Blair in my working lifetime (privatisation adviser - yeah I know - not the most popular of jobs!). Both incredibly impressive and articulate but Thatcher had by far the greatest presence of any politician I met and Blair was one of the most open-minded and charming. Thatcher was one of those people who you knew had entered a room without seeing them arrive - that in itself doesn't signify greatness (the presence factor also applied to Robert Maxwell!!)

I don't hold a torch for any politician so no personal presumptive attacks pleasetongue.png[/

Your going to get really trolled for that :-)

Yes Blair does stand out he was quiet charming when he delivered his dossier he must have been to acting school, my mum used to say she liked a thief better than a lair and Blair does appear tho have been a tad untruthful on several points. Furthermore, he appears to have held up the Chilcott inquiry about the Iraq war, with his lawyers we are paying for. Perhaps if he did lie all his assets should be seized to repay some of the costs?

Thatcher does stand out though at least she said it how it was where as Blair did not. When she said she would bring down the miners and the unions she really meant it, and did.

All politicians work on their public speaking, but Blair took it to new levels. Blair worked on his style for years. Almost all politicians copy his style now (watch Obama). Those hand movements to make a point or when he's being 'passionate etc. Same same.

Fine actor, but he'd never admit it. At least the US cut the BS a little using Ronnie Reagan and giving Arnie a top job. Although, I'm not sure they could act anyway???

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