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Last push to save Yingluck from legal action


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"In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

If she's innocent why worry?

Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

Oh I don't know, perhaps the tradition that is most prevalent here is that of Junta vs Shinawatra - they might as well make it a precedent........................coffee1.gif

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"In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

If she's innocent why worry?

Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

Are you serious. It doesn't matter if she is innocent their goal is to crucify her because of her brother.

Everyone and their dog knows just how guilty Yinlick is... she should NEVER have taken on that mantle... she was never strong enough to be a politician. All of her cabinet ran amok over her and Big brother did little to help. Chalerm was the worste offender. Just where did the missing 700billions go to..? Perhaps much of it ended up in Dubai.. She is certainly guilty of being stupid and incompetent. And what about the One Tablet per Child program..? wai2.gif

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"In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

If she's innocent why worry?

Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

Oh I don't know, perhaps the tradition that is most prevalent here is that of Junta vs Shinawatra - they might as well make it a precedent........................coffee1.gif

No, I'm guessing the one they want to enshrine and for others to uphold is no politician is ever accountable for their criminal actions while in office...i.e amnesty anyone?

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If I come back in a second life I want to be a defense lawyer for the PTP. They are busier than a one armed brick layer in Baghdad and one can see why when they represent the people they do.

Would that be people trying to get a fair deal from the courts on the basis they are innocent until proven guilty?

Or is that concept out of the window nowadays?

Nope, that concept is very real. Thing is, all the evidence is there to prove she is guilty of massive negligence. Or are you looking at a different case to everyone else.

So with all the evidence already on full public view, I think it is realistic that the public are going to perceive her as being 99.999999% banged to rights.

If anything, the lawyers' case is just so desperate, and obviously scraping around for loopholes and technicalities to creep through instead of making a case for her defence.... really shows even the lawyers know she can't be saved in any sane society. Even Thailand's.

My apologies, I was not aware you had the inside track to the judiciary and evidence.

A very privileged position.

Hardly a privileged position, he merely states the obvious, facts that most people can see. Lawyer Pichit is merely flapping and stirring up a dust storm in his attempts to delay the inevitable fact that sooner or later Ms Yingluck is going to have to face a court and whatever happens after that will gauge public sentiment..

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In reality I would think the Shins are very far from finished.

The general is trying to prevent mention of Thaksin and all things like this do is keep the clan in the limelight.

And I am sure they still have millions of followers which is a thorn in the side of the "interveners".

Keep them out of the media and it's possible it may have some effect bit I doubt it!

Millions ??? could be anything from say over 3 to say 7, just saying. BUT the millions could be down from ??? to ???? looks that way to me if truth be known.

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Are you serious. It doesn't matter if she is innocent their goal is to crucify her because of her brother.

"In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

If she's innocent why worry?

Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

So mango are you suggesting that following / copying / duplicating the traditions of serious abuse of authority, setting up (ordering) massive bank loans to other countries so they will then buy your products etc., etc., is just fine, go right ahead, it's all OK, because it's tradition?

Edited by scorecard
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"In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

If she's innocent why worry?

Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

Oh I don't know, perhaps the tradition that is most prevalent here is that of Junta vs Shinawatra - they might as well make it a precedent........................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

And of course you deliberately ignore / don't mention any relevant reasons why these things have happened.

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"In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

If she's innocent why worry?

Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

Oh I don't know, perhaps the tradition that is most prevalent here is that of Junta vs Shinawatra - they might as well make it a precedent........................coffee1.gif

You and your like seem to hell bent on calling for the big showdown, is this your only calling card ??? no others left ???

If the Thai people felt so strongly about the PM and his clean up, DO NOT WORRY they would have been out on the streets, guns at their heads or not---the same as Suthep followers did.

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This is getting funnier by the day.... I was wondering how much stronger their case was than the stupidly embarrassing case they attempted to produce yesterday, but alas, it is just as stupid, if not stupider.

I truly believe these so called lawyers get their training from watching courtroom dramas right out of Hollywood. I have news for you guys..... It is fiction in the movies.

Anyway, why the hell are PTP and their backward lawyers still running around and clambering over each other to kiss Shinawatra butt?.... They are long finished. No more bones to be thrown.

They really should be a lot more proactive... I would be now looking at which arse to kiss next.... If I were a PTP lawyer.

They are still doing it because they are still being paid mate.

As soon as the money stops they will go back to their offices and count the loot.

Yep, if the general stays on a few more years (quite possible) then the money really dries up and there is no more money to pay off the voters. If laws are passed to make those crazy programs of the PTP harder then they cant buy the voters and will certainly not win. Now people are no longer living in fear in red villages if they vote wrong. So an different outcome can be expected.

Even if they win, the goverment will be bound by the new rules set up by the army. I doubt they will have the power they had before.

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This is getting funnier by the day.... I was wondering how much stronger their case was than the stupidly embarrassing case they attempted to produce yesterday, but alas, it is just as stupid, if not stupider.

I truly believe these so called lawyers get their training from watching courtroom dramas right out of Hollywood. I have news for you guys..... It is fiction in the movies.

Anyway, why the hell are PTP and their backward lawyers still running around and clambering over each other to kiss Shinawatra butt?.... They are long finished. No more bones to be thrown.

They really should be a lot more proactive... I would be now looking at which arse to kiss next.... If I were a PTP lawyer.

They are still doing it because they are still being paid mate.

As soon as the money stops they will go back to their offices and count the loot.

Yep, if the general stays on a few more years (quite possible) then the money really dries up and there is no more money to pay off the voters. If laws are passed to make those crazy programs of the PTP harder then they cant buy the voters and will certainly not win. Now people are no longer living in fear in red villages if they vote wrong. So an different outcome can be expected.

Even if they win, the goverment will be bound by the new rules set up by the army. I doubt they will have the power they had before.

"Even if they win, the goverment will be bound by the new rules set up by the army. I doubt they will have the power they had before."

So you think that the army has the right to overturn 'The will of the people', would that really be a good thing?

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"In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

If she's innocent why worry?

Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

Are you serious. It doesn't matter if she is innocent their goal is to crucify her because of her brother.

Does it matter to you if she is guilty?

Or isn't the even a possibility is red world?

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She should not have accepted the job of PM anyway if she had a spine and brains.

Now she will have to answer for the consequences of her weak and corrupt government.

The recent government shows the "shortcomings".

She must be held accountable for 100%, despite all the efforts of her .....lawyers.

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"In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

If she's innocent why worry?

Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

Oh I don't know, perhaps the tradition that is most prevalent here is that of Junta vs Shinawatra - they might as well make it a precedent........................coffee1.gif

Or perhaps a tradition of the bandit Shinawatra clan being mistaken for some kind of Robin Hood outfit.

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"In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

If she's innocent why worry?

Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

Are you serious. It doesn't matter if she is innocent their goal is to crucify her because of her brother.

Does it matter if she's guilty?

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Why has Thailand never attempted to arrest this "fugitive" through Interpol and other means. In reality he is not a fugitive, but an exiled man.

If you are convicted of a crime and take evasive action to avoid being arrested.. you are a fugitive. Welcome to reality mate.

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"Impeachment"? Impeachment from what? She's already been removed from office, hasn't she? There's a new PM now (regardless of what you think about the coup, the General is in fact the official PM), isn't there? Is this actually "impeachment" or more of a trial to adjudicate criminal responsibility for her acts while in office? Or is it some sort of formalization of the action already taken in removing her?

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"Impeachment"? Impeachment from what? She's already been removed from office, hasn't she? There's a new PM now (regardless of what you think about the coup, the General is in fact the official PM), isn't there? Is this actually "impeachment" or more of a trial to adjudicate criminal responsibility for her acts while in office? Or is it some sort of formalization of the action already taken in removing her?

Yes to all.

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"In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

If she's innocent why worry?

Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

What about Suthep? Is he going to get away with all the trouble and interference with peoples livelihood, and damaging Thailands tourist industry he caused?

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"In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

If she's innocent why worry?

Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

Oh I don't know, perhaps the tradition that is most prevalent here is that of Junta vs Shinawatra - they might as well make it a precedent........................coffee1.gif

No, I'm guessing the one they want to enshrine and for others to uphold is no politician is ever accountable for their criminal actions while in office...i.e amnesty anyone?

Oh, the Amnesty Bill that was rejected by the Senate as part of the checks and balances of the constitution? That one?

Or amnesties that have actually been implemented like Section 309 of the 2007 Constitution and Section 48 of the 2014 Interim constitution where no military coup leader has ever been accountable for overthrowing the democratic regime of government in Thailand?

I'm sorry, what was your point again..............................coffee1.gif

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to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment.

...because when it comes to impeachment, tradition is so much more important than conforming to law.

If the NACC and the NLA actually conformed to the Law this impeachment bid would not exist, but I suppose that is just being picky.......................coffee1.gif

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"In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

If she's innocent why worry?

Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

What about Suthep? Is he going to get away with all the trouble and interference with peoples livelihood, and damaging Thailands tourist industry he caused?

What offence ??? and was it about 1 trillion baht ??? was he in charge (PM) ??? could he have stopped the loss of rice----tablets----flooding---clocks---- as Dame Edna would say- "my little Possum" Is the topic about Suthep ?? M. Alsop bless her she was always a bit wayward.

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In reality I would think the Shins are very far from finished.

The general is trying to prevent mention of Thaksin and all things like this do is keep the clan in the limelight.

And I am sure they still have millions of followers which is a thorn in the side of the "interveners".

Keep them out of the media and it's possible it may have some effect bit I doubt it!

You mean the 'Thaksin thinks' Pheu Thai party is only concerned with keeping the Shinawatra name in the news? They play a game?

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"In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

If she's innocent why worry?

Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

Oh I don't know, perhaps the tradition that is most prevalent here is that of Junta vs Shinawatra - they might as well make it a precedent........................coffee1.gif

No, I'm guessing the one they want to enshrine and for others to uphold is no politician is ever accountable for their criminal actions while in office...i.e amnesty anyone?

Oh, the Amnesty Bill that was rejected by the Senate as part of the checks and balances of the constitution? That one?

Or amnesties that have actually been implemented like Section 309 of the 2007 Constitution and Section 48 of the 2014 Interim constitution where no military coup leader has ever been accountable for overthrowing the democratic regime of government in Thailand?

I'm sorry, what was your point again..............................coffee1.gif

My point as you very well know is that no amnesty for a criminal activity and misuse of political office for personal gain is acceptable.

Also remind me again, did the senate finally reject the amnesty bill before or after the protests against it began...deary me, this memory of mine..................

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"In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

If she's innocent why worry?

Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

What about Suthep? Is he going to get away with all the trouble and interference with peoples livelihood, and damaging Thailands tourist industry he caused?

What offence ??? and was it about 1 trillion baht ??? was he in charge (PM) ??? could he have stopped the loss of rice----tablets----flooding---clocks---- as Dame Edna would say- "my little Possum" Is the topic about Suthep ?? M. Alsop bless her she was always a bit wayward.

Read post #57.

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