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Car leather, where to clean or what to buy, are Meguiars produdcts better, where to buy cheaper ?

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Which car detailing place does the best job on your car leather interior ?

Do you think that Meguiars products are better, and do you know which seller of http://www.thaiwashercarclub.com is reliable to buy them cheaper ?

There is a Meguiars shop in Bkk, is it worth wasting time going there ?

I hate brands that do not propose only 1 product of the same kind, look at Meguiars ridiculous range:


Which one would you choose ?

Thank you so much and sorry for all the questions.

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Their consumer range is OK, but their Pro/Detailer ranges are kick ass.

My recommendation:

All Purpose Cleaner from their Detailer range for cleaning the leather (and every other surface in your car)

Leather Conditioner from their Detailer range to protect the leather (and make it smell nice).

If you get the All Purpose Cleaner in a small portion, it won't come with instructions - so make sure you read them online so you dilute it correctly.


gave them a call and could not order what i wanted. seems products on the website are 2 years old and the leather products i want are not available anymore.

will visit their stand at the expo to get an idea of the new products (free entry tickets wink.png ). not that urgent to maintain my leather seats as they are brand new smile.png


gave them a call and could not order what i wanted. seems products on the website are 2 years old and the leather products i want are not available anymore.

will visit their stand at the expo to get an idea of the new products (free entry tickets wink.png ). not that urgent to maintain my leather seats as they are brand new smile.png

Just buy from ThaiWasherCarClub.. in stock, and cheaper prices.


Thais recon Boiled Peanuts, shelled, wrapped in Muslims Bag feeds and shines leather. Ive tried a Mini Version and it does shine and clean.

even banana skins


gave them a call and could not order what i wanted. seems products on the website are 2 years old and the leather products i want are not available anymore.

will visit their stand at the expo to get an idea of the new products (free entry tickets wink.png ). not that urgent to maintain my leather seats as they are brand new smile.png

Just buy from ThaiWasherCarClub.. in stock, and cheaper prices.

looked at their website but must register. where do they sell?


gave them a call and could not order what i wanted. seems products on the website are 2 years old and the leather products i want are not available anymore.

will visit their stand at the expo to get an idea of the new products (free entry tickets wink.png ). not that urgent to maintain my leather seats as they are brand new smile.png

Just buy from ThaiWasherCarClub.. in stock, and cheaper prices.

looked at their website but must register. where do they sell?

We're not allowed to post links to other forums on TV, so sent you a PM with a direct link to the section you're after.

The next person that wants to know can now get it from you :P


gave them a call and could not order what i wanted. seems products on the website are 2 years old and the leather products i want are not available anymore.

will visit their stand at the expo to get an idea of the new products (free entry tickets wink.png ). not that urgent to maintain my leather seats as they are brand new smile.png

Just buy from ThaiWasherCarClub.. in stock, and cheaper prices.

looked at their website but must register. where do they sell?

We're not allowed to post links to other forums on TV, so sent you a PM with a direct link to the section you're after.

The next person that wants to know can now get it from you tongue.png

OK raffo77, do the honours if you would please and send me PM with the link that IMHO sent you cheers :)


Why making it secret ?

Just post the link here !

If there is any tule it is just plai nstupid and need to be broken like all stupid rules and laws !

(I do not speak for myself, I already have the link :-) )

Thank you for everybody else <3


Why making it secret ?

Just post the link here !

If there is any tule it is just plai nstupid and need to be broken like all stupid rules and laws !

(I do not speak for myself, I already have the link :-) )

Thank you for everybody else <3

It is against TV rules to post links to other forums.. I have been reprimanded for posting links to ThaiWasherCarClub before.....


Central sell Meguiars stuff but I expect you'll pay top dollar.

Also True Value does, bought leather conditioner there. price is discounted from Meguiar's ones

  • 10 months later...

Hello, is Meguiar really better than any local brand amd what local cheap brand is good enough for brand new car ? Thanxxx

Meguiar's have been making surface care products for 114 years, and are trusted by car detailing professionals around the world.

What brand did you want to compare them to?

Given that no brand is going to offer you any guarantee it won't discolor or otherwise damage your leather, established trust and professional opinion is really all you have as a guide.

If you're willing to roll the dice on your leather seats though, go for it smile.png

As for the question in your other thread about TWCC vendors, I can personally recommend Soonchawal, Ames, Ohmohm and waxmaniashop - but I'm sure all the one's sponsoring that forum (big colorful letters on the dark gray background) are just as trustworthy and offer just as good service.

Bear in mind that you use very small portions of product, so whatever you buy will last a long time. As an example, I bought a gallon of the Detailer Leather conditioner about 6 years ago, and over that time have used it regularly* on my 4-5 cars that have leather - at this stage I'd say I still have about 10 years supply wink.png

* Daily drivers get some every month or so, non-daily-drivers maybe only every 3-4 months.



Thank you for your reply, my original post was.

It's boring to buy expensive products to clear the car leather, so do you know what local products are good to use ?

I want one to clean and one to condition. What are they using at detailing shops ? Are you sure that Meguiar is really profesional ?

Don't tell me that no local brand is able to make a detergent and a conditioner for cars at a cheap price ?

Thank you again.


Look on Tesco shelves ... plenty

BUT as mentioned by Mr IMHO Meguiars APC is good. I bought a gallon (US) for 1400 thb delivered. You can actually use it 'all around the house' well madam can whistling.gif . It cleans the leather well, and fabric and and ... It will last many years ,,,,, You can buy smaller amounts... a 10% or 20% solution is normally okay for most cleaning. It does a great job on a white leather settee.

Meguiars seem to have a two tier pricing system ... their Re-sellers are considerably more expensive than direct.

Mr IMHO has recommended TWCC ... good advice as ordering direct from Meguiars appears not to be that easy.


I have a unused and unwanted one of these. I'm only a few kms from CW Immigration. Google the reviews and then come and collect if you want. I prefer Autoglym Leather Care Products.



finished about 400cc of leather conditioner in a few months, on 2 cars, price is about 600 something Baht, so why go for low cost - high risk (of getting your seats damaged)?


Thank you, but do they sell autogkym here ? where ?

On lazada I found that Meguiars is selling their cleaner + condition for 600 thb, cheaper than the washingclub forum it seems ?

Are you sure that professionals use use cheap products as Meguiars ? Maybe this is why I don't want these people to touch my very expensive leather ! (yes I know, this is weird for many people to look for the price of detergent when you own a 5MB car but do you think that we buy these cars by wasting money ?!)

In UK COLOURLOCK has better reputationthan Meguiars but it seems impossible to find here ?

Thanks again.


Thank you, but do they sell autogkym here ? where ?

On lazada I found that Meguiars is selling their cleaner + condition for 600 thb, cheaper than the washingclub forum it seems ?

Are you sure that professionals use use cheap products as Meguiars ? Maybe this is why I don't want these people to touch my very expensive leather ! (yes I know, this is weird for many people to look for the price of detergent when you own a 5MB car but do you think that we buy these cars by wasting money ?!)

In UK COLOURLOCK has better reputationthan Meguiars but it seems impossible to find here ?

Thanks again.

I have never heard of Colourlock - in fact I've read literally thousands of online posts from detailing pro's and amateurs alike, from all over the world, and this is the first time I've ever heard it mentioned. I'll need to check it out ;)

After piquing my interest, I couldn't help but do this: http://www.googlefight.com/colourlock-vs-meguiars.php :P

One thing you do need to bear in mind with Meg's is that they have several different ranges of products... from low-end consumer to high-end pro. The products I've previously mentioned here are both from their pro range, and I challenge anyone to be disappointed with them ;)

IMHO, on 23 Sept 2015 - 17:27, said:
thailanddogerator, on 23 Sept 2015 - 14:29, said:

Thank you, but do they sell autogkym here ? where ?

On lazada I found that Meguiars is selling their cleaner + condition for 600 thb, cheaper than the washingclub forum it seems ?

Are you sure that professionals use use cheap products as Meguiars ? Maybe this is why I don't want these people to touch my very expensive leather ! (yes I know, this is weird for many people to look for the price of detergent when you own a 5MB car but do you think that we buy these cars by wasting money ?!)

In UK COLOURLOCK has better reputationthan Meguiars but it seems impossible to find here ?

Thanks again.

I have never heard of Colourlock - in fact I've read literally thousands of online posts from detailing pro's and amateurs alike, from all over the world, and this is the first time I've ever heard it mentioned. I'll need to check it out wink.png

After piquing my interest, I couldn't help but do this: http://www.googlefight.com/colourlock-vs-meguiars.php tongue.png

One thing you do need to bear in mind with Meg's is that they have several different ranges of products... from low-end consumer to high-end pro. The products I've previously mentioned here are both from their pro range, and I challenge anyone to be disappointed with them wink.png

Sorry Mr IMHO, but that site is rubbish ... it said that Chelsea, Arsenal and Man City are all better than Man Utd sad.png that just can't be ... that site is definitely loaded.

DavisH, on 23 Sept 2015 - 22:35, said:

If you have a 5M baht car, why not just glass coat it?

There would be a great danger of cutting your ar$e ......biggrin.png


The one I found on lazada, is it a good one ?


Actually it seems cleat that it's better to have a separate cleaner and conditioner whatever is the brand, but they don't have it online.

The Gold Class range has been around for a long time - I first used it as a teenager - I guess that means it has a loyal following.

This vendor has the full range for 500 Baht/bottle: http://www.weloveshopping.com/template/e9/s_product.php?groupproduct=1472284&shopid=246897

Honestly though, I'd still recommend the pro range (D180). The seller 'soonchawal' on the TWCC site sells 12oz (350ml) for 280 Baht. Just be sure to wipe it down with a clean cloth a few minutes after application, so it's not shiny. Or don't wipe it down if you like your leather to look like cheap vinyl :P

If you do get the D180, make sure you also get some All Purpose Cleaner (D101). The same vendor sells 8oz (which will make over 2 Litres once diluted) of it for 80 Baht. If you don't have a clean spray bottle, make sure you order one of them too - 35 baht for a cheap 16oz one.

All up that's only 395 Baht + EMS ;)

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