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Thailand: Push for more European tourists

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Every country has its problems but I think a lot of Thailand's are entwined with it's social psyche, strange nationalist outlook and it's power structure and how it effects behaviour and problem solving.

On a personal level a lot of the people are the nicest you could meet but there is an edifice that creates some strange channels of interaction. Difficult to dissect but some people might know what I mean.

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They should start looking at the hotels, attractions, waterways etc....

Last time I was in BKK with the family, we took a tourist boat ride to see the Orchid Gardens... dead dogs, garbage etc littered the waterway. Then getting to the attraction felt like we stepped into someones un-kept home

Hotels I have stayed in outside of BKK have been moldy smelling and dirty for the most part. Sure it has clean sheets, but dare to look in rooms corners or higher spots will show years of dirt build up

Then there are the bathrooms, which some need attention to, before letting customers in there... Sitting on the crapper reveals the underside of sinks and its an ugly nightmare... not all but some (under sinks) are exposed

Attractions... hmmm they may have looked great when they where built... but with broken ornaments, nails hanging out of timber (I went to a Spa resort and it was just dreadful), makes tourists aware of the lack of care the locals show

Renting a clean and maintained scooter is easier than renting a run down, filthy scooter...

Trip advisor is doing a great job of informing people how good or bad some of these attractions/hotels are. I find that Thai tourists to these spots tend to give high praise, while westerners tend to say the truth

Whats the point of getting tourists if they only go back and report to the friends and family how disgustingly filthy and broken things are...


We are supposed to believe Africans are big spenders? what garbage this data is, where did it come from? How do they even know, do they ask, make it up? Laughable, nonsense.

The figures are based upon data provided by the Department of Tourism.

The report's author writes:

"How are the data gathered? We honestly do not know, but they have been reported for many years. We assume, this is one of the reasons, that when changing money etc. one is obliged to show identification. We can only assume that as good as feasible, all these data are tabulated somewhere, and the expenditure per tourist and per country of origin, registered. Hotels can also gather revenue data and report them (?). Nevertheless, it would be wise to consider the data gathered as an approximation."

So a tiny number of Africans, a high percentage of which are involved in dodgy businesses like drugs and money laundering, they change a fair bit of dosh and this means the average African appears to be a big spender?

I doubt this data is an anyway an approximation, it just looks totally nonsensical. An approximation implies a numerical resemblance, but this data looks like a total misrepresentation.


What? After giving the developed world the two fingers and chasing Chinese and Russians, they want to now get their quality tourists back?

Amazing Thailand.....

No, now in their own word, "Thainess". Ironic as many see that in a negative light.


Short term tactics ?

Does that include jacking up rates for accommodation to make up for dismal takings so far ?

As I posted before my great pal due here at the end of the month for an extended stay is being quoted up to triple the amount he paid last time. No discount for long stay, no deals of any description, take it or leave it.

I have been befuddled with this philosophy since my arrival. Lack of sales? Raise the price to make up for the shortfall. I know I am but a crazy Farang, however, lack of turnover in my experience meant you reduced prices and tried to make up the difference through increased volume. Course, I was in the social sciences rather than economics so I leave it to others, better equipped, to explain how the Thai financial thinking works.

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Are they still operating a strict policy at the Paris embassy refusing tourist visas to people who have visited more than a couple of times in the last year ?

A quality tourist visits Thailand only ones !!

Just bar guys like permanent services from Patpong, Pattaya, .....


Why doesn't Thailand do what INDONESIA is doing and give more VISAS and make the process easier for the countries it wants to attract.
It should also stop aiming at the rich 2 week holiday makers and go for the TRAVELLERS too.
Yes backpackers stay in budget rooms and spend less, but they stay longer and usually borrow money from student loans to go travelling.
In reality a backpacker probably spends the same amount over a longer period of 2 month time than a 2 week 4 star tourist.

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These numbers are all over the place from analysing tourism. Malaysia is normally first and Laos is in the top 10.

They all know the Europeans spend the most. No harm in admitting it.

They chased Russia, now the ruble is in the pan. They chased Chinese with zero cost tours. Boom. They chased Indian weddings.

Meanwhile the humble European sexpat got f*****d, except not IN Thailand.

Clean up Hua hin, samui and one other and make them really 5 star. Striftly zone phuket, turn patong into pattaya and clean up the rest. Let pattaya go back to what it does best.

Don't mix sex with family tourists.


Europeans spend the least per day but they stay longer than other countries ... an average of 16 1/2 Days compared to about 7 Days by Asians and a total average of 10 Days for all countries. So yes, overall they leave the most money here.

How reliable are those stats that's what I wanna know.

They are probably based on surveys as people are departing. These types of things are estimates but good for comparing because the same data collection is used. Keep in mind though that Europeans spend considerably more time here. So the average SE Asian is going to spend about 35,700 baht (top daily spend) on their trip while a European is going to spend 65,600 during their trip (lowest daily spend). So they may be spending less per day but spending considerably more here.


Why doesn't Thailand do what INDONESIA is doing and give more VISAS and make the process easier for the countries it wants to attract.

It should also stop aiming at the rich 2 week holiday makers and go for the TRAVELLERS too.

Yes backpackers stay in budget rooms and spend less, but they stay longer and usually borrow money from student loans to go travelling.

In reality a backpacker probably spends the same amount over a longer period of 2 month time than a 2 week 4 star tourist.

A backpacker is less profitable than a high end tourist - even if they spend the same amount.

Plus a high end tourist is putting money into the pocket of influential big businesses owned by influential families. The backpacker isn't.


Why doesn't Thailand do what INDONESIA is doing and give more VISAS and make the process easier for the countries it wants to attract.

It should also stop aiming at the rich 2 week holiday makers and go for the TRAVELLERS too.

Yes backpackers stay in budget rooms and spend less, but they stay longer and usually borrow money from student loans to go travelling.

In reality a backpacker probably spends the same amount over a longer period of 2 month time than a 2 week 4 star tourist.

A backpacker is less profitable than a high end tourist - even if they spend the same amount.

Plus a high end tourist is putting money into the pocket of influential big businesses owned by influential families. The backpacker isn't.

Backpackers seem to have been pouring oodles of money into small businesses of families with influence on a national scale in Koh Tao. Pounds grow from pennies.


I'd go so far as to say that actually, no, Thailand does not want more European tourists, tourism isn't terribly important to this country as far as contributing to the economy. It is only ever around 6 percent of the GDP, if I'm not mistaken.

You are mistaken. Tourism used to account for around 6.5% of GDP. However, now it's 8-9%. (Source: http://www.thaiwebsites.com/tourism.asp ) It's also a major employer, both directly and indirectly.

Keep in mind that while foreign tourism revenue has grown rapidly so has domestic tourism. Domestic tourism accounts for about 40% of all tourist revenue. If Europeans account for 10% (approx.) of International Tourism revenue then having no European tourists would bring GDP down about 1/2 percent. Significant and certainly not a loss Thailand wants but not going to destroy the economy.


On no, after what this country did to tourist? They got involved with all kind of crime, was there any protection? Or does the Thai people understand what economy means, so they will thank every tourist who came to bring there money?

No, Thailand is for some time in the news in a negative way. Also the coup will not be understood as a necessary thing. For people from democratic countries is it a reason to stay away.


Europeans don't come without their bikini's and g-strings. Actually they even want to go topless because white boobs look terrible.(you can google for the word boobs)

So if Thailand is not ready for that then they'll go elsewhere and the men will follow, up to you Thailand.

Not to mention the nudebeaches we have everywhere.


You have clearly never been to either Burma or Cambodia!! They are lightyears behind Thailand. As for safety, try to take a walk in Phnom Penh at night!!

Indeed I, for one, have traveled to both these countries. The Burmans are Light years ahead in 'friendliness' and I've heard it said the Thais used to be this way until mass tourism hit so I'm hoping the runaway wreck that is Thailand's continuing despoilment won't happen there any time soon.

I felt extremely safe in PP alone at night. But there again I'm not a pussy. Miaow.

As for the mass slagging off of the British on here, by, I suspect Aussies and Americans, I've yet to hear a Thai say 'pu dee Australia' or 'pu dee yank' laugh.pngas they do 'pu dee ungrit' thumbsup.gif

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.As a European, please allow me on behalf of my fellow Europeans to thank you, for confirming, what we already knew about the American level of "knowledge".

What a load of BS!!bah.gif

i am also europeen and i agree with that comment from joc.

white americans should remenber that they where invaders first, and slavers too, and that their roots are most of them from europe, (poor guys, men out of jail, sent to america to colonize indians...you are immigrants...nothing else )

i worked in america, so i met many americans and it was incredible to see, talking to them that they have mainly no idea of nothing outside of america ....and this jungle jim whatever looks exactly the same, a man with no idea about what he is talking about....poor man !bah.gif

Vincent, as difficult as it might be for you to believe, those "many Americans" you met were not interested in you and where you came from because you and your country were probably just not important enough for them to notice.

Thank for reminding me!!

I forgot to mention Americans selfinflated opinion about their own importance!!coffee1.gif

Now, don't take offense, JOC. I'm sure that you come from a nice little country somewhere and probably have real genuine type Yuropeen sophistication.


What? After giving the developed world the two fingers and chasing Chinese and Russians, they want to now get their quality tourists back?

Amazing Thailand.....

"...they want to now get their quality tourists back?"

No they want Europeans. Preferably not the ones that the police have to capture for extradition or who fiddle with children or who beg on the streets (and then spend their donations in Pattaya bars).

"Quality" is not synonymous with race or nationality.


Pic is not in Pattaya, probably not in Thailand.


In a nutshell learn the great teachings of Buddha ---------- annihilate your egos, smash them and emerge into a quality nation and country that people will flock to come to.

All the negatives murder, corruption, greed, face that exist now will wither away.

Can you do it Thailand?

In a nutshell, no.


What? After giving the developed world the two fingers and chasing Chinese and Russians, they want to now get their quality tourists back?

Amazing Thailand.....

Judging from the article,they seem to rate them not much different than Cambodian tourists ... this is just one small part of tourism efforts. Beyond Russia, the top ten tourist arrivals by country this year probably won't include a European nation. Despite record breaking tourist numbers and revenue last year, the UK was 10th last year with less visitors than Australia and about 1/5th of that of China. Of the 26 Million visitors last year less than 3 Million were from Europe (excluding Russia)and remember how so many here love to say these numbers are not accurate because of border runs. Point being is I am sure they would love to see a higher increase than they saw last year with European tourists but it is just a piece of the pie. They were right to focus on China as they were able to capitalize on economic timing and increase Chinese visitors about 3 fold in as many years. While UK visitors over the last 10 years has been fairly steady with just a slight increase in this period. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism_in_Thailand#Top_20_arrivals_by_nationality

These numbers are all over the place from analysing tourism. Malaysia is normally first and Laos is in the top 10.

They all know the Europeans spend the most. No harm in admitting it.

They chased Russia, now the ruble is in the pan. They chased Chinese with zero cost tours. Boom. They chased Indian weddings.

Meanwhile the humble European sexpat got f*****d, except not IN Thailand.

Clean up Hua hin, samui and one other and make them really 5 star. Striftly zone phuket, turn patong into pattaya and clean up the rest. Let pattaya go back to what it does best.

Don't mix sex with family tourists.


Europeans spend the least per day but they stay longer than other countries ... an average of 16 1/2 Days compared to about 7 Days by Asians and a total average of 10 Days for all countries. So yes, overall they leave the most money here.

Australia is in oçeania

What? After giving the developed world the two fingers and chasing Chinese and Russians, they want to now get their quality tourists back?

Amazing Thailand.....

"...they want to now get their quality tourists back?"[/size]

No they want Europeans. Preferably not the ones that the police have to capture for extradition or who fiddle with children or who beg on the streets (and then spend their donations in Pattaya bars).[/size]

"Quality" is not synonymous with race or nationality.[/size]


Pic is not in Pattaya, probably not in Thailand.

Not European either unless it happens to be a Drunk European St. Louis Cardinal fan after a game in St. Louis, Missouri. https://lockerdome.com/6170038986083137/6661470486400532

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Europeans don't come without their bikini's and g-strings. Actually they even want to go topless because white boobs look terrible.(you can google for the word boobs)

So if Thailand is not ready for that then they'll go elsewhere and the men will follow, up to you Thailand.

Not to mention the nudebeaches we have everywhere.

Thailand already has enough overweight senior European men in G-Strings on the beaches. If others prefer to not come and stay at home on their local beaches, I think most Thais would be willing and happy to accept the loss of this revenue steam. wink.png

  • Like 1

What? After giving the developed world the two fingers and chasing Chinese and Russians, they want to now get their quality tourists back?

Amazing Thailand.....

Judging from the article,they seem to rate them not much different than Cambodian tourists ... this is just one small part of tourism efforts. Beyond Russia, the top ten tourist arrivals by country this year probably won't include a European nation. Despite record breaking tourist numbers and revenue last year, the UK was 10th last year with less visitors than Australia and about 1/5th of that of China. Of the 26 Million visitors last year less than 3 Million were from Europe (excluding Russia)and remember how so many here love to say these numbers are not accurate because of border runs. Point being is I am sure they would love to see a higher increase than they saw last year with European tourists but it is just a piece of the pie. They were right to focus on China as they were able to capitalize on economic timing and increase Chinese visitors about 3 fold in as many years. While UK visitors over the last 10 years has been fairly steady with just a slight increase in this period. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism_in_Thailand#Top_20_arrivals_by_nationality

These numbers are all over the place from analysing tourism. Malaysia is normally first and Laos is in the top 10.

They all know the Europeans spend the most. No harm in admitting it.

They chased Russia, now the ruble is in the pan. They chased Chinese with zero cost tours. Boom. They chased Indian weddings.

Meanwhile the humble European sexpat got f*****d, except not IN Thailand.

Clean up Hua hin, samui and one other and make them really 5 star. Striftly zone phuket, turn patong into pattaya and clean up the rest. Let pattaya go back to what it does best.

Don't mix sex with family tourists.


Europeans spend the least per day but they stay longer than other countries ... an average of 16 1/2 Days compared to about 7 Days by Asians and a total average of 10 Days for all countries. So yes, overall they leave the most money here.

Precisely. Lumping in daily Malay visits driving across borders is pretty pointless when comparing with tourist flying in


Tell us another one.

I like the way this James Bell geezer thinks that tourist decline is only due to the coup.

He couldn't be more wrong. There are many contributing factors.

Murder, corruption, bad security for tourists (no interest), crimes against tourists being released ever more regularly. Appalling human trafficking record now world news.

There are lots of things that contribute to people shying away from here. There are thousands of places to choose from to travel to. They just need to be made aware of these places through the travel agents authorities worldwide. That is what put Thailand where it was.

They didn't help themselves when two reps from the Australian Association of Travel Agents were attacked and one murdered a couple of years ago.... These are the things you can not reverse. Once you lose support from these organizations, it is game over.

And how many thousands of tourist come to Thailand and have a great time and go back home to tell their friends about how wonderful Thailand is. Some posters here just cannot get over the negative bent of their minds.

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