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Women smash up Philadelphia McDonald's in breakfast menu brawl (VIDEO)

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Sorry Im on the girls side. Who do MacDonalds think they are dictating an end to breakfast time.Breakfast is when I wake up not MacDonalds staff.

Is their menu so big they cannot cope to serve breakfast all day?

It was obvious someone would smashed the place up.To these girls food is serious business.They probably spend six times more on fast food than you and me so respect where respect is due. Send out the hash browns pronto!!!!

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at the other end of it: I've walked in at 4:50 am, and had to wait the 10 minutes for the changeover from the graveyard shift menu, to the brekkie one.


How does somone with a butt that big sit on a toilet?

Whatever they pay plumbers who perform work at public housing in Philly...well, its not enough.

They probably need something like this :



I can't really blame them. I like the breakfast menu a lot better than the normal one.

Ya, missing the new lip smacking "Smackin the ho" special is very annoying! annoyed.gif


This reminds me why I like living in Thailand. The lunatics have taken over the asylum in the USA.

Lol, c'mon. Lets see coup/overthrow government rallies every 2 years or less versus 2 dumb fat chicks fighting in MacDonalds. Thailand, as much as I like the place, has a monopoloy on lunatics in the streets and trying to run a country.

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Obamas people reacting to the beat down their Democratic entitlement party got in the Mid terms. This is inner city America at its finest. Good thing they do not serve Mc Banana shakes or they would be going ape s**t. Come to think of it.... Kudos to the guy grabbing the chairs he should have given these hood rats a good backhand.

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i went into an "all you can eat" breakfast bar in Virginia some years ago, full of fat slobs noshing, dinner time they change the menu, it was an unbelievable site, crash-bang- wallop, up they get, one mad rush, like pigs rushing to the trough, at feeding time, it was nausiating to watch.

Come on, what a contribution to the world civilization, peace and culture:

Fast fat food

Atomic bomb

War all over the world

No social security for the weakest of society.

Genetically modified food

Capital inhuman punishment


God bless America

What a tool! Come to think of it the Internet, Only ones to walk on the moon,The transistor,Helping the cowards in Europe x 2, TV, Radio global media 350+ Nobel prize winners, THe same people who pay most of NATO's cost.,The same country protecting Europe and Chinas Middle East oil supply.Lets not mention the Pacific fleet I am sure Vietnam,Taiwan,Philippines,Japan and Korea would love a big helping pile of Chinese aggression. Ass kickery in the Olympics,Ass kickery in wealth, Ass kickery in influence,Ass kickery in finance, Some of the most dominating companies in history yeah we suck! Lol.


How does somone with a butt that big sit on a toilet?

Years of practice.

Fitting on a toilet is only the first problem... then there is the wiping...............


if you want a good laugh go on to you tube and see "the people of Walmart" i think, ?? then you will realise how obese they realy are, i could say a lot more but just judge for yourself.


How does somone with a butt that big sit on a toilet?

Years of practice.

Fitting on a toilet is only the first problem... then there is the wiping...............

Ohhh, you didn't have to go there.


Mc Donalds is a truly disgusting organization. Look at the size of that ass. With world obesity levels at record highs they are not helping. Something in that food makes people go mad what the hell do they put in it I have seen much angst several times always near a MD store. Why is it so hard for people to cook. I made a lovely Thai yellow curry yesterday with some asparagus and potatoes added all up took me about 2 hours including cleaning up and the meal lasts for 2 days is that so hard?

In Thailand for breakfast I just cant go past the Jok Moo, I know a little fatty with the pork balls and egg but cant be as bad as "Hash Browns" - Whatever the hell they are made of, fat, grease, salt and heart disease.

Mc D had an open online Q&A I asked many questions and their answers were very well worded if as by their lawyers "Everyone's nutritional needs are different" etc not addressing the specific points I was making about their "Food". If you want to die early go ahead and eat Maccas


Americans, its all about face.. only this has to happen and they explode.

Americans don't know from face, dude.

Quite incorrect--the issue of face is paramount in the African-American community of the US.

Its simply called respect/disrespect (aka "dis").


if you want a good laugh go on to you tube and see "the people of Walmart" i think, ?? then you will realise how obese they realy are, i could say a lot more but just judge for yourself.

Alot of that obesity was bought and paid for by social welfare dollars and the medical treatment for health conditions associated with such obesity will be paid for by more welfare dollars (medicaid).

I know all the Repubs got fighting mad when NY attempted to make super-size drinks illegal and institute a fat tax...but...something really should be done.

Fortunately, I am from the "fittest" state in the country, Colorado, so I don't have to look at these fatties every day ;-)


if you want a good laugh go on to you tube and see "the people of Walmart" i think, ?? then you will realise how obese they realy are, i could say a lot more but just judge for yourself.

Alot of that obesity was bought and paid for by social welfare dollars and the medical treatment for health conditions associated with such obesity will be paid for by more welfare dollars (medicaid).

I know all the Repubs got fighting mad when NY attempted to make super-size drinks illegal and institute a fat tax...but...something really should be done.

Fortunately, I am from the "fittest" state in the country, Colorado, so I don't have to look at these fatties every day ;-)

Nah, its mostly genetic.


if you want a good laugh go on to you tube and see "the people of Walmart" i think, ?? then you will realise how obese they realy are, i could say a lot more but just judge for yourself.

Alot of that obesity was bought and paid for by social welfare dollars and the medical treatment for health conditions associated with such obesity will be paid for by more welfare dollars (medicaid).

I know all the Repubs got fighting mad when NY attempted to make super-size drinks illegal and institute a fat tax...but...something really should be done.

Fortunately, I am from the "fittest" state in the country, Colorado, so I don't have to look at these fatties every day ;-)

Nah, its mostly genetic.

Yep, those gals are just "big-boned" ;-)

Funny thing though is IF it were just genetic then we would have seen similar rates of obesity over the last century but I can tell the younger members here that people were not historically this darned humongous. It used to be the exception to see a obese person in the 40's through even the 70's. Black, white or otherwise.

But I am guessing you were just having fun !


Americans, its all about face.. only this has to happen and they explode.

Americans don't know from face, dude.

I think the Thais are about the worst when it comes to saving face.


Americans, its all about face.. only this has to happen and they explode.

Americans don't know from face, dude.

Quite incorrect--the issue of face is paramount in the African-American community of the US.

Its simply called respect/disrespect (aka "dis").

I don't think that is the same thing and yes I know it well.

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