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I'm not a dictator, says angry Prayut

Lite Beer

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He has done more good for this country in the last 6 months than any democratically elected politician has ever done!!

Democracy almost everywhere in the world is a corrupt institution. The banks and big business own the politicians and we are all brainwashed that the word democracy really means something. I look forward to the reform that Prayuth is trying to achieve here.

I would like to see a revolution in many other countries (especially the USA) so that they can start correcting some of the wrongs that congress and others have allowed to take place to benefit themselves and their political status.

Wow, nothing in the closet about you. This is the most blatant 'out' expression of fascism I've seen in years. You should start a website, "Fascism is our Friend." Just don't try it on Thai Visa.

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He has done more good for this country in the last 6 months than any democratically elected politician has ever done!!

Democracy almost everywhere in the world is a corrupt institution. The banks and big business own the politicians and we are all brainwashed that the word democracy really means something. I look forward to the reform that Prayuth is trying to achieve here.

I would like to see a revolution in many other countries (especially the USA) so that they can start correcting some of the wrongs that congress and others have allowed to take place to benefit themselves and their political status.

Noted--ALLSEEINGEYE is a fan of dictatorships; he believes the people can not be trusted to choose their own leaders and must be governed by whoever can rally the most guns to his cause.

That's one opinion, but not one that I share.

So you accept his opinions but ridicule mine

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It seems that people forget WHY the coup was very necessary.

The people gave their trust to the former democratically elected Government.

Their Government, the Government of all Thai people abused their power most horribly.

I too remember the MOBS as do all or most of you.

Democracy had been hijacked by a Government who was robbing the people blind with their mulit-Billion rice scam. Stealing by the truckload money which was owed to the poorest in Thailand.

Do those of you who sneer and criticise the current administration really want to return to the rule of the MOB?

Most of the posters on this site are foreigners. I am too.

The majority of Thai people support THIS Government because it is BETTER than the ones before.

Truly those foreigners who are actively working against Law and Order - one of the most important qualities of society anywhere - should leave and return to their own Utopian paradise.

It's intriguing that you go on and on and on about "the MOBS" because "street mobs" were the words used by The Economist. The Economist, however, was referring to the YellowShirts, you know the mob that occupied the airport for weeks. There has never been a Red Shirt mob.

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"In an interview with Reuters news agency on Friday, Gen Paiboon said martial law could not be lifted "because the government and junta need it as the army's tool".

"We are not saying that martial law will stay in place for 50 years, no, this is not it. We just ask that it remain in place for now, indefinitely."

Gen Paiboon denied that the army was abusing the law, saying it "does not violate anyone's rights"."

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Off corse there is a problem here. I just wish the good General would come out and expose Thaksin and the police chiefs for exactly what they are and talk about the power, the anti-democratic power of these people. Talk about the corruption on a massive scale, how Thaksin can still get exactly what he wants out of this country simply by snapping his fingers; talk about how extremely wealthy foreign businessmen are stopped by the customs police and threatened until huge sums are handed over. Most of this stuff is not public, but it's there and the reason that the General is there too is to try and protect this country. He's probably not the best man for the job in terms of dictatorial toughness but he probably is a good soft, but temporary answer. The reason why many foreigners won't invest large sums here is because it is all so temporary. Thaksin and his like are awaiting in the wings. They haven't given up and they are b....dy dangerous. What next? I wish I had the answer.

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How you call a system, where politician :

- cheating and vote buying for win election,

- cheating elector after election,

- to rob farmers,

- to use terrorist method for kill protester and children,

- to govern only for a convict and fugitive man.

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Have the rules changed on Thai Visa lately? Some obviously risky posts.

I am very happy TVF is now a bit more flexible with the contains of posts. Indoctrination and censorship wouldn't go along with Prayuth's words "I am not a dictator".

As long as the forum rules are in line with Thailand's and not their own, a Thai reading the forum will be happy of foreigners discussing Thailand's news.

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"I am ready to listen to any problem. They should tell me. But don't ask for democracy or an election now. I can't give it to you," he said.

he can,but he does not want

Well, if these so called polls are genuine and 75% supports him, why not make a political party out of it and get elections.

BUT, I can assure you he won't win those elections with a landslide victory as Thaksin / Yingluck. And that is the reason the Thai people do not get their elections they deserve to get. It is all framed.

Prayuth might be good and trained in the military discipline in a country which has more Generals than Russia & the US together.

Bombarding himself to Chairman of the Board of Investment just after the Coup was another mistake. You need to know about Economics and its disciplines and he does not.

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If he is a dictator then the country needs more of them, vast improvement on the terrible, poor excuse we had for a government pre-coup days.

Lots of good things the new government has done, like stopping the redshirts murdering innocent people, children included, and paying the rice farmers the money owed to them for so long are just two that come to mind.

And if you want to find the true meaning of the word dictator, look in the dictionary for Shinawatra, it's between "shifty" and "shit".

Has he stopped the killing of the teachers down in the South Mike ?

28 unfortunate deaths over 8 months in a population of 65 million don't even come out as a viable percentage. Sure their deaths were tragic but had the RTA stepped in sooner they could have averted many of these deaths if the reason for the coup was the levels of violence !!

Using increasing violence as an excuse for the coup is a load of crap it hadn't increased it remained a constant throughout the 8 months.

The deaths wrere simply wrong and the ones responsible I hope they rot in jail for the rest of their lives.

The Junta stepped in when the other megalomaniac behind the protests starting making threats about removing the Caretaker government by force and putting in their own people and declaring himself the supreme leader.

The protestors and Suthep wee getting desperate and their numbers dwindling week by week they were getting nowhere the PTP caretaker mob refused to step down, and Suthep issued an ultimatum that if the Army didn't step on and remove them, he and his PDRC would so it.

He forced Prayuths hand ,who for weeks said he would not stage a coup alrhough almost every single Farang living in Thailand knew that a coup was imminent, I predicted it weeks before it happened here on TVF as did many others.

The coup was the result of the stalemate between the caretakers and the protestors not because of the violence.

The coup HAD to happen but you do not reconcile a nation by threatening the ones who were against the coup, all this crap for 8 months about reforms and still they are only in the planning stage, which tells me that the PDRC had no reformation plans either and it was all hot air, not much different to now.

This right now is about who is in power and control when a Nation wide event takes place that will change everything, some can see this, others can't and refuse to think there's any connection either.

Hello Haggis

It was only 8 months ago and I am sure you remember Haggis but it wasn't only to stop the killings,which for many is justification enough for what transpired, but also the hate filled rhetoric mouthings by Jat Nat etc.... Isarnlanna, Civil war, the interview with Ko Tee and the DDN TV channel which had permanent icon in the bottom right of the screen saying (translation) civil war next month!!! during April and May, all of the above would be more than enough justification for action to be taken. The numbers of the protesters fluctuated not dwindled with as few as 20 to 30 at the Central world site to much larger numbers at Lumpini I know I visited the sites more than 30 times on my push iron starting with the initial protests at Samsen train station in Oct 2013, Ratchdamneon where the numbers were astonishing etc... And yes the problems in the 3 provinces down south have very sadly continued but what do you want? A full military intervention down there. Thaksin tried that in 2004 and the consequences were,,,well... I am sure you know. Suthep probably has some responsibility for what has happened but to say he in a series of supposed Machavellian [sic] ermm.gif manoeuvres was solely responsible frankly is giving him way too much credit mate

Anyway it's a bit early but have a good hogmanay


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Well, he is a dictator. Who says that dictatorship must always be bad? It was exactly what this country needed at the time the junta took over. Majority of citizens cannot complain. Of course it's impossible to please everybody. However, since this is Thailand, a nation with a vested place among the democratic states, as opposed to, say, some other nations in the vicinity, what would be needed now is a stable and sustainable path back to democracy, with a realistic timeline, possibly suspended to certain benchmarks being reached. Keyword is transparency. The general is quite right, he cannot give elections to the people at this time. But he should say when he plans to do so. I hold Prayuth in great esteem, as well as, likely, some less often mentioned and capable subordinates of his as well, since such a monumental task cannot be achieved alone. I hope that he will not ruin his health in the process. Clearly, when he took power he must have known that gratitude is hardly something that a person in his position can expect.

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Give him a break, he had the courage to step-up and take charge of a country that is out of controlled corrupt, and lacking a modern Asia country progress into the future. Until he can weed out the lackers in the system he's on the right path.

he should give himself a break you are right

an other anti-D statement today against every media


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Give him a break, he had the courage to step-up and take charge of a country that is out of controlled corrupt, and lacking a modern Asia country progress into the future. Until he can weed out the lackers in the system he's on the right path.

he should give himself a break you are right

an other anti-D statement today against every media


He's asking for the media to help gather suggestion on Thailand's reform. If we all help the PM by suggesting ways to improve democracy and transparency in government, then these things will happen quickly and everyone will be happy. But who is delaying this happiness, the minority of people who bully and cheat their way through life just like the Shinawatra clan.

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Give him a break, he had the courage to step-up and take charge of a country that is out of controlled corrupt, and lacking a modern Asia country progress into the future. Until he can weed out the lackers in the system he's on the right path.

he should give himself a break you are right

an other anti-D statement today against every media


He's asking for the media to help gather suggestion on Thailand's reform. If we all help the PM by suggesting ways to improve democracy and transparency in government, then these things will happen quickly and everyone will be happy. But who is delaying this happiness, the minority of people who bully and cheat their way through life just like the Shinawatra clan.

what u call a minority of bullies,its actually a majority of thais who want to exercise the right to vote.unless u think that Bangkok is the only Thailand and the rest of the country does not exist

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I certainly don't have all the answers to all the problems that should be fixed in Thailand. However, I'm glad that the display of clashes in Bangkok have stopped. Things are now more orderly, not like before. The current PM has from the very beginning tried to implement change for the betterment of the country. Let's not be so fast to criticize his stance and his position. Sure, things are not perfect but lets all agree that Thailand has been going down-hill for a number of years. It's only until recently that changes for the better are seen taking place. Of course I'm not talking about the brutal murders of the foreigners and who he selected to take charge of the police. But this one person is doing things that are positive even there are many that are losing his support. I think in general, most people start off in agreement but quickly lose their patiences. I think this holds true for many of the people in various countries. Example: the people get all fired-up about their top leader and support going to war. Then when they go to war and lives are lost, the general population change their position and then go against their top leader. I say... Let's wait and see what positive changes will take place in the country before going against the current PM. I think that he deserves a chance to see what good he can do for the country. Time will tell. One thing that appears obvious is the fact that he does care about his country. He also believes in honor and respect. I don't see where he has created more problems for foreigners. It's very very easy for some to criticize his position, just like there will be those that criticize my words written here. Wouldn't it be nice if people would just stop judging others and stop criticizing. For those that may choose to take my words and criticize them or even criticize me, it will only prove to me that there are those that cannot find happiness within their own being. They must look outside their self to seek flaws and imperfections. To those I say, look inside yourself. Don't always be so quick to find things that are not in alignment with your own thought process and belief system. If you can begin to realize happiness within, then it's much easier to see the world in a better light. If you never try, of course you will see the world and it's people in conflict with you. Let's see how many now write back and find fault in my words. My hope is that I get Zero replies...

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"I may not be 100 per cent democratic' ...............you...dont....say!

"I am ready to listen to any problem. They should tell me. But don't ask for democracy or an election now. I can't give it to you,"............. No we need to wait awhile until we've secured the livelihoods of our ancient establishment so that our own future generations can reap the same benefits as us. However there's still that elephant in the room, and that burning question of how we’re going to remove the tusks and render that animal useless. Please rest assured that once this has been addressed we can get back to running this country the good ole fashioned away…

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