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Sinsod or Dowry.. why the big deal ?

fish fingers

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My Thai Partner and I are happy to pay a Sin Sot.

We will save up for it together ... $ for $.

I don't give a rats ass what others think. I am my own man.

This is my promise to her .. I don't break my promises.

She gave up her job as a manager with an International Company of 12 years to come stay in my country.

Real Love is in play now.

We have kids together.

It is is what is it is.

Start hurling stones on us about now ... frankly, I don't give a <deleted>.


PSML learn the hard way silly man
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You can sue her under Thai law for cheating. Its a morality law. And you also can sue the guy who bang your wife too.

Yes, I know all that. 'Water under the bridge' as they say. Many years ago now.

But you didn't answer my question, did you?

My answer is... If i were cheating on my husband I will pay husband double of SinSod for divorce because the guy who can made me cheat on my husband will have to be 10times better than him.

PS. I will go with my new husband and give him cash infront of everyone. And say"Tip 4millions baht for you"


This is a good example of why purchasing a Thai wife is a bad investment...one becomes a personal banker for the wife and family...while the wife is off checking out better business propositions...it appears to be all about the money...doesn't it?

Love still trumps baht...being pressured to purchase your loved one is a cultural scam...don't fall for it...

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Once u let go of your predispositons of sin sod u move on. I couldnt ask for a better wife. 200k is jack shit to me nyway. Have a beautiful young girl on a very good salay who is drop dead gorgeous. If u are too tight to part with that kinda money u arent gonna find ny decent women.

Lol.... These types of posts are hilarious. So you bought a young gorgeous girl for 200,000. Congratulations!

I am far more impressed when individuals find "drop dead gorgeous" women to become their wife when money isn't involved.

And make no mistake buddy..... Maybe YOU can't find a decent women without spending money...... But plenty of us can.

To claim one can't find a decent girl unless they spend money on her..... Well... That would imply the girl in question is a hooker/gold digger..... And the man in question is a straight loser with nothing to offer but money....

Although I understand your point it seems to me that you are a little tough on your perceptions of other people's point of view. I paid sin sod for my wife who had been married before and really had not ever been able to enjoy a wedding where she could just say "I really enjoyed the day" I am not sure what it cost but most of it was returned less expenses. It was a Buddhist commitment ceremony with nothing to sign but terrible and loud music from 4 am in the morning. I have no doubt you will find someone who loves you for your handsome and practical self but, on the other hand, maybe not. As for me, 3 years down the track, I have no complaints.

I know it might seem that way.... Because I truly do believe sin sod is the dumbest thing ever..... But as I said many times.... I don't really care if others want to partake in it as it has no effect on me. Because I think it is so ridiculous, that is probably why I sound harsh when discussing it. And I understand what you are saying about finding someone for the person we naturally are, while other might not be so lucky (thus the incentive of offering money the to the girls family) but I maintain that would not be a girl worth marring. Also, you have to understand that if you willingly paid the money and had no problem doing it, I don't condemn you for that.... I really don't and I am glad you are happy and it has worked out so far.. What I condemn is situation where guys literally reach the point of "I have to pay or she won't marry me" and they don't have the balls to walk away and find another women who loves them for who they are. Because it a situation like this, the girls first allegiance is still clearly to her parents..... This is not a girl who should ever be considered a potential wife (or even GF for that matter).

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The money goes tro the parents, by tradition, I understand. It is their form of a pension.

They had this girl child to take care of them in their old age, bit like paying into social security or a pension fund.

However you look at it, they are expecting you to pay for the bodyslapping session they had and give further

compensation for raising the girl child.

As many failed to do that and the girl child ended up 'working for farang' they deserve sweet FA and thats how much Im prepared to pay.

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1. It is a Thais culture. (Normal for Thais)

2. It will show your stable life.(your back ground)

3. It can be guarantee for your future wife's family.(make sure you can look after their daughter)

4. It shows how much value of your future wife.(her basic life and job)

5. For the face if your future wife's family rich. (social life)


What a bunch of crap.

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F the sin sot , it's out of date old fashion a waste of my hard earned money, which I could be using for the future . Why Thais think that money grows on trees in western country's is beyond me...

Nobody thought money grows on the tree. How can thai guys get married then?

Most of my Thai friends married Thai guys got minimum 1million baht sin-sod excluded gold and etc.

I dont understand why some farang agaisnt to pay SinSod if they want to marry thai woman and this is a thai culture.


Actually in England we done away with all of that and both family's parents help pay for the wedding and help to start the bride and grooms future .if you give the children a good start then when it matters latter on they can support the family , and since when has any country give a dam about my English culture , people come here live here and bring all there shit from there country's here I don't even recognize my country any more smile.png

Maybe you should change yourTV name to Unhappydude303

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F the sin sot , it's out of date old fashion a waste of my hard earned money, which I could be using for the future . Why Thais think that money grows on trees in western country's is beyond me...

You are absolutely right, I worked all my life and put some money aside for retirement and it would be the day I would give those money suckers 1,000,000 Bahts for a Thai chick, they are not worth it, my girlfriend is the same way, she thinks that I am a bank. If I ever decide to marry her, the family will have a big surprised, oups, nothing in the cookie jar.

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Very late coming to this topic as i was still laughing about the OPS comment about the envelopes......my friend, trust me as a recently married guy here in LOS, the evelopes didnt cover 20% of the cost of the wedding without taking the sinsot into account.

And to the people on here asking why you shouldnt pay it.

1. Inequality....it is from a bygone age of times when the man was the breadwinner and the little wifey stayed home and played house. An outdated model of family life and inequality between men and women. It winds me up that on one hand, women in Thailand quite rightly want violence against women removed from thai dramas etc but then fail to see the bigger picture that Thailand Sinsot, amongst many other things simply reinforce the big man, little woman awful stereotype.

Why it should be payed ? A token of respect to the old cultures and traditions ? You aint going to marry that girl of your dreams if you dont....personal choice. But i think its wrong wrong wrong.......

If they play the tradition card, explain that simply because something is tradition doesnt mean its good or right. Cannibalism used to be 'tradition' in Papua New Guinea but i dont see anyone calling for this 'tradition' to be upheld.

Each to their own but now their are more independently successful women and a growing Thai middle class, lets hope it slowly dies out.

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F the sin sot , it's out of date old fashion a waste of my hard earned money, which I could be using for the future . Why Thais think that money grows on trees in western country's is beyond me...

It has nothing to do with "western countries", it's a Thai tradition. No one is forced to pay, but quite why someone would want to marry a Thai, in Thailand and then not respect their traditions I have no idea.

Tradition my freaking ass, anything to suck money from farangs, they can suck you know what.

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You can sue her under Thai law for cheating. Its a morality law. And you also can sue the guy who bang your wife too.

Yes, I know all that. 'Water under the bridge' as they say. Many years ago now.

But you didn't answer my question, did you?

My answer is... If i were cheating on my husband I will pay husband double of SinSod for divorce because the guy who can made me cheat on my husband will have to be 10times better than him.

PS. I will go with my new husband and give him cash infront of everyone. And say"Tip 4millions baht for you"


From what I see, you are not worth much.

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You can sue her under Thai law for cheating. Its a morality law. And you also can sue the guy who bang your wife too.

Yes, I know all that. 'Water under the bridge' as they say. Many years ago now.

But you didn't answer my question, did you?

My answer is... If i were cheating on my husband I will pay husband double of SinSod for divorce because the guy who can made me cheat on my husband will have to be 10times better than him.

PS. I will go with my new husband and give him cash infront of everyone. And say"Tip 4millions baht for you"


From what I see, you are not worth much.

From what I see you need to wear skirt or zip your mouth will make you look worthes.


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F the sin sot , it's out of date old fashion a waste of my hard earned money, which I could be using for the future . Why Thais think that money grows on trees in western country's is beyond me...

It has nothing to do with "western countries", it's a Thai tradition. No one is forced to pay, but quite why someone would want to marry a Thai, in Thailand and then not respect their traditions I have no idea.

Tradition my freaking ass, anything to suck money from farangs, they can suck you know what.

Thai men pay it.

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Always ask around my girlfriend how much the other Thai men paid for sin sod (to marry their wife). Next to nothing!!!

Nobody is paying the outlandish prices some of the folks on TV have paid. In fact, most of the people I ask just shrug and walk away. Not one baht. Many eloped. Many had kids and did the Buddha thing. But not one of them paid out more than the price of a wedding.

Funny, that.

My girlfriend was divorced. Her husband only contributed like 10,000 for a wedding party. She went to college, worked and bought a condo and a resort. Also inherited 18 rai. Guess who has all of that???? Not her.

Then, I said to her, how about when her two daughters want to get married. (18 and 23)? How much will you get in Sin Sod? She looked at me like I was crazy. She said...if somebody loved them and took care of them ...she would ask nothing. However, when her friends marry farangs....it goes crazy...houses, cars, 500,000 to a million. One old bat wanted 3 million !!!

So if it is a Farang it is okay to rip him a second A Hole for a Million Baht or more,,,,,Not on your Nelly in a Million years,,,Do not get married,,,, live with the GF,,,Don't pay the sin sod and don't pay for the whole family it is you and your GF F<><>ck the rest .

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F the sin sot , it's out of date old fashion a waste of my hard earned money, which I could be using for the future . Why Thais think that money grows on trees in western country's is beyond me...

It has nothing to do with "western countries", it's a Thai tradition. No one is forced to pay, but quite why someone would want to marry a Thai, in Thailand and then not respect their traditions I have no idea.

Tradition my freaking ass, anything to suck money from farangs, they can suck you know what.

Thai men pay it.

Indeed they do...for educated virgins.

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1. It is a Thais culture. (Normal for Thais)

2. It will show your stable life.(your back ground)

3. It can be guarantee for your future wife's family.(make sure you can look after their daughter)

4. It shows how much value of your future wife.(her basic life and job)

5. For the face if your future wife's family rich. (social life)


All very interesting stuff............makes me wonder why the situation was the reverse in the West where it was the brides family that paid the dowry.

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Thai men pay it.

Indeed they do...for educated virgins.

Nonsense. Virginity has nothing to do with it.

Yes it does. Had this explained time and time again by Thais. Those Thai geezers who cough up big sin sots for hiso gals expect blood on the sheets.

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otocheater, on 29 Nov 2014 - 17:37, said:

1. It is a Thais culture. (Normal for Thais)

2. It will show your stable life.(your back ground)

3. It can be guarantee for your future wife's family.(make sure you can look after their daughter)

4. It shows how much value of your future wife.(her basic life and job)

5. For the face if your future wife's family rich. (social life)


Out of curiosity, how much sin sod would you expect to receive from a man.

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Thai men pay it.

Indeed they do...for educated virgins.

Nonsense. Virginity has nothing to do with it.

Yes it does. Had this explained time and time again by Thais. Those Thai geezers who cough up big sin sots for hiso gals expect blood on the sheets.

So Prame thought Tata Young was a virgin? I don't think so!


You could do a little research and find out more yourself:


Edited by brewsterbudgen
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F the sin sot , it's out of date old fashion a waste of my hard earned money, which I could be using for the future . Why Thais think that money grows on trees in western country's is beyond me...

Nobody thought money grows on the tree. How can thai guys get married then?

Most of my Thai friends married Thai guys got minimum 1million baht sin-sod excluded gold and etc.

I dont understand why some farang agaisnt to pay SinSod if they want to marry thai woman and this is a thai culture.


you must have been so disappointed.

No I never dissapointed but just feel sorry for the Thais girl who meet some guys like you.

I am lucky the guy I have met super smart and super cool.


Why on earth would I pay sinsod. My wife had been married before in Buddhist wedding and had a son. She wanted to marry me in the village. I opted for amphur wedding but rejected the proposition of sinsod. I understood a Thai girl's loyalty to her family and took on their support. She had a son to educate and I contributed to that. I helped her get a master's degree and she has a fairly good job. Her parents are Issan rice farmers whose home she left when she was 14. What she has achieved up to when she met me was by her own effort. And I should pay her parent sinsod? What on earth for. Oh, I forgot the small buffalo herd I bought because her mother missed the buffalos they used to have. I've yet to sight the buffalos.

I could go on.

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Always makes me laugh when I hear of some falang paying sinsod to some girl, who has been married to a Thai before and has a kid or two in the background and some "mug" falang falls for it and pays it!

You think the ex-Thai hubby paid it first time round?

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Why on earth would I pay sinsod. My wife had been married before in Buddhist wedding and had a son. She wanted to marry me in the village. I opted for amphur wedding but rejected the proposition of sinsod. I understood a Thai girl's loyalty to her family and took on their support. She had a son to educate and I contributed to that. I helped her get a master's degree and she has a fairly good job. Her parents are Issan rice farmers whose home she left when she was 14. What she has achieved up to when she met me was by her own effort. And I should pay her parent sinsod? What on earth for. Oh, I forgot the small buffalo herd I bought because her mother missed the buffalos they used to have. I've yet to sight the buffalos.

I could go on.

No reason at all.

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Always makes me laugh when I hear of some falang paying sinsod to some girl, who has been married to a Thai before and has a kid or two in the background and some "mug" falang falls for it and pays it!

You think the ex-Thai hubby paid it first time round?

If he had any money then, yes, most likely he paid something.

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was speaking to a taxi driver, heres what 50k baht got him.

A 15 year old upcountry girl with no kids in tow.

Now compare some of the figures we read about on here for some slappa with her baggage and kids in tow.

Somchai him one smart buffalo.

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1. It is a Thais culture. (Normal for Thais)

2. It will show your stable life.(your back ground)

3. It can be guarantee for your future wife's family.(make sure you can look after their daughter)

4. It shows how much value of your future wife.(her basic life and job)

5. For the face if your future wife's family rich. (social life)


This forum refers to Sinsod and Dowry. A major problem with many farangs is the fact a dowry in the West is given by the woman's parents to the man--the opposite of here in Thailand. You say he is marrying into a Thai family, well, no more than she is marrying into a farang family. Both dowry and sinsod claim to be for the purpose of taking care of the woman. For me, the problem with paying sinsod for the woman is that it resembles selling the woman, even a barfine. Yes, you may take my daughter if you pay for her. No thank you.

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1. It is a Thais culture. (Normal for Thais)

2. It will show your stable life.(your back ground)

3. It can be guarantee for your future wife's family.(make sure you can look after their daughter)

4. It shows how much value of your future wife.(her basic life and job)

5. For the face if your future wife's family rich. (social life)


Sin Sod is NOT a Thai culture, it has been adopted from Chinese tradition, just because YOU are Thai do not try to con the rest of us farang....

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F the sin sot , it's out of date old fashion a waste of my hard earned money, which I could be using for the future . Why Thais think that money grows on trees in western country's is beyond me...

It has nothing to do with "western countries", it's a Thai tradition. No one is forced to pay, but quite why someone would want to marry a Thai, in Thailand and then not respect their traditions I have no idea.

I like following traditional Thai culture and that's why I will only pay a sin sod if my wife has never been married before, has no children, and is a virgin.

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So shallow some people. Sin sod is a little bit of money. If u love her pay it and move the &lt;deleted&gt; on. If u r too attached to your money dont get a thai wife and move the &lt;deleted&gt; on. What ever floats your boat is your business and dont let some turd tell u diffetent because at the end of the day its about what makes U happy.

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