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Farangs 'preaching' via their Thai partners in public...


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Ok, this happens from time to time in Thailand. It occurs in restaurants, cafes and on public transport, basically anywhere you find other farangs that have Thai partners they want to 'preach' to about their chosen interest or even 'religion' shall we say.

Basically it's like this, the farang starts up a conversation (in English) with his partner about it. Other farangs are nearby, trying to mind their own business while this is going on. The farang raises his voice a few decibels so his whine becomes very noticeable indeed, almost like he's actually talking or rather 'dictating' to them and not the Thai person.

The subject is very often not about either the farang or the Thai woman / girl, it's on incredibly opinionated politics, ideologies, historical events and certain versions of these events.

Despite the occasional baby-English used by the Farang, the language and geo-political ability of their Thai partner would need to be at least post-graduate university English to get the gist of their procrastinations.

As you can expect, the responses from their Thai partner are - "I don't understand, what are you saying?" While looking around for help.

Yet the farang drones on. Only when all the other farangs are out of earshot does the conversation suddenly end or tail off.

It's most strange that they do this, especially when they should know that their poorly educated partner cannot understand such complex things.

I remember a young man told me about this happening in a restaurant and I found it hard to believe. Then I myself was on the Skytrain and a similar 'preaching' occurred of all things.

So, to those farang 'preachers'. We aren't interested in your beliefs, swirly rainbow visions of the future, delusional nonsense and other attempts at subverting the minds of Thai people who know no better.

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may you're hanging around at the wrong places-never happened to me...

I wouldn't call cafes, restaurants and the skytrain the wrong places, but I guess you'd call them bad right?

There was this one time at a bar in Chiang Mai where a farang was trying the preaching angle directly to a few of us, but at least he did it directly (or rather tried to) and not 'hiding' behind his Thai missus.

Perhaps you ought to step out from your cotton wool house?

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I've never noticed this behaviour.

This is within expat areas and I suppose it's not that common, but it is real. The first time I heard it I figured it was a one off, but then it happened again and again. Maybe some farangs are just too darn shy to speak to other farangs man to man?

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my neighbor does something similar though he does not know im listening he will drone on about stuff in the usa that his thai is very unlikely to understand she will give a couple grunts back but never responds i figure he just like to hear himself talk

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Only when all the other farangs are out of earshot does the conversation suddenly end or tail off.

I was sitting in the public library on Sermon Street just now, skimming through Rogue Herries by Hugh Walpole, when it suddenly occurred to me:

How would you know that the conversation ends, considering you're a Westerner and considering the 'language and geo-political ability of their Thai partner [seems insufficient] to get the gist' ?

Your logical description, not much of a cheese shop, isn't?

Edited by Morakot
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I know what he means... because I've done it, sort of.

He's not really talking about the ability of the Thai, he's just observing that the Thai is being used to be spoken at, rather than to, as a means to actually pontificate or otherwise to other people in the vicinity.

I've done something similar, not necessarily with a Thai, it can be anyone really, when in actual fact I knew damn well I could be heard by others and was speaking more for their 'benefit' than the person I was supposedly talking to.

Why do I do it? Well, it's perfectly obvious isn't it: because my rants and opinions are something the world and it's dog will clearly benefit from!

And now you know what the heck the OP's topic is about there's no need to thank me, I share my content freely, I'm that sort of guy wai.gif

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This and other Forums are a good place to vent your views and frustrations...

No one has to log on and read your views...no one is forced to participate...yet many posters have useful and important information to share...

Thanks you ThaiVisa Forum..

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So if i understand the Op correctly the Thai woman is just too dumb to understand. If your dating a real Thai woman (not) a bar girl one that might be worth spending some real time with that is really interested in learning something about you or your viewpoints and not your wallet. It takes some time because of the language barrier before her English has improved and or your Thai. My wife and i took at least three years before we could understand each other well enough to have a long conversation about life in my country and hers. When we both look back we both laugh because much was so misunderstood. Just because some Thais do not have a college education does not make them dumb. I consider them to have much more street smarts than the majority of foreigners visiting and living here. Not that all bar girls are a total waste of time talking to, but just like any bar girl in any country nothing i would be proud to meet my family. Sadly it seems the majority of foreigners in Thailand don,t get it and showing her off as some sexual prize. She can really care less about you and it goes in one ear and out the other. Now that truly makes you look like an idiot.

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