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Director defends 'Hitler scene' in Thai govt film


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Thai government etc people in authority - if you approved this film do you think it is good to praise Hitler when it is well recognised that he committed the largest genocide in human history, namely against the Jews.

Do you think many Germans, where the Swastika is illegal who are ashamed of Hitler, the Brits, Aussies, Kiwis, Canadians, Americans, Russians who fought Hitler will be offended at you making this film.

This is beyond tourism but do you ever wonder when Thai people do things like this that quality educated tourists will come to you country or will they go some where else.

Look at all the negative comments on this site. Frankly you should apologise to most Western nations.

You wrote, "do you think it is good to praise Hitler. No where in the film is Hitler praised. Why not watch it with a person who speaks Thai.

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Can someone explain to these people,that it means 7 millions Jews massacred in the worst atrocious manner ?

7 million now eh...wow lets not forget all others to that equals the same figure..or the japanese keeping pows alive to eat ..you only have to look it up ..yes they are clueless but lets not let a poor story get in the way of fact...the israelis have sure gone some way to turn the tables in the middle east off topic apols...just saying people always keep going on about the jews all the time..they werent the only ones ...lest we forget..

Totally agree.

Many perceive WW2 as being an exclusive Nazis against Jews affair, but the Jews don`t hold the monopoly as being the primary victims, although they suffered huge losses in proportion to the European Jewish populations during those times. There was much, much more involved than that. Sadly there are still many Westerners that also need educating about the facts of WW2, those who consider that that their families were not affected by Hitler and the Nazis during the war and for some reasons feel they are excluded by the events of that time. Even the Germans of today are deeply offended by these images and the horrors of WW2. In fact not many people want to be reminded in such ways of triviality and jest.

Lest we forget, that pertains to all sides. Never again.

Stalin and Mao murdered more people than Hitler and Japan; their own countrymen too.

The Japanese committed incredible crimes against Chinese and ehtnic Chinese, POW's, and women and children. Yet they escaped the massive venom heaped on the Nazis.

The Nazis were an evil regime, brought to power on a large minority vote, who corruptly manipulated the system to create a one party state. Stalin and Mao - a one party state masquerading as "a people's party" but run by the elite chosen few. Japan a feudal police state with hawkish military leaders dominating everything. Surely lessons to be learned. Zimbabwe and North Korea maybe learned the wrong lesson!

Members of my family fought and died in 2 World Wars. Many atrocities were committed during both. Many have been since. But some societies are better at keeping ones perpetrated against them in focus than others.

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Is it OK to make a video that portrays Nazi chic in a negative light?
Only if it is an in depth analysis of the horrors that nazi Germany and other fascist minded regimes carried out Europe and else where in the world.

Only if it shows the graphic footage of the concentration camps, of the torture cells and killing fields that were created by those who flew this symbol and others like it.

Only if it includes interviews with survivors of these horrors with the best translation available, reflecting not only the words but the tone they are delivered in.

Only if it is an outright condemnation of the stupidity or intolerance of those wearing or using such sick symbols.

Only if it is the sole focus of the film and it is an aspect of a programme to ban and eradicate the use of such symbols.

Then and only then.

You mean this is not OK?

Do the words "context matters"mean anything to you?

The video paints Hitler in a negative context. I don't understand why that is wrong? If I know a bad man and I say he is bad like Hitler that is a negative context. Mao was bad like Hitler, Stalin was bad like Hitler. What is wrong with that?

You and I don't disagree that Hitler was bad our only disagreement comes from the fact you have not watched and understood the video.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I know A LOT of Jewish people here who are NOT going to take his lightly.....

Well the ones who dont are obviously trying to make some personal or racial gain , because it should be patently obvious that there is not a one of us capable of rectifying what happened in Europe over 70 YEARS ago !

Oh I love 'WW2, Nazi, Hitler' Time on Thaivisa ....

It happens every couple of months and allows for an extremely funny interlude of outrage and pious indignity from a bunch of mongers who lived no where near the s actual scene , and in most cases werent even born yet! They arent even aware that their own side levelled Bangkok and caused unbelievable hardships to the Thai , who should be "respecting" THEIR sensibilities <deleted>...

I particularly enjoy 'swastika' time ... heres another occassion for the expat bigots to cast their vociferous slant over an asian symbol of prosperity and exclaim , "These Thais just dont get it , do they?"

Keep up the entertainment guys !

And what ever you do , dont educate yourselves or try to see anothers perspective - it would ruin the wonderful irony of threads like this.

'Well the ones who dont are obviously trying to make some personal or racial gain , because it should be patently obvious that there is not a one of us capable of rectifying what happened in Europe over 70 YEARS ago !"

Are you for real!!, ZaZa9? Because I am not of the Jewish faith but am appalled at what that monster Hitler did, I am trying to "make some personal or racial gain"? Because I speak out against the genocide for which Hitler was responsible, I am "trying to make some personal or racial gain"? Because I don't accept what, on its face, is the applauding of Hitler under the banner of 'Learn about Democracy, I am "trying to make some personal or racial gain"? You, sir, are either a total idiot or a troll attempting to elicit feelings of anger and disgust so that you can get vicarious pleasure from seeing the pain your remarks might cause! I am not of the Jewish faith, but I don't take the portrait of Hitler shown under a heading "Learn about Democracy" and being applauded by two students, as you say "lightly". If afforded the opportunity to view the film with subtitles, I may be persuaded as some readers have stated, that the film does not portray Hitler in a favourable light. But on the surface, pardon us who see it as a travesty!

With respect to "not one of us capable of rectifying what happened in Europe over 70 years ago", you are correct, sir! No one can rectify the monstrous acts committed by Hitler and his Nazi followers.........BUT WE CAN DAMN SURE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO PREVENT ANY REPETITION OF HIS GENOCIDAL ACTS!! And making the effort to do so includes NOT TAKING ANY DEPICTION OF HITLER THAT IS PERCEIVED AS POSITIVE, LIGHTLY!!

By the way, with respect to your other comments, I have every respect for the Thai people and would never, knowingly, do anything to show a lack of respect for them, their culture or for their King. If they suffered abusive treatment by any of our Allies, I certainly decry that and would speak out against it in any public forum that brought it up as a topic. That, however, is not the topic here...the topic is the portrayal of Hitler under the banner of "Learn about Democracy" with his being applauded by students. Unless there is some bold clarification with respect to such a portrayal, I strongly suggest that any person, Thai or non-Thai, who values human life and knows anything about Hitler and his followers, is behaving appropriately and understandably when they do not take such portrayal lightly!!

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Some posters have referred to a lack of education on these matters, but Thai private schools in the Chiang Mai area have proudly used Nazi / Hitler themes in their annual concerts, complete with pupils dressed in SS uniforms, waving Nazi flags, and goose-stepping around under huge Nazi banners, displaying the Nazi salute .....the point being that it seems the schools promote all this rather than educate the pupils on the facts.

That's the point of the video as it paints the boy as being "spoiled, wealthy schoolboy who always gets his way. "He's always been 'number one,' and he's selfish." and he is the type of school boy who would paint a picture of Hitler.

Edited by thailiketoo
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"Gen. Prayuth's Twelve Values, which he bestowed to the public in July, have already been rendered into a poem that students at public schools are required to memorize." wai2.gifwai.gif

#1: One, love the Nation,..."

"I don't want to convey anything," said Kulp, ... I didn’t want my film to affect anyone." blink.png

What's the point of making the film then?


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"Gen. Prayuth's Twelve Values, which he bestowed to the public in July, have already been rendered into a poem that students at public schools are required to memorize." wai2.gifwai.gif

#1: One, love the Nation,..."

"I don't want to convey anything," said Kulp, ... I didn’t want my film to affect anyone." blink.png

What's the point of making the film then?


The complete quote which you cut and changed the meaning was, "I didn’t want to have anything to do with politics. I didn’t want my film to affect anyone." He was taking about affecting anyone's politics.

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Another day, and another scratch your head moment. What planet have these people been living on? You can almost excuse a poorly educated young Thai kid getting it wrong, but a film director, an agency and whatever layers of governmental approval this had to go through removes any semblance of an excuse surely.

"As for Hitler's portrait, I have seen so many people using it on T-Shirts everywhere. It's even considered a fashion. It doesn't mean I agree with it, but I didn't expect it to be an issue at all." <= at a loss for words.

This is yet another example of how inculcating Thais with Thainess is small minded and limiting. It would appear that the people running this country are truely ignorant of the rest of the world.

For them Thailand is everything. No one else

has any valid knowledge or opinions. I agree with you ..... I am lost for words (almost).

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I think the Great General needs to start a history lessons so Thais can stop making these "hitler" mistakes and sensitiviies regarding to it.

They made a video with a negative image of Hitler chic. What is the mistake about that? The news media and history channel do it every day.

Oh sorry, did you think it was a positive image? Maybe you should actually watch the video.

watched the video and I speak and write Thai, my statement was just a general statement. How many folks do you think will go and watch the short film? Maybe you need to take a chill pill.

Taking a "Chill pill" or other prescription is best left to the individual's discretion IMO.

How may folks will watch the film is guesswork and left to one that like to guess. I guess!

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Can someone explain to these people,that it means 7 millions Jews massacred in the worst atrocious manner ?

7 million now eh...wow lets not forget all others to that equals the same figure..or the japanese keeping pows alive to eat ..you only have to look it up ..yes they are clueless but lets not let a poor story get in the way of fact...the israelis have sure gone some way to turn the tables in the middle east off topic apols...just saying people always keep going on about the jews all the time..they werent the only ones ...lest we forget..

Totally agree.

Many perceive WW2 as being an exclusive Nazis against Jews affair, but the Jews don`t hold the monopoly as being the primary victims, although they suffered huge losses in proportion to the European Jewish populations during those times. There was much, much more involved than that. Sadly there are still many Westerners that also need educating about the facts of WW2, those who consider that that their families were not affected by Hitler and the Nazis during the war and for some reasons feel they are excluded by the events of that time. Even the Germans of today are deeply offended by these images and the horrors of WW2. In fact not many people want to be reminded in such ways of triviality and jest.

Lest we forget, that pertains to all sides. Never again.

Stalin and Mao murdered more people than Hitler and Japan; their own countrymen too.

The Japanese committed incredible crimes against Chinese and ehtnic Chinese, POW's, and women and children. Yet they escaped the massive venom heaped on the Nazis.

The Nazis were an evil regime, brought to power on a large minority vote, who corruptly manipulated the system to create a one party state. Stalin and Mao - a one party state masquerading as "a people's party" but run by the elite chosen few. Japan a feudal police state with hawkish military leaders dominating everything. Surely lessons to be learned. Zimbabwe and North Korea maybe learned the wrong lesson!

Members of my family fought and died in 2 World Wars. Many atrocities were committed during both. Many have been since. But some societies are better at keeping ones perpetrated against them in focus than others.

My perspective is this, the Holocaust became known as the Holocaust because it happened in Europe, the so-called first world civilized continent, Europeans against Europeans, what many third world nations perceived as the white man`s war.

I would assume that if a Holocaust would have taken place in Africa, India, South Asia, or the Arab middle eastern countries that it would not have been described as the Holocaust, probably had been forgotten long ago and hardly mentioned in the history books and doubtful that anyone would have cared about mass murder that took place in a third world country. The fact is that many Europeans display a lesser distaste to other past dictators and atrocities is because they cannot relate to those events, they`re simply not a part of our history, but Hitler is. Perhaps now thinking about it, this is why the Thais do not find the thought of Hitler and Nazis as distressing and offensive as we do?

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So many Thais know nothing about the Second World War as it related to their own country so what happened else where is a likely combination of don't know and don't care.

correct: so many thais know nothing about the world outside their country. they just don't care about what happens elsewhere.

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Sad, but unsurprising. This is a country which turns tragedy into a tourist attraction: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma_Railway

And cannot even commemorate properly the thousands of Thais who died at the hands of their Japanese oppressors.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana

You may be a bit mixed up. The Thais were on the Japanese side and even went so far as to provide surveyors for the Japan railroads in Thailand. Thailand was Japan's only voluntary ally during WWII.

Much as I think the poster was wrong as both Australia and Britain have encouraged and financed the 'death railway', you also fail to acknowledge the thousands of Thais who were members of the the resistance and died at the hands of the Japanese. One of their honored leaders became PM after the war.

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Thai junta propaganda film stuns with Hitler scene
Bangkok, Thailandi | AFP |

BANGKOK: -- An officially sanctioned propaganda film commissioned by Thailand's junta has caused outrage and bafflement after viewers noticed it used imagery of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

The short film -- one of a series commissioned by Thai generals to promote "Twelve Values" it wants the kingdom's youth to adopt -- told the seemingly innocuous story of two schoolboys who learn to accept that winning and losing is part of life.

But viewers were left shocked by the animated opening sequence which clearly showed one of the boys in a classroom completing a portrait of the Nazi chief standing in front of a large swastika.

"This is a massive failure of understanding of history by a Thai government administration that has explicitly mentioned wanting to teach history," Responsible History Education Action, a website set up to combat the use of Nazi imagery in Thailand, said in a posting.

"We are concerned and deeply saddened that the image of Hitler and a Nazi swastika was featured in a government video meant to extol values to the Thai people," the website -- set up by an American expat based in Thailand -- added.

Images of Hitler, swastikas and other Nazi regalia are fairly commonplace in Thailand -- adorning T-shirts and memorabilia -- a phenomenon blamed on a lack of historical understanding rather than political leanings.

Last year Bangkok's prestigious Chulalongkorn University was forced to apologise after its students created a mural depicting Hitler during graduation celebrations. A Catholic school was also left red-faced in 2011 after students dressed up in Nazi uniform for a sports day parade.

The latest deployment of Nazi imagery was greeted with bafflement on social media.

"I'm speechless," wrote one Thailand-based Twitter user under the name @chomsowhat.

Another local user, @snetibutr, added: "How damning that is of TL (Thailand's) education/history teaching."

The director of the film, Kulp Kaljaruek, told AFP he did not mean to cause offence but instead was trying to illustrate the child's moral progress.

"It's symbolic. The child is going in the wrong direction. But I didn't mean it (to show Hitler) it in a bad way," said Kulp, whose father is head of Kantana Group, one of Thailand's largest film studios.

"You know Hitler had quite strong power in the past. But not in a good way. So it's like he (the boy) is learning from that until he becomes a good person at the end," he said.

Kulp confirmed the junta had approved the film but said "nobody asked" about the contentious scene featuring the painting.

Every pupil aged eight to 18 has been ordered to learn the "Twelve Values" crafted by Thailand's junta, which seized power in a May putsch, highlighting obedience towards the royalist establishment.

But some student groups have hit back, calling the values a form of brainwashing.

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2014-12-10

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people sacrificed so much so we can all travel anywhere we want say what we want.

"say what we want" huh?

So what do you people want?

All images of Hitler to be banned forever , so that one day no one has a clue who this guy was and are left wondering why "people sacrificed so much" or if that is all just a story.

Its already been pointed out that Hitler is not glorified in any way , in fact his image is used as a counterpoint to anything good.

But thats not enough for many of you ... I think that maybe you want the opportunity to harp on about what "YOU" and your lot did in the war and how "You" got rid of the Nazis when actually , unless you are over 80 , you had nothing to do with it.

Anyone I knew who actually did , treated any image of Hitler with great mocking and jocularity , they certainly didnt immediately demand the image covered or removed - hell , some of them even combed their hair and sketched a mustache onto themselves for a bit of further fun.

But keep up the pretentious 'outrage' by all means ... you fought for it ( cough ) - its most entertaining 555.

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Sad, but unsurprising. This is a country which turns tragedy into a tourist attraction: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma_Railway

And cannot even commemorate properly the thousands of Thais who died at the hands of their Japanese oppressors.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana

You may be a bit mixed up. The Thais were on the Japanese side and even went so far as to provide surveyors for the Japan railroads in Thailand. Thailand was Japan's only voluntary ally during WWII.

Much as I think the poster was wrong as both Australia and Britain have encouraged and financed the 'death railway', you also fail to acknowledge the thousands of Thais who were members of the the resistance and died at the hands of the Japanese. One of their honored leaders became PM after the war.

Where did you find the Seri Thai casualties figures?

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You can not rewrite history just because you do not like the way it played out. You learn from it and do not make the same mistake repeatedly. I believe the young one clapping is not praising Hitler, but rather the quality of the painting.

There are a lot of Che Guevara, his picture is on a lot of T Shirts, was a he a "Hero", Nice Guy, I think not.

I am amazed at how sensitive some people can be, but at the same time unable or unwilling to accept criticizm even when it is well earned !!

The place to start in Thailand is "Education, Education including the outside World and History.

Stay the course General, even Christ had His critics !!

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So much ignorance. In Europe depicting such a cross is a criminal offence. I am curious how the director would react if several of his family members would have been persecuted, tortured and than executed by the nazi. Khun Prayut better step in as this is a recipe for another PR drama.

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I don't really get the indignation! The film portrays a kid painting Hitler (and it's a good painting) it's not as if they are saying Hitler is good. Are we now saying that to actually paint something makes you a fascist or racist or whatever?

It does if the painting is easily perceived as respect.

I guess you have to know what they are saying throughout the whole video before you can decide.

I don't think so. It's one of those, if in doubt leave it out times. There is probably only one valid occasion to bring Hitler into any campaign, and that's probably going to be a campaign confronting hatred, genocide and holocaust. Once again it shows the Thais lop-sided sense of morality and common-sense.

The director of the film said, Hitler is portrayed as the number one bad person. You are 100% wrong.

How would you teach students about the development of German roads or rockets or synthetic fuels?

How would you explain the transition of governments in Europe?

Like it or not Hitler is a historical figure and his presence should be explained and not swept under the rug.

The Thai director was pointing out the empty emptyheadedness of Thai students who draw pictures of Hitler. That's a good thing.

You have looked at the pictures but ignored the commentary which explains the pictures and have drawn the wrong conclusion.

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When you have "leaders" who say... ""I didn't think it would be an issue," the director of the short film, Kulp Kaljaruek, told Khaosod after a clip of the scene went viral on the internet and attracted criticism. "As for Hitler's portrait, I have seen so many people using it on T-Shirts everywhere. It's even considered a fashion. It doesn't mean I agree with it, but I didn't expect it to be an issue at all." - what do you expect? This "leader" has a chance to lead and teach - take advantage of that incredible opportunity and do some good instead of doing something so shameful! So sad that this was done, and also approved by the many levels of "higher ups" that must have reviewed it. Get with it, people!!

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So much ignorance. In Europe depicting such a cross is a criminal offence. I am curious how the director would react if several of his family members would have been persecuted, tortured and than executed by the nazi. Khun Prayut better step in as this is a recipe for another PR drama.

Do you know the video paints children who don't know about Hitler in a bad way and that is one of the points of the video?

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They just don't get it do they ?

So many Thais know nothing about the Second World War as it related to their own country so what happened else where is a likely combination of don't know and don't care.

So many Thais don't know nothing about anything. I don't blame them for it but its a fact none the less. We love this country because its all mai pen lai, no stress and no one worries about tomorrow and no one "tink to much". Stuff like this happening is one of the flipsides.

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When you have "leaders" who say... ""I didn't think it would be an issue," the director of the short film, Kulp Kaljaruek, told Khaosod after a clip of the scene went viral on the internet and attracted criticism. "As for Hitler's portrait, I have seen so many people using it on T-Shirts everywhere. It's even considered a fashion. It doesn't mean I agree with it, but I didn't expect it to be an issue at all." - what do you expect? This "leader" has a chance to lead and teach - take advantage of that incredible opportunity and do some good instead of doing something so shameful! So sad that this was done, and also approved by the many levels of "higher ups" that must have reviewed it. Get with it, people!!

The quote you cut, "[Hitler] is the character of this child," Mr Kulp explained, referring to the film's spoiled, wealthy schoolboy who always gets his way. "He's always been 'number one,' and he's selfish.

"Hitler is also a 'number one,' in a bad way." Get with it! Tell the whole truth.

The director is portraying Nazi chic in a negative manner and that is one of the bad points of the spoiled, wealthy schoolboy who always gets his way in the video.

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They just don't get it do they ?

So many Thais know nothing about the Second World War as it related to their own country so what happened else where is a likely combination of don't know and don't care.

So many Thais don't know nothing about anything. I don't blame them for it but its a fact none the less. We love this country because its all mai pen lai, no stress and no one worries about tomorrow and no one "tink to much". Stuff like this happening is one of the flipsides.

Thailand graduates about 400,000 college students per year. There's about 50,000 doctors in Thailand 500 are American board certified. 22 medical schools in Thailand.

Edited by thailiketoo
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people sacrificed so much so we can all travel anywhere we want say what we want.

"say what we want" huh?

So what do you people want?

All images of Hitler to be banned forever , so that one day no one has a clue who this guy was and are left wondering why "people sacrificed so much" or if that is all just a story.

Its already been pointed out that Hitler is not glorified in any way , in fact his image is used as a counterpoint to anything good.

But thats not enough for many of you ... I think that maybe you want the opportunity to harp on about what "YOU" and your lot did in the war and how "You" got rid of the Nazis when actually , unless you are over 80 , you had nothing to do with it.

Anyone I knew who actually did , treated any image of Hitler with great mocking and jocularity , they certainly didnt immediately demand the image covered or removed - hell , some of them even combed their hair and sketched a mustache onto themselves for a bit of further fun.

But keep up the pretentious 'outrage' by all means ... you fought for it ( cough ) - its most entertaining 555.

Its not pretentious 'outrage' its called respect, if you're confused look it up. Go argue your case in the streets of London and see how far you get. Thai people demand respect for their country and culture but give zero respect to others.

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