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Director defends 'Hitler scene' in Thai govt film

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Can someone explain to these people,that it means 7 millions Jews massacred in the worst atrocious manner ?

and what would Hitler have used Thai people for, given the opportunity........


WW is an acronisym for World War, with only a handful of counties not directly affected. Thailand was a part of it, part of the Axis.

Japanese of today don't generally know, or at least haven't been taught WW2 history (their part in it) either

They know,pull the other one.. They refuse to apoligise for the evil blood thirsty things they did, But what do you expect from the scum of the earth ??????


Thai bashing has gone up several notches on this THREAD .Hitler is merely a brand or cute symbol to most Thais .Dont get your knickers in a twist .lol

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the director appears to be an idiot! where did he go to school? even in germany hitler T shirts and other items afre banned! does not this person know what that scum bag pervert did to germany and the whole world? Thailand was allied with the axis powers during WW-2 but is seemed that they just rolled over and let the japanese wonder in at their convience. thata is one reason i have often wondered what the "victory" monument signified.


They just don't get it do they ?

So many Thais know nothing about the Second World War as it related to their own country so what happened else where is a likely combination of don't know and don't care.

they barely know their own history, never mind any one else's.

You know that's a good point. The director used the image because even uneducated Thais know Hitler is wrong and a bad person. He was trying to convey the image of a rich spoiled brat and he succeeded with Thais who all know who Hitler is and that he is a bad person and that is why the image was used.


Anyone who has seen the film knows this one small scene was used to portray a negative value. But don't let this stop a whole bunch of poorly educated arrogant farangs from using it denigrate all Thais.

For the record I am a "farang".

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Anyone who has seen the film knows this one small scene was used to portray a negative value. But don't let this stop a whole bunch of poorly educated arrogant farangs from using it denigrate all Thais.

For the record I am a "farang".

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the director appears to be an idiot! where did he go to school? even in germany hitler T shirts and other items afre banned! does not this person know what that scum bag pervert did to germany and the whole world? Thailand was allied with the axis powers during WW-2 but is seemed that they just rolled over and let the japanese wonder in at their convience. thata is one reason i have often wondered what the "victory" monument signified.

The director was trying to convey a negative image and succeeded. The Victory monument celebrates the victory over the French in the Franco Thai war.



Yes, it is an ANTI-nazi statement.

So the only people, who could possibly be offended by that picture, by the swastika and the way it used in the picture, are NAZIS!

Got it!?


What I also found disturbing in the video is the affluent superstar Thai child's sidekick. His "buddy" has darker skin, lighter hair, more western features, and is a disheveled bumbling fool who is just happy to be basking in the amazing qualities his friend exudes. Is this a not so subtle way to contrast how they view themselves, with the world just so grateful to be near the glow of their Thainess?

Also, I am sure most Thais can really relate to the beautiful home in the video.

What a stellar departure from reality!

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Hmmmmm!!! The use of anything to do with Hitler or the Nazi party is an issue and makes you wonder what makes these Thais think.

The thing is the vast majority of Thais have absolutely no idea who Hitler was and care even less.

Go out on the street find 100 English American German tourists and ask them who led Thailand against the French in the Thai French war and they will reply "What war?

You think I am kidding go ask a dozen Thais on the street who Winston Churchill or General Paton were and they won't have a clue who on earth you are talking about.

Before knocking them too hard as yourselves what do you know about Thai history..........99% of you like me could write it on a ciggy packet.

So don't worry too much a few kids wearing hitler uniforms in a silly parade are not out to start WW3 they leave that sort of thing to people like fanatical Muslims and trigger happy Westerns.

Is it OK to make a video that portrays Nazi chic in a negative light?

Regardless of the morality portrayed or intended in the film, you seem oblivious to the fact that there are so many better ways to illustrate than the chosen subject


How about the kid painting a picture of a Ferrari with a Red Bull slogan .....the same message and much more pertinent and to the intended audience.

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Why does TAT not offer ‘Hitler Boot Camps’ as an option for tourists suspected of taking/selling narcotics with all the recent drug allegations by Thailand’s Finest Police force tackling this in the streets on a daily basis to make them feel special.

It will have tourists flooding in with the I HATE THAILAND emblazoned on the reps T-Shirts !!!


WW is an acronisym for World War, with only a handful of counties not directly affected. Thailand was a part of it, part of the Axis.

Japanese of today don't generally know, or at least haven't been taught WW2 history (their part in it) either

They know,pull the other one.. They refuse to apoligise for the evil blood thirsty things they did, But what do you expect from the scum of the earth ??????

Just to get things straight I do not mean the Jap people from today ,I mean the ones that were involved,no offence intended

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Let's lighten the mood a little here, with Hitler coming to Pattaya Movie:

For different versions, just Google: youtube hitler and ladyboys

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Yes, it is an ANTI-nazi statement.

So the only people, who could possibly be offended by that picture, by the swastika and the way it used in the picture, are NAZIS!

Got it!?

Dont talk such caap its all about the emblem nothing else . You are well out of order


Aren't the films about loyalty to your leaders and strong nationalistic feelings? what better example is there?

You think Hitler is the best tool to unite Thailand? This supported and commissioned by some who says he is not a Dictator.

Dictator, 193339

Once in power, Hitler established an absolute dictatorship. He secured the presidents assent for new elections. The Reichstag fire, on the night of February 27, 1933 (apparently the work of a Dutch Communist, Marinus van der Lubbe), provided an excuse for a decree overriding all guarantees of freedom and for an intensified campaign of violence. In these conditions, when the elections were held (March 5), the Nazis polled 43.9 percent of the votes. On March 21 the Reichstag assembled in the Potsdam Garrison Church to demonstrate the unity of National Socialism with the old conservative Germany, represented by Hindenburg. Two days later the Enabling Bill, giving full powers to Hitler, was passed in the Reichstag by the combined votes of Nazi, Nationalist, and Centre party deputies (March 23, 1933). Less than three months later all non-Nazi parties, organizations, and labor unions ceased to exist. The disappearance of the Catholic Centre Party was followed by a German Concordat with the Vatican in July. (See Adolf Hitler addressing the Reichstag.)


I'm not in any way suggesting the current government intends to take the same path, but you have to admit there are some very scary similarities between 1933 and recent events here.

But I don't think this junta is in it for the personal power, they're waiting for other events to happen and then ensuring some kind of pre ordained plan is implemented. Mind you, that's scary in and of itself


I think the Great General needs to start a history lessons so Thais can stop making these "hitler" mistakes and sensitiviies regarding to it.

They made a video with a negative image of Hitler chic. What is the mistake about that? The news media and history channel do it every day.

Oh sorry, did you think it was a positive image? Maybe you should actually watch the video.


I think the Great General needs to start a history lessons so Thais can stop making these "hitler" mistakes and sensitiviies regarding to it.

They made a video with a negative image of Hitler chic. What is the mistake about that? The news media and history channel do it every day.

Oh sorry, did you think it was a positive image? Maybe you should actually watch the video.

Unless you are making a troll comment, you are missing the point.

These people do not see the message they see the imagery without an understanding of what Hitlerism and Naziism mean.

That's the problem right-thinking people have with the video.


Sad, but unsurprising. This is a country which turns tragedy into a tourist attraction: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma_Railway

And cannot even commemorate properly the thousands of Thais who died at the hands of their Japanese oppressors.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana

You may be a bit mixed up. The Thais were on the Japanese side and even went so far as to provide surveyors for the Japan railroads in Thailand. Thailand was Japan's only voluntary ally during WWII.

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Why are Brits so insensitive about what the rest of the world thinks. They let their royalty dress up like a nazi. Have they learned nothing. I don't understand the Brits. Seems tame compared tot the Thais (nice isn't it generalizing putting a whole nation down for the faults of a few)


As I recall he was rightly slammed by the media, family and society in general for his unthinking crass stupidity. I also recall very public apologies and no attempt to defend or justify such appalling insensitivity.

As some of you probably know, the british aristocracy has a long history of both overt and covert support of hitler, franco, mussolini et al. Mrs simpson's royal hubby was a real embarrassment and cost the 'firm' a fortune in hush money for media. Harry, (who does not look like his father?) is simply carrying on the tradition.


The majority of Thai's in the Boonies know nothing of Hitler or anything else much concerning WW2. Most think it was only about the Japs and Yanks having a bunfight and some i have spoken to think the Vietnam war was part of it.

Ignorance is bliss !


I think the Great General needs to start a history lessons so Thais can stop making these "hitler" mistakes and sensitiviies regarding to it.

They made a video with a negative image of Hitler chic. What is the mistake about that? The news media and history channel do it every day.

Oh sorry, did you think it was a positive image? Maybe you should actually watch the video.

Unless you are making a troll comment, you are missing the point.

These people do not see the message they see the imagery without an understanding of what Hitlerism and Naziism mean.

That's the problem right-thinking people have with the video.

The imagery was quite negative as the spoiled rich kid was painting the picture. Apparently you didn't watch the video and know nothing about the average Thai response to the video. It was meant negative and the Thais understood it as negative and that was the point of the video.

The problem is people like you who have not watched the video nor understand what was said in it are trying to act like experts.

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