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Thai Minister denies secret prison in Thailand

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Nobody seems to point out that with the level of corruption in Thailand it is feasable the CIA had a torture camp here without the Gov knowing. The CIA has a lot of money to pay for bribes and that is all it would have taken

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"Thailand remain safe for traveling, Gen Worapang asserted"

unless you go to koh tao

And as long as

- You do not take a minivan with a drunk driver

- A bus with a driver high on yaba

- Stay as far as possible from crazy trucks drivers that can't control their vehicules

- Stay away from the snakes

- Do not encounter any RTP

- Don't get mugged by a BG or a LB

- Do not make anyone lose face

*non-exhaustive list*


it was the "work" of that horrible elected PM!

For the moment there is no "elected" PM, so it confuses me to who you are referring .

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Nobody seems to point out that with the level of corruption in Thailand it is feasable the CIA had a torture camp here without the Gov knowing. The CIA has a lot of money to pay for bribes and that is all it would have taken

And you know this how, exactly? How can you possibly believe it feasible the US government had 'no knowledge'?

If you have evidence or no to the contrary, you should shut your ignorant stupid yap.

I'm guessing you were a homicidal Bush supporter?


So what if there is a secret prison. I would rather have the CIA here that ISIS etc.

CIA, ISIS. Basically the same thing.

wow, that's a bit harsh. I'm no lover of American politics etc but I'm not aware of the CIA kidnapping children to rape and auction off as sex slaves, nor behead kidnapped journalists and post onto youtube

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If enemies of the western allies carried this kinda stuff out it would be widely condemned and i'm sure considered a war crime. I find it quite frightening and horrific that our side carried on this practice. Don't POWs have rights...just curious is all.

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Right, and the reason Obama came to Thailand this year was to eat some Pad Thai and get a Happy Ending Massage and then fly back home to America. But what happened to the black bag he was seen carrying off the plane?


If enemies of the western allies carried this kinda stuff out it would be widely condemned and i'm sure considered a war crime. I find it quite frightening and horrific that our side carried on this practice. Don't POWs have rights...just curious is all.

Of course, POW do have rights. Geneva Convention.


If enemies of the western allies carried this kinda stuff out it would be widely condemned and i'm sure considered a war crime. I find it quite frightening and horrific that our side carried on this practice. Don't POWs have rights...just curious is all.

I vaguely remember, but vaguely only, that some smart lawyers managed to avoid the prisoners getting declared POW as that would guarantee them too many rights according to the Geneva Convention.

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So what if there is a secret prison. I would rather have the CIA here that ISIS etc.

The CIA tortured and abused people here but that's ok because they did it for their righteous cause. Whereas ISIS do what they do because they see their cause as a righteous one and that's not ok.

Both use violence to achieve their goals.

Both are wrong to do so.

I don't care what the cause is, torture and violent treatment of prisoners is wrong.

Also pointless.

You torture someone then they will say whatever you want to hear to make you stop.

Much of the CIA intelligence gained through this use of torture was apparently useless.

There's a thing.

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So what if there is a secret prison. I would rather have the CIA here that ISIS etc.

Since those are actually exactly the two options which we face, that's a very wise and perceptive post.

No they are not two options. They are the same option used by two sides. Other options exist.


The CIA have Toyota vans running around Thailand full of surveillance gear so would not be surprised if they also have secret prisons.


So what if there is a secret prison. I would rather have the CIA here that ISIS etc.

Since those are actually exactly the two options which we face, that's a very wise and perceptive post.

It isn't an either/or. You guys need to do some digging on the origins of ISIS and the involvement of US intelligence agencies in helping to create a new Frankenstein to replace an Al Qaeda palpably past its sell-by date.


So what if there is a secret prison. I would rather have the CIA here that ISIS etc.

Since those are actually exactly the two options which we face, that's a very wise and perceptive post.

Maybe The Company can have you two patriots down there to show you how it works.


If enemies of the western allies carried this kinda stuff out it would be widely condemned and i'm sure considered a war crime. I find it quite frightening and horrific that our side carried on this practice. Don't POWs have rights...just curious is all.

Of course, POW do have rights. Geneva Convention.

They are never referred to as "POW" or "prisoners." They are "detainees."


Torture is a barbaric way to aquire intelligence about terrorism plots or whereabouts of terror suspects. The C.I.A should be ashamed of using Thailand to hold terror suspects to try to stop the deaths of the innocent. I'm disgusted in this just as much as China is. Torture should be banished for good. No more secret prison and bring back a slap on the wrist and a stiff warning, plus no tv for a week.


So what if there is a secret prison. I would rather have the CIA here that ISIS etc.

Since those are actually exactly the two options which we face, that's a very wise and perceptive post.

No they are not two options. They are the same option used by two sides. Other options exist.
I was being sarcastic. As far as I know, there is only a low to medium risk of ISIS riding into downtown Tak and executing apostates.

So what if there is a secret prison. I would rather have the CIA here that ISIS etc.

Since those are actually exactly the two options which we face, that's a very wise and perceptive post.

Maybe The Company can have you two patriots down there to show you how it works.

Not an American. Not a patriot. Not an idiot.

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