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Educated Thai Women Marrying Foreigners


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Initially visited Thailand for the wrong reasons but really fell for the place. Moved here recently and planning to stay. I've seen guys here married, apparently, happily to local women. Wondered what the general attitude among educated Thai people was towards foreign husbands. Really not interested in the bar girl scene. Would like to meet a woman with a career and a life not sure if that realistic. I'm 56 but in good shape. Retired a few years ago but own a company Hesitate to bring up wealth but it might be a factor. They tell me I am quite rich by European standards. Looking for practical rather than moral guidance. Only seen Thai Society from the outside and the underside. Don't speak much Thai but working on that.What are the odds? How and where would you meet real grown up educated Thai women? Anybody had experience?

Edited by BahtSimpson
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Suggest you join a Rotary Club and visit other Rotary clubs. There are plenty of well educated, mostly wealthy, good looking, Thai Women looking for husbands. Thai women generally will not marry a Thai man if they have been divorced or cast off as a Mia Noi.

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I found some dating sites can be good once you are discerning and know how to sort the wheat from the chaff.

I agree with this suggestion.

Join a (few) Thai dating site(s), and take your time.

Look for university educated professionals; many of them are looking for men like you.

I was also in my late 50s when I joined a few Thai dating sites and started looking.

Be discerning, as suggested above.

I am a retired professional with post-graduate qualifications, and do not speak Thai, but have spent time reading about Thai history, culture, etc., and have met numerous women who are still my friends.

Learning any new language at our age can be difficult, but at least make an effort, it is appreciated. Be willing to learn as much as you can.

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"I've seen guys here married, apparently, happily to local women."

'Apparently' being the operative word here, to put in easier prospective to understand,

marrying a local lady, is like a crap shoot, sometime you roll 7 but most of the time

you roll snake eyes...

Probabilities are not your strongest point I guess.

Rolling snake eyes: 1 in 36 chance

Rolling 7: 6 in 36 chance


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If you message me I know a few good Thai ladies who want a foreign husband. Some have good jobs, some have a University degree and some speak English very well. I have been here three years, my Thai wife is well educated, works for the government and we move in the right circles. My biggest concern would of course be are you as advertised. I know one thai lady who seems to be quite wealthy ( she wears different beautiful dresses every day) , she speaks English and she attends a Christian church each week. A lot of good ladies ask me to introduce them to good foreign men.

We live in a small city far away from the crazy foreign tourists. I love it here but Thailand is a hazardous country to live in. The Thai relatives are dropping like flies.

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I agree with most but from my experience its not true that you can't find certain educated etc desirable women by accident or won't meet them. So how do i meet them all the time? They are out and about on a regular basis just like anybody else so it's difficult not to meet them.

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Educated women can be amongst the biggest and most clever scammers. I have oft posted here about my ex-wife, who for the purpose of this post I will name 'Ami'. She was from a poorish family but went to university were she wanted to compete with new new rich friends. She got a degree in Civil Engineering. She could speak passable English and then went on to learn Thai and French. We got married. Lived in the UK for a few years before coming back to Thailand. That's when she scammed me. Lied and cheated her way through what remained of our relationship. Got an MBA to further her career but ended up in a minor public government post. Went to the UK spreading lies about me to all and sundry. Stole money from the bank account. Ami completely broke the agreement we had made about money and then lied when we tried to find the reason behind her behaviour. She was worse than any bar girl. Much worse. At least with a bar girl you know the deal. They work in an open way. She didn;t. She wanted her Honda Jazz (or whatever), her Louis Vuitton by the dozen and all the rest of the hi-so rubbish. She travelled Europe on my money and I nearly lost my house to her. I wouldn't necessarily trust an 'educated' girl any more than a bar girl. Indeed my friend married a bar girl and they are still a happy and honest couple 15 years later.

I have found with any woman , you must set boundaries. What is yours and what is mine. I was married to a good woman but like many men I was too generous and she took that for granted. I helped in her getting a doctorate eventually, When we married she had a High school education. I had two children with her and we lived a well travelled and happy life together but eventually she grew tired of our relationship and put me down the rungs on our relationship. I believe I rated below her cat. Clerks in dress stores knew her by her first name and she had a wardrobe large enough for 3 or 4 women. She drank 1 to 2 litres of wine every day. She is a good woman with a great job but she stopped listening to my sound advice and after 42 years i left.

Moral of the story. Set limits and be sure your lady listens and actively participates in common goals. Do not given an open cheque book to a woman without controls that you regularly check up on. The earlier in a relationship that you do this the easier it will be. My present Thai partner has no access to my money but I am still generous.

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Suggest you join a Rotary Club and visit other Rotary clubs. There are plenty of well educated, mostly wealthy, good looking, Thai Women looking for husbands. Thai women generally will not marry a Thai man if they have been divorced or cast off as a Mia Noi.

Yes, a very good idea. I have been an international Rotarian for many years. All Rotary chapters meet weekly and openly invite the public to attend. Find your nearest Rotary chapter online--local influential government and business people are members; they make quite good contacts--and ask to attend their next meeting.

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There are many well educated english speaking Thai Ladies. I have been married to one for 7 years here in Chiang Mai. I have a small circle of international friends equally happily married to delightful educated Thai Ladies.

How to meet them. They work in charities. They are members of groups like Rotary Club. They work in Banks, as receptionists in good hotels. They are in IT sweatshops and design offices. You meet them through networking with one good educated married Thai Lady who will jump at the opportunity to introduce and play cupid. Be patient and don't fall head over heels for the first one. Within 12 months you will have met someone you respect and trust. Good luck.

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