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I've got about 9 members on ignore, mainly for expressing what I consider to be overly negative views on Thailand.

I'll admit I still sometimes peek at what they say, but at least the ignore function gives me the option of whether I want to see it or not.

If I look and get upset, I can't blame anyone but myself because I'm the one who decided to look.

I've found this feature provides a useful buffer.

I seems you have control issues and not willing to read other members opinions. Its childish IMO. If somebody constantly stalks and/with sending you unpleasant messages, i can understand. Blocking/putting on ignore,is a sign of weakness. Some of my inlaws, who support the evilness done to my kids, have blocked me on social media for confronting them with the truth. Silly people.

Sometimes you block someone because they so consistently have nothing of value to add that you block them simply as a time management tool.


I've got about 9 members on ignore, mainly for expressing what I consider to be overly negative views on Thailand.

I'll admit I still sometimes peek at what they say, but at least the ignore function gives me the option of whether I want to see it or not.

If I look and get upset, I can't blame anyone but myself because I'm the one who decided to look.

I've found this feature provides a useful buffer.

I seems you have control issues and not willing to read other members opinions. Its childish IMO. If somebody constantly stalks and/with sending you unpleasant messages, i can understand. Blocking/putting on ignore,is a sign of weakness. Some of my inlaws, who support the evilness done to my kids, have blocked me on social media for confronting them with the truth. Silly people.

Sometimes you block someone because they so consistently have nothing of value to add that you block them simply as a time management tool.

As opposed to the scroll bar?

Best hope nobody quotes your bete noir poster......


I've got about 9 members on ignore, mainly for expressing what I consider to be overly negative views on Thailand.

I'll admit I still sometimes peek at what they say, but at least the ignore function gives me the option of whether I want to see it or not.

If I look and get upset, I can't blame anyone but myself because I'm the one who decided to look.

I've found this feature provides a useful buffer.

I seems you have control issues and not willing to read other members opinions. Its childish IMO. If somebody constantly stalks and/with sending you unpleasant messages, i can understand. Blocking/putting on ignore,is a sign of weakness. Some of my inlaws, who support the evilness done to my kids, have blocked me on social media for confronting them with the truth. Silly people.

Sometimes you block someone because they so consistently have nothing of value to add that you block them simply as a time management tool.

As opposed to the scroll bar?

Best hope nobody quotes your bete noir poster......

Yes, as opposed to the scroll bar.

I'll take a moment to explain myself a little further. (Of course, as we all know, I'm hardly the only person on TVF using the 'ignore' feature.)

There are people who express negative views about Thailand on TVF. I'm not shielding myself from the truth; I just don't want to read negative comments from people who I sometimes think lack cultural sensitivity or the skill set to appreciate what Thailand has to offer. Another poster expressed this better than me when he/she pointed out that if you expose yourself to this type of negativity it can start to influence your perceptions of your environment. Wanting to manage that is totally understandable and I don't think it's fair to portray people who want to do so as "delicate, easily bruised wimps," or "control freaks."

You're of course correct that if someone else quotes a post which you've blocked, you will see the referenced post (by the way, how would you know this if you've never blocked anyone wink.png ?) but somehow in this context it seems more benign, at least to me.


I just don't want to read negative comments from people who I sometimes think lack cultural sensitivity or the skill set to appreciate what Thailand has to offer.

I think if I felt that way I'd avoid this site altogether.


I have a scroll wheel on My mouse. it works really well. Run into a poster that is unworthy of the electricity needed to illuminate their post; just roll the wheel and bye bye.


sipi it makes little differenced whether you are on ignore or not, your posts have little of any consequence.

4950 Likes out of 5,200 posts, that's a 95% approval.

How are you doing? ...... only 86% I see.

Oh boys, I love it when you fight. I know you just want to spank each other. Can we have this moved to the "gay" forum.?


I have none.

But I would have liked to put in ignore that member with the very, very, very annoying avatar.........

But it's Christmas coming.

What the heck......lets all be joyful.

Vote for Costasthumbsup.gif

Do it.

You keep promising, but you fail to act. 555555


sipi it makes little differenced whether you are on ignore or not, your posts have little of any consequence.

4950 Likes out of 5,200 posts, that's a 95% approval.

How are you doing? ...... only 86% I see.

Oh boys, I love it when you fight. I know you just want to spank each other. Can we have this moved to the "gay" forum.?

Not sure spanking is entirely a 'gay' activity.

What do you think JT?


I've got about 9 members on ignore, mainly for expressing what I consider to be overly negative views on Thailand.

I'll admit I still sometimes peek at what they say, but at least the ignore function gives me the option of whether I want to see it or not.

If I look and get upset, I can't blame anyone but myself because I'm the one who decided to look.

I've found this feature provides a useful buffer.

I seems you have control issues and not willing to read other members opinions. Its childish IMO. If somebody constantly stalks and/with sending you unpleasant messages, i can understand. Blocking/putting on ignore,is a sign of weakness. Some of my inlaws, who support the evilness done to my kids, have blocked me on social media for confronting them with the truth. Silly people.

Sometimes you block someone because they so consistently have nothing of value to add that you block them simply as a time management tool.

Well.....i can conclude from this ......response.....i am not on your list.......yet....kapom


Is it copacetic to write the name of a person who just put me on his ignore list?

Whoa!! Never mind "ignore", where's the dictionary button? It's nice to learn a new word every day. Would be even nicer if I knew what it meant.


Oh boys, I love it when you fight. I know you just want to spank each other. Can we have this moved to the "gay" forum.?

Not sure spanking is entirely a 'gay' activity.

What do you think JT?

You are a sick old man.


Is it copacetic to write the name of a person who just put me on his ignore list?

Whoa!! Never mind "ignore", where's the dictionary button? It's nice to learn a new word every day. Would be even nicer if I knew what it meant.

Hunky dory.


never use the ignore button... I rather follow posters that I "like too much"... so I see what they post and can give them some "nice and teasing" comments whistling.gif

but said that... would it not be a nice add-on if we would have a "ignored by" statistic / list in our profiles? What do they say... "know your enemies.." thumbsup.gif



My regular antagonists are so full of themselves and such true believers that they just they self/destruct.

They're not necessarily banned . . . . . . Well educated, critically thinking Thai Visa members know what to expect from them and if they read these knee jerk guys at all, it's just to see if anything's been added to the party line.

And by "well-educated critically thinking Thai Visa members" I am referring to guys who actually live here and who probably have the cash to spend on the real estate that's flogged so optimistically on these pages.



Those I fight with on one thread, I agree with on another thread.

Even 'flyingsaucersarereal' and 'SoiBiker' has comedy value.

"flyingsaucersarereal" and "SoiBiker" offer entertainment.

You however Mr America are a complete "tool".

Put me on your ignore list now, please, pleeease....

4950 Likes out of 5,200 posts, that's a 95% approval.

How are you doing? ...... only 86% I see.

"Likes" are an insult. "Ignores" are a compliment.

Oh "ignore" me please. Put you out of my misery.

sipi it makes little differenced whether you are on ignore or not, your posts have little of any consequence.

which one does???



My regular antagonists are so full of themselves and such true believers that they just they self/destruct.

They're not necessarily banned . . . . . . Well educated, critically thinking Thai Visa members know what to expect from them and if they read these knee jerk guys at all, it's just to see if anything's been added to the party line.

And by "well-educated critically thinking Thai Visa members" I am referring to guys who actually live here and who probably have the cash to spend on the real estate that's flogged so optimistically on these pages.

I love Donnie's posts so much, I wish they could be piped directly to my brain 24/7, 365.

Sometimes you got to put your own member on ignore.

Or take him in hand and choke him.

Would that be part of the vote for JT campaign?


Sometimes you got to put your own member on ignore.

Or take him in hand and choke him.
Would that be part of the vote for JT campaign?

JT knows how to handle 'things'.


Four hundred and nine. So many it's broken, and now many of the "ignored" are showing up again. Now I just spend a lot less time on here, and avoid most of the political stuff.

I'm probably ignored by many. I can live with that.


I suppose if someone was an utter <deleted> I would....only one I ever added was a troll on the footy forum...and he got the boot a while ago thankfully.


Don't laugh but I can't find in settings or even member profile how to IGNORE ....Please enlighten me. One I can it will be an automatic ignore for about 5 straight off the bat.

Go to your Profile.

Hit 'Edit my Profile'

Left side menu 'Ignore preferences'

Easy-peasy smile.png

No one has yet said how many members are on their ignore list. I have nine, these are guys who do not think you should have an opinion that they don't like, and have to be rude about it.

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